Marines' B🩷mbo Mistress
11 posts
Welcome babes! || 20yo || 18+ only ( Out Babies! ) 🔞 || MDNI ⚠️ || I might do dark content🧟‍♀️🕊️, I don't know just yet.. || Sadly I don't do request / ask due to my nature of not really being productive, procrastinating a lot 🚫 || Hiatus Account 🥀
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thecr0wdoctor ¡ 6 months ago
hmm, can i request a passionate but gentle nsfw between kizaru & his wife, & ending in fluff? ahhh, bless you & your writing(esp your nsfw ones eyyy) - i hope you write always while we, your fans, drown in your fanfics! i'm so glad i found your blog!
I will always write!  Never fear! :D  I hope that you like this (I am not very good with fluff, so I apologize in advance.)
Note: Clear female reader insert
NSFW Kizaru Scenario (with his wife)
The sun had set hours before, and the air was cool with a barely perceptible bite that hinted at summer’s end.  You sipped your tea and sighed, pleased that the warm weather was drawing to a close.  Beside you, your husband flipped a page in the book he was reading.  Your husband.  The renowned admiral Kizaru, one of the most respected and most powerful people in the World Government, was not merely your companion or lover, but your husband.
The two of you had gotten married six months ago in a small, private ceremony on a spring island.  You smiled to yourself as you remembered the way Kizaru had slipped a ring on your finger, kissed you softly, and whispered that you’d made him the happiest man in the world.  The memory was still so fresh in your mind that whenever you recalled it the love you felt for your husband welled up in your chest, threatening to bubble out like a rapidly rising stream after a spring thaw.
You snuck a glance at Kizaru, who seemed to be completely immersed in his book.  Despite his fearsome reputation, the man sitting beside you had only ever treated you with gentleness and respect, a fact that filled you with sweetness and pride.  In fact, the admiral had only ever hurt you once.  Some months prior to your marriage, Kizaru had pulled you aside and asked with uncharacteristic seriousness whether or not you were certain that you’d wanted to be with him.  After all, he would be away often, on long journeys filled with danger and risk, journeys that you couldn’t accompany him on.  You’d replied by clasping his large hands in your smaller ones, assuring him that of course you’d taken such things into consideration but were more than prepared to deal with them.  It was then that Kizaru had lowered his gaze, his eyes filling with sadness and something that you couldn’t quite identify, and asked whether or not you’d rather be with someone younger, more vivacious, someone who wouldn’t likely predecease you by decades, and you’d felt as though you’d been punched in the gut.  It was clear that he’d been trying to spare you from heartache down the road, despite the fact that it was not unheard of, nor uncommon for men of his station to take much younger lovers.  You’d cried, then, saying that you never wanted to be with anyone else and for him to even suggest such a thing was painful beyond belief; Kizaru had held you close, kissed your tear stained cheeks and declared that he would never hurt you again.  Now, nearly a year later, Kizaru had kept his promise.
You yawned, setting your half-empty teacup down and leaning against Kizaru’s shoulder.  The two of you often spent your evenings together like this, in companionable silence.  It wasn’t as if the two of you lacked things to discuss, quite the opposite, but sometimes everything that needed to be said could be without speaking.  Subtle movements, such as a twitch or a soft sigh could speak volumes.
It was Kizaru who broke the silence first.  “Are you tired, ______?”
You nodded.  “A bit.  I might get ready for bed in a minute.”  You snuggled closer to him, peering at the book in his hands.  “What are you reading?”
“A history of the World Government.”
You grinned.  “No, you’re not.”
Kizaru looked down at you and sighed, smiling.  “All right, I admit it.  It’s a murder mystery.”
“What’s it about?”
“Oh?” Kizaru’s mouth twitched as he set his book back into his lap.  “I didn’t know you liked these sorts of things, ______.”  He drawled out your name in that sleepy manner of his.
You shook your head.  “I don’t, not especially.”  You let your cheek rest against the soft fabric of his sleeve. “I was just curious.”  Yawning, you allowed yourself to close your eyes.  Moments later, you felt Kizaru’s fingers lightly stroke against the side of your face, and opened your eyes to look up at him.  “Hm?”
“I thought you were going to bed.”  Your husband gave you a mischievous smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling very slightly.  “Although you are very cute falling asleep here next to me, ______.”
Trying your best to suppress the blush that threatened to stain your cheeks, you returned the smile, looking up at Kizaru through your eyelashes and biting your lower lip.  “I was hoping that you’d join me.”
“Oh?  Is that so?” The corners of Kizaru’s eyes crinkled even more as he gently tilted your head back, looking fondly at the blush that had appeared unbidden on your cheeks.  “There’s no need to be coy with me, ______.  No need to be shy.  I’ve seen all of you, after all.”
“I-I…”  You averted your gaze as words failed you. Kizaru’s frank words and steady, gentle gaze never failed to render you speechless.
“Ah, _____…”  Kizaru began to rub his thumb in soothing circles along your jawline.  “Your cheeks have taken on a lovely shade of pink. I wonder why.”
You clasped his hand in yours and smiled softly up at him.  A man of his status and reputation was to be regarded with fear and trembling, but to you he was kindness incarnate, your gentle Kizaru, your dear Borsalino.
“Why don’t you get ready for bed, ______.”  Kizaru murmured, running his thumb across your lower lip.  “I’ll join you shortly.”
“All right.”  Turning your face to press a chaste kiss to his hand, you stood and stretched.  “But don’t keep me waiting too long, please.”
Kizaru laughed, and he looked twenty years younger.  “I won’t, I won’t.  I’m only finishing this chapter.”
You regarded him warmly as he picked up the book again.  He was a man of habit, and he never liked to leave a book mid-chapter.  It was his way.  “All right, all right.”  You turned to leave.  “Don’t fall asleep on me out here, though.”
“Fall asleep?  Me?”  Kizaru did not look up from his book, but you could feel his mirth.
“I’ll be waiting.”  With a coy smile, you slipped away to your bedroom.  Deciding that you didn’t want to sit around and wait, you went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.
As you stepped under the hot spray, you let out a sigh of relaxation.  You wouldn’t take long, just long enough to pass the time.  You grabbed the sweet-smelling soap that you knew your husband enjoyed and began to lather it onto your body.  As you did so, you cast your mind back to the previous times you’d been intimate with your husband.  Each time, before and after your marriage, had been gentle, tender, and imbued with the deepest affection.  There had never been any doubt that Kizaru had always cared deeply for you.
Having finished washing, you turned off the shower, stepped onto the cold tile floor and began to towel yourself off.  You always felt so much better after a shower.  The way the air felt when it hit your warm, damp skin was refreshing beyond belief,  and it often took all of your self-restraint to keep from running throughout the house naked.  Not that your husband would have minded, but… You quickly toweled your hair, and slipped on a thin bathrobe.  The weather was still too warm for the thicker fabric ones.
Once you made sure that your hair was reasonably dry, you walked into your bedroom, finding Kizaru reclining on the bed, back against the headboard and long legs stretched out in front of him.  He had already changed into his nightclothes.  His book sat next to him on the bedside table, closed, and his sunglasses sat on top of it.  When you entered the room he looked over at you, smiling his calm and easy grin.  “I thought you were going to bed, _______.”
“I was.”  You climbed onto the large bed and sat beside him.  “And I still am.”  Before Kizaru could make any further comments, you cupped his cheek with a soft hand and leaned up to gently kiss him on the mouth.  Kizaru’s lips were incredibly soft, something you’d always marveled at.  The slight stubble on his face scratched against you; you giggled, pulling away slightly, only to have Kizaru lightly press his hand to the back of your head, holding you in place.
“Mmm ______, you don’t want to stop already, do you?” He initiated another kiss, firmer this time, and drew you close.  You relaxed into his touch, allowing his arms to snake around you as he gave soft, lingering kisses to your cheeks, jaw and mouth.
“I- ah! I don’t want to.”  You shook your head for extra emphasis.
“Mmm, are you sure?”  Kizaru dipped to kiss at the exposed flesh of your shoulders.  “Wouldn’t you rather just go to bed?”  One of his hands began to slide down your body, caressing the contours of your breasts and hips.  “I could just let you go to sleep, if that’s what you want.”  He spoke in his usual lazily flippant tone, sounding more like he was commenting on a glass of wine than coaxing you into nudity.  His hand paused at the knotted belt of your bathrobe.  “May I?”
You nodded, blushing as he began to quickly undo the knot with skilled fingers.  It wasn’t the fact that he was doing these things to you that made you turn red.  Rather, it was the fact that he had to draw everything out, had to ask you so many damned questions, teasing you constantly.  You shivered as the sheer fabric of your bathrobe slipped from your shoulders, exposing your bare torso to your husband, whose smile began to widen at the corners until it became a full on grin.
“Ah, _____, are you cold?  You’re shivering.”  He ran a finger down your shoulder, over you collarbones, between your breasts.  “What should I do about that?”  Before you could answer his lips were on yours again, and he was slowly rolling on top of you, pressing you into the bed.  
You returned the kiss eagerly, running your hands over his still-clothed back and through his short curly hair.  Kizaru chuckled, moving from your mouth to press gentle kisses to you neck and collarbones.  You gasped when he moved down further, and arched off of the bed when you felt his hot tongue circle one of you nipples while he massaged your other breast with his hand.
“You make such lovely noises, _____.”  Kizaru’s voice was a low rumble in his chest, muffled against your skin.  “And you make them only for me, yes?”
You began to writhe on the mattress as worked his way down your abdomen, between your breasts, past your navel, between your legs. As he nestled his head between your thighs, Kizaru spread them further with gentle hands, allowing him unrestricted access to your most intimate place.  You shuddered as he ran his hands up and down the insides of your thighs, and let out a soft mewl when he kissed along your entrance.
“Oh?” Kizaru pressed a fingertip into your entrance.  “You’re wet for me already?”  He chuckled, slowly drawing his hot tongue up and down between your legs.  “I wonder why.”
You squirmed when you felt his finger press in further, and twitched when you felt the stubble on his chin scratch against your sensitive flesh.  “Oh!”  You could feel the heat radiating from your core, coursing over your body in delicious pulses as your husband eagerly worked you into a frenzy with his mouth.  You buried your fingers in his hair and pressed his face into you as you peaked, moaning out a soft “Ah! Borsalino!” as your thighs trembled.
“Ah, ______.”  Kizaru softly kissed at the delicate skin of your inner thigh.  “You make such sweet noises, you know?  And you taste so good.”  He drawled out the final word, making it sound almost fluid.  
Before you could say anything in response he was at your mouth again, kissing you with a vigor that he had not shown earlier.  Despite your previous release, you wanted him, all of him.  Moaning into his mouth, you tugged insistently on his nightshirt in an effort to undress him as quickly as possible.  Kizaru seemed to agree with your nonverbal suggestion, and effortlessly rid himself of his clothes.  You were always surprised when you saw him move so quickly, despite his Devil Fruit power.  You’d often wondered why he always chose to do things so slowly.  Not that it mattered.
Having undressed himself, Kizaru rolled onto his back, inviting you to straddle his hips, an invitation which you wasted no time in accepting.  Still flushed from your orgasm, you straddled him, humming in delight when you felt his hands lightly graze your hips and sides.  When his featherlight touches ran over your abdomen, you twitched and giggled.
“Ticklish, _____?  I’m sorry, how could I have known?”  The half-smile on Kizaru’s sleepy face indicated that he was not sorry at all, and you glared playfully.
“Do you want me to stop, Borsalino?”  You asked, grinding your hips against his crotch in retaliation.
The only response you received was a wide smile and a firm grip on your hips.  It was enough.
Slowly, very, slowly, you positioned yourself over your husband’s member and lowered yourself down.  Kizaru watched you with his usual amused expression, his steadfast grip on your hips helping to balance you but not making you move any faster.  It always took you a while to adjust to having him inside of you, a fact of which Kizaru was well aware.  He waited patiently as you slowly sank down onto him, his thumbs tracing soothing circles into your skin.  Once you’d taken all of him in, you stilled momentarily before giving your hips a few small rocks.
Kizaru’s smile widened as he took your hands in his.  “You’re blushing again,” he cooed, interlacing his fingers with yours and holding your hands in place so that you could brace yourself against his as you moved.  “I will never get tired of it.”
