Yoski Broski
80 posts
Their will be no rhyme or reason to the shit I put on here.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thecatitbittingmeee · 19 days ago
Important! Your pet's RFID chip number might have been disconnected this week.
Is your pet chipped? They should be. Do you know who made the chip?
Pet RFID chips are so small that there's really only room on them for a serial number. When your lost pet is brought to a shelter or a vet's office, they can scan the chip, read that number, and then type it into a program that draws from a series of linked databases to find your name and phone number. That's how they find you, and tell you that Silly Lilly von Wigglesbottom has gone wandering, and she's safe and sound, and would you come get her, please?
Texas-based Save This Life, which provided chips to vets and shelters all across the US, has all at once and abruptly gone dark; their database is just gone. Their customers were not given warning and so did not know to change their registration to another company. A lot of animals have basically become anonymous now.
If you don't know what company you've been using, call your vet's office and ask what pet chip number they have on file. If the chip number starts with 991 or 900164, it's probably a Safe This Life chip.
If it turns out yours is one of the affected cases, the chip itself will still be fine! There's no need to add another, or anything like that. You'll just need to transfer the number to another company, and your vet should be able to recommend the one that they like the best.
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thecatitbittingmeee · 19 days ago
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for my first ever friends
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thecatitbittingmeee · 21 days ago
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a bunch of hooligans and homosexuals
team 9 and 10 (to go with team 8)
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thecatitbittingmeee · 21 days ago
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the ghost of one specific homosexual cowboy regularly possesses Tumblr gays
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thecatitbittingmeee · 22 days ago
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this is a poem
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thecatitbittingmeee · 27 days ago
Random Naruto rewrite ideas bc tumblr is my journal now and im feeling creative but lazy.
{Inspired by the original premise of the story (or maybe it was just an in-show rumor, memory fuzzy)} Genderswap Naruto's parents, have Kurama actually be Naruto's dad, and give Kurama a human form. His mom is the Kazekage who at first kept having to fight Kurama until the fox spirit developed a scheme to seduce her into lowering her guard. It ended up back firing bc he actually fell in love with her, but, long-story short it doesn't end well for either of them.
When Kurama's chakra leaks out it's usually linked to rage and muddies Naruto's own emotions with Kurama's hatred for Konoha and humans in general.
Naruto uses his knack for transformation jutsus to "become someome else" so often that its practically a habit. He even tries to introduce himself to his team under a guise that quickly gets blown, amd is often caught entering a village in a different form or shifting when he gets in trouble.
Overtime Naruto learns to live as himself and exercise his right to live his own life in Konoha. He also learns to accept both the good and the bad about his origins, as he learns to do the same for others.
Also he grows out his hair over time. no way this wild child is gonna mind cutting his hair. So he ends up resembling Jiraya in that regard, like, Jiraya with a beard or somethin.
Sakura is a plain old normie, who's more down to earth. She still starts off a bratty know-it-all, but once she gets out of her social competition mindset, her virtues as an intelligent, adaptible, hard worker with a knack for genjutsu and medical ninjutsu start to shine. I actually like the idea that she occassionally goes off and does her own thing to accelerate her improvement without Sasuke or Naruto there to do all the heavy lifting, not only so that she's better help to her team but also so she stands a chance against more vicious ninja if she ends up on her own. Her fighting style is inspired by the Black Tiger Fist. She also takes after Kakashi in learning many different kinds of jutsu, even finding ways to pull off chakra-heavy jutsu by basically performing a lesser version. Her fireballs may not be as hot as Sarutobi's but she can still do them, and it comes in handy.
Shiore and her team are reoccuring characters, could be any role tbh. I just wanna see more of them. Maybe they end up "conveiniently" bumping into certain teams during missions or training. They exchange information through careful small talk to track the worldly news, influence eventsin their favor and watch their own backs, but they aren't necessarily friends or enemies.
Rock Lee is the main character, and wears black or dark green/blue clothes that resemble historical ninja attire. On top of being a taijutsu specialist he also is a history nerd who is very proud of Konoha.
Mix up their Adult heights ya? Like, some short folks and some tall folks. Built folks and lanky folks. Choji and Hinata should not be the only ones with a distinct body types.
Sasuke, as a kid actually wants nothing to do with ninjas, he's enrolled bc he's an orphan, and an Uchiha, but he's "scheming" to somehow get out of it, and in the meantime makes sure he's really good at his job so that he can rank up faster and have more say in where he goes/what he does.
