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It had been a long time since Silas had come to town, a lot had changed, that he could tell just from looking around. But it seemed one place stood out, much the same as when he’d left. He had a lot to talk to his sire about, but all in due time. First things first, he was hungry. It wasn’t hard for the vampire to find someone to snack on, Silas had been blessed with good looks and the gift of eternal youth. People always fell for the charming boy act until it was too late. 
With his hunger taken care of, Silas stepped into the Bronze. The club hadn’t changed, but it’s clientele certainly had. It seemed packed with more of the town’s high schoolers than vampires these days. Weird. Silas sat for a while and drank the blood spiked bourbon they had for the vamps in town until he saw his sire and gave a smirk. “Been a while huh Spike.”
Spike observed the crowd of writhing bodies from the balcony above his club before his gaze landed on a familiar face. A smirk pulled at his thin lips as he flicked his smoke onto the ground, moving swiftly down the iron staircase he made his way towards his beloved protege. Spike hadn’t had the pleasure of Silas’ company for quite some time. Curiosity pulled at him as he approached closer, one question in his mind repeating over and over. Why now?
“Well fuck me... Didn’t expect to see you ‘round these parts again.” The Brit smirked as his tongue traced the back of his canine taking in Silas’ charm. Taking a seat opposite his protege he leaned back into his chair running his fingers tentatively over his peroxide hair. “So what brings you here, then? Miss little ol’ me?” Spike smirked before wavering a hand to his staff to bring him his usual. 
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The Professor looked out over his class of students, rather excited for the lesson he had planned for them that afternoon. He did always enjoy teaching third years, especially when it came to the creature; the boggart. Something about such a beast, one that could shapeshift into your worst fears, was a terrifying foe for any witch or wizard but with such a simple curse, a boggart was left powerless. 
“Now, can anyone tell me what a boggart actually looks like?” Albus asked the class, testing them on who had done their assigned reading. His sapphire eyes scanned the classroom until they landed on one young girl at the back. “Miss Black?” He questioned her, knowing she should have an answer for him but rarely spoke up.
The fair-haired girl physically winced at being put in the spotlight as the students in front of her shuffled and turned. Taking a short breath the young girl was met with those warm sapphire orbs. “Uh... Nobody really knows what a boggart’s true form actually looks like, Sir.” She answered quietly with a slight hesitation. “They will assume the form of whatever most frightens the person who encounters it.” Cassiopeia finally spoke up with a small faint smile sharing her fond interest in the dark arts. She’d done the assigned reading and some more, she found boggart’s rather intriguing. Whilst she’d been doing her reading she had stumbled across an Animagus which had started to become quite an obsession for the young witch. 
Once the words had passed her lips she feared that she may have been wrong, nervously playing with her slender fingers she swallowed. Her father always told her that she needed to speak up or not at all.  
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The world seemed to be getting more complicated. For the longest time, Selena had always seen it in black and white, mutants were good people, persecuted and hated by the humans who wanted to destroy them all. Now it seemed there was mud in the water and she was left wondering what to think. She’d seen some humans do good, help them and try to fight for mutant rights only it was few and far between and then she’d seen mutants do some terrible things, she herself had been one of those mutants. But now things were getting worse and she was starting to see that in order to win this war, sacrifices needed to be made, she had to make the hard calls and do what others wouldn’t to protect her people. 
The meeting with Evelyn was a surprise and Selena was a little apprehensive, while she never judged a mutant for their abilities, telepaths were tricky. “Yeah, that’s right. Evelyn, I’m guessing?” Selena answered, glancing at the hand offered before she took it. Her guard was up, but it was always up these days. 
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“Charmed.” She replied with a grin, taking Selena’s hand before letting it go softly. “I can tell you’re a little on edge, that’s understandable. I must say this place is very well protected. I’m very impressed.” She smiled looking briefly around the room. “Much more established compared to the others. Especially with how things have been as of late.” 
