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thedangerface ยท 15 hours ago
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The Blues Brothers (1980)
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thedangerface ยท 3 days ago
That's a blobfish
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Holy shit.
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thedangerface ยท 3 days ago
Iโ€™m literally on thr verge of tears
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thedangerface ยท 6 days ago
I don't know I'm not done talking about it. It's insane that I can't just uninstall Edge or Copilot. That websites require my phone number to sign up. That people share their contacts to find their friends on social media.
I wouldn't use an adblocker if ads were just banners on the side funding a website I enjoy using and want to support. Ads pop up invasively and fill my whole screen, I misclick and get warped away to another page just for trying to read an article or get a recipe.
Every app shouldn't be like every other app. Instagram didn't need reels and a shop. TikTok doesn't need a store. Instagram doesn't need to be connected to Facebook. I don't want my apps to do everything, I want a hub for a specific thing, and I'll go to that place accordingly.
I love discord, but so much information gets lost to it. I don't want to join to view things. I want to lurk on forums. I want to be a user who can log in and join a conversation by replying to a thread, even if that conversation was two days ago. I know discord has threads, it's not the same. I don't want to have to verify my account with a phone number. I understand safety and digital concerns, but I'm concerned about information like that with leaks everywhere, even with password managers.
I shouldn't have to pay subscriptions to use services and get locked out of old versions. My old disk copy of photoshop should work. I should want to upgrade eventually because I like photoshop and supporting the business. Adobe is a whole other can of worms here.
Streaming is so splintered across everything. Shows release so fast. Things don't get physical releases. I can't stream a movie I own digitally to friends because the share-screen blocks it, even though I own two digital copies, even though I own a physical copy.
I have an iPod, and I had to install a third party OS to easily put my music on it without having to tangle with iTunes. Spotify bricked hardware I purchased because they were unwillingly to upkeep it. They don't pay their artists. iTunes isn't even iTunes anymore and Apple struggles to upkeep it.
My TV shows me ads on the home screen. My dad lost access to eBook he purchased because they were digital and got revoked by the company distributing them. Hitman 1-3 only runs online most of the time. Flash died and is staying alive because people love it and made efforts to keep it up.
I have to click "not now" and can't click "no". I don't just get emails, they want to text me to purchase things online too. My windows start search bar searches online, not just my computer. Everything is blindly called an app now. Everything wants me to upload to the cloud. These are good tools! But why am I forced to use them! Why am I not allowed to own or control them?
No more!!!!! I love my iPod with so much storage and FLAC files. I love having all my fics on my harddrive. I love having USBs and backups. I love running scripts to gut suck stuff out of my Windows computer I don't want that spies on me. I love having forums. I love sending letters. I love neocities and webpages and webrings. I will not be scanning QR codes. Please hand me a physical menu. If I didn't need a smartphone for work I'd get a "dumb" phone so fast. I want things to have buttons. I want to use a mouse. I want replaceable batteries. I want the right to repair. I grew up online and I won't forget how it was!
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thedangerface ยท 6 days ago
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thedangerface ยท 7 days ago
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Poob has it for you
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thedangerface ยท 8 days ago
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thedangerface ยท 8 days ago
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I hate that I drew this nearly ten years ago and it still feels relevant.
Tumblr โ€” Bluesky โ€” Facebook โ€” Instagram โ€” Support me on Patreon
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thedangerface ยท 9 days ago
Can anybody give these old-ass Democrats protest lessons? They're acting like they're still living in pre-2015 politics when the GOP gave a shit and wasn't deranged.
A member gets up and starts shouting: All get up and shout with him.
Don't walk out: MAKE them carry you all out, not shutting up the entire time. I'm serious, go limp, be dead weight.
Putin's Puppet says a provable lie: Everyone chant "LIE" in unison for a solid minute instead of holding pitiful little signs in front of a man who can't read above a 3rd grade level.
Have someone who knows ASL sitting with you, interpreting everything in full view.
If you're gonna hold signs, make them BIG like you're actually trying to do something. Have them in multiple languages.
Make other signs that say clever or cutting things that will make him rage for days. "DOESN'T OLD TRUMP LOOK TIRED?" or "PUPPET PRESIDENT" or "EVERYONE IS FACT-CHECKING THIS SPEECH TRUMP DIDN'T WRITE" or "THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES" or his current tanking approval rating next to a laughing emoji.
Make a stink every day in congress, throw as many bills as you can on the floor even if they go nowhere, look like you're trying.
Have someone, idk maybe someone you actually want to boost for President in 3 gd years, be your voice of opposition in the media, loudly complaining and telling the facts, every single day. Let the people know you're there!
How hard is this? There's probably better suggestions than mine if they actually hired seasoned protestors or behaviorists/psychologists or even the biggest teenage troll they can find on a messageboard.
The Emperor Has No Clothes. So fucking act like it.
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thedangerface ยท 9 days ago
Boimler is on a manhunt after his Spirk fanfiction was published to the Cerritos network anonymously. Rutherford forgets the name of a wrench.
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thedangerface ยท 10 days ago
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thedangerface ยท 11 days ago
I mean that is clearly the triple decker variant of the Soviet KV-2. Designed near the end of 1939, it was later superceded by the KV-2-2-2-2 quadruple decker field modification in 1943.
cursed art dump
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thedangerface ยท 11 days ago
Meta doesn't want you to know about Sarah Wynn-Williams book Careless People. So much so they got the courts involved so she can't promote herself. Would be a shame if a bunch of people not tied up in court promoted it for herโ€ฆ
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thedangerface ยท 11 days ago
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thedangerface ยท 13 days ago
underrated form of humor: just making shit up in past tense
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thedangerface ยท 13 days ago
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thedangerface ยท 14 days ago
Hey, first of all you deserve to feel welcomed and included in the ND community. Second, according to the National Institute of Mental Health you have a less common form of ND. ADHD is estimated to affect around 10% of kids (didn't give an estimate for adults), Autism around 3% of the population, where schizophrenia is estimated between .25%-.64%. And we both know there are plenty of other types of ND out there, so in some ways it makes sense you are not encountering as many people who share your ND experience.
That sucks. I'm sorry.
I'm not sure what you mean by it being too loud or too scary for the ND community. I don't know what you've experienced. I don't know what response you are looking for. But my ADHD self is happy to listen.
Anyway, hang in there.
I feel like an outlier in โ€œneurodivergentโ€ spaces. They seem to be dominated by lower support needs autistics.
Even though schizophrenia is a neurodivergence itโ€™s too loud and too scary to fit nicely.
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