gazing through the window
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thecosmictree · 6 years ago
What has tumblr become?
My brain tells me it has something to do with the censorship. Maybe someone new CEO is commanding the platform. It looks colorful, alive. Not that it wasn't alive before, of course it was. But now it's like if it's glowing on this screen. It's lost its greyish, comfortable essence. It has ceased to be a homely, softly yellow-illuminated and silent varanda at a late night, with cute plants, from which one could gaze the big city's lights shining like light-years distant earthly stars, while thinking of unsharable sadnesses or profound satisfactions, or creating poems, or playing a keyboard or a ukulele, or just looking at some beautiful, natural-as-birds bodies on the cellphone and feeling the cool, soft and sweet-scented night breeze blowing up there in this suburban varanda; Tumblr has ceased to be that only to become this glowing, big city, restrictive pop music party, where people can dance, chat and whatever, but, no matter how cool they seem, definitely won't kiss passionately in a dark corner or hide to have sex in one of the bathrooms, no matter how clean they are.
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thecosmictree · 6 years ago
The trouble with Tumblr's nudity censorship is that, if you protest against it, your nudity will be allowed, for it is political nudity...
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thecosmictree · 6 years ago
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thecosmictree · 7 years ago
Je devrais écrire textes avec une certaine fréquence. Textes en français. Je ne sais pas si seulement écrire pour Choc de Culture sur Twitter est tout ce que je dois faire. Peut-être ce n'est pas suffisant.
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thecosmictree · 7 years ago
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The first drawing in the left is half the head a deer, originally made by @wodwo_be as he’s called on Instagram.
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thecosmictree · 7 years ago
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The demon with a candle was made by Kyle Patterson.
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thecosmictree · 7 years ago
Produire le subjectif est offrir à l'Art un échange pour ses bénédictions. Elle le peut accepter ou refuser.
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thecosmictree · 7 years ago
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5th- Some Alan Lee studies
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thecosmictree · 7 years ago
From now on, I shall post simple drawings here. The ones that just happen and aren't planned, the ways I take to end up somewhere, the means of the ends. Or simply the ones I didn't feel so inclined to post anywhere else. Or even the ones I just want to post here.
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thecosmictree · 7 years ago
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thecosmictree · 7 years ago
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thecosmictree · 8 years ago
Torment in the dark was the danger that I feared, and it did not hold me back. But I would not have come, had I known the danger of light and joy. Now I have taken my worst wound in this parting, even if we were to go this night straight to the Dark Lord.
Gimli, son of Glóin - The Fellowship of the Ring, Farewell to Lórien TOLKIEN, J.R.R.
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thecosmictree · 8 years ago
Meaning? Sense? Logic?
A code does not need to have logic, or it loses the reason to exist. Does it? Is everything that does not have logic a code?
Logic is not necessary for a code, but it does not mean that logic is forbidden to codes. My first intention with this text was to write down my thought, my reflexion about this philosophical question, trying to link this idea of codes with Life. Here goes the full thought I first had:
“A code does not need to have logic, or it loses the reason to exist. As well as Life.”
Though “logic” does not mean “sense”, since the second is usually applied to Life. “Logic” here should be the “mechanic” way through which the code has been constructed. I could build a code like this: A = C, B = D, C = E, Z = B. Well, here follows a sentence written with this code. In fact, I shall wite down the next paragraph with it.
Cu aqw ugg, kv ku gcua vq dg dtumgp, hut kv jcu nuike. Uq yg ecp eupenwfg vjcv vjgtg ku pq tgcuqp kp ocmkpi c eqfe hut kv vq dg dtumgp.
If you create a code, it is probably to hide something that you’re writing.
I say yes, Life is supposed to be a mystery. You shall never discover everything about it, and indeed there shall be no “absolute” truth about Life itself, since each living being has its own minimal particular ways of interacting with it and with the Reality (have I just said it as if it were an absolute truth? Maybe). But whether Life has been created or has just existed since forever, here remain some questions. Is Life built with logic, or does it depend only on sense? Maybe none of them? If logic or sense, what is it? And then, what is the reason of Life to be? Would Life even have a reason to be, or does it already have one? Each one shall have his own conclusion.
April 27th, 2017
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thecosmictree · 8 years ago
Algumas despedidas são tristes e dolorosas; Já outras, estas redundam em alegria geral de ambas as partes
FORTUNATO, 22 de abril de 2017
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thecosmictree · 8 years ago
11&12 C
The Universe is basicly structured with circles, spheres and other similar geometric forms. They can be measured with  π = 3,14159265358979... and a literal infinitude of digits after those. You cannot blame me for not knowing more than that; I am just a human being, and  even the most advanced computer can actually (2017) calculate only 22,459,157,718,361 and I think it is less than infinite ( ∞ ). But infinite is not the topic here.
I have observed that many (and I mean the most exageratly possible “many”) times the number 3 appears related with important things. You may be thinking “well, you could observe that any number is related with important things”. Okay, maybe you are right. But I shall let you discover by yourself that you are not. You shall see the number 3 around you and, for that, I give you a beautiful “formule”: every number with more than one digit whose algarisms are summed and result in 3 is a multiple of 3 and so is related with it. After all,  I am here in this - I must say - weird place of Internet trying to convince you, not that 3 by itself is “on” everything (or almost everything), but that 3 is the core of many things, it is “within” them, like DNA.
April 2017
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thecosmictree · 8 years ago
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thecosmictree · 9 years ago
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