thecakeoftime222-blog · 15 hours
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 2 months
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Yes....... Yes I do 😃
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 3 months
Stupid Like A Jock
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"Wait, wait, bros, I have a big one..." PPPPPPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRTTTT
After that Adam could only hear that characteristic noise that echoed in his ears and made him roll his eyes feeling nauseous.
"Will they never stop being animals?" He said to himself, as he tried to change into his normal clothes and run away from the locker room as quickly as possible.
Saying the last few days have been hell for Adam is an understatement (not that the rest of days weren't, a pale scrawny nerd like him was the lower class in the hierarchy). especially since all the guys in his class seemed to be starting to take an interest in being part of the football school team, turning into one of those dumb jocks.
Each day that passed, Adam swear he could see a new boy with a varsity jacket, a backward cap, and that dumb laughs and slangs those idiots used, "Bro" and "Dude" being some of the poor few words they would use.
But that wasn't all, as He could tell, the worse was the gym class and locker room time, those places were like punishment for him, surrounded by big animal brutes, bulking, flexing, burping and farting on each others like pigs after they drank those nasty protein shakes.
As he walked out, some bros seemed to notice him, and called him out "Broo, where you going lil dude?" Parker, Quarterback player and leader of this oafs pack smirked and pointed him with a dumb and almost childish look walking to him.
You could say Adam was shorter not just from Parker, if not every boy in that room, reason that made him fear becoming a target for them to tease and torture for their own fun.
"Eh, i-i was just heading out to next class" he stuttered, feeling the stinky B.O. of the jock approaching him, making his best not to gag.
"Haha, nothin' of that bro, you gotta start bonding with real men more, those books and smarts makes you no good" Suddenly, Adam felt two of the other jocks holding each of his arms, Both of them making dumb laughs and obliging him to get just some steps from the alpha athlete.
"No! Let me go! You animals!" He Panicked trying to get them off, just to recieve a Belch from one of them in his face "EWWWWWWW!!!!"
"Give me that shit" Parker ordered one of his sidekick friends, and then he handed him a syringe with a very strange and dubious origin substance, before inyect him in his neck.
"AUUUCH" Adam cried, once the syringe was gone, they got him free, and he rubbed the affected zone "You are a bunch of... BOOOOOOOUUUURRRRRPPP!" A deep hearty belch with an almost animalistic sound came from his gut, he covered his mouth.
"What in the hell did you do to me?!" he asked, and after some seconds, a loud rumble sounded in his stomach, he put his hands in his gut and grunted for the pain.
It only made him more embarrased, he tried to cover his ass then, but something felt different, as if his body was being all invaded by something that ran over all his muscles.
"Now bro, this will make you fart and burp all your brains out, you'll be a straigh alpha dude!" Parker announced and all the other Jocks there yelled celebrating in unison.
"NO!" Adam made his best to talk "I wont! -UUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRP! Be a stinky-BUUUUUUUURRRPPPPP!!! Ape like all of you!...
The stinky air formed around Adam, as he all of a sudden let a dumb laugh, like the ones he hated so much from those guys, inhaling the putrid air of his gas, and smiling "Uhh dude, i feel bloated" He said dumbly.
"Its all that protein and tacos you had in lunch bro!, uff, man you gotta quite mexican for a while" He mocked wafting the air with a smirk, patting his back "We have a newbie, boys" He said, and lead Adam out to room, where they would go with the Coach office to inform the new recruit for the school team.
After two days, Adam was changing his clothes in the lockerroom, as he drank a bottle full of Protein to prepare for his bulk up session, belching after finishing up the bottle.
He got to the gym with the rest of his team, and fist bump with all his dudes, expect Parker, instead he letted a fat beefy belch rip to him and Parker did the same as they blowed it to both their faces after laughing hard.
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 3 months
Filthy Animals
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Shawn sighs trying to focus on his algebra book again to study as he hears all the noise coming from the living of the apartment he shared with his roommate.
He couldn't have any worse luck than living with the most sexist, grossest, filthiest, and DUMBEST guy he've ever met, Jaden was watching the football match with his bunch of good-for-nothing bros again, or apes, like Shawn liked to call them, filling the house with the obnoxious sound of their dumb laughs and bodily functions, Shawn swore he couldn't pass five minutes without hearing (or smelling, even from his room) a belch or fart those ogres would let out, and then giggle like toddlers cuz it was so much fun for them.
"BOOOOOUUUUURRRRRPPP" the jock lets a fat bassy belch out after drinking a whole can of beer "Woooh Broo! Hahaha, that was a fucking BEAST! ah?" He says joking with his slob peers as they all agreed while watching the game or commenting about the breast or butt from the cheerleader girls they were dating on.
It was already enough for him, as he made his way out of his room decided to confront him, he found him on the couch wearing nothing but his nasty underwear and a hand under it as he scratched his balls casually, Shawn grimaced.
"Y'all will never behave?! I can hear your disgusting noises from my room, You animals!" He said, almost red from rage, but Jaden simply letted a goofy laugh with the dumb smile and look he always had, same with his dudes.
"Lil bro, relax a bit, we're bonding as we men should do, you afraid to cut the cheese or what?" he smirked as he lifted one of his legs and pointed right at Shawn, he grunted and before the poor guy could do anything "Protein fart bomb!".