Evelyn didn’t forget that she was on their territory, if anyone needed to be at unease, it was she. Taking a seat she leaned back into the plush chair crossing her legs as she did. “First of all you must be wondering why I’m here, right?” She arched a fair brow. Evelyn didn’t need to use her abilities to sense the green haired woman’s curiosity. After all, how often did outsider Mutants approach the underground with a proposal? From what Evelyn had gathered about the mutant underground they offered helpless mutants a safe haven. 
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It had taken a long time for Evelyn Frost to track down the mutant underground. Her crystal orbs glistened with excitement and anticipation as she waited patiently to meet Selena. She’d heard great things about the girl who possessed powers uncanny to the former leader of the hellfire club. A part of her wondered whether they were related. Evelyn had been trying to reform the club once more and in order to do that she needed certain assets. Like-minded mutants who shared the same vision of how the world should be. Telepathic among others useful gifts, she felt Selena approach without needing to bat an eyelash. “Hello Darling... you must be Selena? I’ve been very much looking forward to meeting with you.” Her thin lips curled into a smile as she looked over her shoulder, blonde tresses falling over her shoulders. Turning to greet her she held out an immaculately manicured hand. 
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Selena was glad to see that her friend wasn’t terribly injured and gave a soft sigh of relief. They had both been through so much over the years, fighting for the rights and freedoms of those like themselves, trying to prove that mutants weren’t bad people, that they were misunderstood and harshly judged. Selena returned Morena’s smile before giving a nod when she said they needed to move.
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She knew that Sentinal Services would be there soon enough ready to round up any and every mutant they could find involved in the incident whether they were trying to help people or now. “Yeah, let’s get the fuck out of here. We both know they’re not going to stop and see we’re trying to help they’re just going to see our powers and think we caused this.” Selena nodded before she stood, looking around. 
The crowd seemed to be moving west away from whatever was happening east of them, Selena could still hear the commotion, gunfire and even sparks of abilities coming from around the corner. Part of her didn’t want to leave those mutants behind, she wanted to help them.
Selena certainly made a good point, there was no way in hell that Sentinal Services wouldn’t blame them for this. They were already so blinded by their own fear of anything abnormal. Ripley’s stormy hues watched the paniced crowd move towards the west. There was something coming, something bad. Looking over her shoulder to Sel she nodded and began to move with the crowd. Pulling the brim down on her baseball cap she tried to hide her face the best she could. She already had a criminal record and facial recgonition was a bitch.
Instantly, her heart yearned to help those mutants who were suffering, mutants which couldn’t hide their obvious appearance. Sel this is bad... the worst I’ve ever seen. Ripley pushed her thoughts into Selena’s mind. It was merely seconds later that she heard a familiar sound one that shot panic to her very core. Sentinal droids. Mori had only ever faced a couple at a time and the energy coming from where they were headed filled her with dread. They were going to pluck off each mutant in the crowd one at a time. Ripley knew that Selena would be able to sense them too with her gifts. They’re coming. We need to warn them all!
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Before they even had time to collect themselves and head off to their intended destination the building behind them all but exploded. The blast pushed them both back, sending the two mutants flying. Selena’s head was ringing but she was able to gather her wits in time to stop a heavy cross beam from collapsing down on her. Instantly her hands flew up, green light twisting between her fingers like a static charge. Her metal manipulation grabbed the heavy beam and kept it from crushing her just long enough for Selena to get out of the way. She was strong but heavy objects were still a challenge for her. 
She quickly looked around to try and see if anyone had noticed her using her powers, the last thing her and Ripley needed were people discovering they were mutants and trying to blame the blast on them. 
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Selena scanned the crowd, being shoved by people as they ran in fear until she saw Ripley. “Morena!” Selena called out, making her way through the throngs of people to her friend’s side. “I’m fine, nearly got crushed but its nothing I can’t handle.” Selena tried to joke as she looked the other over. “What about you? The fuck is going on Mori? Has the rioting already spread this far down the street?”
The ringing slowly faded as Morena rose to her feet shakily, there was a sigh of relief when she heard a familiar voice call out to her amongst the chaos. “Thank god you’re alright!” She breathed as Selena joined her side. For a few moments she feared the worst, she had already lost so many she held dear to her heart. A small smile traced her lips at her friends quip, she did have a way of brightening the darkest moments with humour. Ripley often wondered whether she was a little too serious for her own good at times. “That’s my girl.” Ripley encouraged.