Despite your best intentions, your blush only deepened, and you began to rock your hips in a steady, undulating motion.  A barely perceptible gasp escaped Kizaru’s lips as he continued to look up at you with heavy lidded eyes.  You stared down at him fondly, and it suddenly struck you just how easy it was to love him.  You tightened your grip on his hands as you began to ride him more quickly, your eyes not leaving his face.
“I love seeing you like this, ______,” Kizaru breathed, eyes sweeping over your exposed body.  He released one of your hands so he could run his own up and down your back, fingers sweeping over your spine and shoulder blades.  You shivered, and his hand came to rest on the small of your back.  He had begun to lazily move his hips in time with yours, and you began to feel pleasantly overwhelmed by the fullness of having him inside of you.  Stilling for just a moment, you squeezed him with your inner muscles, and he groaned in appreciation, eyes fluttering shut for the briefest instant. “_____,” he murmured, stroking your back once more with gentle hands.
You let out a quick chuckle and resumed your previous movements,  basking in the waves of pleasure that were pulsing through your core.  You felt Kizaru’s hand leave your back, only to touch between you legs,  When you felt his thumb brush against your clitoris, you whimpered.
“Oh. you’re making those cute noises again.”  Kizaru increased his thumb’s pressure against you, drawing a moan from you.  “And you’re still blushing.  Even your breasts are becoming pink.”  He had increased the pace of his movements slightly; just enough to begin driving you towards the edge once more.  “And you make those lovely sounds just for me, right? So pretty, _____.  They make me love you even more.”
You gasped and began to desperately grind against him, madly seeking your release once more.  Through your blurred gaze you could see that Kizaru had begun to sweat slightly, and his breathing was becoming a bit uneven; indicating that he was near the edge as well.
“Are you going to come for me, _____, hm? My pretty little wife.”  Kizaru’s smooth, even voice began to tremble slightly as his breaths came faster.  He applied even more pressure to you clit and you began to shake,  Finally, just as your thighs had begun to tire, Kizaru slammed up into you and you came hard, clenching down around him as you moaned out his name.  Kizaru let you ride out your orgasm before quickening his pace even more, and soon you felt his cock twitch inside of you, and he finished, filling you with his release.  Since your marriage, he no longer bothered to pull out, and you reveled in the closeness.
Firm, gentle hands pulled you to your husband’s chest, and you rested against him, eagerly basking in his warmth.  Kizaru ran smooth, warm hands over your back as he whispered terms of endearment and declarations of affection into your ear.  Sighing happily, you snuggled into his chest kissed his cheek, returning his affections with a string of “I love yous.”
After a while the two of you moved under the covers, and you instantly allowed Kizaru to embrace you once more.  As sleep began to overtake you, you briefly wondered when he would have to leave for a mission next.  Not for a while, you hoped.  No matter how powerful he might be, his absences always worried you.
Soft snores indicated that Kizaru had fallen asleep, and you snuggled closer.  The admiral mumbled something incoherent and drew you nearer to him.  As you drifted off to sleep, you smiled to yourself, hoping that he’d still be holding onto you in the morning.
He was.
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 8 months ago
i need stoner!aokiji fic PLEASE
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✧.* art credit!
➤ pairing: aokiji (kuzan) x afab!reader
➤ word count: 836
➤ warnings: drug use, established relationship, pre-timeskip aokiji, cockwarming, nipple play, oral (f receiving), temperature play (it's inevitable), voyeurism, brief mention of kizaru x reader
sorry i took forever to write this... i'm STARVED for aokiji content with where i am in the anime right now but he showed up for 5 seconds in a filler arc so now i'm ready to go :3
written in headcanon-ish bullet format!
NSFW under the break! minors dni thank uuu
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Aokiji is laid-back and lazy all the time so it's hard to tell when he's stoned or not. Sometimes you'll come back to your shared place at Navy HQ to find the entire house reeking of weed, your boyfriend relaxing on the couch with his long legs spread wide and smoke pouring from his lips. He greets you with a casual "yo" and offers you his half-smoked blunt.
He is canonically a boobs man. You sit in his lap, cockwarming his massive dick, as he slips one of his big hands under your bra to fondle your right tit like a stress ball, squeezing and kneading at the soft skin.
He peers over your shoulder to skim the daily newspaper with hazy, unfocused eyes. Pretends to glance at the Navy papers he's supposed to look over (his ass is NOT reading!). Eventually, he gives up and pulls off your shirt and bra to really play with your tits.
Grabbing them hard enough for flesh to spill out between the cracks of his fingers, rolling them around and jiggling them. His chilly breath tickles your ear as his cold fingers tweak your nipples until they're stiff. He twists one harshly to hear you gasp, then chuckles and soothes it by rubbing his thumb gently over the areola.
When you inevitably get cotton mouth, he pushes two fingers between your lips and lets you swirl your tongue around them as if they're ice cubes. If it gets really bad, he'll actually create ice for you to suck on. Any part of him inside you turns him on, even if it's from his abilities.
Lazy man does drug that makes him lazier… he is horizontal the entire night. Good thing you love sitting on his face!
Aokiji’s strong hands grip your thighs and hold you flush against his face, drowning himself in your wet cunt. He slurps noisily at your juices, licking and kissing all over your vulva. Makes sure to wrap his plush lips around your clit, tonguing at the sensitive bud and sucking on it like his life depends on it.
Every sensation is intensified by the eternal iciness of his body. You cry out his name as he fucks you with his cold, slick tongue. You can’t help but grind on his face, losing yourself to pleasure and the haziness of marijuana. You almost feel bad for practically suffocating him until he groans, “Just like that, baby. Ride my face with that cute little pussy.”
He moans when you cum, slick gushing all over his lips and chin. Your chest heaves as you crawl off of him with shaky legs and plop down on the bed next to him. “Shit. Delicious as always, baby,” he drawls as he grabs a new blunt and lights it. “Alright, hop on my dick.”
You roll your eyes — he’s just so romantic. You’d already ridden him reverse cowgirl style after he got tired of cockwarming, but his dick was back at full hardness just from eating your pussy. You don’t think he even touched himself during it.
So you do as he asks, the weed making you especially horny, anyways. Wispy smoke pours from your parted lips as you lazily grind on his fat cock, stretching your insides deliciously and filling you up so good.
Slow and lazy sex is kinda his thing, unless he’s riled up from a particularly difficult assignment. (And even then, he has time to calm down on his lethargic bike ride home. You think it’s just an excuse to fuck you dumb.)
Aokiji sits up on his elbows to suck your nipples messily, spit running down the swell of your breast. Making obscene slurping noises that have your eyes rolling back into your head. When he gets close, he thumbs your clit in tight circles to make sure you cum together.
You moan and throw your head back as your third orgasm of the night washes over you. He lets out the deepest, sexiest moan as his cum fills you up to the brim.
He’s snoring two minutes later. You shuffle to get out of bed and grab a snack, but his strong arms wrap around your waist, spooning you from behind. Guess you’re stuck there!
Kizaru is his dealer (the true stoner king of the Marines) and somehow always gets the highest quality weed. He usually comes over for a smoke sesh with you and Aokiji when he gets a new strain he thinks you'll enjoy. He likes to watch the two of you fuck, sitting across the room watching attentively from behind his sunglasses and palming the fat bulge in his pants. Sometimes he asks to join in. It's up to you to decide -- Aokiji doesn't care either way, as long as one of your tight holes is wrapped around his cock.
(Akainu always screams at them when they show up to work high. Neither of them care. Threatens to snitch to Sengoku but Kizaru sold him an ounce last week so 🤷‍♀️)
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 8 months ago
Pretty Little Thing | Akainu x Kizaru/Borsalino x Kuzan x Fem! Reader -> GANGBANG! | Sexual Content
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A/N: JUST A SHORT DRABBLE!!! I'M THE FUCKING GREATEST EVIL!!!! here you go @death-threats !!! FYI....Akainu is 306 cm tall (10ft), Kizaru is 302 cm tall (9'llft), and Kuzan is 298 cm tall (9'7ft)....keep that in mind hehehe
Summary: gangbang in ur house :)
Warnings: Gangbang, unappropriate use of devil-fruit, kind non-con, vaginal + anal + oral sex, implied double penetration, degrading, cursing, throat bulges, teasing, sensory play, rough sex, spanking, choking, and some other shit
WC: 792
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A deep groan left your lips as your legs were forced up to the point where they touched your breasts, the stretch of Kuzan’s chilly length entering your warm cunt. You felt your eyes roll back, dumbified as the other cock in your ass heated up slightly. 
How did you even get here? God, you only invited them for your recent promotion. Why did you have to get fucked for it?
“Fufu, don’t forget about me, Y/N,” purred Kizaru, turning your head to face him. Your eyes fluttered at him as he tapped his lengthy dick near your mouth, pushing it inside your drooling lips. You immediately took it, gagging at its inhumane girth. Like shit, none of them were human for their sizes. It was unfair that their own clothes were neatly folded on your side table, but your own left ripped across the floor. 
You were folded uncomfortably on Akainu’s lap, his large rough hands holding the bottom of your thighs up. His hot breath tickled your ear, contrasting Kuzan’s own cold hands pushing your ankles further. “Just a little more, I’m almost all the way in…” muttered Kuzan, trying to soothe your pain. The feeling of hot and cold inside you was unbelievable, its own powers making you senseless at its mere throbs. It didn’t take long before you were stuffed full, softly moaning on Kizaru’s cock. 
“Better take us all in, pretty thing,” grunted Akainu, your hands being squished behind you painfully.
And then it began. 
Kizaru fisted your hair with one hand and gripped your neck roughly with his other, pleasured as he shoved his cock through your pretty lips. The other two kept at their own paces, their own hands tightening their grip as they kept you in place. Your moans came out as choked sobs, your eyes shutting close as your body shuddered at their treatment. Kuzan pushed his length slowly into you, being the less ruthless of the bunch. He moved his hand to hold your ankles together, while he moved down his other digits to play with your clit. His touch made you buck your hips, wanting more of his soothing love. 
Akainu interrupted your ecstasy as he practically pounded into your tight ass, huffing as your spilling juices made him slip in much more easily. The heat of his dick burned with the immense stretch he gave you, and gods was he big as fuck. His towering height matched his length, along with his ruthless personality. His hands squeezed your ass before giving it a hard spank, making you yelp. A squeak left your throat as you began to feel him heat up again, was he going to burn your insides?? You tried to shake your head at him, more tears trailing down your face. 
“You can’t handle the heat? Hm?” teased Kizaru, still fucking your face, “You should at least be grateful that I’m not as cruel as them.” He grinned as he palmed your throat, his cock bulging through it every time he thrusted into you. Oh and your tears, you looked so pretty at their mercy. You gagged on his cock, whimpering at the heat in your core building up quickly. Your whines grew louder, leaving the golden man groaning at the vibrations you passed onto his length. 
“You’re already cumming?” hissed Akainu, leaving another searing mark on your ass, “Barely five minutes in and it's already too much for the bitch?” You glanced back at Kuzan, your heart thumping as he stared at you intensely with his lidded eyes. His mouth was slightly open, letting out huffs of cold vapor barely touching your skin. Your mouth trembled before the knot in your stomach snapped, leaving you spurting around him and dripping down Akainu’s lap. 
The orgasm was enough for you to fall limp into their clutches, your whole body sending spasms of pleasure to your wired-out brain. Kizaru laughed at you, pulling out his cock as it left a small string of saliva connecting you both. He smeared his precum across your cheek, watching the way you winced at each slap of skin that echoed throughout the room. You lazily gazed at him, tipping your head back on Akainu’s chest as Kizaru approached Kuzan from behind. 
“Hey, you got room for one more in there?” he teased, taking one of your legs from Kuzan’s hold. “Be my guest,” the quiet man replied, shifting to one side. You pushed out some words from your hoarse voice, “T-there’s -ah- no mwore woomm!” The man behind you chuckled, breathing hotly into your ear:
“That’s for him to decide, and for you to find out,” he hummed, glaring up at Kizaru, “Put it in. Let’s see how much she can take.”
