Now accepting applications! It's the same old game of scandal, lies, and seduction but this time with new players. Manhattan's elite is no longer dominated by Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass. There's a new Queen Bee of Constance Billard, a new Golden Boy at St. Jude's and plenty of young socialites in the making. Gossip Girl's blog isn't just targeting students anymore; everyone on the Upper East Side is fair game. The Carlyle triplets have just moved to the big city from Nantucket, and along with everyone else they're trying to get by in a dog-eats-dog world of materialism and superficiality. Inspired by Cecily Von Zigesar of Manhattan's Elite
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
so no old people returning?
I knew I'd get that question soon and my answer is if they want to audition for a character, they can - just like everyone else. However, there will be no previous characters (other than Baby, Owen, and Avery; they are an exception).
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Nat reporting.
I know it's been awhile and I apologise for that. The past few months have been quite hectic with school, my family, and my shit load of extracurricular activities. But I just miss the place so much, so I think I'm going to reopen this. I don't know where Jade is and she hasn't been on her personal for a month, so Jade, if you ever see this, message me on my personal account because I miss the shit out of you woman. I will be revamping this for the third time, but this time around it'll be different. For one, old characters are completely forgotten - and yes, that includes Marie and Justin. I miss my babies, but I feel that what's best for the roleplay is a fresh start. New characters is what I'm going for. I'll be working on it this weekend. Tillie, if you see this, message me on my personal baby doll.
There will be a new main. I'll link it once everything's all been done, which will be sometime next week or so (depends on how many characters I get done).
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The Vigilante
Stephen Chase | 21 | Jamie Campbell Bower | Open
Personality: The archetypal hero, Stephen gives the impression of holding most people in disdain but is quite chivalrous toward women. He is extremely arrogant, believing himself to be "the best" and to be above others. He can also be very sarcastic if he wants to be and is shown to be very confident about his looks and has dated a lot of girls. His charisma, good looks, and charm have made him quite the ladies' man, and he is implied to be somewhat promiscuous among girls. Despite his luck with girls, he never forms emotional attachments for more than a brief amount of time, if at all, because of the way his adoptive father had taught him that "to love is to destroy." And that love, therefore, makes a person weak. However, Stephen's conceited exterior hides a profound inner hatred. Stephen has a strong moral core, but also exhibits sadistic tendencies which he got on account of being raised by James and at times can be extremely vindictive, though often only cruel to protect those he loves.
Past: Stephen has one of those tortured pasts you read about in books that tug at your heart strings. Stephen was born to James and Annette Chase. While he was still in Annette's womb, his father was killed in a murder still unsolved today. Soon after his mother followed, presumed to have committed suicide. However, when medics reached her she was far enough along that they were able to save the child. The baby was then put into a temporary care unit at the hospital and he was soon adopted by a young couple. However, the couple wasn't who you would think of as an ideal family. Instead Stephen was raised by James and Annette both lovingly and harshly. James ingrained thoughts such as "to love is to destroy" into Stephen's mind. James is a strong supporter of fighting and so Stephen has been trained in literally every form of fighting known to man, even sword-fighting. Additionally, he can speak Romanian, Spanish, Latin, Italian, among bits and pieces of many other languages.
Present: The biggest problem is that Stephen still doesn't know he was adopted. After all, he looks similar to both his mother and father, so there was never really any reason to doubt it. But, out of nowhere, he started wondering why there weren't any photos of him in the hospital, or why his mother never talked about giving birth to him. Stephen is getting more and more agitated with Annette as she keeps dodging his questions, making him more and more suspicious. Are Stephen's vigilante tendencies going to get him kicked out of NYU or is he simply going to fail out as he obsesses over his familial history?
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The Politician
Isaac Pennington | 22 | Hunter Parrish | Open
Personality: Isaac has has that "bad boy" aura about him when he's hanging out with his friends. In the comfort of his friends, he is carefree, outspoken, but has a bit of a temper. He is widely outgoing, and doesn’t really trust people that well. He has a history of getting what he wants, when he wants. At the age of twelve he found comfort in smoking. It calms the fire he so desperately needs to control if he is going to live up to every expectation his family has.
Past: Being the son of a very powerful Texan mayor, Isaac's life has pretty much been planned out for him before he could even walk. The drama of the political world was so closely weaved through his bloodstream it was no surprise that he ended up at Dartmouth. He almost always appeared to have it altogether, to be the one someone could lean of if they needed a rock. Or someone who could walk into a room and bring a sort of peace to it, which was something most the people in his field envied about him. Isaac also almost always had the perfect words to reply with or the best intelligent come back to one of his opponents. All of these things caused the man to be very well-liked by most people.
