thecombatbender · 2 years ago
Rachel: Aren't I so subversive? I reclaimed it! Us: You fucked up a perfectly good mother/daughter relationship is what you did! Look at it, it's more misogynistic than actual Ancient Greece!
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
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This was gonna be prettier but i am lazy and backgrounds are my enemy :^) Anyway that one scene from ep4 has been stuck in my head this whole time- and Wednesday has two hands (three if u count Thing but he’s with Enid rn probably)
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
How they went from this Usnavi and Benny
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To Piragua Guy and Mister Softee
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
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some team rocket redesigns just for fun~
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
body positivity has largely failed because people started arguing for attractiveness and romantic prospects instead of respect and dignity
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
Not to be a drooling socialist cuck, but if a full day's labour can't purchase three square meals, 24 hour's worth of rent and utilities, a fraction of a month's clothing budget, and a reasonable portion to be saved for when you can no longer comfortably work, what the fuck are we doing shit for
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
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that purple in the middle is not the right saturation, it doesn't fit with the other two colors and it drives me crazy.
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
LO HxP and Grooming
Saw this tiktok and I think it really explains why people believe Hades and Persephone's relationship feels like grooming (and/or p*dophlic in some cases).
Note: You don't have to agree with everything here but I'm sharing it for those who don't understand or want to see/share a more in depth explanation.
This video is by @/sappho.wannabe on tiktok:
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thecombatbender · 2 years ago
I guess the thing about the Lo fandom that I always found odd, is that a lot of people defend Persades's age gap by saying ''Oh well they're gods, they have different standards'', even though characters literally in the LO universe (Hera and Hecate) have pointed out that the age gap isn't appropriate in their universe?
It's just weird because I feel as though RS is trying to have her cake and eat it too; she wants to romanticize the age gap, but also wants brownie points for being 'self aware'.
Thing is though, that type of lukewarm approach doesn't really do anything aside from framing Persephone as a 'forbidden fruit' for Hades. It's not subversive, and it certainly isn't empowering for women, if anything it fetishizes women for not having as much life experience as their male-counterparts.
(Note; no hate to Rachel, I just don't think she handled this topic well.)
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thecombatbender · 3 years ago
.....Does this mean we get Volpina back because I'd absolutely hate that.
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thecombatbender · 3 years ago
yeah the implication persephone is "twice as beautiful" while also being 19 forever has nasty implications. i realize youth is idealized but rachel has a VERY young audience, and they live by her word religiously. ive already seen readers say theyve gotten body image issues from the comic because of how hard rachel insists on her strict sense of "beauty' which they cant live up to, and now saying teenagers = the only beautiful ones is only going to lead to worse outcomes. those poor girls.
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thecombatbender · 3 years ago
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mel medarda nation how are we feeling?
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thecombatbender · 3 years ago
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thecombatbender · 3 years ago
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prepare for trouble
tip jar
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thecombatbender · 3 years ago
i always really love looking at concept art for the lion king because the majority of it is honestly drop dead gorgeous, like oh my god look at this sh*t
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and then the rest is just
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