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©following works with "#🩵" belongs to stephis, do not repost, modify, plagiarize, or translate. reblogs appreciated! 🩵
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 10 months ago
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 1 year ago
SHANKS, ZORO!! ACE!!!!!!!! I’m such a down disgusting whore for them. I need them to destroy me, and my oesophagus and my cervix
Telling Them “I’ll be a disgusting whore for you.” Headcannons
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Warnings: MDNI! Vaginal penetration! Public touching/sex! Oral sex (female&male receiving)! Rough sex! Spanking! Hair pulling! Dirty talk! Praise & degradation! Cervix fucking! Deep throat! PARTNER SHARING MENTIONED IN ZORO’s SPOT!!
Dividers & Banners @saradika-graphics @saradika
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It’s rare for you to surprise this man but babbbyy~ you got him.
Walking over to him with a shy innocent look you leaned down into his ear in the packed bar.
“Captain~ can’t we go to your private quarters so I can be your disgusting whore tonight?”
His face became as red as his hair and the look on his face was priceless!!
Quickly collecting himself he ran a hand threw his hair to get back that signature smirk, “Oh darlin’ with a request like that who could refuse?”
Shanks would waste no time throwing you over his shoulder slapping your ass proudly as he passes his crew.
Shanks would definitely hold you to your word btw so get ready!!
Your throat will definitely be sore when he fucks that slutty mouth of yours.
“Naughty little thing~ asking a man somethin’ like that in front of his crew?” Shanks gave a breathy chuckle shaking his head as he looks down at you choking on his cock. “Lucky they didn’t hear and get jealous.” Hips snapping into your mouth making you gag, spit dripping in globs onto your lap. “My sexy disgusting whore.”
He would fuck your throat hard definitely wanting to leave it sore. He wants to make sure you can’t catch him by surprise like that again.
“Gotta make sure this nasty mouth of yours stays shut.”
I forgot to add that he wouldn’t take you back to the Captain’s quarters instead opting for the alley behind the bar. Cause after he’s done fucking your throat it’ll be your 🐱 next.
“Acting all surprised babydoll. Don’t forget I am still a pirate.”
Bent over hands pressed against the cold wall as he drills that pussy from the back. Spanking you occasionally till your red like his hair.
Singular hand pulling you back by your hair as his hips snap forward to finish off the last bits of your voice.
“Wanna make sure my disgusting whore stays quiet for a couple days. Hope you don’t mind.” Shanks is cocky as he makes you cum on his cock with a silent scream.
Do it again. Do it often. Cause now he’s in love lol 😂
He’s a free spirit so having some spark will be nice but if you’re shy and finally come out of your shell then he’ll love shoving you back in. Waiting for when you pop back out.
So good job cause you’re now queen of the Red Hair Crew lol 😂
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This. Man. Was. Shocked!
Zoro can’t recover as fast as Shanks though. RED AS A TOMATO!!
He will literally snatch your wrist up and drag you away.
Gasping as he shoved you into the wall, voice a whisper shout. “Dammit woman what the hell is wrong with you.” You giggle at his frowned red face shrugging your shoulders.
“What? All I did was ask if I can be your disgusting whore.”
He would fuck you right there after you repeat your words. Since you wanted to act innocent and forget that you literally said it while groping his cock.
So taking you up on the offer of being a disgusting whore he would fuck you in the hallway.
Legs over those big arms of his so you can’t run away.
“I don’t give a fuck who sees. You’re the one who asked to be my disgusting whore so I’ll treat you as such. Now-take this fucking dick.” Bullying that thick cockhead into that spongy spot in your pussy till you were screaming. “Little whore taking her pounding like a good slut. Fuck- at least this whore got some good pussy though.”
If you were to be caught by someone , depending on who it was he who offer something.
⛔️⛔️⛔️partner sharing scenario⛔️⛔️
Let’s say Luffy for instance would catch you- Zoro would offer up one of your holes for his dear Captain. 🤷‍♀️ just sayin lol
“What d’ya say Captain? Wanna release some energy on my little whore here?” He would give you a look to see if you were down, but of course you were. He’s your Captain too.
If it was Law!!!!-you’re getting roomed away and pounded by both men.
“I never would’ve taken you for such a whore Y/N-ya.” Law would groan as he fucks you in front, cock pounding into your pussy. Zoro in your backside making you scream from the new sensation.“Yeah best whore you’ll find.”
BUT SANJI CATCHING YALL!!! - Zoro will make him stay there and watch or leave.
“You either watch and cum in your pants or fucking leave.”
He’ll talk to you like a piece of meat after that.
Touching you groping you, expect to be his free use cutie from then on cause now he’s addicted
After training and fights, he’ll be more willing to come to you for his needs instead of holding off till you’re begging.
Your door opened to a sweaty Zoro, he must’ve been done with a workout. His body glistening as his chest rose and fell quickly. Slamming the door he stalked over to you watching as you stood from your desk chair. Zoro snarled as he pressed your head down to the wood. Body glued to your back, molding against you as he whispered hotly in your ear.
“Thought training would ease the frustrations but I guess my body’s just getting used to this pussy doin all the hard work.”
Expect to be called his disgusting whore frequently cause now the name seems so fitting for a Kat like you
“Disgusting whore choking on my cock like ima pay you or somethin’. Fuuuuuck- you ain’t getting shit from me except this cum. Swallow up.”
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Oh great you broke him 🙄😂
This poor boy smh 🤦‍♀️ he’ll pop a boner so fast all leaky and red.
Swallowing hard as he leans in to ask you quietly if you’re sure
“B-babe what do you mean?” He asked in a nervous chuckle making you lean in to whisper how you wanted to do the nastiest of things to him. “I wanna get fucked like your disgusting whore.”
He would literally race you to the room giggling and laughing like a couple of goofballs
Whiny despite you saying you’d be the whore
Opened his eyes to some taboo and dirty things
Shows you trust him by saying stuff like that and it warms his heart so he cums fast the first time you say it but he recovers quick
“Dirty whore just for me Fuckfuckfuck I’m so lucky-shit you’re so perfect baby.” Hands clawing your hips as you ride his thick cock with skilled circles. Leaving him whimpering as you say equally dirty things.
Loves how you can never get enough
It’s reassuring to him to see you always so worked up
“Look at this pussy leaking.” He’ll groan out as he watched your juices flow with each bounce.
Just like Zoro and Shanks, he would come to you a lot more freely with his desires now you’re so “down bad for them”
Queue being a free use slut suddenly cause that’s the role you play for them now 😮‍💨
They’re love for you has only grown in seeing you be vulnerable with such a request
But just because Ace will come to you more doesn’t make him any less red when asking you.
“Hey baby girl. Think it’s time to change the sheets, no? Maybe you should help.” Ace will say as an excuse. You find it cute that he wants you yet holds it in. So teasing him you step forward with a finger going up to his lips.
“Ace baby~ didn’t I tell you I’ll be a disgusting whore for you.”
Ace is a quick learner so whatever you want to try or do he’s more than willing
Need Ace to sub= he’s subbing
Need Ace to dom= best believe he’s fucking your cervix like it’s the one piece
You may have told them you’d be their disgusting whore but they would do anything you needed from them.
“Like that hot stuff? Don’t worry baby girl I’ll fuck you like the whore I know you are baby.”
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 1 year ago
"For entertainment purposes." 🧍🏻‍♀️
Clean The Spoon 🥄
Icky Lovers Assemble
Zeff x fem!reader x Garp
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Warnings: CONSENSUAL! Dad Kink! Incest Play! (use of name DAD & UNCLE! Father!)! vaginal penetration! Anal penetration! Fingering! Oral sex (male & female receiving)! Praise kink! Dirty talk! Threesome! Kitchen sex! Food play! PET NAMES! (LITTLE GIRL! KID! KIDDO! PRINCESS! Daughter! Etc!)
Summary: You make the most loveliest of sounds and the two men can’t help but wonder if they only get sweeter.
I need these old men to sandwich me and call me their pretty kiddo🥰🫶��❤️💕
Reader is mid twenties!!!
Words: 6,987 (pure filth!)
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“Ohh~ my god~!” A moan deep within your chest erupted as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Head falling with a dramatic sigh, shoulders dropping in pure ecstasy. “Nnn~ Zefff~ y-you’re amazing~!” A pleased whimper leaving before a drawn out moan of the man’s name left your pretty little throat that still bared itself to him. He wanted to lick up your neck and mark it all over.
“So goood~ Dad~!” You whined out as your brows furrowed, the sweet taste overwhelming your senses and brain. Tongue darting out to lick at the white substance that threatened to drip down your chin. The man watching your every expression with focused eyes. “Zeff~ I want more? Please?” You beg as your eyes finally focus on the older man before you dreamily.
His face beat red for some unknown reason you couldn’t figure out. Chest rising and falling quickly as he looked at you. Arms crossed over that round chest of his making your eyes wander down. You couldn’t help but think of how soft it would feel against you before going back to look at him. Your tongue coming out to lick the spoon he gave you completely clean, eyes looking into his. Swirling your tongue around the spoon for one last time with a light moan as you looked at him deeply. Smiling as you hand the spoon back to him.
Zeff was flustered to say the least, jaw clenched and a deep frown set in his face. Arms crossed gripping tightly as he grinded his teeth, eyes looking at your shiny mouth. Heavy breaths leaving him as your drooling tongue lapped away at the white almost translucent icing. Looking like semen with how lewdly you moaned and sucked on the spoon. Totally unaware of the twitch in the grown man’s cock that you’ve stir to life.
You were only in your mid twenties, around Sanji’s age, the man he considered a son. You were just another kid. Hell you’d both make a good couple together if he was being honest.
Zeff couldn’t stop thinking of pouring that icing on his cock and making you lick it the same way you did the spoon. Wanting to see if you'd choke with icing and cum smearing those cute cheeks he wanted to smush in his large palm. Forcing you to look at him as he shoves his sticky cock deep in your little cunnie. Needing to pull those same whines and whimpers like you did licking a stupid fucking spoon. Oh how he wanted to split your cunt apart.
Bouncing on your feet with a big smile that has his brow twitching, “Zeff please?” You ask again, wiggling the wooden spoon to him in hopes he would give you more.
He looked at your glistening lips with hunger, they had to be so sticky from the icing he made you taste. You stepped closer with puppy eyes as you held the spoon higher.
“Dad~” You beg him with the name you tease him with as you get closer in his personal space, something you usually did without realizing. Not that he would ever stop you. A name you call him that makes his heart race and cock leak shamefully so.
“Just one more spoon.” He tells you sternly, making you squeal as you close the distance to hug him. Arms wrapping around his soft midsection as you squeezed him tightly, a hum leaving you. “Don’t spoil your dinner.” Zeff tells you as he pats your head making you smile up at him. Hand rubbing your soft waves that smelled of cinnamon and sugar, snickerdoodles, he thought to himself.
“Thanks dad always worrying about me.” You giggle playfully before turning around to scoop some icing out of the bowl.
Moaning as you wiggled your hips side to side happily. Ruffles on your sprinkle patterned skirt exaggerated the movement of your ass shaking as you licked the spoon with a hum. Bending over to put your elbows on the counter gave him a glimpse of your soft looking thighs he wanted to bruise.
Picturing the way you’d squeal as he pried them open, shoving your panties to the side. Your shocked whimper as his thick cock slaps against your cunt before forcing its way inside. But he wouldn’t be able to stop stuffing your tight pussy no matter your protests, needing to feel your cunt filled. Fucking you on the counter with his hands squeezing your thighs till he left marks.
Or keeping you how you are now by just pressing a heavy hand to your head. Smushing your cheeks against the counter as he pushed your panties down and skirt up. Slapping your cunt if you squeal in complaint but he knows you're his good baker. His sweet little girl, always listening and following orders without complaining.
He knows if he slammed his fat cock in your tight wet cunt you’d accept and take whatever he gave. Even if he spanks or fucks your throat, pulling on your ponytail while he rams his cock in. Anything. You’d take it all.
“Zeff. Marine’s are here. Well…one marine?” An employee explained, making him grunt in annoyance now that he had to turn away from your bent over form.
“Tell everyone to go home.” Zeff waves off the guy who just nods, you’re completely oblivious to the whole ordeal.
Shaking your hips to a tune in your head, you never realized how much time had passed or the fact you grabbed wayyyy more than a spoonful. “Hmmhmmhmm~” you sing away as you dig in the bowl again.
Just outside the kitchen Zeff raises a brow at the famous marine, “What’s a marine like you doing here?” He says with a serious voice before both men smile and take a seat together.
“What can I say, Zeff, even Marines can appreciate a good steak.” Giving a roaring laugh that Zeff joined in on casually.
