thecommonground-se · 4 years
I Know My Redeemer Liveth
This article was published in Swedish the Swedish newspaper Sändaren on April 9th, 2020. » Read the Swedish article online here
There are many religions in the world which are founded on human imaginations, ingenious hypothesises, myths primitive axioms, logical human conclusions or any set of moral teachings or beliefs composed of some words in one language or the other which is believed to be a heavenly language.
But Christianity is based upon historical facts: These facts are concerned with a Person who is called in the Bible Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:21 & in the Quran: ”Al Masih Eisa Ibn Maryam” as verse 45 in Surah Ali ’Imran reads in Arabic: ”Ismuhu Al-Masih Eisa Ibn Maryam” (His name will be Christ Jesus).
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These facts are not so many but a few that Jesus was taken to the Cross and according to the Jews, contemporary historians and Roman Record ,”he died”, “he was buried” “and he rose again”. Although our Muslim brethren generally in the spirit of an enthusiastic disciple (Hawari) of Jesus Christ, Peter out of tremendous respect for the person of Jesus Christ deny the historicity of the Crucifixion of Jesus, believe that God, or Allah in Arabic, took up Jesus to heavens directly from the place of Crucifixion. The Quran says “Rafa Hu Allah Elihei” – Surah An-Nisa Verse 158 (”Allah Raised him up unto Himself”, Translation Yusuf Ali).  
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On the Occasion of Easter, I wish to draw the attention of my respected readers to the pages of history and see many leaders who have played their vital role in the history. All have their burial place as simple as the burial place as simple as the burial place of my parents or wife or your loved ones who have passed away. Or it could be magnificent as Taj Mahal (the tomb of the wife of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in Agra, India) or Rozut lRasool (the tomb of the respected prophet of Islam Muhammad in Medina).
Every tomb, every burial place, every cemetery, every grave stone testifies that, ”It is appointed unto man once to die ”Kulo Nafsin Zaiqat al Mout”, Surah Ali ’Imran Verse 185 (Every soul shall have a taste of death). There is no doubt in this fact that Grim reaper calls on every one who is born, irrespective of his/her caste, colour, creed or status.
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Even prophets such as the great prophet of Islam despite Hazarat Umr‘s hesitation to believe that His Beloved Prophet had gone the way of all flesh unless Caliph Abu Barker assured him of the actual death of the Prophet by quoting a verse from the Quran which reads: ”Wa Ma Muhammad Illa Rasool qud kahlat min qablihir -rusul FA IM MAATA AW QUTALA ANQLUBUTABTUM ALA AQABEI KUM…..”(Ali ’Imran Verse 144).
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Muhammad is no more than an Apostle: many were the Apostles that passed away before him. If he died or slain, will ye then turn back on your heels. Sad fact is the prophet of Islam died and is buried in Madinah till the Day of Judgment, like all other human beings who once were born and will be born till the Last day of human life on Earth. But the Bible & even the Quran testifies that there is only one man who was born but is Alive ever more in Heavens. His Name is Jesus Christ. Easter is the Day to say with old Prophet Job: ”I know that my Redeemer liveth” (Job 19:25–27). In the words of the Quran Jesus Himself said: ”Wa Salmo alaya yawma walidt wa yawma ammuto wa yawma ubssu Hayyan” (Peace on me the day I was born and the day I die and the day I shall be raised again), Surah Maryam Verse 33.
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This Easter, we all should make sure that we are ready to meet that Risen Lord when he comes Second Time on Earth as ALHAKIM WAL ADIL according to the Bible & the Quran to Judge the whole World.
HAPPY EASTER TO ALL Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M.A (Research Scholar) Journalist & Author www.thecommonground.se
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Photo: Professor Ola Hössjer.
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thecommonground-se · 5 years
Jesus the Wonderful Saviour All Sinners Need
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This article was published in the Swedish newspaper Sändaren on December 18th, 2019. » Read the Swedish article online here » Download a pdf file of the article here
An ancient Prophet Isaiah who lived 700 hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ under the guidance of Holy Spirit (Roh al Quds), uttered the following sublime words about the person of Jesus called Eisa bin Maryam in the Quran.
The Prophet Isaiah said: His name will be called the Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6). The Quran also uses the same title for Jesus and says that Jesus is “WaJihan” (which means Illustrious, Exalted or Wonderful). Quranic verse runs as under:
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”Behold!, the angels said, ”O Mary! Lo Allah (God) giveth thee Glad Tidings of A World from Him. His name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary Illustrious (wonderful) in this world and the Hereafter. And of the company of those Nearest to Allah (God).” – Surah 3:45
On this Christmas, let us Consider Why Jesus is the Wonderful? Jesus is Wonderful because of His Unique Supernatural birth. No human being after the Law of Human creation was set up could say that his/her mother was virgin at his/her birth. The Bible & the Quran, unanimously testify that Jesus had no biological or human father. If he had like all human beings have their human fathers then he would have inherited all the infirmities, faults or sins that all human beings have. 
Jesus is the only one who could stand before all of his fellow human beings including his worst enemies and challenge them: 
“Which of you convicts me of sin” (John 8:46). Jesus was perfect in holiness. One of his outspoken disciple Peter spoke of him as “the Holy one and Just” (Acts 3:14). 
The Quran calls him “Ghulamman Zakiyyaaan” (Holy Son, translation A. Yusuf Ali) even before his birth (Surah 19:19).
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Jesus was not only Wonderful in his nature and Character but wonderful in His Work He performed miracles. In the Bible it is written:
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38)
Our Muslim brethren’s holy book the Quran testifies the same about Jesus. He is reported to have said:
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”I fashion for you out of clay the likeness of bird and I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by Allah’s leave and I heal those who are born blind and the lepers and raise the dead” (Surah 3:49).
Jesus was wonderful and perfect in Love with His Love to God in unhesitatingly Obedience to God’s will, in His unreserved surrender to the will of God whom he out of Love called “Father” (not in the physical meanings as some ignorantly believe but in a special spiritual relations with Him). 
Jesus said His delight in doing His will was so great that he put the demands of bodily hunger second to that. He could triumphantly say ”My meat is to do the will of him who sent me finish his work.” (John 4:34)
Jesus was not only wonderful in His Love to God but because of His Love to all men & women who were apparently called themselves good and especially to the vilest or the worst sinners such as me and many others. Among them were John & Nathaniel and demoniac such as one from Gadra, the thief on the Cross, the woman with seven evil spirits and the adulteress woman. 
His wonderfulness in love to mankind reached out to his worst enemies who heaped shame upon him and brought him to suffer on the Cross. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”. 
If you need divine love and forgiveness & salvation from your declared or undeclared hidden sins, Jesus is the Wonderful Saviour You Need. Because He “being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him” (Hebrew 5:9)
In the Quran also he is recorded to have said: 
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”Peace on the day I was born and the day I die and the day I shall be raised Alive.” (Surah 19:33).
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”Such was Jesus the son of Mary; It is a statement of Truth about which they vainly dispute” (Surah 19:34).
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Merry X Mas & Happy New Year (2020 on its dawn) Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M.A. (Islamic Studies/Comparative Religion) Journalist / Author of ”Jesus. Contact and conflict between Christians and Muslims” www.thecommonground.se
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thecommonground-se · 5 years
The Crucifixion & Resurrection of Jesus are Undeniable Facts
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This article was published in the Swedish newspaper Dagen on August 30th, 2019. » Read the Swedish article online here » Download pdf file of the article here
THE EVIDENCE that Jesus died on the cross is overwhelming. Yet there are those who claim that he quit and traveled to Kashmir, where he later died and was buried, writes Emmanuel Luther Ratiq.