Present: Isaac is an incredible politician, but the further he gets involved in it, the more he dislikes the career. So many underhanded people, so much dishonesty, it's all too dark for the blonde-haired male. But how does one tell that to his three brothers, all politicians? Or his father, who was born and raised on a politicians lifestyle, just like his father, and his fathers father, and so on and so forth? Isaac can't help but notice how much he loves playing around with his video cameras and filming everything he finds beautiful. Is Isaac destined to follow his gut and share the things he sees with the world, or to make the world a better place through politics?
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oops. i meant is carter open
Yes, he is! Sorry for the confusion, we forgot to edit the tags. We'll get on that now. Carter Stevenson is open. x
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Shelley Hennig fc? please please please!!
She's already being written in the drafts, love! x
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The Gambler
Jacob Everette | 20 | Robert Sheehan | Open
Personality: Politeness isn’t exactly a word you’d associate with Jacob. He’s renowned for speaking his mind about basically everything. He's that kid in class who makes a mockery of everything, and he does it loudly. He makes a mockery out of the endless number of useless servants he has, teases the boys on the swim team for hanging around with each other in Speedos and prefers to completely destroy his school uniform. It doesn’t look as though Jacob cares about anything except having fun and being a little reckless in the process. Jacob thinks everything about his life is a joke.
Past: The fact that his parents are incredibly upper-class and well known for their honour and prestige throughout the Upper East Side, and that he’s lived there his entire life doesn't change the fact that Jacob seems to get into endless amount of trouble. However, he's lived in New York City his entire life and could never imagine a life any different than the one he's so accustomed to. Unlike the rest of his family, he does not take an interest in public relations or anything close to the job title. To him it was too much work, too much responsibility. Preferring to hop form party to party, treating money as nothing, and because of his parents position in society, he's never had to be in a situation where he couldn't handle the trouble.
Present: However, after he denied his father’s offer to come into the business, what was left of his trust fund was frozen. Jacob never realised just how much he was dependent on the many privileges he had access to living the high flying life of an Upper East Sider. For one thing, without a driver he has to cab it everywhere- and he has to pay for those cabs himself. Drinks, clothes, food- everything is paid for by himself now, but Jacob isn’t exactly interested in getting a part time job. Instead, he came up with a clever plan of using his card playing skills to get involved in playing high stakes games of Texas Hold’em- but is it only a matter of time before Jacob's luck runs out?
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The Cat's Meow
Daniel Greyson-Jang | 17 | Ezra Miller | Taken
Personality: Ever since Danny was young, he'd gone through life with the same attitude of entitlement. It didn't matter what he was doing or who he was with: he'd always carry himself with power. He knew who he was, and he was perfectly aware that he was great. It didn't matter that he was a bit quirky and not your typical Upper East Sider. Danny was always in control of all the situations which he was put in. A sharp tongue, quick wit and strong confidence got him far- but it also got him many haters. Unlike a lot of other people, he loved having haters. In fact, he would purposefully piss people off to make them hate him. Danny loved how it felt when someone snapped at him; he would just look at them with a smile on his face. It was just in his nature to be rude to everyone. He didn't have very many close friends, but he was okay with that. After all, we was perfectly awesome on his own.
Past: Daniel was adopted by a young, lesbian couple when he was four years old. He grew up in a large home, with every toy you could imagine- he was utterly spoiled. To say that the Greyson-Jang family was wealthy was a huge understatement. With one of his mothers being a high-end fashion designer and the other a super-model, it was obvious that they easily brought in the cash. They taught their son to embrace who he was, not to let other people control him; and most importantly, to not let anything stop him from doing what he loved. Danny had a relatively easy childhood. He was bullied for a brief stint of time- but it didn't last long. It only took him standing up once to show them who was the boss. Ever since he'd entered high school, he was one of Gossip Girl's favorite targets and he might have been one of the only people to ever fully embrace the rumours and snide comments with open arms. Love him or hate him, he didn't care, as long as you were thinking about him. And he sure knew how to leave a strong impression that would last in every ones' minds.
Present: Danny's life is possibly at one of the highest points that it has ever been. And the reason for that, you might ask? He practically rules the halls of his school. Despite the fact that he isn't one of the students who's typically lusted after, he's certainly one of the students who's envied by the entire student body. And with that sort of power, Danny can practically get anything that he wants. And he knows exactly what it is he wants next, because his life just got a hell of a lot more interesting: a new family has moved next door to his, and a certain girl by the name of Sophie seems more than enthralling. He's found that he likes to torment her - something about the way she reacts just feels satisfying. And it doesn't hurt that she is gorgeous. Danny is determined to break her out of that stubborn shell she's stuck in, even if he comes off as an even bigger asshole than usual. It's a small price to pay when he gets to see her snap in return.