Then as Zeff went to stand and grab drinks he was interrupted by your sweet sounds. Not realizing just how much they echo in his restaurant. The discovery making his heart race with excitement realizing just how loud your voice would travel as he takes you.
“Uh Zeff~” You moan his name still in disbelief that he’s managed to make such a perfect flavor. Texture so smooth yet sticky but somehow still managed to remain light where you can’t help but crave more. Knees nearly buckling so you’re left dropping to your chest on the counter, ass even higher.
On your tippy toes even in your heels, eyes rolled back as you pictured the naughtiest things. Everyone thought little you was so sweet and chipper. Dressed like a cute princess everyday even ignoring Zeff’s protests and still managing in heels. Skirts and dresses with the cutest prints all the while thinking of eating the desserts you make off of Zeff.
Pouring this icing all over his cock, which you bet was perfect enough to stuff you like a cannoli. Thighs pressing together at the thought of him pouring icing on your pussy and licking you clean. His skilled tongue, able to taste every flavor of your essence, pin point every note. The thought left you drooling even more.
“Mmm~it tastes so good.” You whimpered as you let your head lay on the counter on its side. Spoon forgotten in your hand as you needed to calm yourself down. Always getting turned on while eating sweet treats thinking of eating them off the big man, but that was your little secret no one needed to know.
“Just when I thought we became friends, you go and hide a tight thing like that?” Garp whistles as Zeff and him peek in the window on the kitchen door. Your bent over form showing the underside of your ass now making the two old men lick their lips.
“The kid’s a looker that’s for sure…but I don’t know. She’s Sanji’s age I could be her dad.” Zeff grumbled, making Garp laugh deeply.
“Sounds even better. Come on Zeff old man, don’t you want to hear her moan like that around your cock instead of that spoon?” Zeff looked you up and down slowly, picturing your legs on his shoulders, heels scratching him. Your neck thrown back as Garp stretched it out, the bulge in your throat would be clear for the both of them.
Smirking, he looked at Garp who only laughed as he slapped a hand on Zeff’s shoulder. “Haha! That’s the spirit.”
Opening the door the two men entered and that’s when the sweet torture began.
Your ass bent so far that the underside of your cheeks were peeking out. Swinging your hips again you helped the two old men’s gaze. Swaying them side to side in short swings that made your skirt swish around for them to catch a glimpse of your very sheer panties.
Such sheer fabric that they saw every detail of your pretty pussy. The panties were for looks not for coverage as they did everything but cover your intimate areas. Fabric so delicate they could shred it in barely a second. Mouths watering at the sight of you pressing your thighs together with another moan of Zeff’s name. The thigh high socks you wore making their jaws clench.
Your greedy hands having put the spoon in your mouth again, too addicted to the sugary treat to contain yourself longer than a minute. “Ugh~ dad! How do you do it?” You whimpered as your eyes rolled back in a lustful imagination.
What you’d do to lick this icing off of him. Watching that stern expression try to remain calm as you lick his sticky cock.
You wondered what it looked like. Was it thick and short, just all girth to stretch you or was he a big man both length and width? Or maybe none of those and super thin with an average size which is fine as long as he’ll let you sit in his lap.
Oh how you wanted him to just bounce you on his thigh as he calls you his nasty kiddo for wanting such things from an older man. But he’d be even ickier for making your cunt so messy in the first place.
Always being so nice and strong, such a gentleman and chivalrous who could resist. You bet he was wild in bed though. Gentleman act out the window as he forces you on his cock. The image of Zeff’s soft body squeezing you down into the mattress, practically sitting on your thighs in a mating press to remind you who’s always in charge.
Chef Zeff.
The greatest, rival only to his protege, Sanji. A man who would do anything to get in your panties but you were too busy trying to get in his daddy’s to care.
“You doing alright there kiddo.” Zeff’s voice rings out to you, making you gasp.
“Looks like the kid had a sugar crash.” Another man’s deep laugh boomed, making you stand up straight and spin around. Being the airhead you managed to drop the spoon on the floor, accidentally kicking it under the counter.
“Whoopsie! S-sorry chef!
“Now you’re making a mess in my kitchen too little girl?” His choice in name had your face flush and a small smile pole at your cheeks. Taking a quick glance at him you mumbled a quiet, “Sorry dad.” You mumbled your usual title when either you mess up, wanna tease him or he’s being extra stern with you.
A joke you never realized stirred his cock to life. Garp even noticed considering the name was making him lick his lips. Looking at Zeff with a wide grin as he leans down to whisper something you miss.
“Dad aye? Think this kiddo can even handle a couple of dirty old dogs like us?” He asked in a chuckle now taking in your innocent act.
Both watched as you turned back around and went to your knees, chest going allll the way down to the floor. Checking for the spoon you reached your hand under but clicked your teeth as you couldn’t reach. Bending down more, arching your chest further into the floor till your cheek pressed into the tile.
“Dang it.” You mumbled to yourself quietly wiggling your fingers.
“Shit.” Garp grunted teeth grinding together as your skirt full on flipped over, unawares to you and the ruffle malfunction. Pussy lips on full display from the sheer panties that were barely panties.
“Dammit Kid!” Zeff snaps as he removes his hat, hand rubbing over his face in disbelief. Eyes widening as he watches you arch into the most prettiest position. Posed like that he had a clear view of your slutty holes that stared at him perfectly. Whichever one he chooses he knew it would be a tight fit.
Hearing you whine, and literally seeing your pussy clench around nothing as you tried to wiggle your arm for the spoon had the man lose it. Walking over to you he crouched down right behind you, hand going to the base of your spine.
The large palm that placed itself ut there shocked you making you gasp as you looked behind your shoulder. The sight of you looking back at him in this position made him smirk thinking of taking you like this. Wondering how your face would look taking his cock.
“Oh I’m sorry Zeff! Am I in your way?!” You squeal taking your arm out from under the counter, now leaning on your elbows still bent over.
Always so oblivious to the positions you put yourself in at times. Usually it was to Zeff’s dismay when he’d catch a glimpse of your bent over form but today things would change.
“No such thing kiddo.” He reassures before chuckling that deep tone that you loved. Letting his hand slowly travel up your spine following the curve all the way up to the back of your neck. A shiver leaving you as he let it slowly travel back down, a whimper slipping out.
“Dad! That tickles!” You squeal out with a little pout as you wiggle your hips to shake off the feeling. Your ass brushing against his cock making him groan.
“Quite the squirmy one isn’t she?” That other man said making you laugh as you looked back under the cabinet. Stretching your arm out further.
“Can’t help it! He’s always tickling me! He’s silly!” You laugh as you look at the spoon so close but so far. Zeff humming as he rubbed your lower back before a bold fire flared up in the man’s chest. Feeling you brush against his cock was making him ready to pounce.
“Can’t help it sweetheart. I’m a naughty old man, what can I say.” Zeff finally confessed, making you look back at him with a pout. The pose and how your face stared at him made his cock twitch harder.
“Tickling doesn’t make you a naughty old man.” You frown and he smirks at your naïveté, hand going up your spine again until he grabs you by the neck.
“Come here kiddo.” He commands, applying the tiniest bit of pressure to your neck making you sit up. His arm going around to drag you back flush against his chest. Hand going to wrap around your waist tightly.
“You’re right it’s not the tickling that makes me a bad man. It’s the uncontrollable urge of wanting to shove my fat cock in that tight little pussy of yours that makes me a bad man.” His admission practically growled in your ear, making you shiver.
Your eyes widened as you turned your head to the side to glance at him. “Really Da-Chef?” You went to call him dad again, but stopped as you pressed your thighs a bit together not wanting to sound icky. Biting your lip as you played with the ruffle on your skirt.
“Nngh!” You gasp as you felt Zeff’s large hand going on your leg, sliding inwards. Kneading your thighs as he made his way up making you squirm.
“Yes. Now sit still for your father.” Zeff smirks at your shocked expression, submission melting in your eyes as he reassured your icky fantasies. Turning them to reality in a matter of seconds with a simple command.
“Why don’t you be dad’s good girl and help my friend and I out?” Zeff asked as he started to kiss along your shoulder blades. “Mmm~!” You sigh in pleasure as you bare your neck to the side, leaning back into his squishy body.
His lips leaving kisses along your neck as his hand still groped at your thighs. “Dad~” Voice a spoiled whine as you slowly open your legs for him to further his descent to your wetness.
“Obedient little thing ain’t she.” You heard the other man say accompanied by the sound of rustling clothes. The sound of a zipper making your breath hitch. “Oi! Bring the lass to me ya greedy bastard.”
“Who are you calling a greedy bastard? This baby is mine I’m just sharin’ with you.” Zeff grumbled against your neck, sucking a spot for later.
“Well ~ share her then.” Garp said with excitement as he rubbed his hands together. Going over to the kitchen table and pulling out a chair to sit in with a small grunt.
Zeff grumbled as he nipped the skin of your neck but had to agree it was definitely dessert time. Taking his arms to slip them under your spread thighs he lifted you up with a grunt.
“D-dad!” You squealed in total shock at his strength still with a peg leg, your arms going behind you to grab his shoulders.
“Getting old I see.” Garp laughs at his friend's exact reaction to his aching bones. But that wouldn’t stop the horny old dogs, not even for a second.
“Shut up! Don’t act like I didn’t hear you just a second ago!” Zeff snapped back with a laugh as he sat in the chair Garp pulled out for him.
Keeping you in his lap as he sat in front of the other man. Your legs were going to close as you sat in front of the new man but Zeff only clicked his teeth in disapproval.
“Easy princess. Open up those pretty legs of yours if you know what’s good for you.” Zeff tells you with a kiss to the side of your head making you whimper.
“Name’s Monkey D. Garp, vice admiral.” Garp winked at you as he spread his muscular legs leaning back in his chair as he propped an arm up on the table.
He was just as handsome as Zeff, white hair on his head and happy trail that was peaking out of his opened pants. Swallowing at the sight of his strong body from his unbuttoned shirt.
“Careful looking at me like that little girl.” Garp smirked at you as he rubbed his large bulge in his pants, mouth watering at the sight. Biting your lip you watched as he released his huge cock from his boxers, tip leaking angrily. A groan left him as the cool air touched the hot flesh in his big palm.
Zeff was kissing along your neck, hands pushing your panties to the side with impatience. “Always teasing your father hmm?” Zeff asks you, making you shake your head. A swap to your open thigh left you gasping in shock at the sting. “Don’t lie to me sweetheart.”
Keeping your legs open he let his hand run over your wet slit, groaning at your dripping folds. Fingers dipping in to catch at the honey that spilled from your lips. Scooping some up to bring his fingers to your lips. “Open wide.” Zeff smirks as he shoves his fingers in your mouth to taste your essence.
“Mmm~nghh ” you whine as he gags you on his fingers. “Moaning like a whore over eating some icing. Have you no shame little girl?” Zeff tells you to make your eyes roll back as you feel fingers touching your pussy again. Glancing down you see Garp’s large fingers circling your slutty hole before dipping inside. Stretching you out on his large fingers had you yelp and push back into Zeff with a whine.
His fingers were so large as he shoved two in your tight wet cunt. Your walls squeezing his fingers that he started to scissor open and spread for his friend. Thumb swiping some of your slick to run at your clit, making your body shiver with pleasure.
“My dirty girl loves having two old men fawning over her. Isn’t that right princess?” Zeff asks as his lips kiss your face and neck, cock pushing into your ass. You nod, turning your head into his loving kisses, feeling so safe and cozy in his strong arms.
“You should grab that icing off the counter and have yourself a snack.”
Garp looks at the man with a wide grin as he removes his fingers from you. “Haha! I like your thinking old man.” Garp laughs as he gets up to grab the bowl, sucking on his fingers that we’re just inside you as he walks with no shame. Big cock bouncing between his legs making you whimper and wiggling back into Zeff. His cock felt thick against your ass too and you couldn’t help but cling onto him more.
Zeff removed his wet fingers from your mouth and brought them down to your ass. Rubbing at your other hole that you’ve never touched makes you whine, “Dad?”
“Shhh princess. Daddy’s just checking to see if this one works too. Gotta make sure you’ll fit my friend here.” He teases you as he lets his wet fingers circle your ass before slowly inserting one inside.
