~Just having fun while doing what I like~ ~Future Film Director~
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Stop, This Is So Embarrassing!
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: You would do anything to attend a Formula 1 race week-end. Turns out, your mother's friend worked with the Formula PR team and got you some free passes to the Canada's Grand Prix. You still had to study though :(
Sneek peak: "God, I love when you say my name in french." He confessed right before the bartender gave you two your order. "I love talking to you in french." You said while maintaining the eye contact.
A/N: As a fellow canadian I couldn't be more excited for this week's race! And I still have to study for some exams so... come read a dream piece of my life I guess:) Warning: There is a lot of laughing in this fanfic(sorry in advance).
You were sitting quietly in the place your mom's friend said you could hang. Nothing could bother you there she had said. She had been the kindest human being there could exist. First she had offered you a free pass for the Grand Prix after your mother mentioned you were a huge fan, then she promised you to a private spot where only the drivers were allowed when you told her you needed to multitask and study for your test that was coming. Not one driver was here right now because it was only paddock visiting day and it was a good thing for you not to be distracted. They would only be coming in the afternoon to say hello to the fans. The only reason you were here today was for your mom to catch up with her friend and you took a walk around the track before starting your study session. As expected it was death. Learning all those different things by heart was excruciating, but then you could work in what you loved. It was a huge perk of why you were doing it... no kidding.
"Hello?" Somebody was here and that made your eyes look away from your notes. "I'm sorry to bother you, you look very occupied... but I was wondering if this was the driver's hang out spot?" Lando Norris. You couldn't believe your eyes. That is exactly why you were staring at him like a culprit found guilty. "Hum- Yeah. Yeah! Sorry... I can leave if you're more comfortable without a fan here." You started gathering your stuff only for him to come close to you and lay his hand on your notes. "A fan, huh?" He laughed at your nervous state and you nodded dumb founded. "Well... no. Actually, I would quite like the company. if you don't mind me bothering your...studying?" He sat in the chair in front of yours and that made you sit back down. "Yes. It's studying. And I wouldn't mind at all." You said eagerly, which made the driver laugh even more. You laughed with him this time. "I am so sorry. I tend to be clumsy with my delivering of words." You said looking him straight in the eyes. "Don't apologies, it's refreshing from all the other drivers. They always are too confident in what they say, I believe." You smiled at Lando and he had a confused face. "Wouldn't that make you a cocky speaker too? You are a driver." He laughed once again. "I guess so... But at least I'm not afraid to say I am." You both started laughing like little kids and only stopped when he asked you a question. "So what are you studying? And why here of all places?"
Your conversation seemed to have lasted forever when the one and only Oscar Piastri entered the room. "Hey, Lando!-" he stopped talking when you came in his view. "Who is that?" He asked while walking towards your table. "I just met her. Y-N, meet you know who." You waved shyly feeling like you were not in your place. Oscar simply smiled at you warmingly. "You know who?! You introduce me to your new friend that way?" He shoved Lando's shoulder while taking a chair to sit with you both. "Ouch! She already knows who you are, prick!" he said faking his offense. "Yeah... I am a huge fan of you all." You explained and laughed at their antics. Oscar was impressed. "Us all? No preference? That's the first time I hear that from a fan. Normally girls prefer Charles or Lewis." You laughed at his statement and he joined you. " Oh don't get me wrong, I do have a preference in looks... But to me you work all the same effort to be here and when it comes to the actual race, I support each and everyone one of the drivers." The boys were now interested. You were the nicest fan they had both met and they couldn't get enough of what you had to say next. "Do tell! Who's your racing daddy?" Your face cringed at what Lando had called a F1 crush. "Don't ever say that again, mate." Oscar shared your embarrassment. After an awkward silence you all started laughing. "Oh god. You guys are so kind. I felt so out of place being in the only place you had privacy, but you don't seem to mind. Thank you, I guess." They looked at you and simply nodded. "Well it's not hard to enjoy your company." Lando said smiling at you and you slightly blushed. You were so used to people telling you you were too much so this was the best feeling ever. "If I say it though, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I am a basic one I fear." You exhaled dramatically to joke around. "Stop it! You are a Lewis girl aren't you..." Oscar matched your dramatics. "No... It's Charles for me." Oscar and Lando looked at each other and smiled. "What?" They looked back at you and smirked. "Why do you like him so much? Do tell." You sighed and smiled to yourself. "Well for starters, he speaks french as his first language, like me. Then he is so passionate about everything, his family, racing and so much more, from what the internet shows me at least. And it helps that he is like really good looking. Charles Leclerc for the win... I can't believe I am talking to Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri about this, God!" Your laugh got stopped by a familiar voice. The one you listened to more times you'd like to admit after each race.