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Sweeter than Sugar
Sophie Taylor | 17 | Kendall Jenner | Taken
Personality: Sweet, shy, and soft-spoken, Sophie is the complete opposite of her sister Cassie. While the younger brunette had jumped into her freshman year with a circle over-flowing with friends and an ambition to be on top, Sophie had always been just kind of the typical timid girl at the back of her AP classroom. You'll never see her pushing someone's button, or trying to start an argument. She's just not that type of person. The non-confrontational girl actually goes out of her way to make sure what she says can't offend anybody, because the last thing she would ever want to do is hurt somebody's feelings. Sophie's probably the kindest girl you'll ever meet. She prides herself on being a loyal friend and an optimistic person, never wearing a frown on her beautiful features. Her only personality flaw is that she has trouble opening up to people and making new friends. She's so shy that a regular conversation with her could contain two words in total on her part. She's always had trouble talking to people and holding conversations, something she hates terribly and wishes her sister would find a way to fix. Sophie's not at all displeased with her polite, kind ways- she just wishes sometimes that being outgoing came naturally to her, even though she knows it probably never will.
Past: Sophie grew up in a relatively normal household. It was just her, Cassie, Mom, and Dad. Sophie got used pretty quickly to not being the center of attention once Cassie was born, and that remained the same way for the rest of her life. It wasn't that her parents loved their younger daughter more than the other- but Cass had always been willing to take more risks whenever it came to making their parents proud. She was on the cheerleading team, got straight A's all the time, and had even managed to excel at everything else she tried. Sophie wasn't jealous when all of her sister's report cards came in and her parent's compliments poured out (none for Sophie's B+'s, obviously); it was just in her nature to be happy and proud of her little sister rather than bitter. She'd always loved Cassie to death, but Sophie figures part of why she's so shy and unwilling to take chances is because everyone's always expected less of her. Giving minimal to none effort to make friends was something she'd just grown accustomed to- why bother when Cass had already won over half of the school? Sophie was perfectly content with a good stack of books, a delicious mug of hot chocolate, and a high-definition Canon camera.
Present: Now that Sophie's family has just moved to the Upper East Side from another part of New York City, everything in her life is going worse. Manhattan's nothing like she expected it to be, and she's pretty much getting eaten alive. The people are unwelcoming, the drama is exploding at every corner, and Sophie wants absolutely no part in that nonsense. Her sister's already gotten the hang of Constance and is taking the freshman class by a storm, but Sophie's not sure how she's supposed to start over at a completely new school when she didn't even have many friends at her old one, either. Sophie's never been one to spread gossip or talk bad about people, and the fact that these people seem to thrive off of ruining other students' lives sicken her. Amongst a world filled with secrets and lies, Sophie's not sure how she's ever going to survive Gossip Girl's wrath or even Queen Bee Jack Laurent's tormenting attitude. And on top of all that, she has another significant problem to deal with- her new neighbor is a total douchebag who seems to think being an asshole is making him look cool. Although Sophie's terrified of him, she figures putting on a sweet smile and pretending not to tremble when he walks by will solve the problem. Maybe. But let's be honest, it probably won't.
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Accepted! It was a very difficult decision, but we felt like you were able to portray Avery the best in your sample and conveyed her exactly like we imagined her to be when we wrote her bio. Please make your account, send in the link, and follow everyone on the masterlist. Welcome to The Carlyles, and we're sorry for the unimaginably long wait! x
OOC Name: Natalie
Previous involvement with this RPG (only if applicable): None
Character: Avery Carlyle
Activity Level: 8/10
RP Experience (please link a current RP blog if possible): I am currently not involved in any rpgs at the moment but here is a link to a blog I have yet to deactivate (linked to the para directory)
Any changes you’d like to make to the character (these include face-claim, character’s name and biography): Nada!
How you found this RPG: Searched "gossip girl rp" tag
Sample Para-style RP (third person, minimum two quality paragraphs of your own writing in character. Must be IC. Consult the FAQ for more info.)
Her five inch Jimmy Choos clicked away on the linoleum floor of the Constance hallways. She got a kick out of the sound alone. It was a steady, rhythmical, announcing sound, something that informed everyone of her soon arrival. A sly smile formed along the outskirts of Avery's pink lips. They might not know her now, but they would soon.
Avery could feel glares following her as she continued down the hallway. This she didn't mind though, at least now she was on the radar. The slender blonde held her books tight to her chest as she entered her first period class. She quickly scanned the room and took the first seat that caught her eye. Making her way through the rows, she sat her books down on the table top and slid into the desk. She cleared her throat and fluttered her lashes as she smoothed her plaid uniformed skirt and looked forward.
"Uh, you're in my seat." A voice from behind her snarled.
"Your seat?" Avery's looked up at the girl and smiled.
"Yeah. That's what I said."