“A-ahh!” You cry out as he slowly stretches out your unused hole. Garp sitting down licking his lips as he watched you being prepped.
Pouring some icing on your pussy made you gasp but it turned to a scream as Garp wasted zero time in dropping to his knees. Big tongue lapping out to lick at your asshole that Zeff stretched up to your clit. Licking every hole completely as he looked at your face. “Shit it does taste good.” Garp moaned at the sugary treat that now decorated your tight folds. Hands coming to spread your pussy open as he shoved his tongue inside. Swirling the muscle to lick your walls before sucking on your clit again.
Zeff’s fingers pick up their pace as the extra stimulation makes you more relaxed. A moan leaving you as he adds a second finger thanks to Garp being a messy eater and licking both holes. His drool dripping down to help the other man unawares of his own mess making. Groans and moans being fed into your pussy as Garp ate you out loudly. Big tongue going from fucking your pussy to sucking on your clit. The mix had you gasping and shaking.
Pouring more onto your clit, he sucked on it roughly as he shoved his thick fingers back inside you. “Ahhh! Dad! Uncle~!” You moan out and Garp’s fingers speed up at your new title for him too.
“God I wanna keep her. Share her with me forever. Fuck! Please.” Garp babbled into your pussy as he licked your hole around his fingers.
Garp was a greedy man despite not admitting it. Tongue and fingers both so impatient he’s fighting with his own self to choose which to do first. Not being able to decide by fingering you or tasting your essence directly.
“U-uncle t-that feels good.” You moan as you arch your back, causing your lower half to push into their fingers in both holes. “AH! Dad please! Cum! C-can I cum dad please! I-I’ll be good.” You plead as you feel heat boiling throughout your body like a tea kettle. Skin growing slightly sticky from a small layer of sweat and the icing on your pussy.
Garp pulled back and pushed your top up exposing your breast that lacked a bra. Pouring a bunch of icing on your tits he went to work cleaning you. Sucking your nipples free of the sweet treat, licking his way across to the next with a moan. Grazing his teeth against the hardened bud making you hiss but arch into him further nonetheless.
“Wanna cum for your dad and uncle?”
Nodding your head rapidly makes the two men chuckle at your impatience, but Garp wasn’t judging; he was rather impatient himself. Finger fucking your cunt faster and rubbing at your clit so he could feel you soak his hands. “Yesyesyes! Please dad! I wanna cum for you.” You beg as you turn your head to look at him.
Zeff catches your lips in a kiss as he fingers your ass faster along with Garp. Moans filling his moan from you as your orgasm washed over. Slutty holes clenching around the fingers that never stopped moving. Wanting to help you ride it out till you were shaking from over sensitivity.
“That’s it baby girl. Doing so good cumming for us.” Garp praised as his eyes watched your cunt soak his fingers. Your holes tighten around their fingers making their cocks twitch with excitement.
“We can’t wait to stretch your little holes out on our big cocks little one.” Zeff says against your lips making you shiver at the intimate closeness and lewdness of his words.
Legs shaking from your orgasm had the men smiling with pride. Garp licking up from your pussy back up to your tits that he started sucked harder. Squirming as his free hand groped and grabbed them harshly, loving the rough feeling of his calloused skin. So rough even when they’re trying to be gentle, ugh it left you literally melting. Legs naturally falling more open to receive whatever they gave you.
Both withdrawing their fingers made you whine at the empty feeling but Zeff only kissed your head. “Hush princess. You’re acting greedy like your uncle, it’s our turn now.” Zeff smirked as you turned to look at him. Drool falling down from your lips as your eyes practically sparkled.
“Sorry dad. What should I do?” You ask not wanting to be reprimanded. Pleasure only in the forefront of your mind as there would be other times to be a brat.
“Spread your legs up here pretty girl.” Garp said, lifting you up onto the kitchen table out of Zeff’s lap. Taking off your panties you leaned forward and put them in Garp’s pocket for his later memory. The action caused the man to laugh but shove them deeper inside nonetheless.
Laying back on the table you spread your legs wide to accommodate his size But to your surprise he went around the table stroking his cock. Grabbing the icing he winked at you as he poured a bit on messily so it would drip on you as well.
Sticky cock tapping at your lips making you whine as you licked them. Sticking your tongue out you let him slide his heavy tip inside. Licking around to suck at the icing and the precum that dripped, “Mmm~ uncle please.” You beg him as your arms reach up to grab his thighs.
Zeff lets out his thick cock to slide it along your juicy cunt. Groaning at your wetness against his heated cock, his precum mixing with your essence. Zeff waited until Garp pushed his cock further in your mouth before he slammed his dick into you.
Wanting you to feel the burn, the stretch of his cock inside you. It was cruel that he wanted it to hurt you a bit before pleasure washed over you like an ocean wave. “Ahh ~mmphm!” You scream around Garp’s long cock that fucked into your throat.
Pulling off of his cock with a scream, “D-dad! It’s too big!” You cried out, mouth drooling with desire. You loved how he didn’t give you time to relax. Your pussy creaming around his cock that forced its way inside lovingly. Taking what he wanted for himself despite your fake pleas.
“S-stop it!” You moaned out as he fucked your weeping cunt roughly. Garp’s hand pushing your shoulders back down onto the table with a grunt. “Don’t think so kid. You stop it.” Garp snaps as Zeff swats at your clit making you whimper.
“Don’t be a brat. Just be a good kiddo and take my cock like you’re supposed to.” Zeff tells you as he runs his thumb down to your wet slit to collect some slick before rubbing it against your clit.
Garp opens your mouth to shove his cock back inside which you willingly received. All of you moaning at the pleasure you’re all getting now, “There you go kid. Look how pretty you look, sucking cock and getting your pussy abused.”
Garp rubbing your cheek as you swallowed around him from the praise. Mouth drooling as your throat accepted his large member, heavy and hot against your tongue.
“Wow princess~ I didn’t think you’d fit my cock in that throat of yours.”
“It looks so great how it puffs out her neck.” Zeff grunted as he pulled out of your cunt only to force his way back inside. Not caring for your whimpers knowing they’ll change shortly considering he was fucking into your sweet spot. Your spongey cunt crying out to accept his fat cock.
Zeff’s strong hands push your legs back so your cunt accepts him deeper. Your hand going up to cup Garp’s balls as you swallowed around his cock. Choking on his dick that bullied your throat recklessly. Moaning as your pussy gets used roughly and deeper.
“Sucking Uncle’s cock like a good little girl. You like getting used like this huh kid?” Garp asked as he let his hands grope your breast roughly.
Thrusting his hips shallowly into your throat or he’d cause some serious harm. Long, thick cock fucking into your wet mouth that wrapped around him. Tongue licking at the base of his cock. “Mmmm~” You moaned around his leaking cock with lust as Zeff forced your pussy open to his liking. Putting his knee up on the table to rest on his solid leg he fucked you harder till you were screaming around Garp’s cock.
Garp slapped your tits before pouring some icing on them to lick you all over. Easing the sting of his slaps with sucking off the icing. Tongue twirling around your sensitive nipples, moaning from the sweet taste.
“Damn kiddo you’re so tight.” Zeff groaned as he rocked into your cunt, table rattling like the ocean from the back and forth thrusting. Garp going in your throat at the same time as Zeff so you couldn’t run away from the pleasures they were giving you.
Your nipples being sucked on roughly with your holes being used made you whine. Whimpers and gargled moans left you uncontrollably. You wondered if you should’ve been embarrassed but you weren’t. The feeling of Zeff’s cock filling you like no other left you shaking and tightening up as you felt yourself going to cum.
“Ease off old man.” Zeff grunted as he felt your pussy clamping down on his cock. Wanting to hear you moan out a bit unfiltered Garp backed out of your throat.
“Well let me join you, I'm almost there.” Garp huffed out but Zeff nodded and pulled out to let the marine manhandle you into a full Nelson. Garp’s wet cock sliding into your ass slowly with Zeff erasing the pain as he slid into your pussy. “Where in the world have you been princess?” Garp groaned out feeling your warmth.
“Fuuuuuck!” You choke out as you feel them moving inside of you with no remorse. Their cocks big enough to hit your sweet spot no problem getting you wet. Fucking your furthest walls making you moan out for them. “Uncle! Uh nngh ooooh! Yes daddy!”
It was incredible how you felt your brain shut off turning to mush as you got manhandled. Your walls tingling with pleasure that you never imagined you would feel. The man you’ve lusted after for awhile was finally balls deep fucking into your cunt it was amazing.
Tight holes swallowing the men inside you. Slick dripping down to land on their heavy balls. “How does my little girl like getting her holes used?” Zeff asked as he rolled his hips into you. Hands gently touching your breasts before pinching your nipples roughly. Twirling the hardened buds before sucking them into his mouth for a taste test.
“I asked you a question, doll.” Zeff stated as his teeth grazed your sensitive nipples. Sucking on them and flicking them with his tongue to tease you. The actions causing you to clench around him feeling all hot as his eyes stared at you.
“I l-love it! Ahh! Feel so full!” You cry out in your folded position. Eyes in your skull with drool dripping to your tits as your cunt and ass got fucked. Holes gaping with their girth, slick and icing layering your skin. “They’re so big!” You squeal as their lengths thrust into you.
Squishing sounds, wet slaps and slurps of Zeff’s mouth filled the kitchen making your ears ring. It sounded like the dirtiest porno and you wanted to watch it over and over. “Thank you dad! So good! More~!”
“Shit Zeff I’m gonna have to visit a lot -Nngh fuck!” Garp moaned as he lifted you onto their cocks, up and down up and down. His veins popping and muscles flexing as he pumped you onto their cocks like a fleshlight.
“Ahh! Mmm! So strong uncle! Oh fuck! D-dad t-thank you~! So full dad it f-feels great! Please dad, plea-ahh! Please can I cum!?” You beg as you feel your tummy burn with a desire that needs to release. Zeff’s cock bulging your tummy a bit while Garp stuffed your ass like no one’s business. The two men groaning at your endless babbling of bliss as you got impaled.
“Oh does somebody need to cum?” Zeff asked, biting your bottom lip before pulling away to slap your breast. “Always being so slutty all the time and you wanna beg me to cum?” Zeff asked as you pathetically whimpered nodding rapidly but he only rolled his eyes.
“I spoil you.” Zeff grunts as he rubs your clit and leans down to kiss you. “Go ahead sweetthing cum on our cocks and we’ll reward you with some more cream.” Zeff’s lewd words wrapped around you like a blanket of erotic pleasure. Music to your ears as your body tensed and pussy fluttered around his cock, ass clenching tightly.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” You rambled as Zeff rubbed your clit quicker, Garp moving you faster than you thought possible. “Fuck I’m right with you kid. Cum with me, sweetheart.”
Nodding your head you gasped as you felt his dick twitch before shooting out ropes of cum. Your tight walls spasming around both cocks made you twitch and moan out as you squirt all over Zeff. His fingers rubbing at your clit as you were screaming, juices splattering all over the chef in front of you and your thighs.
“ZEFF~!” You screamed, body burning on fire from total bliss, “Zeff~dad yes!” You moan as your juices drip onto the floor beautifully for his eyes to admire.
You looked at him dreamily as he twitched inside your pussy, cock fucking sticky strings of cum into your cunt. Riding out their highs Garp grunted as his limbs started to burn. Sitting back against the table Garp watched with fascination as Zeff pulled out of you. Cum glistening his cock, dripping out of your pussy brightly.
Zeff groaned as he pushed his seed back into your puffy folds, “You did well for me Y/N. My perfect helper.” Zeff praised, licking his lips at the way your walls twitched with over stimulation against his fingers.
“To think I only came here for a damn steak.” The marine chuckled as he removed you from his tight hold but kept you connected on his lap. “If you ever want a break from the old chef then you give me a call and I’ll scoop you up for a little adventure.” His voice was followed by kisses to your shoulders, hands rubbing your sticky thighs softly. You smiled lazily as your head went back against his chest.
Zeff fixing his pants before going to get a rag that he wet with warm water. Coming over he gently cleaned you up as you rested against Garp still cock warming him in your ass. The snowy haired marine smirked as he nipped your neck.
A high pitched gasp left you as you felt Garp twitch inside your tender ass. Eyes widening as you looked up at him, “Sorry sweetheart. It’s been a while since I got some good ass guess I’m still pent up.”