"I like how you say my name. Thank you by the way, you really did me good." Your eyes grew tenfold when you realized who heard you talking like this. "Oh mon dieu. (Oh my god.)" You hid behind your hands while the boys in front of you broke out in the loudest laughter. "I am so sorry. God, this is so embarrassing!" You said and felt your cheeks redden. "Y-N, don't be like this. Charles was just teasing you... Get out of there." Lando said between giggles. When you took your hands off your face, you saw how close Charles had gotten. "And who might this Y-N be?" Charles said looking at you. "Hey... I'm simply a random fan-" "She's not random. Don't be modest... She is amazing! We've been talking for the past hour and I am about to ask her her instagram." Oscar said while getting his phone out from his back pocket. "Really?!" You asked surprised. Lando also got his phone out to get your instagram handle. "Of course. We're practically besties after what you confessed." Lando joked and you laughed, again. "Way to make an impression. Can I sit here?" You angled your face towards the Ferrari driver now even closer to you than before. You soon realized he was talking about the chair right beside you. "Don't be shy." You told him with a warm smile and he laughed. "That's rich coming from the woman who just hid behind her hands." He sat down and chuckled. "I guess you're right." You giggled along. And that is when Charles looked directly in your eyes. "So what is it?" You broke your gaze from Charles' and looked at Lando. "I'm sorry, what?" The drivers all laughed. "I think they want your instagram account. Ne les fait pas attendre, ça serait cruelle!(Don't make them wait, it would be cruel!)" He dramatized his sentences which made you smile like a little kid. "Oh yeah... Sorry, here." You took your phone out and showed them your account. "No way! You are studying in (your choice of study)!" They all looked at what Oscar was showing from your profile and Charles got his phone out. "This is so cool!" Lando exclaimed. "You were studying for that weren't you? You nodded and blushed from all the attention you were receiving.
You continued talking for a while longer before they all received a message saying it was time for them to go make their entrance for the week-end. "Oh I completely forgot we had that! So sorry Y-N... I hope we can see you again this week-end! I'll text you the info and put you in the guest list for our parties this race week-end. If that's okay with you of course?" Oscar explained while they all got up. "Are you crazy? Who would pass up the opportunity to party with F1 drivers that know how to make someone feel welcomed?! Count me in!" They all smiled. "Perfect, one of us will send you the info!" You all bid your goodbyes and went your separate ways.
That night before going to sleep, you were looking at the three notification that said Lando Norris, Oscar Piastri and Charles Leclerc started following you when your notifications went off.
Charles Leclerc: Hello, Y-N! It was nice meeting you! I hope to see you at the parties the boy will send you the info for. I want to talk to you some more. (In the hopes of not freaking you out.)
You found it cute how Charles wrote his text.
You: Hey, mister Leclerc! I had even more fun than you during our long talk I might bet! Of course I'll come. It would be my pleasure to engage a conversation with you again! (I freaked you out from the beginning, don't worry.)
You hit send and left the chat only for your phone to buzz not even a minute later. God, that was fast.
Charles: Ça fait bizarre de texter de façon si formel. Mais, ça fait du bien. (It's weird to text in this formal way. But, it's refreshing.)