The majority of Muslims deny the death and crucifixion of Jesus Christ but acknowledge that he lives in heaven. They do not deny historical facts, such as when Paul writes that Jesus died, were buried, and arose from the dead, seen by Cephas, by the twelve and finally by five hundred people (1 Corinthians 15:1–6). There are no contemporary historical facts that are better substantiated than these.
The Qur’an also deals with Jesus’ death: ”[God’s] peace was with me on the day I was born and will be with me on the day I die and on the day when I shall be raised from the dead.” (Al Nisa, 4:158) When we compare we find that the texts correspond with Paul’s summation of the core of the Christian faith.
For Christians, the good news of salvation for mankind is related to Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection, which has been confirmed by Roman and Jewish historians and also by reputed Muslim scholars. But this has never been liked by some sceptics and agnostics like the French philosopher Auguste Comte, and the Russian Nikolaus Notovitch. Instead, they put forward the idea that Jesus’ body was taken down from the cross before he died and that he was quickened and the wounds healed by the herbs his body smeared with.
These theories were adopted by, among others, the German theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher and intercepted by the founder of the Ahmedia movement Mirza Ghulam Ahmad from India. He claimed to be the long-awaited Al-Mahdi for Muslims and the promised Messiah for both Muslims and Christians. He often cited the New Testament in support of his theories, even though Jesus’ death on the cross is mentioned more than 157 times. He claimed that Jesus was taken down before he died at the execution site and later traveled to Kashmir to search for ”Israel’s lost sheep”. These theories are still being spread by missionaries from the Ahmedia Movement.
Roman documents, the Jews who asked for Jesus to be crucified, early historians like Josephus, Pliny, Tacitus and Celsus – all these sources state the same thing as the New Testament, that Jesus died and was buried. Christians are convinced that he also arose in accordance with Old Testament scriptures. The crucifixion and resurrection were events that could be experienced with natural senses. After the resurrection, the disciples saw Jesus on several occasions and heard him speak. They even touched him and walked with him. It was not a dream or a hallucination but a historical fact that cannot be disproved with logic and reason.
Teaching people who believe what God said in the gospel of Jesus’ death on the cross, His resurrection and ascension, does not doubt these facts. Believers have the testimony of the Spirit that scripture is true. They can say with Peter that what is written in the Bible about Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection ”... were not skillfully co-ordinated fables” (2 Pet 1:16).
The arguments presented by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad recur with his followers in books and articles. Trying to get support for a denial of Jesus’ death and resurrection on the third day is like expecting darkness from a sun shining on a bright day. Still, let’s look at some of the texts often quoted in the attempts to rebuke Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.
1. The prayer of Jesus in Gethsemane. Jesus asked not to drink the cup of suffering and pain. He was a man who felt pain. But he knew that he had become a man to die: ”... I give my life for the sheep.” (John 10:15). His prayer was not to let go of death on the cross, but to let go of the suffering and the pain. He was prayed immediately: ”An angel from heaven appeared unto him, and gave him power.” (Luke 22:43).
2. The Sign of Jonah (Matt. 12:4). Jesus referred to a resemblance between his own death and resurrection and Jonah’s stay in the belly of the fish. The similarity existed during the time period. We should not push other details out of this comparison. The Qur’an says that Jonah was conscious in the belly of the fish and that he prayed to Allah (Qur���an Anbiya no. 21, Saffat no. 37). Jesus, according to the Ahmadian teachings, was fainted to his grave and there he lay for three days and three nights before he quickened.
3. The lost sheep from the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24). When the word ”lost” or ”lost” is used in the Bible, it is done figuratively (Ps 119:176, 1 Pet 2:25). In the Qur’an and also in the hadiths the same concept is used: ”And He did not see you astray and guide you”. Jesus used the word in the same way when he spoke of the Jews in Palestine.
Nobody can really deny Jesus death on the cross, because the internal and external evidence is overwhelming. We thank God that all who are aware that they need salvation and reconciliation can say with Job: ”I know that my deliverer lives” (Job 19:25). Jesus is a sign and a hope also in the Qur’an: ”His (Jesus) [resurrection and the return to the earth] shall be a sign that the Last Moment is approaching; therefore, do not doubt it” (Surah Zukhruf v 61).
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Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M A, journalist and author of ”Jesus. Contact and conflict between Christians and Muslims” www.thecommonground.se
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thecommonground-se · 5 years
Let Us Ascribe Ourselves to Living Jesus & Have Eternal Life
Prophet Job hundred of years ago asked this question: ”If a man die, shall he live again?”  (Job 14:14)
The first part of the question we see it fulfilled every day. Because according to the Bible it is appointed unto man once to die and then Judgment (Hebrews 9:27)
And in the Quran also we find it written:
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”Kulo Nafsin Zaaaiqatul mawt” (Every soul will taste death) – Surah Al-Imran (3) verse 185
There is no if or doubt about it. The second part of the Question is still asked by many since ages.
Many in the west and East hold this opinion that man is compound of bone, flesh and blood. According to them when one person dies one does not go anywhere. In other words ”It is dust to dust ashes to ashes”.
Many Philosophers Scientists simply do not know about life after death.
But Jesus’ claim is different than all the so-called philosophers and scientists who deny life after death. He said:
“I am the resurrection and life” (John 11:25) 
“I live you shall live also” (John 14:19)
The Christian faith bases its hope of immorality on living Christ. Bible deals with the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as a historical fact.
Generally our Muslim brothers deny the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross. But the Quran also refers at least three times to the death of Jesus Christ. (More details can be found in my book ”Jesus – Contact & Conflict between Muslims and Christians”.)
At one time Jesus is reported to have said in the Quran:
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”WasSalaamo alayya yawma wulittu wa yawma amuuttu wa  yawma ubasu hayyaa” (Tr: So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life again) – Surah Maryam (19) verse 33
In another place in the Quran Jesus is Called a Sign of Resurrection. It reads:
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”Wainaahuu la-ilmmul Saati falaa tumarunna bihaa.”  (And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgement): therefore have no doubt)  – Surah Zukhruf (43) verse 61 (translation: Yusuf Ali
There is only one person and one Alone who is Alive in Heavens. Let us ascribe ourselves to Him and Have Eternal Life.
Happy Easter Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M.A (Islamic Studies/Comparative Religion) Journalist & Author www.thecommonground.se
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”Låt oss överlåta oss till den levande Jesus” The above article was published in Swedish in the Swedish paper Sändaren on the 18th of April 2019 (Swedish translation by Lars Mörling). » Read the article online at sandaren.se
”Tron både enastående och oöverträffad” Another Easter article in Swedish was published in the Swedish paper Dagen on the 18th of April 2019. » Read the article online at dagen.se
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thecommonground-se · 6 years
Jesus’ Errand on Earth – Good News for the Sinners & the Lost
Christmas is neither just a date on the lunar Calendar, nor it is simply an annual holiday. It is not about meeting your family members, shopping or serving yourself and “Making Merry” based on your national or country traditions. 
Christmas is a celebration of the event that had set the principalities and heavenly powers in commotion. According to the testimony of both the Quran and the Bible, an angel or hosts of angles joined together to proclaim the supernatural birth of a child out of the womb of a Virgin by the name Mary.