“Dirty old man.” Zeff laughed, shaking his head as he walked over to grab more things to clean the floor. Not paying his friend any mind if he desired to use you again knowing you belong to him from here on out.
You felt overstimulated but the thought of him not being able to contain his excitement again has you wiggling your hips. Moaning quietly with shut eyes at the feeling of him starting to stiffen inside of you again. It felt weird but knowing he needed more of you fueled your hips circular rotation.
“Fuck princess~ such a sweet little girl. Uncle’s sweetheart.” Garp breathed out as you tried to fuck yourself back into his large cock but was having a hard time. Garp flipped you on your tummy keeping you both connected as he started to ram into your ass from behind.
“Perfect little ass.” The marine grits out as his palm presses your head into the wood. Whimpers leaving you as he fucked into your ass. You couldn’t contain your screams or yelps as he pulled his hand back to slap your ass. “Little slut taking whatever she’s given.” Garp rambled making you twitch, “Right princess? Like being a little whore for your dad huh? Letting him pass you around to his friends so they can see how perfect you are. Such a perfect slut baby girl.”
Gathering your hair in his hands he fucked you roughly pulling your head back. Ass rippling from his powerful thrusts made you tremble, thankful the table was there. “Dirty girl loving some old cock like the icky kiddo she is~ so fucking good taking my cock like she was meant to.”
Zeff whistles as he takes a look at you, pausing from his cleaning to see your debauched state. “You look beautiful like that princess. All fucked out drooling over yourself as your getting stuffed.” His voice gets closer but your teary eyes blur the vision in front of you making you whine.
Cock fucking your ass harder with spanks inbetween making you moan and scream. Soon your mouth just hung open with deep moans and groans. Your pussy leaking down your thighs further making a mess of you that Zeff just cleaned. “Dad~” You cried out, clenching around Garp’s dick.
“Uncle I-” You tried to call to him but Garp let his leg go up on the table for leverage and a deeper hit that left you silent. Eyes rolling back as his heavy balls slapped into your clit with each powerful thrust. “Like having uncle fuck this ass of yours?”
“Mmhmm~ yes don’t stop uncle! I’m gonna cum again!” You wail as you feel him lean down, pushing into you deeper as he goes next to your ear. “I wanna hear you scream my name. Can you do that for me sweetheart? Wanna cum on my cock like a good girl?” He asked as he nipped your ear making you whine.
Backing up he let his long arm circle around you to rub at your clit. Fingers running over your slick folds and clit with the large size of his palm. His digits getting absolutely soaked as he thrust them into your seed filled pussy. Thrusting only a few times had you cumming with a loud shout.
“Garp~ yes! Right there uncle yes yes yes!” Your voice is a broken whine that has Garp shooting his cum deep inside of you. Thrusting into your ass till he was completely finished, twitching along with you with overstimulation.
It was an overwhelming orgasm that washed over you both. Heavy breaths and pants leaving you as Garp kissed your head. Pulling out of your ass with a grunt as you hissed from the soreness. His hands massaging your back as you were still bent over against the table. You groaned in pleasure as his rough calloused hands kneaded into your body like a dough ball.
You felt like you were on a euphoric cloud and you didn’t want to come down but a hand to your cheek catches your attention. Opening your eyes only to find Zeff there with a warm smile.
“Proud of you kiddo.”
“Thanks dad.” You smile before looking at him with a big smile of your own that same mischievous twinkle in your eye. “Since it’s contaminated for restaurant use, can I lick the bowl clean?” You ask, making the two men laugh loudly before Zeff hands you the bowl with a grin.
“Go right ahead kiddo. My plan already worked so it’s unnecessary now.” Zeff winked with his own smirk of mischievousness that had you gasp in shock.
“You planned this?” Garp asked in shock right along with you as you question as well, “Like this whole thing?”
Zeff shook his head laughing a bit, “Not the whole thing. Just the sleeping with you part. Him tagging along was just an extra treat I guess.”
“Oh…well I’m glad I came in to work today!”
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 1 year ago
Jesus Christ I can't stop re-reading this, it's just that fucking Good!
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In The Boss’s Office
Warnings: MDNI! Incest play (not related)! Grandpa kink/granddaughter kink! Voyeurism! Exhibition! Vaginal penetration! Rough sex! Dirty talk! Pet names! Age play! (Garp caling himself and old man 🤤🤤🥴)
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Slushing wet noises and slapping skin filled the office space. Light layer of sweat on your skin as your muscles tightened and pussy fluttered.,
“Yeah you like this old dick don’t chu sweet thing? No one your own age can handle a little minx like you. You need a man like me fucking this little cunt how it should be.” Garp grunted into your ear as he held you in a head lock. Sitting on his girthy cock had you shaking like crazy, thighs trembling on his lap.
Hand rubbing at your clit under your black tennis skirt, toes curling under your knee high socks and Oxford heels. Your nails clawing at his furry thighs to hold yourself steady. “Nngh! Ahh! Yess! I-I love it! Please grandpa! Please~! D-don’t stop!” Your begging was everything to your boss that pounded you down onto his thick cock.
Ridged veins rubbing against your sensitive walls making you twitch and spasm around him. “Grandpa~!” Your moans so loud it filled his office easily making his all male staff jealous and harder than you could imagine. Some running to the bathroom for a quick nut off or others saying fuck it and wacking at their desks. The man in his cubicle right across from Garp’s office was fisting his long veiny cock as he looked at the show.
“Fuck princess~ they love coming to work cause of you, you know that right?” Garp grunted against your ear making your eyes roll back. “They love seeing their dirty old boss fuck his pretty granddaughter.” Garp kept saying such taboo things that made your brain dizzy in the best way possible.
“Especially him. Look at how excited you made him, his cock is leaking so much for you princess.” Garp breathed out as he turned your attention to the young blonde man with curly brows. Pretty sure his name was Sanji but at the moment your brain was too fucked out to recall.
Sanji’s long cock was aching as he watched your pussy being split apart. Angry red tip oozing drops of cum making you whine as you watched it drip down the length of his cock. A loud moan leaving him as he watched Garp pick up your skirt so he could see the view of his cock entering you.
“Bet he wants to fuck you so bad.” Garp groaned as he rolled his hips up in time of pulling you down. Your screams high pitched as he knocked it out of you, cockhead beating your cervix up deliciously. “He probably wishes he could come in here and use one of these slutty holes you got.”
Garp’s own brain going dizzy from the lewd words he kept spilling but he couldn’t stop when he had you like this. Drooling on yourself with your tongue hanging out like a bitch, his bitch, in heat.
“I know for a fuckin’ fact that he does.” Garp snapped, “But that’s- Too. Damn. Bad!” Garp growled as he stood up, pushing your chest into the desk with a heavy hand.
“Scream whose pussy it is.” Garp snarled out, jealous but the desire to be watched always battling each other. “Let everyone know that this old man is the only one that can touch you. I wanna hear it.” You tried to nod but it was a pathetic attempt.
“Grandpa Garp ! Ahh nghhh ohhh yesss~ yes grandpa~ puhlease~ don’t ahh stop!” Voice hoarse from the pleasure of how deep his cock fucked your cunt. “So big! Fuck yes! Feels so fucking good! Ahh ha Nngh yesss right there Garp! No one can -ahhh fuck- no one can make me cum like you!”
Your squishy walls sucking him in with every thrust that he gave you. One of his large hands held both of yours behind your back, using it as leverage to pull you back. Other hand reaching around to hold your face to look at the onlookers.
Everyone knew when the ceo started making you answer questions that he was trying to make you cum. All the men looking over to see the expression. Men of all ages and types looking at you as they fisted their cocks in hunger. Garp loved seeing the want in their eyes and the power that he held in knowing he was fucking your cunt and not them.
“Yeah only I can make this pretty pussy cum huh baby girl” Garp kissing along the side of your neck making you whine. Moans slipping at the feel of his balls slapping into your aching clit.
“Garp fuck! Yesss~! Your cock is so big!” You screamed out loud with dreamy eyes. Feeling his dick in your tummy had you cock drunk. “Feel you so deep~”
A proud smile and a glare painted on his face that made the men shiver at their shameful release.
“Grandpa~ wanna cum~ pleasee~!” You pleaded as your pussy fluttered around his meaty cock that bruised your insides. Your juices spraying all over his cock pulling him in deeper. “Yess! Cumming~!” You moaned out.
Garp kissed the side of your face as he felt his cock twitch. Grunting as he fucked your cunny harder. “Good fucking girl.” Thrusting in your pussy to help you both ride out your orgasm.
Groaning as he sunk in deep before painting that cunt white. “Such a good pussy baby.” Garp grunted as he kissed your neck.
His eyes glared at the man watching from the door, “Beat it! GET BACK TO WORK!”
Turning to face you he kisses all over your drooly face making you giggle, “The only one that gets to slack off is the office princess who’s stuffed full of my cum.”
Making the man laugh as you hit his arm playfully, “GARP~!”
“Careful saying my name like that doll you’ll make me hard again.”
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 1 year ago
daddy kizaru never failed to make me flustered, giggling and shiii- everytime I read fics about him ✊😔
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A/N: Lucky @thepokemaniac 's request was one of the few I personally loved. Sorry if it’s so so so late…😭 [This was way back from the Mini-Request Event I had in July—]
SUMMARY: He doesn’t let you do anything, and as a woman who believes in her rights— you do what your heart tells you. He tries so hard to get you back, but when he hears that you're transferring divisions...well he just can't have that.
CW: Cursing, Obsessive Behavior, Mild Stalking, Home Invasion, Suggestive Material, Non-Con, Bondage, Dry Humping, Slight Fingering
WC: 2.7k
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You loved him, you truly did.
He was sweet, caring, and a sexy boyfriend. Borsalino made life easier at the Marines– occasionally giving you the easier tasks or joining you on missions. It wasn’t any trouble for you in the beginning, but you came to be bored, with nothing to do.
“Hey love, do you mind if I take this one?”
Your curious eyes pointed at the “CLASSIFIED'' file, knowing full well that his answer would be a no. His office was organized, and done by you. Vivid light spilled into the large room, the scent of pine cones and whiskey faint. The golden man peered up at you with a hum but quickly tsked. 
“You don’t want to do that to one baby! That one’s hard,” he tucked the file away, sending you a grin, “Say, how about this one?” You picked the new item, flipping the pages without interest as you shook your head, “No, this is something a petty officer can do.” 
Leaning forward, you pouted, tracing your finger over his wooden desk, “Why can’t I do the big ones? You know that I’m fully capable of doing that, so you don’t have to treat me like a fragile thing, y’know?” You watched Borsalino scratch his chin, amusedly.
“I believe I hold a sort of responsibility, you know?” he said, lifting your hand to press a sweet kiss on your knuckles, “I can’t bear seeing you away and without my protection.” You scoffed as if you were a baby! A light giggle erupted from you as you skipped away, “Sure love, I sure do need your protection!”
That was the most innocent the approach has gotten. You’ve attempted to attend high-rank missions, but the man’s advantage of being an admiral meant that he had the final decision. It was always a no, and always with the same reason.
“I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“You’re safe by me.”
“You only need me.”
After two weeks, you were fully pissed. Exactly what could you do with these limits? Nothing could be done, and you practically sat in his office like a doll without purpose. The clock ticked as you watched Borsalino chat with Kuzan casually. 
Your lover's hand rested on your thigh, his fingers squeezing it lightly. He sent you a small grin, but you returned his gesture with a shove of your hand. You couldn’t bear this anymore– you were a marine for god’s sake! You were meant to battle, to fight against pirates for the better of everyone. You excused yourself,
“I need to go do something really quick if you don’t mind love?” 
You added the sweet taste, smiling at him. You didn’t see it, but there was a glint of disappointment in his stare. What was more important than leaving him? He nodded, watching you by the corner of his eye. Your small figure strutted out of the office, a loud thunk accompanied by your exit.
“Are you alright?” 
Borsalino hummed as he glanced back at his icy guest, “Oh? Aha, of course! Now where were we…?” The chat continued, but the man couldn’t help but pay attention to that irking feeling. Just what were you going to do?
It was quiet in the halls, and officers would occasionally pass by in a hurry, carrying papers and such. Door after door, painting after painting, it felt like you were walking to your doom. It was a heavy decision you were about to make, but would you rather be restricted or freed? The most rational idea popped into your head, and it was best to leave what was holding you back.