You: Toute a fait d'accord.(I agree.)
The night of the final race
Lando: You're still coming tonight like last night?
You: Ofc! I'll be there in an hour... I finally finished studying for my exam on tuesday!
Lando: Let's go! See you later then!
You: See ya!
You left home after choosing the perfect outfit (plus sized - skinny, mid-sized) you felt all the nerves from this week-end leave your body. There was no reason for you to be anxious when you made friends with three of the drivers and had great talk with the rest of them. Once you arrived at the party location, you texted Lando telling him you were there. You went inside and looked around you, mesmerized by the fancy decoration. Your lovestruck face was interrupted by Oscar. "Hey! Y-N! Come, the boys are in the back." You followed Oscar after telling him he looked great and he returned the compliment. "Everyone, Y-N's here!" Everyone cheered which made you flustered. How had you simply studying in a private hang out area turned into this? You still couldn't believe it. Lando came up and kissed both your cheeks and you gave him a hug. "Congrats on podium! Once again!" You congratulated him with a huge smile plastered on your face. "Do you mean I had to get podium to receive this greeting?" Charles arrived next to you two and you laughed. "Maybe..." You shrugged your shoulders. He got closer to you to make sure you could hear him over the loud music that was blaring in the VIP section. "Red? You wanted to surprise me or do you have a preference for my team mate?" He whispered so you only could hear.
When you opened your eyes, Charles' were still closed but he adorned a content smile on his lips. When he finally opened them, you pecked him once again and you both smiled like two teenagers experiencing their first love. This was bound to be a great experience... or more?
Charles had flirted with you for the entire week-end and you played right into his act. "I wouldn't dare show up in red for someone other than you Leclerc." You said turning you face towards his that was right beside yours. That resulted in your lips being dangerously close. "Good to know. I wore black because I didn't know what your favorite color was." He joked. You laughed hard at that. "Good to know." You gave him a taste of his own medicine which made him smile. "Suis-moi? (Follow me?)" You nodded at his request and he took you to the bar. "What do you want to drink?" "Nothing with alcohol... I want to stay clean for my exam, even if it's in two days." You over explained. "So, what do you want to drink?" Charles asked once more. "Oh, sorry..." You turned to the bartender and ordered a cranberry juice. "I tend to babble when I'm nervous." You said sheepishly. "Than be nervous more often, it's cute." You looked at him and tried to retain your laugh while Charles realized what he had just said. "God! Non, ne sois pas nerveuse... Je voulais simplement te dire que c'est mignon quand tu parles comme ça.(God! No, don't be nervous... I just wanted to say that it's cute when you talk that way.)" He hid behind his hands, his cheeks red under the already red lights of the private club. "C'est correct, Charles.(It's okay, Charles.)" You took his hands off of his face and he looked straight into your eyes. It was your turn to turn red. "God, I love when you say my name in french." He confessed right before the bartender gave you two your order. "I love talking to you in french." You said while maintaining the eye contact. "Ah oui? C'est bon a savoir. (Oh Yes? It's good to know.)" He got closer to you and you leaned in also. "Tu es vraiment beau, Charles. Je sais que tout le monde doivent te le dire, mais ils ont raison.(You're truly handsome , Charles. I know everyone must tell you, but they are right.)" You looked at him and focused on his eyes. "C'est encore mieux lorsque ça vient de toi. Tu es encore plus magnifique, Y-N.(it's even better coming from you when it's coming from you. You are ven more beautiful, Y-N.)" He took your jaw in his left hand and smiled at you earnestly. "Kiss me?" You asked, hopping for a positive answer. "I thought you would never ask." He said and took the opportunity. You never understood when people said the world around you faded if the kiss was good enough, but Charles made you feel like that. Like there was only you and the brunet boy present in the club and the music was only a background sound to your love story.
Want to know what happens next? Comment , like and reblog for me to write a second part!