According to the Bible:
And the angel said, ”For unto you is born this day a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord”. (Luke 2:11, Isaiah 7:14).
And even in the Quran:
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Behold the angels said, ”O Mary, Allah giveth thee Glad tidings of a Word From Him: his name will be Christ Jesus” (Surah Al-i-Imran Verse 45).  
In the Bible: 
“A Star was deputed on behalf of all the stars to herald to men afar the Birth of the Miracle Child. Commotion was not confined to Heaven only but Earth too was stirred. Simple minded shepherds also came to pay homage to the Heavenly Child.
Thus Christmas tells us that at a specific time at a specific place a wonderful Person was born. That person is called The ’Word of God’ in the Bible (John 1:1) and ’KALIMAT ULLAH’ in the Quran in Arabic. (Surah Al-i-Imran Verse 45).
In other words, ”God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” (Acts 10:38)  and Surah Al-i-Imran Verse 49, which reads:
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“..Lo! I come unto you with a sign from your Lord! I fashion for you of the clay the likeness of a bird, and I breathe into it and it is a bird, by Allah’s leave. I heal him who was born blind, and the leper and raise the dead, by God’s leave” 
(English Translation by Mohammad Marmaduke Pickthall).
In short, the person of Jesus was unique, unparalleled and peerless in the whole human history. Because of the following proofs:
He did not have a human father as all born after law of creation was set after first created Man – Adam by name.
He never committed any sin. He alone could challenge worst of his enemies and say, ”Which of you convicts me of sin” (John 8:46)
He performed miracles including healing the born blind and raising the dead, He is the only one who is believed by Christians and Muslims alike, Alive in Heavens.
And He is the only one who will again return to Judge the world.
The purpose of the Advent or coming of this child, Jesus Christ in flesh was in His own words was: “The son of man has come to seek and to save which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
Heaven or God came to rescue and save those who feel the need of salvation. If you are among those who need salvation from your infirmities or sins, “Show us the straight way“ (Surah Al-Fatihah Verse 6) and “Thee (God or Allah) alone .. we ask for help” (Surah Al-Fatihah Verse 4) is your regular prayer, then God has not left you to stumble or “among those who go astray (Surah Al-Fatihah Verse 7). You have a sure hope because of  Christmas.
MERRY  X-MAS Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M.A (Journalist & Author)
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”Bibeln och Koranen eniga om Jesu födelse” The above article was published in Swedish in the Swedish paper Sändaren on the 12th of December 2018 (Swedish translation by Bo Lennels). » Read the article online at sandaren.se
”Ingen kan förneka att Jesus är unik” Another Christmas article in Swedish was published in the Swedish paper Dagen on the 20th of December 2018. » Read the article online at dagen.se
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thecommonground-se · 6 years
Jesus Christ Alive Forevermore
Death is a universal experience in human life. We all irrespective of difference of race, colour, creed or gender participate in it.
The Bible which is the inerrant and unchanged Word of God refers to it as unavoidable reality for all human beings.;
”It is appointed unto men (mankind) once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).
The Quran which claims to attest the early Scripture (Surah al-Ahqaf 46:12) or ”alktitab” which literally means the Bible, also confirms it (Surah Ar-Rahman 55:26).
Surah 46:12:
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Surah 55:26:
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Look back at human history. Several leaders, great men, kings, warriors and even prophets have lived and played their part in life. All of them have once died and never rose again. You can read about them in ordinary history books and some of them are mentioned in the Bible and in the Quran as well.
For example, King Pharaoh Shishak who lived more than about 3000 years before Christ is mentioned both in the Bible & the Quran:
In the Bible:
The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.. (Genesis 12:15)
In The Quran: (Surah Ash-Shu’ara 26:23)
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He was the founder of a new dynasty, most boastful and arrogant infamously known for these qualities. The archaeologists have opened his tomb some time ago and found only a dried mummy. Because he has died and never rose again. The same is true for all other great men who have died but never rose again. It applies to great prophets. One can start from the fountainhead of human race Adam, Abraham and countdown to any leader, king, emperor, prophet including our Muslim brothers’ prophet, Muhammad. All once become victim to death, never rose again. Prophet Muhammad’s grave which was built in Madina in the same quarters of his beloved wife lady Aishah where he died while his head lay in her lap. Upon hearing the sad news of the demise of Muhammad, one of his most zealot companion Umar refused to believe the shocking news. He believed that his prophet will emerge back to life from his death like appearance. Hathrat Umar believed Muhammad will come back to life. But Muhammad was really & truly dead. No matter his dead body laid unburied for three days in the hope that he will rise back from his death. It was not until Abu Bakr another companion of Muhammad by reciting the verses from the Quran dissipated all doubt and uncertainty that the dead body of Muhammad the prophet of Islam was buried. 
The verses of the Quran which Abu Bakr quoted are as under:
Muhammad is but a prophet before whom many prophets have come and gone. Should he die or be killed; will you abjure your faith?
(For more details see: The Life of Muhammad by Muhammad Husayn Haykal p.594 to 595).
In short, every tomb, every burial place of man, whether it is a shrine, be it be massive as a pyramid or simple speaks of Death. The grim reaper calls on the rich, the poor, the black, the white alike. There is no difference of nationalities, colours or races. Death calls upon all because the Bible & even the Quran also affirms it;
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. (Romans 5:12–13)
Surah Al-i-Imran 3:185:
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But on the other hand, the Bible & even the Quran testifies about a man who appeared upon the horizon more than two thousand years ago, went about doing good (Acts 10:38) made the blind see, the deaf hear, performed miracles, even raised the dead from their graves (Surah Al-i-Imran 3:49),
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was opposed, arrested, flogged and even was hung on the Cross on the demand of religious priesthood and according to Christian faith and evidence of history died on the Cross buried for three days & nights but ascended to heavens where he is Alive for Evermore. I refer to Lord Jesus Christ called ISA IBN MARYAM (Isa the Son of Mary) in the Quran.
According to the Bible:
They crucified ... the Lord of the Glory 
In the words of St.Paul:
Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures  And he was buried and he rose again the third day according to the scriptures (1 Corinthians.15:3–4).
This is Good News not only of personal salvation
”If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”
But is also an answer to the great question of the ages to the whole mankind, ”If a man dies shall he live again”?
Because the Crucification, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ linked together gives us the human being hope that there is a ”Life after Death”.
That is why St. Paul has written to Timothy:
"But is now made manifest that by the appearing of our saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortality to light ..” (2 Timothy 1:10)
This is the summary of the whole Gospel and the central message of Christianity ”from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness, the first begotten of the dead” (Rev. 1:5). He even in his manifestation in human body became healer to the sick and raised the dead (Luke 7:22 + Surah Al-Ma’idah 5:110  in the translated Quran titled the Glorious Quran +  Surah Al-i-Imran 3:49 in the same translated Quran into English).
Surah 5:110:
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Surah 3:49:
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”Marvel not the hour is coming in the which all those are in the graves shall hear his voice and come forth” (John 5:28, translation: Kenneth Copeland Reference Bible).The Quran also affirms it (see Surah Az-Zukhruf 43:61):
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It is True:
”For since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:21).
He who lives can give you life. He himself has said:
I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die( in his or her sin). 