Kakashi, unintentionally ends up being like an older brother or father figure to Sasuke, they have a falling out at some point bc Kakashi is also an actual mess, but they reconcile eventually and help eachother get through the bullshit of the ninja world.
The Sharingan is a lot more limitied, like, it just tracks faster movements and effects people's perception of reality (genjutsu). That's it.
Hinata and Neji wear kimonos at first, like the rest of their clan, then wear more deviating clothing later (or maybe Neji keeps wearing the kimono)
The Byakugan is like rolling a 10 on perception. They're the eyes of Konoha, and on top of seeing physical weak spots and points to exploit, the Hyuuga also tend to attack their opponents psychologically. Some even think they're telepaths. In general, its very difficult to hit a Hyuuga, genjutsu a Hyuuga, and stay indifferent to a hyuuga when they try to get in your head. It makes them hard to trust even when they're nice. so their members are easily socially isolated from the rest of Konoha.
Neji was actually planted on Tenten's team to gather info on the Senju Clan. (I love the Tenten is Senju theory) but he ends up learning more about them from Lee.
Hinata has black hair.
Kiba's and Akamaru are inspired by the Shiba Inu dog breed. Members of their Clan don't normally become ninjas, they're more or less just doing their own thing , but Kiba's calm and reserved personality and skills made him ideal for spying/tracking, so some Konoha officials pull some strings to get him on a reconnaissance team. He's still very dog like, but he's a silent deadly dog and ends up adopting his team as his packmates- very protective of them.
Akamaru is a normal sized dog... with a shiba inu based design.
The sand siblings start out as evil bullies and end up as friendly bullies, but they keep their rough edges well into adulthood bc why wouldn't they?
After Gaara gets beat up by Naruto, at first he's pissed. But then, as he's processing the encounter he ends up misinterpreting it as "use other people for your own gain" its only after some life happens and mayne a few more bumps into Naruto that he actually understands that the point is wanting to protect people you love.
He also ends up becoming more expressive since he develops an interest in actually interacting with people beyond killing people and following orders. Gaara still comes off as an asshole but that's just his Suna accent (yes I headcannon that Suna are generally a bunch of disconnected assholes- like, Kankuro was about to beat up a toddler for fun just for bumping into him. And he's the Kazekage's son lol.)
There would be more elaboration on Suna's rag-tag nature and instability. They may even go through a political recession/collapse after the failed attack of Konoha- especially if other enemies-- the ones that put pressure on them, see it as an opportunity to scamble them like eggs.
Um... *twaddle's fingers*.
Juugo's power isn't a Clan thing, but an anomoly. Like a mutation or some sort, probably caused by some spirit or jutsu gone wrong. Like a tragic wish story or somthin.
Itachi's deal is that he left Konoha after processing the fact that he was so indoctinated as an Anbu that he actually killed his own family just to stop a suspected uprising. So he goes "eyo fuck this" and leaves Konoha with a deep hatred for his home village.
The Akatsuki are just a gang of rougue cimminals who agree not to bother eachother or rat eachother out, most end up teaming up for common interests and its usually an ironic pair. Itachi didn't want to join at first, but his fish pal happens to be part of the group and when confronted by them he ends up accepting the ring begrudgingly.
Occasionally senseis exchange footnotes or team up/temporarily swap out, to allow certain members to bemefit from a sensei that specializes in their stregnth. Like Kurenai being a good genjutsu teacher for Sakura, or Asuma being a good kaijutsu teacher for Tenten, Might Gai could help Sakura with her taijutsu. it would also contribute to the theme of interconnectedness. This wouldn't even be a formal process, just something the senseis figure to do on their own bc its good for their students.
Also Senseis' night out.
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thecatitbittingmeee · 27 days ago
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A bit sloppy, but I like!
Here’s some redesign sketches for Kiba Inuzuka (IP of Masashi Kishimoto)
As I’ve mentioned before, I really enjoyed the idea of a dog-themed character, but to me Kiba didn’t really fit into the ninja world as itsdesigned to be.
And I, frankly like that. So here’s the juice:
Kiba Inuzuka is from a more indigenous clan of hunters whom, more or less formed a treaty with Konoha to stay out of eachother’s hair. However, Konoha‘s officials are still opportunists, and still keep their military programs open even for allied outsiders, granted they pledge allegiance to Konoha over their clan and become a citizen.