#thecinematicwriter#charles leclerc#charles leclerc x female reader#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc x y/n#charles leclerc x you#F1#f1#f1 x reader#f1 fanfic
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Hey lovies♡
I know I've been gone for a while... the reason is that I am so occupied with all my finals. Though, I will be back during my summer break:) Fortunately, I will be writing a piece for this week-end's F1 race since it's in my country: Canada!
Stay Tuned😉
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High School Pricks
Jack Hughes x Plus size,chubby!reader
Summary: You were at the restaurant with your fiancé, Jack, when some dumb boys from your high school decided to make you feel bad. Jack wouldn't let it pass though.
Sneek peak: "Yes. If you got a problem with that, leave and let me enjoy my food. And If you don't have a problem with that, do the same thing because I am on a date, like I said before, and we are trying to enjoy a peaceful dining. Thank you."
A/N: Hey y'all! I hope you guys are staying hydrated! I will write on a lot of people, but "sports dudes" are my soft spot so I hope you guys are ready! Also I will write for plus size and chubby readers from time to time (like right now). If you do not fall into this category: I'll post more soon don't worry!
⚠️This might be triggering for you if you have been bullied for your weight before.( I am truly sorry if you were, there are no reason nor excuses for this behavior from other useless people who bully for stupid reasons.)
The dress you were wearing was one of the cutest Jack had ever seen. And, at the same time the sexiest one too. He couldn't describe how he was feeling about it, but he knew that he was the luckiest man alive in his books. "Wow, baby! You look so good. Hell... I might explode right here. How do you think I will look next to you... For real?! I am a Rat next to you tonight."
The thing that made you smile was how genuine you knew every word coming out of his mouth were. He always said he was the luckiest to have found you, but he didn't know how you felt. Only you could know, because it was undescribable. "None sense. You look so handsome in that outfit. I didn't know you had an eye for fashion, babe. Where was it all this time?" You said mockingly. "It's barely fashion. I just put on a black suit." He came closer to you and took your jaw in his palm after chuckling at your statement. "Shall we go my Lady?" He asked you while looking directly in your eyes. "I guess we should. Or we'll be late..." You answered him, hypnotized by his beautiful eyes. "We can't have that, now can we?" He said with a smile. You simply hummed no and he kissed you deeply.
After some loving affection, you both were on you're way to your date night location. When you entered the restaurant, you were mesmerized by the big statement art hanging all around. Jack knew you loved admiring art and he smiled at your lovestruck face, feeling acomplished by this restaurant choice. When you two went to the host desk, it only took one minute to be seated and the ambiance was perfect. "Oh my god, Jack! This restaurant, it's..." You looked around with a huge smile. "Amazing, perfect... wow." You looked at him and showed him your satisfaction. "I knew you would love it here, baby. I found this place because Quinn visited it earlier in the month and thought of you so he gave me the info." He took your hand on the table and rubbed your thumb with his. "Then, I'll make sure to thank him for it-"
Before you could continue your usual date ramble, a group of men about your age came forward. "Yo! Jack!" Jack turned around to see who was interupting you and when he saw the three men walking towards you two, he figured there were fans. "Hey... How can I be of help?" He asked politely while making a sorry face to you. It happened quite a lot when you were on date nights. You didn't mind though, you loved seeing Jack so pationate about his job. "We just wanted to tell you how good your last game was. Honestly, we've been fans for a while now and you keep getting better and better." They cheered your fiancé on. "That means so much, man. Thank you!-" Before Jack could continue interacting with them, one of the boys looked at you and you smiled at him. "Oh. My. God. Boys... it's Y/N Y/L/N. Damn!" The three of them looked at you and you didn't know why they knew you. Yes, I mean, you were public with Jack, but they seemed to know you from somewhere else. "Jack, are you on a date with her?" The middle blond guy asked him. "Well, of course. She's my fiancé." Jack smiled at you lovingly while saying the last part. The boys started laughing. These laughs...