(John 11:25–26)
Happy Easter 
Written by: Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M.A.( Research Scholar) Journalist & Author: ”Jesus Contact & Conflict between Christians and Muslims”
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thecommonground-se · 7 years
Emmanuel – God with us
Christmas is not a myth, not a tradition but is a glorious reality. Because on the birth of Jesus Christ, it is declared loud & clear that God is with us.
In the Bible & and even in the Quran the supernatural & unique birth of Jesus is recorded in details.
In the Bible :
”And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. … And the angel said … thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.” (Luke 1:26–31)
In The Quran :
She (Mary) said: “How shall I Have a son, seeing that No man has touched me , And I am not inchaste ?~ He said; So (it will be): Thy Lord saith: That is Easy for Me
(Surah 19:20–21)
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About 700 years before Jesus Christ was born a great Prophet Isaiah had already prophesied about his birth,
“Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a child” (Isaiah 7:14). 
This expression is unparalleled and unique in the whole history of mankind. No man, prophet, leader, moral teacher, philosopher, king, military warrior, monk, sofi, rashi or muni (saints among Hindus) in the history of man could say that his mother at the time of his birth was a virgin. But as quoted above the Bible & the Quran unanimously testify that in the whole history of mankind Jesus Christ is the one and the only who is  born exceptionally to the rule of creation and birth once it was set by God and Nature after the fountainhead of mankind – Adam was created
In the Bible & and in the Quran Jesus Christ has been given titles such as the Word of God and Spirit of God (Surah 3:45). But His name in the Bible is called Jesus, Emmanuel – God with us (Matthew 1:23).
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(Surah 3:45)
No matter every title given to Jesus like the name Jesus itself has its own sweetness and significance. But in the name given to Jesus as Emmanuel – God with us, lies the great essential doctrine of Christianity.
It has twofold aspects: God Himself & God with us.
God in Himself is Most High (Isaiah 57:15),
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(Surah 79:24)
His abode is in Heaven (Matthew 7:11)
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(Surah 20:6) 
Naked eyes can not see Him (Exodus 33:23) 
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(Surah 6:103)
He was with our first parents when they were created by Him and had direct fellowship and communications with them. But due to first Adam & his wife’s disobedience, their communion with God broke down. They were alienated from Him. As fountainheads of all human race because of their fall we all fell down out of that fellowship and the trend to disobedience or sin spread in all those who are born of the seed of Adam (Romans 5:12).
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(Surah 2:38)
By His merciful nature and Love God tried to restore that broken communion between Him and the Human Race.
Therefore : He “at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in the time past unto the fathers through prophets” (Hebrews 1:1, translation: Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition).
But “Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son (the word Son is not used in a literal sense) who is called the Word of God (Allah in Arabic Quran, see Surah 3:45) and restored that severed and separated relations with us.
Let us all who consider themselves sinners like me on this Christmas admire this truth that “God is with us”. Because it is a pledge of our deliverance. We all are a fallen race, we are sunken in the mire, we are sold under sin in bondage and slavery to Satan. But if “God is with us” we must retrieve our fall. It is not possible for the powers of Hell, Hatred or any other forces of darkness, persecution, exiles, threats of death and murder to keep us down. Emmanuel which is interpreted God with us is our Saviour. Therefore, on this great  Day or even in future beyond this day, Let us Hold! and “Behold, a virgin shall be with a child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us”  (Matthew 1:23)
Article written by: Emmanuel Luther Ratiq  Award-winning Journalist & Author: ”Jesus contact & Conflict between Christians and Muslims”.
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thecommonground-se · 7 years
The Apostolic Gospel
Unlike other religions, Christianity is not founded upon imaginations, human philosophies or confessions of faith composed of words of any humanly or believed to be heavenly language.
On the opposite, it is based upon historical facts. These facts are connected with a Person whose name is Jesus in the Bible: 
“And he called his name Jesus“ (Matthew 1:25)
And Isa bin Maryam (Isa the Son of Virgin Mary) in the Quran:
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Behold the angel said, ”Allah gives thee Glad tidings of a Word from him; his name will be Christ Jesus”
(Surah Alimran (3) verse 45)
The facts related to Jesus Christ the son of Mary are few or summed up as under in the words of St.Paul:
“Christ died” (1 Corinthians 15:2), ”He was buried” (1 Corinthians 15:3) “and that He rose again” (1 Corinthians 15:4).
Our Muslim brothers who honour Jesus as a great Prophet who is respected in this world and the hereafter:  “Son of Mary held in honour in this world and the Hereafter” Surah Alimran (3) Verse 45, generally believe that he never died on the Cross but Allah/God “took him up” (Surah Nisa  - Woman verse 158) Jesus to heaven so that he could escape humble or cursed death on the cross on the place of Golgotha on the mount of Calvary. Although a group in Islam called Ahmadya or Ahmadis have propounded a view that Jesus son of Mary after all died at some time and is buried in a tomb in Kashmir (Masih Hindustan Mein Urdu by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian – Translation into English titled ”Jesus in India” by Khawja Nazir Ahmed Barrister Lahore) or see ”Where did Jesus die?” by Maulana Jalal ud din shams.
But as stated above Death of Jesus is a historical fact which did not occur unexpectedly but was prophesied hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth in the Old Testament (called Suhf al Anbya in the Quran). For example it is foretold by prophet David in Psalm 22 and Prophet Isaiah in chapter 53 of the book, Prophet Daniel in chapter 9 and Prophet Zachariah in chapter 12.
Jesus Christ himself saw it as an inevitable and repeatedly announced the certainty of this dreadful event from the outset of his ministry. “From that time, Jesus began to show to his disciples that He must go up to Jerusalem and be killed”
Eyewitnesses such as centurion who stood over against him certified to the death of Jesus Christ. He said in the words of St Mark:
“Jesus uttered a loud cry and gave up his ghost” (Mark 15:37)
A disciple (called Hawari in the Quran) who was also an eyewitness of the historic event of Crucifixion of Jesus Christ related how ”one of the soldiers pierced His side and straightway there came blood and water” (John 19:37).
Above mentioned centurion reported the death of Jesus on the Cross to the then Governor Pilate (Mark 15:44).
Joseph of Arimithea laid the dead body of Jesus Christ in the tomb (John 19:38-41).    
In short, there is not an iota of doubt in the historicity of the event of Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Despite all those undeniable historical facts regarding the death of Jesus on the Cross and even some verses in the Quran itself speak of the death of Jesus, our Muslim brothers & sisters as Peter one of the disciples of Jesus once did see nothing but dishonour in the Cross (Matthew 16:22).
In fact, the death of Jesus is mentioned in some verses in the following verses of the Quran:
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“So peace is on the day I was born, the day that I die and the day I shall be raised up to life”
(Surah 19 Verse 33)
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Behold Allah said, ”O Jesus ’Mutawafika’ literally put you to death and raise thee to Myself”
(Surah Imran (3) 55).
But the verse which dominates the mind of our Muslim brothers & sisters is as under:
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“That they said (in boast) We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary the Apostle of Allah But they killed not, nor crucified him But so it made to appear to them”
(Surah Nisa or the Women (4) Verse 157)
Traditionally Muslims interpret to mean that another person who looked like Jesus was crucified in Jesus’ place on the Cross.
