thechicgeeklady · 2 years
Plan 99
I can't get over the feeling that Plan 99 is going to be a last action for someone. A "There's no way out unless I do this" kind of situation. A last ditch effort to get the others out, knowing that there is a possibility of death. In the Clone Wars, 99 died by helping his brothers...running to get more ammo even though he knew it was a risk. What if this plan is a call to that moment?
I also can't help but feel like it's going to be Tech who doesn't make it out. There's been so much development for him this season...a greatest hits of Tech moments if you will. In true Filoni fashion...making us love him more only to rip him away. Let's not forget the countless others in Star Wars who were loved characters (Obi Wan, Yoda, Qui Gon, Kanan, Fives, and others) who's death propelled a greater character development to other characters. If Tech dies, it would effectively end Omega's childhood. She hasn't known a loss like that and it would probably propel the batch to join the cause against the Empire as revenge.
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