Now, you remembered. They were from your high school days. The ones who were always making fun of you for your weight. They never stopped. Even if you were reading in class peacefully, they would always taunt you for the way you looked.
"What's wrong? The idea of me having a fiancé is making you laugh?" Jack didn't like their laughs. They sounded mean and unnecessary. "Nah, man. Just... her? Of all the girls you could have?!" They looked at him like he had lost his mind and you reclined in your seat which didn't go unoticed by Jack. "Yes. If you got a problem with that, leave and let me enjoy my food. And If you don't have a problem with that, do the same thing because I am on a date, like I said before, and we are trying to enjoy a peaceful dining. Thank you." You were shocked at how rude Jack was being. You had never seen him like this with any fan. He looked at you and gave you a smile to reassure you. "Chill... all this for a fat girl." That was the last straw for your soon to be husband. He stood up from his chair and looked at them dead in the eyes. "You better leave right now. I am not listening to any other stupid comment leaving your mouth. What if she's bigger than others? She still won my heart because she is amazingly pretty and so is her body. You're a pathetic excuse of a man." Jack spat right into their faces while you wiped your small tears away. "We're just saying... you could probably score a perfect thin girl who is head over heels for you. Instead, you chose... this." While saying the last word, he looked at you in disgust. "Just shut up! I am happy! More than you, I might bet. So please... leave us alone and bring your nagativity with you. These comments don't affect me anymore." You lashed out. Jack was prouder than ever. You wouldn't let some stupid highschool A athlete wanna be ruin your perfect restaurant get out with your fiancé. "We're sorry I guess. We'll leave." All the men looked at you shocked and left you two alone.
You sat down and looked in space still in shock. "You did good baby. I love you." Jack tried to get you back on earth while placing his hands on yours. "I love you too. I am just tired of pathetic men thinking they are better than everyone." You said looking at Jack, still frustrated by this encounter. "So these pricks were at your highschool?" You nodded with a sad smile. "I'm so sorry, baby." "It's okay, babe. I just want to eat at this amazing restaurant with the most handsome man and the best hockey player in my heart." You exclaimed, gaining your cheeriness back. "Atta girl." He clasped his hands together and opened his menu.
The rest of the night was perfect. The food had one of the best presentation ever (following the decorations' path). It helped that the taste was also to die for. You paid and then Jack brought you to a park late at night and surprised you with a sweet bottle of bubbles. You kissed under the stars and all of the bad parts of the night faded away. Even most of the bad memories from your high scool faded with them. Because that's what Jack did; He kept you safe and protected.
#jack hughes#jack hughes x reader#jack hughes x y/n#nhl x reader#nhl#jack hughes x plus size!reader#jack hughes x chubby!reader#nhl x y/n#nhl x plus size!reader#nhl x chubby!reader
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That One's For You
Trevor Zegras x Singer!reader
Summary: The national anthem felt like the most boring part of the game for Trevor. That is until a certain someone surprises him.
Sneek peak: "Don't you have a team to get to? And a game to win?" His eyes widen and you laughed even more.
A/N: Honestly this fic gave me tooth ache from how sweet it was and I hadn't even written it.
You- I'm sorry I couldn't be here for you tonight, baby.
Babe🏒- Don't worry! You said your friends had planned this a while ago. You came to every other one. Don't stress it baby.
You- If you say so!❤ Good luck my lucky number 11!
Trevor Smiled at his screen and shut it off after liking your message. He still felt sad at the idea of not seeing you in the bleachers every few glance he would cast that way during the game. His long face got the attention of one of his team mate. "What's up Z? You look like a cat just died tortured in front of you." Trevor looked at him and cocked a brow. "That was weirdly specific. And... Y/N is not able to do it tonight so I'm kind of bummed." Explaining it made him realize that he was so whipped that it wasn't even funny. "Oh... don't worry. I'm sure she'll make it anyways." Trevor looked at his team mate like he was an alien. "Dude. She's not coming. Did you not just hear me?" "Yeah I heard you. But, you never know." Trevor decided to not engage in further confusion and got in the mindset for his game.