But among Muslims there has always Scholars who did not want to see or accuse their Holy Book Quran of ignorance of a Historical fact such as Crucifixion of Jesus, so they freely admitted that Jesus was in fact crucified, died on the Cross remained dead for a short time and then was raised from the dead by Allah. This is what exactly Christians believe: Among those Muslim Scholars who believe so are:
1. Sir Syed Ahmed, founder of Aligarh Muslim University in India
2. Maulvi Chiragh Din Jamvi, author of the famous book Minartul Masih in Urdu
3. Imam Ahab and  Muhammad Ibn Ishaq also held the same view that Jesus had died for some hours.
To me the right interpretation of the Verse in the Quran which apparently denies the fact of the historical fact of the crucifixion of Jesus is that the Quran, the holy book of our Muslim brothers does not deny the act of Crucifixion but denies that it was not Jews who killed Jesus because they were Roman authorities who killed Jesus. Jews had no authority to crucify Jesus. They begged the Roman authorities to execute that. This is how one can straighten the historic record for the Quran and Muslims in the case of Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
However, Christians leave it to our right-minded Muslim brothers (scholars in special) to find the accurate interpretation of those verses of the Quran which have been commonly accepted as denial of the death of Jesus on the Cross. By accepting the above suggested interpretation Quran is vindicated of the charge of negation or vetoing of a historical fact of the Death of Jesus on the Cross and then Resurrection thereafter which occurred to “put away sin “from the world.
Let this fact ring louder and louder during Passion week and Easter that The Great End of Christian Faith is not formation of creeds whoever correct & vital, nor the societies, groups or organizations but the Apostolic Gospel that: 
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that He was buried and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures“ (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
Emmanuel Luther Ratiq Journalist & Author M.A. (Research Scholar): “Jesus Contact & Conflict between Christians and Muslims”
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thecommonground-se · 8 years
”…word was made Flesh” (John 1:14)
Unlike all other religions of the world Christianity is not simply a system of morals or set of rules, but it is forever linked with a person whose name is Jesus Christ.
Therefore the question of the person of Jesus becomes all the more important as compared with other founders of the other religions existing in the world.
A well known European historian W. E. H. Lecky wrote in his famous book History of European Morals that “Character of Jesus has not only been the highest pattern of virtue, exerted so deep an influence but the strongest incentive to its practice, that it may truly be said, that the simple record of three short years of active life has done more to regenerate  and to soften mankind than all the disquisitions  of philosophers and than all the exhortations of moralists. (History of European Morals by W. E. H. Lecky Volume 2 Page 88).
On this blessed day when Christmas commonly believed to be a day Jesus appeared in flesh more than 2000 years ago, let us ask ourselves
1. Who was Jesus or better said who is Jesus?
2. What did he bring into the world which had not appeared before?
The Bible which is Inerrant word of God on the testimony of History and on the testimony of Quran the Holy book of our dear Muslim brethren (For detailed proofs read my booklets titled Bible Quran ki Nazar mein and Kon Kehta Hei Bible Khuda Ka Kalam Hei?. These booklets, or pamphlets, I wrote  many years ago  in Urdu  in Pakistan. I will enlarge them and publish them in English language as well.)
Some 700 years before Jesus Christ was born, a great prophet Isaiah had foretold his birth. Please open your Bible if you have one and read what he said,
“Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son” (Isaiah 7:14)
Quran, the holy book of our Muslim brethren confirms what prophet Isaiah prophesied:
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(Surah 19:20–21)
So what makes Jesus a different even a unique Person in the whole world among all the male or female children born on our planet from the first day to this day is that He did not have any human father.
Had Jesus got any human father like all of us the human beings have then it could be equally apply upon him that
“Which is born of the flesh is flesh” (John 8:44).
He would have inherited all the shortcomings,
Infirmities or theological speaking termed  sins that  we all have nature or tendency to commit.
The Bible and even the Quran and Hadith in addition to our day to day observation confirm that:
Sin is universal.
“There is no difference“
“For All of Sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23)
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“Truly is man a blasphemous ingrate avowed!”   (Surah 43:15)
The Quran clearly says that,
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(Surah  16:61) 
But as said above Jesus was not born like all other children of men are born,
Therefore, He stands alone and unique in his birth.
Like every Christmas this Christmas reminds us of Jesus’ Supernatural birth
Allow me to repeat that Jesus was not conceived by natural means but by the Holy Spirit
The Quran has testified to that
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(Surah 4:171) 
According to the Quran Jesus is appointed as a Sign of God to men
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(Surah 19:21)
He alone could stand before all people and say:
“Which of you convicts me of sin” John 8:46
He was the only person who can save those who are sinners.
This is the central Truth & Fact of the Christian Faith:
God manifested Himself in Christ or God appeared through Christ.
As He appeared to Moses
According to the Bible:
”And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.”
(Exodus 3:4–6)
According to the Quran:
When he came to the fire, A voice was heard from the right bank of the valley, From a tree in hallowed ground: ”O Moses! Verily I am Allah,  the Lord of the Worlds…
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(Surah 28:30)
It does not mean that the physical body, fire, and the bush or tree had become God but they were the Manifestations of God
Christians believe Jesus in the same way.
They do not say that Jesus’ body became   God on his birth or He was God in His body but say
The Word of God Kilamt Allah (John 1:1)
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(Surah 3:45)
“.. was made flesh”  (John 1:14)
In other words:
“God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself” ( 2 Corinthians 5:19)
Receive Jesus and be reconciled with God this Christmas.
Emmanuel Luther Ratiq  Journalist & Author M.A. (Research Scholar): “Jesus Contact & Conflict between Christians and Muslims”
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thecommonground-se · 8 years
Terror Closely Linked with Religious Ideology
This article was published (in Swedish) in the Swedish daily newspaper Dagen on 22 July 2016.
September 11 in 2001 and subsequent attacks in Bali, Madrid and London might be a remote memory to some but monster of Terror is still out there in the world.
Most recently on 14 July 2016 a Tunisian-born Truck Driver murdered at least 84 civilians (including children) and wounded more than 200 in the French city of Nice by crushing them under his truck.
What causes a person to drive a truck through local citizens and tourists and open fire on a beach, in a hotel, restaurant, and a recreation club or in any other place or on any means of travel which the person himself or herself does not like? How can one kill children? How can you oppress minorities and kill or force them into exile on false or true charges of Blasphemy and how can one kill church worshippers or others in any other worship place?
Some of us might have grappled with far too many of such questions now on regular basis.
It is high time for all of us to find the real root cause or causes for above named militant trend.
You may belong to a camp which thinks that economic, social and spatial ghettoisation or anti migrant factor and flawed American policies (such as Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria wars) and occupation in Palestine by Israel and Kashmir by India are reasons behind all these present day violence and bloodshed.
But those who perpetrate these violent acts announce their Aim very clearly. One has only to listen or read what they say or chant before killing or get killed. Just listen to with whom they are associated, indoctrinated or sent by.
For example read what so called Islamic State has officially claimed about the above mentioned Killer Truck Driver in Nice France, identified as Muhammad Lahouiej Bouthel.
I quote exact wording in Arabic from the official website of IS about him:
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“The young man in Nice France is the soldier of doo late Islamya” (IS)
So association of the above named Truck Killer is declared by IS. It is established by the French Security authorities.