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“I’m fine... just a few cuts nothing detrimenntal.” Mori smirked before realising the true scale of the attack. “What ever this is... we need to get the hell out of here. It won’t be long before they get here.” If it wasn’t already too late. Ripley’s eyes scanned the crowd looking for any mutants in clear sight before she agreed to move. 
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Nylah was no stranger to the cruelty of humans, like most mutants. It was only a rare few who seemed to have families that accepted them, cared for and protected them. She was one of the unfortunate few who were not so lucky, just like Ripley. The two had been working together for a while, they made an effective team both with powerful abilities. 
She glanced over at the woman making a scene over a stupid mug of fucking coffee and sighed. “It’s pretty sick huh? That she gets so bent out of shape over a cup of crappy coffee but there are innocent people who’s lives are being destroyed right now all in the name of ‘safety’ for her kind.” Nylah sighed.
At the announcement on the radio, Nylah knew the two of them would need to check out the scene for themselves, see what had happened and if there were any mutants they could help. “We’d better check that out, don’t want the Sentinal Services getting their hands on them first, already they’re going to blame it all on us just like they always do.”
Ripley couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right after the radio announcement. Snapping out of her hazy thoughts, she shook her head, “You’re right.” Placing her coffee cup down on the table she looked to Selena before pushing her chair back. “We should go check it out.” She agreed merely seconds before an explosion erupted from the cafe merely steps away from the tables they were sat at. The energy from the explosion catapulted Ripley’s body backwards. Crashing to the ground she attempted to shield her eyes from the shattered glass. In a matter of moments the peaceful streets air filled with the screams of terrified civilians. Blinking in an attempt to clear her vision Ripley looked around frantically in search of Selena. 
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“Sel! Are you alright?” Ripley called out huskily through the debris, drowned by the hysterical crowd. “Selena!” Bodies desperately tried to escape the area and with that Ripley felt a hard blow to her head. A blow so hard that it must of came from a human running by frantically in search of a way out. 
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Ripley knew that it was only a matter of time before the balance would slip between human’s and mutant kind. The question was when? In the eyes of the majority they were a threat, something that needed to be dealt with. Ripley wondered most days who she hated more, humans or the idiot mutant that gave them all away. For years they had gone life unnoiticed and now everyone was on high alert. It hadn’t been long since she’d joined the group of mutants dedicated to helping other mutant kind find solice. It was easy for Ripley to blend in with humankind but it still left her uneasy. Ripley’s eyes looked up from her morning coffee mug when she heard a commotion. Clearly some priviledge human was pissed that her coffee order was wrong. “Christ just look at her...” She sighed, “Clearly she has nothing better to do.” 
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Ripley's attention was quickly ripped away from the woman when she heard the startling news announcement come from a radio nearby. There had been another attack, multiple lives lost on both sides. That is exaclty what happens when civillians take justice into their own hands.
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“Don’t make seein’ any of this easier, but it meant I didn’t just keel over like a lot of others.” Salem shrugged slightly. He didn’t fault people who couldn’t handle the world as it was now, some people just weren’t cut out for a life of constant fear, pain, potential death, but that was just the way things were now. He was proud to say he’d built some kind of normality again, walls to keep the dead out, food, supplies for his people. Maybe Riley would be one of his people too, if she proved to be worth something. “Yeah. Don’t make me regret it.” He told her, the warning clear in his voice, but Salem didn’t pull out his gun again, his hand didn’t even stray to the red machete strapped to his belt. He motioned for her to follow him, having cleared out most of the building they’d been in of anything of worth. He’d need to get them back to the factory before nightfall. “Salem Shaw.” He gave his name.  