The players were called on the ice and everyone was standing in line waiting for the usual start of a game. Trevor looked down at the ice waiting in the most serious face ever. That which made him laugh. Once, you had said after his game that his serious face made you crack up because you never got to see him like this any other day. He was insulted at first that the idea of him being serious made you laugh. But as the time went on, he learned to love your teasing after each of his games.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ice our national anthem performer of the night. Y/N Y/L/N." Trevor looked up directly at the mention of your name and there you were. You wore a cute black blouse with some beige pants and your black heel boots. You looked so good. He wished you wore his jersey but he knows you need to be impartial while singing for the game. He smiled at you when you caught his eyes and you gave him the prettiest one back. "I told you." His team mate whispered in his ear. Trevor looked at him and subtly shoved him with a smile.
When you sang, your boyfriend closed his eyes and had the cutest grin plastered on his face. You never failed to amaze him. Your voice always made him fluster and proud. In his head the sentence replayed constantly: "That's my girl, Goddam!" He couldn't believe it. The national anthem came to an end and the players went to their side benches. You started to turn around but someone came crashing on you. At first you thought you would fall but you realized that that someone was hugging you. "You were so good baby. I love you." He kissed your temple. You turned around and took a better look at him. "You're handsome. I love you." He smiled at you and faked a frown. "I'm supposed to be the one giving you compliments here." You quickly pecked him and hushed your boyfriend. "I'll never miss one game. Ever." Trevor looked as if he could cry and gained back his composure quickly. "Thank you, baby." He stayed there looking at you and you laughed at him. "Don't you have a team to get to? And a game to win?" His eyes widen and you laughed even more. "Right. Okay. See you later. " he kissed you and skated off on the ice. You never could've asked for something better. Trevor was the guy you were waiting for all of your life and he wasn't about to leave. Your career wasn't the only thing that had succeeded.
#trevor zegras#trevor zegras x reader#trevor zegras x you#trevor zegras x y/n#nhl x reader#nhl#nhl x you#nhl x y/n
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Hey lovies! I will be posting some new content soon (probably in the next week). I hope you guys will like it as much as the last fics since I am entering another sport😉
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: What more could you want than a good vacation with your driver boyfriend. The sun is hitting your skin and Charles'. This is perfect.
Sneek peak: "I have an idea Mr. Charles." You announced mockingly formal. "Yes Missus?"
A/N: Happy Valentines Day! I have been so excited to travel lately that my content probably reflects it so far. This is for all of you people who wish they could go on a vacation with a specific bae;)
*I did put some outfits that the reader wore, but I do not refer the reader to be the size of the person wearing it.*
This morning, you were woken up by soft kisses on your naked back and the sun hitting it too. Charles had been smooching you for what seemed to be the past 10 minutes. Yes, you were awake before now, but you decided to stay quiet and enjoy the affection your boyfriend was giving you. It was rare. Moments like these were reduced to none when it was racing season. Of course, Charles found ways to come see you when you nedded to work so you couldn't go to his races. But it wasn't the same. Here, it was like you had infinity to just lay down on the beach and relax. And when you went to sleep or woke up with him by your side, tiredness was not one to disturb you. The both of you could talk for hours at night without one falling suddenly asleep or you could wake up like this, with no rush to be somewhere else. "Breakfast?" Charles murmured on your skin. You nodded making an agreeing sound that your boyfriend found the cutest. "Let's get dressed." He got up and tapped your butt gently to prompt you up. You turned around and sat down on the comfortable bed. After a good stretching, you left the bed and went to get dressed while Charles took his shower. You prefered to take it after the long day beside the sea so your boyfriend could shower without the rush of you needing to take one right after him.
Once you both were dressed, you went down to the breakfast restaurant your resort offered. You took a picture for the man who worked at front of him and your boyfriend after convincing him it was really no trouble at all. After your perfect breakfast. You spent the entire day on the beach relaxing and kissing each other in the sea.