There is no unclarity that (Islamic State or IS) stands for establishing Islamic Shariah based State ruled by such as Khalifa Abu Bakr Baghdadi or Mullah Omar the late and his present successor (in Afghanistan) worldwide. In order to establish that form of Islamic State they aim at de throwing other forms of Governments (based on Democratic principles) and killing those people whom they call infidels. There should be no ambiguity about that. That is not to blame all Muslims but only those who adhere to that kind of religious ideology. All Muslims are not Terrorists but all those commit murder in the name of Islam are Muslims by their confession and practice. They want to impose their retrogressive through brutal force. For them Democracy is an un Islamic system and therefore is unacceptable and unmatchable with Islam which stands for Caliphate such as in the time of early four Muslim Caliphs Hazard Abu Bakr Siddique, Harat Omar Farooq, Hazrat Osman Ghani and Hazrat Ali Karam Allah Wajhaho).
What respected political and other community leaders in the West and even in the East do not understand is that conceding Extremist Caliphate retrogressive ideology is not an option. It can lead to sectarian and civil war in Democratic countries.
Therefore it is important to roll back the culture of Militancy and killing in the name of Religion before it is too late.
For more details read an appendix on Terrorism in my book Jesus Contact & Conflict between Christians and Muslims.
Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M.A. (Research Scholar) Journalist & Author www.thecommonground.se
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thecommonground-se · 9 years
“He is not here; for he is risen, as he said”  (Matthew 28:6)
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The Bible and even the holy book of our Muslim brothers testifies that “It is appointed unto man once to die” (Hebrew 9:27).
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(Surah 55:26)
Every tomb, every burial place of any child of man, whether it as magnificent as Taj Mahal in India or the place where  the bodies of people like Lenin are placed embalmed with fluid to protect it from decay or may be it as simple graves as those of the graves of my parents Inayat Karim Bakhsh (father), Alice Jamal ud din (mother)  or Zarina Luther (wife) , or any other  known or lesser known person’s burial place. They all remind us of the fact that once a person has died and buried or cremated, has never risen from the grave or  the place where he or she was laid to be buried or cremated.
It equally applies to great generals, kings, famous actors, singers, rich or poor, black or white, red or brown American or Zambawian nationals for example. Even great leaders, good and righteous people and prophets such as Muhammad believed to be the most respected even the final prophet  by our Muslim brothers are not exempted to come into the cruel and callous grip of the grim reaper.
Quran testifies about Muhammad in these words:
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(Surah 3:144)
This was the very verse which Caliph Abu Bakr quoted during his speech to assure people that Muhammad was truly dead and thus dissipated all doubts and uncertainty among them who believed that He might have been an exception or eventually come out victorious of the grim clutches of death. 
Despite unique sentimental respect which their prophet Muhammad holds in the hearts of dear brother Muslims, he died in 11 Hijra /Islamic Calendar on Monday  and was not  buried till Wednesday. Laid  unburied in the midst of the cries of his most devoted followers and loving daughter Fatima who said to those who were busy buying the dead body of her most loving father “How dare you commit the  body of my father to dust” (Collection of  Ahadith Bukhari  Vol 2, p. 260, Arabic with Urdu Translation). Truth of the matter is the prophet of Islam who fought about 47 wars with his enemies and defeated them in almost each of those wars could not defeat death. Because as said in the early part of this article:
“It is appointed unto man once to die and then Judgment”
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Muslim devotees paying their respect & offering prayers at the site of the Tomb of Muhammad (with a railing) in Madina. Photo: By Aiman titi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Muhammad lies buried in Medina – the holy land of Muslims until today and has never risen back to life. Millions of our dear Muslim brothers & sisters visit that Roast ul Nabi (the Tomb of the Prophet) in Saudi Arabia at least once a year to offer their respect and prayers there. Fact remains undeniable that even Muhammad – the great Prophet of Islam could not escape death and was buried and never rose back to life.
But how different is what according to the revealed record of the Gospels is announced from the Tomb where Jesus was once buried: I refer to Matthew 28 Verse 6.
It says that this announcement was made by none other than one angel of God/Allah, who said “He is not here; for he is risen, as he said.” (Matthew 28:6)
The whole story about the last days of Jesus on Earth says that no matter He was falsely accused of Blasphemy. They put a crown of thorn upon his head, put spikes in His hands and feet and put Him on a Cross with notorious malefactors of those days to crucify Him. The Roman Record, The Jews and the Christians who in many matters differ with each other very widely agree that Jesus  “died“ on the cross, was “buried“. But our Muslim brothers profess not to believe in the death of  Jesus. (I talk of the majority of the Sunni & Shia Muslim, but not of Ahmadyas or a few exceptions among Sunni Muslims such as Sir Syed Ahmed Khan & Ghulam Ahmed Pervez.)
They believe that God saved His life from being killed by Jews 
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(Surah 4:157)
But this is contrary to the historical evidence and of the testimony of the: a) Eye Witnesses such as the soldiers who had thrust a spear into Jesus’ heart to make sure that he had died; b) physical burial had taken place; c) friends of Jesus had attested it.
A supernatural and unique event that Jesus broke the bonds of Death and rose again is the most important fact in history.
Paul moved by the Holy Spirit of God has rightly said, ”But now is Christ is risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. Because it has answered an ages old question asked by an old great prophet of God, ’If man die shall he live again?’ ”
The first part of the question as elaborated by me in the early lines of this article – we see fulfilled every day. Of course there is no “if” about it. But how different is Jesus according to the belief of Christians and our even  Muslims  brothers & sisters who believe in this established fact that Jesus Lives forever more in Heaven. The reference to the firstfruits of the harvest which was offered by the Jewish priests unto their Jehovah God (Please read Lev 23:12/19). Those first fruits were both an earnest and a sample of the firstfruits at hand. That is how Resurrection of Jesus is regarded in Christian Faith. The Quran also testifies to that by pointing out to Jesus that He and He alone is a Sign of The Coming of Hour of Judgment (Resurrection of all the Dead).
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(Surah 43:61)
In other words:
“For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”
(1 Corinthians 15:21–22)
Emmanuel Luther Ratiq Journalist & Author M.A. (Research Scholar): “Jesus Contact & Conflict between Christians and Muslims”
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thecommonground-se · 9 years
”God with us” (Matthew 1:23)
The great doctrine of Christianity is contained in these three short words: “God with us”.
First, the fact is the Bible and the Quran teach us about the Creator of the Universe called God (or Allah in Arabic) that He is unseen. That is to say the fact about God in Himself:
In the Bible it is written: 
No one has seen God at any time   (John 1:18 & 1 John 4:12)
And in the Quran:
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No vision can grasp Him. (Surah 6 Verse 103)
That means that being of God does not admit any scientific definition. His nature and substance is incomprehensible and invisible. In other words, God within Himself is beyond human knowledge.
Although what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them (Romans 1:19)
through  nature or  the creation of the world
through  the power of  reason and wisdom which God has given to all mankind
through His attributes
through inspiration  by raising prophets at different and sundry times
Yet mankind could not know God as He should be known (1 Corinthians 1:21).
Hence, there has always a burning desire in human hearts to see their Creator Manifest to satisfy that craving.