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“You won’t.” She replied a strong confidence finally backing her once husky uneven voice. “I’ll do what I have to do, to prove myself of worth to you and your people.” She promised, even if that meant killing walkers or even people. She’d almost forgotten how much she needed to be a part of something. After her daughter’s abduction and the betrayal, she thought going it alone would somehow make things easier but it never got easier. Following his gesture she followed after Salem picking up her crowbar on the way and slid it between her jeans and belt. Cautious wide eyes scanned every corner of the store, a possible hoard could have been drawn to the building whilst they talked. “Salem, is your group far from here?” She questioned quietly as she backed up against a wall and peered through a window to the outside. 
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100 Days of Sarah Manning:   Day 80
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“Homicide. Saw the shit of the earth before the dead started walkin’.” Salem replied. He’d seen the world at its worst, sick fucks killing people, doing worse than just that and that was before the dead had risen and the world gone mad, so Salem was already hardened to a life of shit. Slowly Salem holstered his gun and looked at Riley. She seemed in good condition but could be better, the fact that she was a cop before the end of the world made him more inclined to trust her. “Ya can come back and live with us.” He decided. It was a risk to take a chance on her, but he’d take it. They could always use the skill set of new people. 
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Riley nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. Even before the world turned to shit, it was their job to prevent people from seeing truly horrific crimes. To bring justice and protect those unable to protect themselves. “Jeez, homicide... now that’s rough.” She shook her head rubbing her torn sleeve. Her physical health had deteriorated some from the lack of food and nutrition, she was not nearly as strong as she once was. It was evident from looking at her that she’d been on the run and alone for quite some time. She couldn’t even remember what a cold shower felt like let alone a hot bath. “Seriously?” She breathed a sigh of relief at his offer, for a moment she wondered whether her mind was playing tricks on her. “I-uh thank you... Wait, what’s your name?”
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Salem didn’t bother to explain what he meant by walkers, pretty sure that the girl would get it without his help. He listened to her answer the first question, taking what she said on board. So she was smart enough to keep away from the cities, even his group didn’t go there unless they had to. Her reply to his second question put Salem back on guard, his gun raising up again until she explained the reasons for her kills. When she mentioned a daughter, Salem paused. That he could relate to, his own daughter safe with his group. He couldn’t imagine someone taking her from him, he would kill anyone who tried. “Ex-cop huh? Well, looks like we got somethin’ in common.” He replied, lowering his gun slowly, holstering it again. “What’s ya name?”
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“Oh, yeah?” She raised her brows pleasantly surprised to discover that this man was a cop before too. She knew there was something familiar about him perhaps the way he held himself. Her father was a cop and so it sort of came naturally to her. She’d served in the army as a medic a few years before joining the police force. Perhaps, those skills would be of value to his group, she wondered how large this group of his actually was. Riley was relieved to see him lower his gun and she finally felt like she could breathe again. “Riley. Riley Melrose.” Riley wondered whether he was alone or if he had someone outside scavanging.
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Salem didn’t lower his gun, but he didn’t look so intense. The more he studied her, the more he got the feeling she was at her wit’s end and just looking for anyone to take her. He could understand that feeling, if you’d been alone long enough then the prospect of a group taking you in had to be good. “How many walkers ya killed?” Salem asked first before moving on to his second and third questions. “How many people ya killed?” He asked as he lowered his gun a little. “Why?” The male finished, waiting for her responses. Each question was important, each answer important. If she’d killed a lot of walkers then that made her useful, if she’d killed people he had to know the reason. His group certainly didn’t claim to be good people, but they were good people to each other, she needed to fit into that. 
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“Walkers?” She assumed he meant the cold bodies outside, “I’ve lost count. I’ve been out here for months now. I try to stay clear from big cities but they tend to have the best supplies...” She explained. The second question that followed made her hesitate for a moment. Surprisingly, she’d killed people even before all of this madness went down. Drug busts gone wrong. “Eight... people. And... why?” She repeated his question fighting off the urge to tell him that they deserved it. “They attacked my group. They took everything we had... They took my daughter too.” Pain pinched at her brows as her gaze dropped to the floor. She still couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been to let them take her but there was nothing more that she could do. “I killed a few people before this world turned to shit... I was a cop. Drug busts mostly. But that almost seems like a life time ago.”
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