Your night was spent laughing at shows and movies while eating some quesedillas with sweet potato fries. A weird combo, yes. But if Charles was happy so were you. And this was just the beggining of the trip. There was one whole week left and looking beside you, where your boyfriend sat, your happiness couldn't be more high. He was truly the solution to all of your stress. And from his side of the blindingly white bed, he thought that maybe the girl that was sitting next to him was the one.
"Baby?" You called on your stomach, trying to tan. "Yes amour?" Your boyfriend always used that nickname and you loved it. "Could you maybe put some sunscreen on me? I don't want to burn and I can't do my back." You faked whine to emphasize your point, which made your boyfriend laugh at you. "Don't laugh at me. It's a real stuggle honestly." He laughed even more knowing how not serious you were being. Charles got up and put your sunscreen on without a word. He tried to be as quiet as possible so he could hear your cute noises of content when he sneakily slipped a massage to the task. "Was that alright, amour?" He gently got closer to your face and put a light kiss to your cheek. "More than alright, baby. You are truly the best." You turned around so you would face him who was now sitting on your chaise longue, along side you. "I have an idea Mr. Charles." You announced mockingly formal. "Yes Missus?" He reciprocated the goofiness. "We could order room service tonight instead of going to the hotel's restaurant. Then, we could binge watch everything we missed while we didn't have time? We might even have to pull an all nighter." You explained excited."I would love that. There's only one condition on my part though..." Your boyfriend was always one to make up rules. "Of course, my prince. Go on." You bowed and he laughed. "I chose the food and the first thing we watch." You audibly gasped and faked the most dramatic pout face out there. "Never mind, I want to go out tonight." You looked at the sky avoiding your boyfriend's eyes in a playful maner. "You little-" Charles cut himself out by tickling you. "Okay. Okay, Stop! I can't anymore. I surrender. I demand mercy!" You laughed so hard your ribs hurt. "Then, my suggestion it is. Thank you very much." He kissed your lips softly.
#charles leclerc x female reader#charles leclerc x y/n#charles leclerc x you#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc#formula 1 x y/n#f1 x reader#formula 1 x you#formula 1 x reader#valentines day#cl16#cl16 x reader
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Formula 1
Charles Leclerc
Simplement, Monaco. (Simply, Monaco.)
Stop, This Is So Embarrassing!
Trevor Zegras
That One's For You
Jack Hughes
High School Pricks
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Simplement, Monaco.
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: While on a trip in Monaco, you get impossibly lost on a small beach and can't find your friends anymore. The worst thing is: it's your birthday. Fortunately a kind (and insanely gorgeous) stranger comes to your aid.
Sneek peak: "Now, I am jealous. I am the one who saves you and you don't even bump me up one place?"
A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you are all as excited as I am for summer, because that is what I had in mind while writing this piece. Also the reader is a drama queen in this for real haha. Enjoy!
"Kayla! Gwen!" You were screaming and no one responded. The beach was silent. You knew you shouldn't have explored while your friends were tanning on the other side of the beach. Five minutes ago the beach seemed crowded and when you took a turn, a hide spot got you lost. You couldn't remember from where you had entered it. "Fuck." There also was no service and somehow, tears had fallen without your consent. This is so stupid. Why would you cry for something so stupid? You wiped your eyes and looked again around the secluded part of the beach.
A few minutes later, you were still stuck. The sand seemed like a nice place to sit on and take a break. You let yourself get dragged to the sand and looked at the sea. At least it's a beautiful view. The sun is setting and- Wait? WHAT?! Omg the sun is setting! You dare a glance at your watch and see that it's 6 pm. You are going to spend the night on a deserted beach. Was there any dangerous, wild animals around here? Oh god! Is there? Your eyes got wet again. But this time, you let it out. Who could hear you anyway? You are going to die here all alone, eaten by some stupid animal you didn't even know existed.