Moses speaks to that in these words:
Please show me your glory. He said: O my Lord!  (Exodus 33:18)
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Show (Thyself) to me (Surah 7:143)
Prophet David in the book of Psalms depicted that longing in his poetic way:
As the deer pants for the water brooks So pants my soul for you God (Psalm 42:1)
One of the disciples of Jesus implored Him:
Lord, show us the Father (God) and it is sufficient for us (John 14:8)
A great Eastern Poet the most Scholar Sir Muhammad Iqbal also outlined that human yearning in the following beautiful Urdu Verses:
Kabhi  Aya Haqiqat e muntazar  Nazar A Libase MaJaz Mein Keh Hazaooron sijday Tarap Rahei Hein meeri jabin e Niaz mein (From Book Bang e Dara)
Translation in English:
O the hidden reality show thyself in a visible dress (way) because I am longing to prostrate my forehead before thee thousands of times
The message of Christmas is that God has satisfied the Human longing to which I have alluded to in the above stated lines.
God came down from Heaven and “manifested in Flesh” (1 Timothy 3:16)
This is incredible and to many unbelievable. They object how an unlimited God or Allah can show himself in a limited human being for a limited time.
Of course the manifestation of God at a particular time, a place or in a particular limited object or a person is superhuman but not impossible for God Himself.
Because “with God nothing is impossible” (Luke 1:37)  
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Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things (Surah 2 Verse 106)   (last eight Arabic words)
In the past God manifested Himself at a limited place in a limited visible bush to Moses.
As stated above “God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners” spoke to or communicated with man. But in ”last days” spoken unto us by His Son” (son is a metaphorical use for a person who lives with God, it does not need to be taken in a literal sense).
In other words, He is called: The Word of God.
In the Bible:
”And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.” (Revelations 19:13)
And in the Quran:
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in other words
According to Christian faith, God revealed Himself to mankind in two ways. One is a common revelation, through diverse manners in clouds, or burning bushes, through prophets our present. Secondly and finally through His Word, who was the cause of the whole Creation.
The first revelation was Fragmentary by diverse portions through prophets with temporary dispensations — the Adamic (beginning from the first Adam), the Abrahamic, and the Mosaic. First by Oral communications, and later by Scriptures (written word Torah, the book of Psalm and other Suhaif or Holy writings). In Multiform, “in diverse manners” — in manifold fashions that is to say, by dreams, visions, by voices, by angels, by different physical images such as mentioned in the reference to Moses and fire and clouds in the case of a revelation to the nation of Israel.
But unlike to the first revelation, God chose to manifest Himself through his Ever Living Word.
It is simple and clear. First revelation of God was covered and indirect. The  second  revelation is final and direct.
Christmas is God’s reminder that we are not alone. Its message has not changed. After more than 2000 years has passed it is the same. You are not lonely. God is with us.
When the prophet of Islam had to run for his life and hid himself in the cave called Zhoor with his companion Abu Bakar, Abu Bakar shivered with fear. But Muhammad himself assured him by these words: Fear not. 
“God“ by being “with us“ alone can save us and the whole present day world, the whole fear & terror stricken world from Peshawar (Pakistan) to Paris (Europe) and beyond.
Observe the universality of the message of Christmas. This message was delivered by an angel of God (called Allah in Arabic):
“I bring you good tidings of great Joy which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10).
In the Quran (Surah 3:45):
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Let us “fear not” because “God is with us”.
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thecommonground-se · 9 years
Jesus Affirmed to be Alive
The Bible says: ”It is appointed unto men once to die” (Hebrews 9:27). 
The Quran also affirms it (Surah 3:185):
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Every tomb, every burial or cramming place, whether it’s as beautiful as the Tajmahal or as simple as the graves of my parents Inyat Karim Baksh, Alice Jamal ud din and my faithful wife Zarina Luther (respectively buried in Pakistan and Sweden), all prove the above quoted scriptural fact that when the appointed time comes to breath one’s last no one can escape it.
Glance back at the history of Pharaohs of Egypt. One can read the story both in the Bible and in the Quran. 
In the Bible:
”Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.” (Exodus 1:8)
”For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, ‘They are bewildered by the land; the wilderness has closed them in.’” (Exodus 14:3)
In the Quran (Surah 28:8):
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The tomb of one of the Pharaohs was opened some years ago, they found a dried mummy or a skeleton of dried bones only with some chemicals to preserve the shriveled bones.
Look at the body of Lenin in Russia. They embalmed his dead body to show as if the body is still breathing.
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Photo: Vladimir Lenin’s Mummy (embalmed body) in Moscow’s Red Square. Photo courtesy of Atlas Obsucura.
But the fact is that he is dead and gone. Go in the world wherever you wish to and visit any graveyard you choose to visit and look at the tombstones of every grave. You will find that on most of the graves there are the words “Here lies” or some other similar words which show that he or she is gone the way of all flesh. 
Righteous, moral men or prophets also had to face death at an appointed time. Our Muslim brothers’ prophet Muhammad also lays buried in Madinah. Millions of Muslims visit his tomb at least once a year, pay their respects to him and pray for the forgiveness of their sins and offer ”Salat-e-Darood” or mercy prayer for him and his family as well.
But how different is the case with the Tomb of Jesus. The angel pronounced“He is not here: for he is risen” (Matthew 28:6).
He is Alive. They looked in the tomb where they had put his dead body. But it was not there. They saw an empty tomb. Some try to cast doubts about the Resurrection fact of Jesus as they dispute his death on the cross. But all impartial scholars who have researched the historicity of the acts of the crucifixion and the Resusurrection of Jesus are convinced beyond any doubt that:
”Christ died”
”He was buried”
“He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures and that He was seen by Cephas and by the twelve” (I Corinthians 15:3-5).
True gospel is very simple. It is based on a few and plain above mentioned three articles that is the Death, the Burial and Resurrection of Jesus. It is in the van and forefronts of all the teachings of Christianity.
The Quran also mentions three articles in Jesus’ life in these words: So Peace is on me The day I was born The day I die And the day I Shall be raised up to life again – Surah 19:33
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Jesus is Alive and gives life (John 5:23). The Spirit of God begins the life of God into you. Spring starts in your old dead life. A joy in your soul and peace in your heart.
Dear readers, “Lay hold on eternal life” (I Tim 6:12)
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Photo: The Author and Editor of the TheCommonGround.se is delivering his key speech in a Seminar on Islam at a Glance  held in Immanuel Church Stockholm. Photo by Seppo Sillankorva.
Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M.A. (Research Scholar) Journalist & Author: Jesus Contact & Conflict between Christians and Muslims www.thecommonground.se 
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thecommonground-se · 10 years
”…On Earth Peace” (Luke 2:14)
With others of Our apostles; We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary, And bestowed on him The Gospel; and We ordained In the heirs of those Who followed him Compassion and Mercy
– (Surah 57 verse 27).
Years and centuries have passed by, and still all the nations of the world and the whole mankind longs for  and seeks after peace and security. But unfortunately that is in short supply. Jeremiah, the weeping prophet as he is called, foresaw this human predicament hundreds of years ago. “They cry peace, peace; when there is no peace”, he said. (Jeremiah 6: 14)
You have not to turn the pages of history in a remote past to confirm this fact that all humanity is devoid of peace and live under fear. Start with September 11, 2001 when 14 or 19 Muslim fundamentalists hijacked four passenger jets and drove them into the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington DC, killing over 3000 people. That did not end there. A series of violent attacks and killings followed.  A 7 year girl Malala (who is now a Nobel Laureate and an ICON for girls who want to go to school) along with her young girl students were shot by peace snatchers. As recent as 16 Dec 2014, a practicing Islamic movement called TALIBAN sent 7 or 11 of their committed devotees to attack a school and killed 134 young students in (Peshawar) Pakistan.