You arrived at the front of Sengoku’s door, the tall white frame inviting you in. You stood outside of the door, hands shaking as you couldn’t find yourself knocking. There was nothing to be afraid of, so why were you shivering? It felt like something cold was hitting you, but nothing but yourself was in the hallway. 
The prestige of the marine corp shined, but the utter mysteriousness of it seemed to ask you things. You laughed to yourself, maybe it was just the thought of meeting Sengoku getting to you? You fixed your apparel, making sure your pants were smoothed out and your collared vest was not too skimpy. 
A cough behind you made you jump. Your head snapped to see said man with his stack of sheets and his seagull resting on his cap. 
“Vice-Admiral Y/N? What brings you here?”
“A-ah um…” you fidgeted with the hem of your collar before whispering, “Can we talk in your office Fleet Admiral, please?” 
He abided easily, opening the door to welcome you in. The both of you got comfortable as you sat on the chair before his desk, the little transponder snail eyeing you. The man's office was a mess; the breeze from the open doors swooshed calmly in and flimsy items fluttered quietly. It was serene here, rather than the tense aura of Borsalino’s room.
Sengoku pushed aside his stacks and fixed his spectacles to look at your worried state. He coughed, “So, how’s it going? Is everything alright with the Admiral?” You gritted your teeth as you impatiently bounced your leg.
“No, I was going to talk to you about that.”
He let out an oh, leaning forward as he grew a stern expression, “He isn’t being bad now, is he? You know I’m always–”
“No, no, it's not that kind of thing now.” you interrupted, trying to gesticulate as you sighed, “I want to request a transfer.”
The room grew quiet as the man stroked his beard, his eyebrow lifting slightly, “I would require a reason, but in this case, I’ll just pass it.” Sengoku already knew from your body language and the way you instantly loosened up when he greeted you. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “Thank you, just how soon would my transfer be?”
The Fleet Admiral looked through his mess of papers, taking his time as he cursed himself, “Best chance is in a week at another island a few towns forward.” Well, it should be worth the wait, no? 
“Though I would like you to do one thing first as I start the transfer.”
You purse your lips as you listen attentively, willing to do anything Sengoku asks. It was your freedom you were talking about, after all. 
“Break up with him, it's clear the relationship isn’t healthy if you’re trying to run away from him.”
The words rang through you like a terrible sickness. The mere thought of you doing so frightened you to an extent you didn’t know why. Was it because you knew Borsalino for a long time? Was it because he was an Admiral? Was it were scared of how he might react?
“A-alright, I’ll do that,” you murmured, excusing yourself as Sengoku wished you the best of luck– something you would need very much. 
You walked back out again, the sound of his coughing and voice audible behind the door. You made your way back to the office, a solemn look on your face as you played out the scene in your head. You had to do this carefully and without flaw. 
Borsalino’s office was open and his laughter was heard, making you straighten up and walk right in. Kuzan was just about to leave, and the tall man greeted you with a wave before making his way out.
“Perhaps we’ll talk another time, I have several tasks to attend to.” he said, strolling out with his hands in his pockets– though you knew better than his “tasks” was just a nap outside. Your lover stood, embracing you and planting a kiss on your temple.
“My, what was so urgent?” he purred, “You know I can give you everything you want.” Your nose buried in his blazer, the scent of whisky lingering in his breath. You felt his hand trail down your spine, reaching to grope your ass.
Quickly, you moved back, earning a surprised look from him. Of course, he would be concerned, maybe appalled too– especially the way your eyes lingered a sense of distaste. The golden man was quiet for a second before trying to make another move, only to see you take a step back.
“Borsa, I think we need to um…take a break?” you said, fixing your posture as you corrected yourself, “Yes, a break from this. I don’t think we’re vibing, and it’s just– I don’t think I need to explain.”
“If anything’s the problem–”
“No, I just don’t think I feel comfortable.” you interrupted, your glare now holding a frown, “Let’s just call it quits.” You didn’t let him speak, instead leaving the office with a cough, “See you later, Admiral Borsalino.”
You knew that he had the potential to drag you back, to at least try to talk and work things out. But he stood his stance and watched you exit, your reason still unclear to him– and it would be that way for the rest of the week. 
Every day after, he would walk beside you with jovial laughter, trying to win your heart back. He’d bring your favorite orange roses, selections of chocolate, and the occasional ticket for date nights. However, each attempt would always make you walk a little bit faster or ignore him completely.
He’s upset. You weren’t like this before– hell you would be the one to ask to suck him off under the desk if you were needy. But this? Borsalino is a man with enough power to control underling officers and political decisions. He had everything you could ever need, was he not enough with that? Even then, what did he do wrong?
You never spoke to him, only giving him nods or headshakes. The best interaction you’ve given him– to his pleasure– was a smack on his face. For four days he’s lived like this– deprived of your loving touch and words. He longed to hear you speak to him again and call him by the beloved name you’ve given him.
To hear you moan his name, to feel you clamp down on his length, and to see you break apart with just a few thrusts. He missed the way you worked your magic with your lips, and your hands too. Your curves flashed images to his eyes, his hands easily caressing and holding them to fuck you harder.
He wanted that back, and he would have it back.
Rumors were lingering around– ones he didn’t like to hear. They were about you and your plans. He didn’t like them at all. 
You finished up your last work of the day, exhausted as is with your workload. It was only three more days till your exchange. Surely you could last long enough and make it to the end? You made your way out of the building and into the small village that accompanied the island you were on.
The sky was a hazy gold, the sun setting and marking the end of the day. You made it to your little mansion; it was two stories with a homey feel. You unlocked your door and entered, making sure to lock it back– just in case of course.
After that, you went on with your nightly routine. Undressing, taking a shower, skincare, and then dinner. The time read a bit past 8, but you didn’t feel that exhausted yet. And so, you played a short film on the huge snail– eyes busy watching the clips flash.
You wouldn’t notice a tall man watching from your windows, seeing your nightwear reveal little parts of your body. Shorts barely stopping at the cup of your ass, shirt too tight for your breasts– especially wrapped with his favorite color. Your hair was neatly done in a clip, lips munching on some late food, and face smiling at the scene.
He knocked on the door.
“Y/N? I know you’re in there.”
You felt the little hairs on your neck rise, eyes widening as you turned to the door. He…couldn’t be here, right? You turned off the snail, making your way hesitant to the door. You pressed your ear on it, only to jerk back at the next knock.
“What do you want?!” you shouted, “I don’t fuck around with people at night– and especially you!”
“Y/N! It’s me, your love,” he purred, moving his hand down the door’s knob, “Let me in please, let’s just talk this all out…”
“No.” you said, pulling on the door restraints to lock it tight, “No.” He didn’t like that.
“Let me in! Trust me, sweetheart, it’ll be easier if you do. Don’t run from me. You won’t like what happens when I catch you.”
And you didn’t like that either. You quickly ran up the stairs of your home, hearing your door get forced open. A swell of panic ran through you– fuck, fuck, fuck! You skidded across your hall, reaching for what was the knob to your room. However, a flash of light stopped you.
“My, my love, I daresay I did give you a chance,” Borsalino chuckled, his hand near crushing your neck and the other digging on your hips. You couldn’t move, and only a choked gasp escaped you. He knew the layout of your home, more so that he gladly led the both of you inside your habitat.
“Should I remind you of how mean I can be, baby? Or would you rather be a good girl and come back to me?” he hummed, tossing you on your bed. Your sheets welcomed you, but not in a nice way. Your ex had begun to undress, leaving him in his striped slacks as he hovered over you.
His eyes held a toxic aura, “Well?” You staggered back, crawling to your headboard as you watched with fear. This couldn’t be happening– not now and not with him! The man tsked, and in another flash was back face to face with you, his thumb pulling at your bottom lip.
“I would be lying if I said you didn’t look sexy scared…”
You spat, trying to get him off you by clawing at his face, “G-get the fuck off me–” Your attempt was in vain, and you found yourself flipped upon your stomach, your hands pulled back together and knotted. He made sure his tie was on tight, binding you. 
“I suppose that means I have to refresh your memory, hm? I can’t have you leaving me after all…” he whispered to your ear, rutting his hip against your ass so you could feel his bulge. You hated that through your thin shorts your pussy begged to be pleased– your body missed him.
“Y-you can’t do this–”
A smack on your ass made you squeak, helping the man to shove your face down your sheets. He still grinded himself behind you– a gesture you both knew you missed. You wanted to scream for help, but deep down you desired for him to ruin you in every way possible.
“I can because you still love me no matter how you try to put it.” he purred, his other hand sneaking down your curve and to your wet pussy, “Look at yourself, growing so aroused by this~!” His fingers trace your cunt, rubbing small circles through the soaking fabric. You couldn’t let him hear your moan, so you bit your pillow, hoping it would shut out any sounds. 
However, what came next couldn’t help you. His digit pushed the hem of your shorts and panty, letting him tease your entrance with his thick finger. You could hear him coo at your ear before pushing three digits inside forcibly.
“I love you, sweetheart, so I’m sure you’ll forgive me for what happens next.” He sped up his pace, fingerfucking your tight hole to prepare you for his cock that waited to be buried inside you. You mewled, body trembling as your ass moved on its own to raise higher. 
Your lover grew pleased, your sounds only motivating him to rail you, to make you his once and for all. The night became long to your poor state, cumdumped and dumbfucked on your bed. You felt sticky and weak, eyes unable to process the last few hours.
You never got to transfer after that. 
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Šfollowing works belongs to STEPHIS, do not repost, modify, plagiarize, translate, or share on other platforms. comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated!
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 1 year ago
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꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "You always had a terrible excuse to convince Akainu to go drinking with you after work... The funny thing is that it always worked."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : NSFW!! SMUT!! CONTENT+18 AHEAD!! MINORS DNI!! Neutral reader, neutral pronouns, unspecified genitalia, mentions of getting drunk, drunk sex, public sex (without getting caught), casual relationships, unestablished relationship , canonical universe
꒰ WC ꒱ : 761
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : This is one of the fanfics I wrote before the hiatus, it's also one of the ones I decided to save, because I really liked it, so enjoy
"Hey, I got promoted, let's drink and celebrate" was just a random phrase you said through the den den mushi, but even though it was an innocent phrase, Akainu could see right through your intentions.
"No, I'm busy" you always called him with some excuse to go out together and get drunk.
"Seriously, I'm a Vice Admiral now, you should congratulate me!" You would argue with that one irritated tone, he would always deny going and you would always get mad about it.
"No, you should take advantage of your promotion and go work, instead of drunking yourself until you pass out" he scolds you, although from his tone of voice it was clear that there was no real threat. You knew that try as he might, the Admiral was extremely weak to you.
"What's the matter? Scared of losing a bet and having to pay the bill?" You smirked, he could hear that through the call, you always teased and he always ignored it... It was strange to consider that you were still alive even though you were so insubordinate.
"No, you always lose bets, I'm not the one who passes out after the fifth glass… Besides, I'm your boss now, that wouldn't be appropriate" He spoke, but still didn't hang up. To hear your voice more? To have a little more of your presence? Any reason would be valid, but he would deny it to death.
"Hah… Appropriate? I don't think what we do is very appropriate… Yet you never seemed to care" There was that venomous tone that made him stop what he was doing and take a deep breath so he wouldn't lose control. "Come on… Zuki, don't you like it when we play?"
"I'll hang up" he threatened.
"Hmmm… You don't like to see me in these cute casual clothes? No ugly, closed-off uniforms" you said sassy and teasing, like a demon seducing a prey "Don't you like to see me getting all silly and red in the face? Don't you like it when I get needy clinging to you?"
"You're crazy" he cursed himself mentally.
"Come on… Admiral" you said mockingly "You always complain about drinking with me… But when we're in a random alley, me on my knees swallowing your cock whole while you grab my hair… Oh… You don't seem to think that bad" he could almost hear his smirk.
"Vice Admiral y/n…"
"C'mon… C'mon Zuki… I love when we go out drinking, when you cut me open like a slut in the middle of a deserted street, fuck me until my legs are shaking and cum deep inside" you moaned at the end of the sentence "I love it when you treat me like your personal whore… Please? As a reward for getting promoted?"
Akainu didn't say anything, his hand had already let go of the pen and was now closed in a firm fist. His breathing was a little more labored and he felt his member getting firm. He could imagine exactly the scene that you were describing.
