I am a Warrior But I'm a Girl Too
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She/her | I post about atla, lok, pjo, ouat, and whatever else that catches my eye.
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Something that happened a year or so ago, but that I only found out today: the publisher of the Aarne-Thompson-Uther index has made all three volumes of it available as free PDFs downloadable from their website!
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3 apples tall.. hopefully nothing will happen to them
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I should like to see Emma in love and in some doubt of a return. It would do her good.
Emma. (2020) dir. Autumn de Wilde
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thedarknessoftheendlessmaze · 10 hours ago
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Happy 5th Anniversary, Skin Deep! (12th February 2012)
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I know I'm not the most eloquent writer so forgive me for if this sounds clunky
but I think Filbrick and Bill are both good mirrors in the way that they treat Ford.
They're both authority figures (one a father, and one a self purported sort of deity) who isolate him out as someone whose talents have earned their favor.
"You are the smarter son, so I'm going to pay closer attention to you and your achievements. I'll do whatever to make sure you keep furthering them." and "You are one of the smartest humans, so I'll be your muse. I'm going to guide you to keep furthering your achievements."
Meanwhile, they both had the exact same goal. "This guy is going to get me out of here."
Except, you know, one of them is talking about the nightmare realm and the other one is talking about New Jersey.
They both deliberately separate him from his only supports. Stan holds you back, he's getting kicked out. Fiddleford holds you back, you need to stop speaking with him.
And as soon as Ford makes one misstep, or even just a pause from that goal, the "favored" status he was given is held hostage. Suddenly he's nothing. If he doesn't step back in line quickly he'll continue to be nothing, or less than nothing. Will they ever care about him again? Next time, will he lose them forever?
Everything rides on Ford's shoulders, everything's his fault. With Filbrick, we saw what happened with Stan. Ford saw what happened with Stan. He knows how fast someone can just be dropped. With Bill we know he would ditch Ford for extended periods of time without notice. And we know Bill's retribution eventually furthered into explicitly shown violence.
I don't know how to end this train of thought. It's just all very terrible. And Bill knew Ford already had experience being treated this way. He was a calculated target.
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every day i regret getting my cats a tree thats nearly as tall as the ceiling because they look down on me like a medieval prince watching the peasants toil in the field
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literally sketched what he looks like right this moment. who does he think he is
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baby cat wear pants
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“In this scene, I got mesmermized by Emilie. She’s really beautiful in this scene. Everything she was saying and doing, I just believed every minute of it, you know? Lovely, lovely to watch. Such a lovely actress.” -  Robert Carlyle 
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My mother wanted me to choose between being a wolf and being a human. Granny did too. You were the only person who ever thought it was okay for me to be both.
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Orcanize and find your pod.
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detective activities
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Nobody's ever been there for me, except for you. And I can't lose that. I cannot lose my family.
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At least I got to see you… one last time.
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After a good 7 to 8 business weeks, the mail is here! This little snail mail man worked hard to bring you your letters I need to make more snails, this guy was so much fun
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Something I think about so much is just how different the Stanley Pines we see in ATOTS is from the Grunkle Stan we know in the rest of the show.
Like, have you ever noticed just how much more expressive Stan is in 1983? The guy wears his heart on his sleeve so much more than he does later on. At almost every moment you can tell exactly what he's thinking and feeling just from his face, something that will become a lot rarer for him. Even setting aside the portal incident scene itself, have y'all ever watched the Dusk 2 Dawn scene and just watched Stan's face? He looks so… openly sad.
It's not just his expressions. Here's a detail that only just occurred to me: you guys ever think it's weird that Stan doesn't just try to steal the bread from Dusk 2 Dawn? Like, you'd think his stealing habit would've originated from his years on the street stealing to survive, but no— he tries to pay for the bread, and then when he doesn't have any money, he figures out how to get some. It's surprisingly honest.
And just like… I don't know, his whole vibe is so different. He's come from this life of hardship completely willing to talk things through. He's emotional, he's open, and not exactly what you'd expect to see when you imagine what a younger Grunkle Stan might have been like. In fact, his vibe is so different that, in Journal 3, Ford writes that when he first saw Stan, he assumed he was just in another alternate dimension rather than the one he came from.
Anyway, it just makes me think about the transition of how, exactly, he went from one to the other. How we go from the "stubborn, frostbitten vagabond" to the "carnival barker" he is by the show's present. I think about that in-between Stan a lot. Realizing that the hole in his heart, the one he thought was caused by his circumstance for so long, hadn't disappeared even now that he had money and a steady place to live. Growing more bitter and grumpy by the day, learning that maybe it's just better if he shuts himself off from the world so nobody has a chance to hurt him. Seeing himself aging and finding himself no closer to saving Ford. Ship of Theseus-ing himself into the carefully curated asshole that maybe even he thinks he is.
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