All humanity is seeking answer to such emptiness of security and peace. We all are crying out for guidance, for comfort and peace. Some Governments and members in their Parliament are devising security plans. Unfortunately there is no foolproof security plan which can keep you totally protected and safe.
Christmas tells us that on a specific time (do not enter into discussion when it started ) and at a specific place a specific person was born. That person is according to the Bible and The Quran called Jesus or Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus the son of Mary) as he was born unlike all human beings are born.
At his birth the Angels sang ”Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace”. Luke 2:14
By looking unto Him alone our violent torn world and earth can be transformed into a place of peace. 
Merry Christmas — Emmanuel Luther Ratiq
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thecommonground-se · 10 years
“Infallible Proofs” of the Crucifixion & Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Unlike many other religions of the world Christianity is not based upon a set of rules, regulations, philosophies or so called commandments (some call it Shriat or Shria). But as famous historians Lecky and Carlyle confess it is founded upon historical facts and events which are related to a person called Jesus Christ. These facts are compendious. In the words of St Paul, “He (Jesus) died”, He was “buried” and he rose again. The holy book of our Muslim brothers also refers to it in the same concise way. According to the Quran Jesus is reported to have said:
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(Surah 19:33) Although a majority of Muslims believe  that  Jesus is Alive, they contend that he died before his resurrection. Among other reasons why the Ahmadis or the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian  have been thrown out of the fold of Muslim Uma is their belief that Jesus died a natural death in Kashmir and lies buried over there in a street called Khan Yar khan. As said earlier, Christianity is based upon historical events related to Jesus Christ. There is no denying the fact that Jesus actually died on the Cross. First, it is a self-evident fact from the act of crucifixion. The Roman soldiers who had expertise in putting people to death by crucifixion were sure of Jesus’ death, because they felt no need to break his legs as they did in the cases of two other thieves who were crucified with Jesus. This is very strong witness, because it was not the witness of Jesus’ disciples or friends, but of his enemies. Jesus’ physical burial took place. His dead body was not of a spirit but made of bones and flesh which was put in a tomb. Just as no one can challenge the historicity of the Crucifixion of Jesus, the Resurrection of Jesus  is also an established fact of history. The Holy Bible states this fact and proves it with “infallible proofs” (Acts 1:3).
Because he showed himself alive to his disciples and many others for forty days (Acts 1:3)
It was and is the substance of Christian preaching.
Verified by the witness of the apostles and five hundred other eye witnesses.
Believed and professed by the whole Christian Church of Jesus ever since it happened.
Such eyewitness proofs can never be challenged in any court of justice even today. After his death Jesus not only spoke with his believers individually, but also as a group. In short, if one accepts any facts of history then the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead must be accepted. Therefore it is not just a corner stone of Christian faith, but a message of Hope for life after death and personal transformation in our earthly lives. Allow the above proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ to transform your life as it transformed the lives of his disciples and those who believed it. He himself says:
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold , I am alive for evermore. (Rev. 1: 18)
The holy book of our Muslim friends (The Quran) also testifies to that. Let me quote the verse of the Quran in this regard once again for you.
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Emmanuel Luther Ratiq before moving to Sweden working as an Editor in  a largely circulated daily Newspaper of Pakistan.
Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M.A. (RESEARCH SCHOLAR) Journalist & AUTHOR: Jesus Contact & Conflict Between Christians and Muslims Read more about the book on www.thecommonground.se/books or order the book by emailing the author on [email protected]
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thecommonground-se · 11 years
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Welcome to The Common Ground
The Common Ground is devoted to find areas of agreement in three great religions of the world, namely Judaism, Christianity & Islam. These religions claim to have common roots in Abraham as their father. The Common Ground picks up from there and will leave no stone unturned to  explore and comment upon all those points shared by the followers of these monotheistic religions. However The Common Groundwill never hide the differences, but instead will turn those ”stumbling blocks” into stepping stones.
Editor : E.L Ratiq M.A. (Research Scholar) 
Read more:
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and don’t miss the articles below.
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thecommonground-se · 11 years
JESUS – A Child Born & Son Given
About the supernatural birth of Jesus the Bible testifies that unto us a child is born and unto us a Son is given (Isaiah 9:6). No matter Jesus born in human nature, had flesh and bones like other children. In that sense He was certainly a child or in other words unto us a child is born.
But if we read the second part of the Verse which says that unto us a Son is given. Then we find a sign in it which calls for our anxious enquiry.
It is not only the Bible but even the holy book of our dear brethren Muslims testify to that.
It says:
(We) wish to appoint him As a sign to men
(Surah Maryam (Mary), Surah 19 Verse 21) 
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In the Bible the birth of this child is mentioned in the Gospel of Mathew & in the Gospel of Luke in the following Verses:
In Mathew Chapter 1 Verse 18:
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: when as his mother Mary was espoused   to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child of the Holy Ghost
 In Luke Chapter 1 Verse 30–32:
And the angel said, Fear not Mary: for thou has found favour with God. And behold thou shall conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name JESUS. HE shall be great …
(Authorized King James Version)
In the Quran we read in Surah Ail Imran (the family of Imran) as under:
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(Surah 3 Verse 45)
In these verses of the Quran this child is given a name which is mentioned as Jesus or Isa and the mention of his father is not made but He is called the son of his mother pointing to His birth from a Virgin.
In the Bible & in the Quran no other child including any prophet has ever been miraculously born of a Virgin. Some because of their lack of prudence cite the example of first Adam. No doubt Adam was created without mother and father but it was in the case of first creation. After that certain rule of nature was set for every creation. But in the case of the birth of Jesus, God/Allah made an exception in His set rule of creation.
More over this given child is called The Word of God or Kalemat Allah.
No other child in the Bible or even in the Quran is called The Word of God.
For Example read in the Quran: Adam is called Safi Allah (the chosen of God) Noah is called Nabi Allah (the prophet of God) Ibrahim is called Khalil Allah (the friend of God) Moses is called Kulim Allah (the mouth piece of God)
And Muhammad whom Muslims consider the final and the greatest of all Prophets is called Raool Allah or Abdullah (PROPHET OR SERVANT OF GOD).
As noted above there is no other person or prophet called The Word of God both in the Bible and in the Quran, except for Christ which gives Jesus a special relationship to God or Allah.
The reason why no other person or prophet is called the Word of God or Kalemat Allah is obvious.
Because Jesus is a special expression of the will of God to mankind. No other person than Jesus has revealed God’s will and mind to mankind as fully and completely as Jesus has.
We respect and give due value that God at various times – in different ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets.
God of course spoke: Through nature, through angels, through prophets and even through His written Word. But all those revelations were partial, fragmentary, preparatory and incomplete.
Finally He spoke through Jesus whom He chose to term as The Word of God. Through Him He spoke fully, decisively, finally and perfectly.
We must thank God that:      Unto us such a child is born      Unto us a son is given.
HIS NAME IS Jesus Christ
Even the Quran testifies:  
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He is the Savior and Redeemer we all need.
Allow Him to be born unto you and you be born unto Him. Be regenerated spiritually from within by the Grace of this Savior and manifest that regeneration without.
May Holy Spirit help you to do so.
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Emmanuel Luther Ratiq M.A. (RESEARCH SCHOLAR) Journalist & AUTHOR: Jesus Contact & Conflict Between Christians and Muslims
Read more about the book on www.thecommonground.se/books or order the book by emailing the author on [email protected]
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