"Ça va?( Are you okay?)" You jumped at the un known voice, which led the stranger to appologise. "Pardon... Je ne voulais pas vous faire peur.(Sorry... I didn't want to scare you.)" A distant knowledge told you it was french and you somehow understood what he said. "No it's alright. Sorry for myself honestly." You let out a laugh at the same time he did. At that chuckle, you looked up at him curiously. No way. That's... that's Charles Leclerc. You got up immediatly and scrubbed the sand off of your butt. You looked at him again for this time to be met by his beautiful eyes. He smiled at you and you gave him a shy smile in return. "I'm..." He waited for you to continue, but your face told him you were stuck. "You're what... hum what is your name miss?" Miss? "You're older than me. Spare me the miss please." You laughed. He looked at you confused. "How would you know?" "I kind of follow the Formula 1..." His eyes blew open then he chuckled. "Sorry, I forget that people can know me sometimes. Okay..." there is a blank space like he doesn't know what to say next.
"I'm Y/N." You told him weighting your options for a minute. Yes! He could help you. "And... I am sorry if I am bothering you on your what seems to be late evening run, but I'm lost. I was at the bigger part of this stupid beach and I took an un known turn and got myself here. My friends are probably worried sick and it's my birthday so I would really appreciate celebrating it with the most wonderful friends ever. Tonight. In one piece preferably" You rambled. "Okay." Charles said . "Omg. Thank you so much. I could kiss you right now." Before you knew what you said, it was too late. Your eyes blew wide open and your mouth shut tight. "Well, I never kiss a stranger I just met. But maybe by the end of the night I will... if you'll let me make your birthday unforgetable, of course." You looked at him and nodded. "Fine. Then, let's go Y/N."
He took your hand and brought you back to the main part of the beach where your friends were also sitting on their butts worried sick. "Kayla, Gwen! I am here." They looked at you and ran with a huge smile. Once they were close enough, they both wrapped you in the biggest hug ever. It's only after this that they noticed the handsome man beside you. "That's Charles Leclerc? Right?" Gwen asked you with a wide grin. "Yes. Now shut up please." You whispered to her. "Oh this is too good." Kayla said laughing lightly. Charles looked at you weirdly and introduced himself to your friends.
Once he told you guys he had an amazing night planned for you all, you all started walking out of the beach. You and Charles slightly at the front chatting while your friends stayed in the back. "So how old?" Charles said looking at you with his iconic charmer smile. "Oh... hum. 23." You answered smiling too. But your smile faded quickly in embarasement when your friends talked too loud for your liking. "It's crazy! Him? Of all people who could've found her. She is for sure going to talk about this one for the rest of her life." Kayla said laughing. "Oh for sure. Also that 'My second highest celbrity crush I need to date' thing is about to come true." Gwen added crying of laughter. "She did tell us that she owuld date him since she was like... what? 19?" Kayla put more to the already embarassing conversation. You were bright red. If you had heard it as clear as this, Charles did too. "Omg I am so sorry-" He cut you off. "Second highest? I am not the first one?" He smirked down at you. "Timothée Chalamet is the first one. Sorry..." You said, glad that he wasn't embarassed. "Now, I am jealous. I am the one who saves you and you don't even bump me up one place?" He fakes a ridiculous sad face. "Not yet. I'll have to see if your a good kisser." Once again, your brain did not stop you in time. You were about to appologize again when he cut you off by kissing you deeply. Your friends were cheering in the back while you enjoyed what had to be the best kiss of your life. When you two pulled back, Charles looked straightly at you and smiled at your closed eyes. "Okay. I take it back. You are definitely number one." You opened your eyes and grinned at him like a fool.
"That's what I thought." He said before kissing you once again.
#charles leclerc#charles leclerc x female reader#charles leclerc x reader#f1#formula 1#f1 x reader#formula 1 x reader#charles leclerc x you#formula 1 x you#charles leclerc x y/n#formula 1 x y/n
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