After all, that's what happened every time you went out drinking, you talked, drank, ate. So when you were already crazy he decided to take you home, not trusting you walking around alone, it was exactly in that brief moment of fragility that you attacked.
You would pull it to an empty spot, kneel on the floor and open its mouth by sticking out its tongue. A silent request he always complied with, he knew you liked it when he fucked your mouth, making you gasp and roll your eyes for oxygen, when he gripped your hair so hard it would give you a headache.
You were always touching yourself, so close to the ground looking like a real bitch. Then after you made him come you would prance around showing your needy hole, begging him to finish the job… Oh, and how could he refuse? He loved how you were smaller than him, how he had total dominance when you guys fucked, how he could feel the bulge that formed in your stomach with every stroke he landed.
He loved leaving purple marks on your legs where he held you, or even on your neck and when he choked you, how you kept crying and begging him to keep fucking you orgasm after orgasm. You were only able to be satisfied when he came deep inside you, making you feel completely full.
"Meet me at the bar at nine"
Yeah… Akainu could be a man with only one weakness… You.
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 1 year ago
Man....this is fueling more into the fire, and I ain't complain 🗣️
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Imagine Akainu does brat taming cause the reader gets impatient since he's a workaholic
Ughh… I love Akainu.. he seems like he’d keep a younger woman on track.. honestly I just need someone to put me in my place sometimes..
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So ❤️ Many ❤️ SPANKINGS ❤️
He’s definitely got a Sir/Daddy Kink.
He’ll yank you up by your hair and pull your head back so rough just to meet his gaze. All he has to do is give you a look and you know he’s gonna break your back in a couple of hours.
Go on, get mouthy with him. He’ll stick his dick down your throat and fuck your jaw sore. He’ll hold your throat while he fucks you, sometimes pinching your nose while he lectures you about interrupting his work. Crying won’t help… but it will temporarily make him stop…. So that he can lick the tears from your cheeks ❤️
He LOVES humiliating you too, so Kizaru will be present to partake in your punishment <3 when you’re getting a spanking Kizaru only tuts and encourages you to listen more, hes got little to no sympathy and can’t help but get himself off when he sees you cry and beg for the punishment to end… fucking sadist.
If you’re good enough, he might let you come to work with him and cockwarm under his desk ❤️ and of course, Kizaru is more than likely to be in his office… so prepare to get spit roasted and fucked till your legs are jelly
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thecr0wdoctor ¡ 1 year ago
Admiral Kizaru / Borsalino x Reader ( +18 )
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A / N: I'm new to these babes, bear with meeeee! my post will be our unhinged sugar baby daddy, Kizaru, ding! ding! ding! This man is fugly, old, creepy, high-looking mf, I don't give a fuck if you disagree on my take, THIS MAN IS ATTRACTIVE AS FUCK, i NEED, this is my first work ever... anyways enjoy!
Featuring: One Piece, Admiral Kizaru Reader: Female Words: 2055 CW: mean!Kizaru, bimbo!reader, dumbification, groping, reader wearing skimpy clothes, possesive + jealous behaviour, daddy kink ( said 'daddy' once ), office sex, facefuck, deepthroat, big dick kizaru, size difference ( reader normal female height 5'0-5'7? eh you decide it wont be mentioned in the story anyways ), condesending, cliffhanger.
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Slow as you expertly applied a pink lipstick on your plum lips, your reflection staring back at you, heavy pink powder on your eyelids, long lashes bats back at you from the mirror, even with the heavy make up, you look good and delicious just for your husband, an 'eye candy~' as he says it with that dangerous grin of his.
puckering your plum lips at the mirror one last time blowing a flying kiss and winking at your own reflection, putting the lid of the lipstick back on as you set it down on the dresser as you stood up from your dresser stool, pulling up and fixing your tight hot pink strapless dress, pushing underneath your busty breasts slight up and together in the tight dress, two busty breasts almost ready to pop out from the top of the dress, fixing your blond long hair.
putting on some pair of pink high heels as you walked out from the shared bedroom where you and your darling husband, sleeps and have rough sex every time he comes from work, you could have sworn on how rough every time he pounded and thrust inside of you you can almost feel him trying to force his cock pass your poor abused cervix, but you're not complaining, though you have one complain it's that you don't appreciate him trying to get you pregnant that one time you caught him popping holes in the condoms you brought, and of course.
He easily get away and trick you because you're a dumb little slut, his slut after all~
licking your pink lips, as you when out from your shared bedroom, closing the door behind you, walking downstairs, your legs wobbled and became weak for a second you take some steps down slightly, due to him fucking you relentless last night, you forgive and forget for that stunt he did, though you can almost could still feel his cock in your cunt, making a short pause from ascending down from the stairs as you blush at the thought and slowly rub your thighs together feeling yourself getting wet at the thought alone, smiling to yourself before continue walking down til you were on the first floor, walking to the kitchen planning to make breakfast for yourself, making some simple egg scramble for yourself…
having a fill from the breakfast that you made, deciding while you're in the kitchen might as well as make for lunch…hm~? a little idea slowly slitter into your empty mind of yours, why not bring some lunch for your hardworking husband at work? that's not good, as you put on a cute pink apron and ready the ingredients along with some cooking tools you need and began making his lunch.
smiling proudly to yourself as you finally finished up the food you were cooking as you neatly and cutely place the three tringle-shaped rice in the bento box along with his favorite food most of all, miso ramen, hopefully it will taste great! since last time you try cooking it, He almost got sick, pouting at the old memory, shaking your head as you pat your own cheeks, chasing off the negative thoughts, hopefully this time you made it right! packing everything and neatly wrapping the bento in a yellow cloth, placing it inside a paper bag and remove your apron and hang it on the wall hanger, and snatching a pink purse from a shelf, where you place all the other cute and expensive high end purses he gifts you, before going out the front door.
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upon arriving at the navy HQ, you received a lot of stares from low rankings and maybe some commanders here and there, but that doesn't matter, what maters is that its's almost lunchtime and you worried that the food you made might go cold before it reaches to your darling husband…
"please, mr officer, let me in i have to give my husband his lunch~" you pout at the marine guarding the entrance as you hold the paper bag that held inside his lunch
"look ma'am i can't-"
"come on, mr officer~! i really need to give this to him!" frowning as you lean forward slightly towards him, not noticing that your hot pink tight dress that had been fighting to hold everything from the world to see shifted slightly as you lean to the low rank marine, giving him a view of your very noticeable cleavage making the poor marine to gulp loud, sweat bullets his face turn red now and trying not gawk at someone's wife, staggering back putting a space between him and you.
"a-alright alright ma'am fine, ill help you escort you wherever you're going…" the marine gulp before nervously clearing his throat
"yay! thank you mr officer~!" you happily said as you followed the marine inside the build, upon walking in, you see marine scattering and walking around carrying piles of papers, moving rooms to rooms, while some is standing around discussing something. looking around amazed to how big and spacious the marineford, high ceilings, expert decorated and painted walls and how big the windows are, while being busy looking around excitedly.
marine officers on the hallway paused and seemingly now staring at you since….why is a civilian doing here? you're like a sore thumb on how bright your outfit is, everything about you is pink, some can't help but cat call you due to how much skin you're showing, voluptuous bod, thick thighs and busty breasts ready to spill out, gawking at you like a piece of meat.
a other low ranking marine approaches the marine that was escorting you
"dude, who's this sexy chick?" the marine whispered to the other "i don't know dude, she said she'll give lunch for her husband.."
"she's taken? damn i can tell she's a keeper even she dressed like that, bummer…" the marine said sighing sadly "who's the husband then? it's probably one of the newbies, lucky bastard"
"i don't know either, she didn't tell me who her husband is-"
"HUBBY!" you suddenly yelled happily and excitedly throwing your hands up, startling the two marines, as they turn to look at you then infront of them…stood admiral kizaru.
making both marine to freezed up seeing a big shot infront of them! and…did this sexy lady just called the admiral hubby? pushing that thought aside as both saluted fast, sweating nervously only to pushed from behind, as both marines face planted on the ground hard with a loud thud. running pass the two fallen marines on the ground as you happily run to him excitedly. looking up at him with smile
"oh~? what are you doing here sunflower~?" kizaru asked with a relaxed grin, fixing his orange-yellow aviator as he bend down slightly to level with you face to face, hands in his pockets, as he smirked down at you "oh i brought you food!" you shyly and excitedly said to him as you present the paper bag to him "ooh~ for me sunflower? how considerate of you~" kizaru said as he stood straight up again, taking his hand out from his pocket and slowly reach over and seemingly about to grab the paper bag from your hand instead he took ahold of your wrist and began slowly pulling you with him "why don't we come to my office, sunflower~?" he asked with a grin, moving to stand beside you and letting go off your wrist, placing it on your back as He slowly and quiet commanding push as He push you slight to moving, staring down at you with those dangerous eyes glinting behind His orange aviator sliding His hand down more to huge hand made contact with your ass, slowly rubbing ass cheek before gripping it tightly.
"o-oh…o-okay hubby.." you nervously agreed as you walked with him further to the hallway, leaving the two knocked out marines on the floor still knocked out on the floor bubbles coming out from their mouths…
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the sound of gagging and muffled moaning can be heard in the room as you struggle to take his cock in your mouth as you felt his cock roughly sliding deep into your throat, you cant help but tear up and gag at the rough treatment your darling husband is doing to your poor throat yet you can't help but reach down to your short skimpy dress pushing your pantie to the side and began fingering yourself deeply with two fingers trying to match his rough thrusts as he use your mouth like a fleshlight.
tears slide down from your cheeks messing your mascara as it made a trail on your cheeks, pathetically looking up at him trying to take his cock into your little tight mouth and throat like good little slut for him, making him to pick up his pace more to the point he almost doesn't care if he's hurting your mouth or throat, he just wants to see you cry prettily for him
"Oooh~~ you're taking me so well, sunflower~" kizaru purred down at you as he smirk at you as he tightly grip your hair, keeping your head locked into his cock as he pound into your mouth. not giving you time to breath, making you light headed and drool more into his cock.
"you're so perfect for me, sunflower~ it's like you're just born to be my cumdump~~" kizaru said mockingly at you as his other hand grip under your neck slowly squeezing it slightly and threateningly as his hand guild you head and prevent you from puling away, though you doesn't seem to plan on pulling away, as you eagerly bob your head even your throat began to burn.
kizaru then stop his brutal thrusting before slowly pull your head away from his cock with a 'pop!' your saliva string to his still harden and throbbing red cock as it releases pre-cum down to the tile floor of his office, dighting the urge to lean over
to his big cock as it drip pre-cum and lick it off as you pant heavily, drool dripping from the corners of your smeared lipstick plum swollen lips as you can't help hungrily stare at his throbbing cock, a sharp pain came from your head as you cry out forcing you to avert you gaze from his cock up to his eyes as he pull your hair, gripping n it tightly, as you stare at him with trembling lips and tears streaming down
"ouch daddy! why did you-" "i don't remember giving you permission to talk neither touch yourself, sunflower~~" quickly shutting your mouth as you frown up at him with sad puppy eyes, as he just nonchalantly pull you up to stand not batting an eye to your pathetic expression, turning his attention to his desk, with one swipe of his forearm across his desk, all of the stacked papers and pens scattered to the floor, without any warning he lift you up and force you on the desk and making you lay down on your back, your head hanging at the edge.
"you know sunflower~?" kizaru suddenly spoke as he stood infront of you making you stare at his cock and balls upside down, the feeling of slowly getting light headed again is returning as your head hang. his cock twitch and slowly drip down from his cock as he slowly guild his cock near your lips, pressing the tip of his cock on your lips further smearing your lipstick, rubbing his cock on your cheek spreading his pre-cum "i don't like it when other people stare what's mine~" he said as he bring his cock back to your lips "open for me~" he said with a grin, you obediently open your mouth for him panting slightly, guiding his cock into your warm wet maw, sucking and licking his cock eager to please your husband, he sigh in delight at the feeling, slowly as he fiddle and squeeze your breasts like stress ball "ooh~ dressed all pretty and sexy just for me to admire~~" he said as he pull your top dress down freeing your breasts from it's tight confinement, playfully pinching your nipple and pulling on it, making you wince it pain and muffle moan respond.
"Now be a good cockslut and please me will you, sunflower?~~"
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