"Well I don't see your name on it." Avery motioned her head to the back row, "Why don't you sit over there?"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I'm not sure how useful your last season Louis Vuitton's will be, but hopefully they're functional enough to carry you and your cankles to the back row. Now if you'll excuse me, I think class is starting soon."
The girl scoffed and stomped to the back row. Giggles and whispers echoed throughout the room. Phase One: Get noticed, completed.
I wrote this fairly quickly so here is an ooc para that I have written:
Serena walked out of her high school three hours early and out into the freezing cold, which at this point didn’t make sense since there was a huge dome surrounding them. Nothing made sense, she just wanted to go home to her brothers and her dad and have a cup of hot chocolate and let him help her. Let him assure her that it was just a hard day, that everyone was playing a bad joke and she was the punch line. He was breathing and she didn’t lose anything after she got off the phone with him. He wasn’t gone, he couldn’t be. Not him too. Her pace sped up as she realized that she was walking slower than a turtle, so slow that it would take a conscious effort to even do so when no one was in front of you. He would be home from work already, he would have made some sort of dinner for her and her brothers to eat and he would have been sitting at home reading the week old paper because no one felt like going outside and getting the new one. He would have his feet up on the table and he would be leaning back on the couch, somehow reading, watching TV, eating, and paying attention to her, Andrew, and Sam all at the same time. With the goofy grin on his face that was always there whenever they learned or tried something new, no matter how easy it was.
So she started running. She began running home because she didn’t want to lose any time with her father then she already had. She began running faster then she should in her high heels but she was running anyways. Because in the back of her mind, a part of her knew he wasn’t there. A big part of her knew he wasn’t there, but she wasn’t going to let herself believe that. She just wanted another minute with him, just one more. And then one after that and another one after that. That was all she wanted. It wasn’t too much to ask, she hadn’t asked for anything all her life, she just wanted this. She wanted to have yesterday.
But when she walked into her eerily quiet house, she realized that it wasn’t yesterday. It was today. Dropping her bag on the floor she ran to her dad’s room, standing in front of the door, feeling herself get more and more agitated when she figured out the door was jammed. No one was home, why was no one home? Why was she alone in the big house? Where were Sam and Andrew when she needed them most? She fumbled to get her phone out of her pocket, having to try the pass code ten times for it to actually unlock itself, dialing his number over and over again, sure that he would pick up. Sure that he would say something, anything that would make her feel better. Like he always did. But he didn’t pick up, his phone was crushed, obviously he couldn’t pick up his phone. So what was the use of having a phone if he wasn’t there to pick it up? She threw the phone aside, hearing it hit the wall but too busy trying once again to open the door. She tried everything, even things that wouldn’t work. Slamming her hands against the wood until they were raw, pushing it, until almost magically it opened as if it was never closed in the first place, and she was left standing there staring into the room that would never be occupied by him again as tears she hadn’t even noticed streamed down her face faster and faster.
She had no idea how long she had stood there, or when she had started crying so much that there weren’t any tears to be let out, but she realized that someone was wrapping her in a blanket and moving her to her own room, shutting the door behind them, closing a memory that she wasn’t ready to have been taken just yet. But then, while she was in her zombie like state, she had time to think about how she would never be ready for those memories to be taken at all. She would never, in her life, be ready enough to lose another parent. Never would she be prepared to feel the pain of having lost what she did, once when she was only ten and the second time, now. But when she looked over at her brother Andrew, she couldn’t stand the look on his face. The concern, the fear… the fact that he looked just like her dad. It wasn’t the look on his face she couldn’t stand at the moment, it was him. He looked just like him. He was acting like him, murmuring things in her ear, telling her things would be okay, and making sure he was okay. Just like her father always had, putting her needs and her emotions before his own. She didn’t want that. She didn’t want him to become her father overnight. She didn’t want him to shut off his emotions to care about her, and that was when she realized it.
She couldn’t be the helpless little girl. She couldn’t break down and cry, she couldn’t let it show how much every single breath she took was killing her. She couldn’t do that, not when it made her brother feel like he had to replace him. Not when he was slowly but surely turning into him right in front of her eyes. Slowly, he was getting wrinkles, and then he was getting taller, his face was maturing, and she had to shut her eyes closed to block the picture out of her mind. She blindly let him lead her away from what seemed like the scene of a crime.
She gave herself a day. At the end of it, the tears would have to stop and she would go back to being Serena, the bubbly blonde that was all smiles all the time. No one would have to know the difference; no one would have to know about the war that was going on against her head. The battle she was losing against herself; a battle that perhaps, she hadn’t been planning on winning in the first place.
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You've kept the people wanting Avery waiting for so long...
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still waiting for apps to be accepted? its been almost a week
We know, and we apologize profusely for the long wait. x
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