In Kiba’s case, he just didn’t fit in and was something of an outcast for his quiet and aloof demeanor. As a teenager he was starting to get in trouble and his shyness started to turn into antisocial tendancies as he clashed more with his peers and elders and became more hardheaded about his own choices— basically he was anticipating being rejected by the Clan and starting to self-fullfill the prophecy.
So— the Konoha recruitment program reaches out and offers to give Kiba a place in their ninja program. His parents were more against it, but Kiba agrees in a moody fit just to get away from the tensions, being added to a specialized reconnaissance team (With Hinata and Shino).
Generally he’s a lurker; quiet, watchful, but also avoidant and aloof. At first, he runs into the same problems with wandering off, being suspicious of his peers (where one is a Hyuuga and the other’s… well Shino) and having terrible communication skills (not to mention particularly tense interactions with Naruto). Hinata’s kindness and Shino’s reliability bring him out of his shell. He learns to trust them, but also to care about and relate to them.
Team 8 becomes his found family, whom he’s incredibly protective of.
Eventually he does start to miss home, especially as he matures and reflects on situation he left.
His relationship with Kuranai is feels strange just bc she reminds him of his mom and Aunts, but is very obviously not an Inuzuka. They have similar demeanors and temperments, so Kuranai acts as an accidental role model for a healthier way to express himself and maintain his boundaries and relationships at the same time.
His skills primarily lie in tracking, nonvisual detection, and guarding, but he’s also the team’s heavy hitter when they’re facing a group of enemies, especially when they’re protecting an asset or client. He’s also the quickest on foot, and the the most durable. Also, while Akamaru is small, he tends to train with him by literally throwing him around. Akamaru basically uses Kiba as a trampoline and is an expert hole-hopping troll.
Overall, for the design I mostly just like how the hood and facepaint turned out, the rest of his clothes are still a mystery in my mind. I was going for something tribal looking, but for now that’s a future me endeavor.
Hope yall enjoyed!
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thecatitbittingmeee · 27 days ago
not a ship post but how funny would it be for people to mix shino and kiba's names up? at some point people give up and call them by 'shiba' just because it's guaranteed to send both kids running (we are talking genin-age).
tsume at some point: shi - ki - argh whatever SHIBA!
shino and kiba tuning into a very old summoning technique - call your kids the wrong name jutsu: THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!
bonus fun facts
tsume and hana had genuinely mixed up shino, kiba and akamaru. shino by virtue of his association with kiba had been called akamaru more times than his name. he's used to it
kakashi has a ninken named shiba that runs loose and he doesn't genuinely want to summon kibashino but somehow they've been trained to react to the name so kakashi is walking the street calling for shiba (the dog) and two teenagers (shiba - shino and kiba - unholy duo) turn up like 'you called?'
people who haven't met shino or kiba before think shiba is their name
shino and kiba have called each other shiba completely on instincts and now they just sigh and move on
it was funny when they were 12 but now naruto can't tease kiba anymore because kiba hypes up shino like you wouldn't believe. every team needs a cool guy and kiba nominates shino for this title (he literally told everyone but shino and hinata)
actually convenient to summon all three of them (akamaru is now part of the shiba bundle). imagine you're out in a field then suddenly there's a dog, a dog ninja and a bug ninja summoned from thin air. i'd retire
easier to shift blame. kiba played this card well into adulthood. he's perfected 'did you mean to call for shino or kiba?' and when people try to deliberate this he would disappear
shino's kids at the academy call him 'shiba sensei' and it stuck. they think shino's legal name is shiba aburame
kakashi somehow worked out a deal with akamaru and occasionally takes the massive dog out for a walk with all his 8 dogs (sometimes even without kiba knowing). when asked, he makes sure to introduce akamaru as shiba 2.0 and akamaru would nod and shake (why does he have two dogs name shiba? why not?)
it's listed in bingo books under aliases and as someone who have to endure bureaucracy weekly, making changes is akin to hell so people leave 'shiba' where it is. the trouble is that both shibas get in a rotten mood if they hear 'are you shiba?' from an enemy because that should really never leave village gossip
kiba very seriously said one day that if they get married it would be mr shiba aburame or shiba inuzuka x2 (think mr and mrs taylor lautner) and shino gave him fleas
mirai doesn't know who is who but she does know shiba. shino will let her have that one up until the age of 3
a lot of people just assumed they got married somewhere along the way? anbu delivering messages for kiba sometimes would find shino who's dead on his feet and would receive the message like it's for him. ANBU: are you mr inuzuka? shino who is too tired to correct the joke at this point: yes i am. people call kiba mr aburame in the same vein except kiba takes it with more fanfare
tsume wasn't that happy they eloped without her knowledge but shibi also genuinely doesn't know what's going on and he's not going to ask shino, so they roll with it and have family dinners between the two clans every fortnight and the shiba trio don't register this as anything unusual
im southeast asian and my aunt was a teacher so the spouse of a teacher is also a teacher by association. what this means is that kids also call kiba sensei. inuzuka sensei. shiba sensei. kiba who had never taught in his life after a child incorrectly identified him as married to his best friend and also his first name: yes sensei is here. how can i help you my child
when they do get married they were threatened by the clan elders to actually say kiba (shiba) aburame (he is a second son and the aburames love akamaru) and shino likewise dutifully put (shiba) on his actual legal marriage certificate
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thecatitbittingmeee · 27 days ago
Love them!! I love them so much!!
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Titan/Cityspeaker au!!! 💙❤️
I have a ton of ideas for this AU that I haven't put into motion yet, so if you have any questions I'll probably have an answer ^^
I'll tag everything related to this AU as "titan/cityspeaker au" 💕
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Doodles + Story below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
" Beyond the outskirts of Iacon, there once was a meek Titan and a protective Cityspeaker. While they existed in harmony, the decreasing amount of energon resources slowly wrecked their comfortable life in isolation. Desperate for survival, the Cityspeaker took the Titan for a new start in Kaon, where he would receive work as a medic practicing in the illegal gladitorial pits. While the Cityspeaker was desensitized to the cruel inequality Kaon—and the rest of Cybertron—had to bring, the Titan felt nothing but sorrow, resenting his inability to do anything to help.
Since Titans were an extreme rarity, the Cityspeaker disguised the Titan as an ordinary ship in hopes of his identity never being discovered. While travelling for unknown purposes, Alpha Trion found the Titan through an abnormally large life signal. Confronted by the wise mech, the Cityspeaker caved and allowed him to communicate with the Titan through him. While conversing, Alpha Trion realized the Titan had all the qualities worthy of being a Prime, and so explained his prophecies to the Cityspeaker.
Alpha Trion had managed to convince the duo to protest against the caste system alongside Megatronus, with the Titan communicating through his Cityspeaker. After enough time had passed, the council had favored the Titan over Megatronus, choosing to entrust the Matrix onto him. The Titan was named Prime, and the Cityspeaker was expected to serve, protect, and aid him in his journey.
Thus, everything—yet nothing—had changed. "
In this AU Titans and cityspeakers are practically unheard of. While Ratchet's face markings are permanent/not makeup, I doubt anyone would question them since they wouldn't even know what they mean.
I guess the public would become aware of such when Optimus would be named Prime? "Hey guys, your new leader is a giant fuckin' spaceship incapable of talking to you directly. Have fun!"
I'm thinking of Ratchet being unusually protective of his 'ship' ... "Hey, don't lean against him—I mean, it..."
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thecatitbittingmeee · 1 month ago
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cage fighter wolverine
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thecatitbittingmeee · 1 month ago
Life-changing OCD hack is learning that you can literally call poison control to check if you fucked up and took medications wrong in a way that could kill you instead of having a panic attack while reading reddit and quora threads for an hour. They won't even be mad at you. Like obviously don't do it every day or something but genuinely you can do this if you need to
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thecatitbittingmeee · 1 month ago
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getting back into the swing of things by making ref sheets for myself (kinda)
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thecatitbittingmeee · 1 month ago
Literal definition of spyware:
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Also From Microsoft’s own FAQ: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. 🤡
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thecatitbittingmeee · 1 month ago
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I can’t find it in me to finish this thing so BOOM you get the sketch. My transformers obsession is a very real thing and it goes DEEP. I’m like a biohazard. THIS is my FAVORITE doomed yaoi.
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thecatitbittingmeee · 1 month ago
Now I want some sparkling care game D: Where you can raise your own bean!
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thecatitbittingmeee · 1 month ago
Do you think you could draw some wheeljack. And I love your art so much.
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thecatitbittingmeee · 1 month ago
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