The putrid stink of the protein combined with the beer and all that food he and his friends were eating hitted Shawn almost immediatly, making him gag and feeling nauseus, wanting to run to the bathroom and throw up, while Jaden was having a good laugh and fist bumping with his all his bros, some even responding with another fart just to bother Shawn more "Damn i fucking stained my briefs with that one hahaha" Jaden said smiling, and it was no joke as even Shawn could see the brown mark on them, horrifying him.
"Ewwww! STOP YOU BRUTE!" He covered his nose "You are an ANIMAL" he hissed giving him a killer look.
"What is your damn problem?" It was then when Jaden got done with his whines and looked at him "Why dont you fucking relax and start acting like a man? You could even join us if you wanted" He offered, for Shawn's surprise, but the nerd was so mad that he made a disgusted face at the idea of it.
"I wouldn't join a group of slobs without manners who only know how to think with their cocks and fart or belch non-stop like fucking pigs, You are so dumb that you cant even count past 10 or say your own names correctly!" He stated, The jocks made overexaggerated gasping sounds, seeming offended by it, Jaden just stared with a neutral expression, his 'you're dead already' look perforing him deeply. Shawn quite started to fear him once he lost his sudden dose of courage.
"We'll see who ends up being the animal here, lil bro" was all the jock said before focus on the game again, leaving Shawn with a bad feeling running throught his spine as he rushed back to his room.
"Idiot... He just wants to scare me" He said as he seated again in his chair to continue his studying for the rest of the night, A little worried tho, for Shawn he just said the truth, but he didn't know what the immature and stinky athlete could do to him, time after overthinking about it he decided go sleep, unaware of the plan the Jocks at the living were making in that moment.
During the next morning, Shawn woke up around 9 am, so he supposed Jaden would probably be at the gym before his training, he got out his room and walked to kitchen to have some breakfast, but to his surprise he was there, still in his undies as always when he was home , eating some brownies from a plate that was in the table, before smiling at the nerdy guy "Brodaah!, you want some of these? My girlfriend brought me brownies cuz she made some for the annual campus event tomorrow, but i can share" he said, as innocently as he could sound, Shawn narrowed his eyes at him and then at the brownies
"If you farted on them i swear i'll throw them to you" he threatened, Jaden rolled his eyes, grabbing another "Bro, grab some, i didn't put anything nor poisoned them, ya paranoid" He said "I left the white chocolate ones for you, i ate the rest"
The pale guy doubted for a sec, but then he thought that Jaden maybe couldn't even be that smart to think on something to ruin the food, he was the last of his class and his IQ didn't pass over 65.
He slowly extended his arm, and picked up a brownie, he sniffed it before "Smells a bit rare... What did she use to bake them?"
Jaden simply proceeded to shrug "they tasted good to me, just try one bruh! You wont regret" The jock said once again, Shawn looked at it unsure of what to do, after some eternal seconds, he sighed and finally bited the brownie, gulping it down his throat once finished
"Eh... Actually it wasn't so bad-" He got interrupted by a huge growl, coming from his deep gut in his stomach, he held it in pain with a hand, and somehow for some reason he started to feel a bit... Bloated.
"What the hell was in that?!" The nerdy guy looked in horror the taller jock, who just dedicated him an evilish and satisfied grin.
"You'll see, lets just wait it does its effect" He said, Shawn tried to run, but he couldn't move neither "This is bullsh-..SHIOOooOOOUUURRRRPP" a wet then deep and smelly belch made its way out of him out of nowhere, but instead of feeling ashamed, that burp seemed to take all the worry out of him and leaving him on a slacking and relaxed state.
"Cool haha" Jaden approached him, seeing the scrawny boy with a lost look standing there "Now we can start... Where should we... You said we were animals, but what if i tell you you are one too? Man, you even smell worse than me, just sniff your pits!"
Shawn proceed to lift his arm and sniff deeply, he showered daily, but now his armpits immediatly took a fetid and rank odor that could make even the strongest faint.
"And you also said we dont have manners, remember? You dumbass, we both know your fumes are deadly, you love to let it rip bruh hahaha"
That blast made Shawn's pants vibrate at the bass from that fart, with each gas he letted out, his expression seemed more and more relaxed and drool scaped from his lips.
"You forgot you are such a dumb jock" Shawn made a goofy laugh at that as he scratched his butt.
"Such a dumb and gross jock"
"BOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUURRRRRRP" was Shawn's response this time.
"You truly are an animal, dude, so dumb and filthy i cant imagine how you are even able to talk haha"
"Du... Dumb hahaha" A new deep voice came out of his throat, and then he belched again before grinning stupidly.
"Oh and, for the record" he made a pause "I did farted on those brownies, but just yours man, and Bryan could possibly rubbed them in his ass... And Wesley maybe burped on them too, i dunno, just enjoy the extra flavor haha"
Shawn never felt more dizzy or dazed in all his life, not that it mattered now tho, his life now was being a hot dumb and smelly jock, blasting burps and farts as if it was his own breath, it felt good to be dumb, it felt good to act like a man.
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 3 months
Jaxon had been given to Eli and Easton to be their own personal slave for an entire week as part of him pledging to Kappa Sigma. Jaxon had heard about Eli and Easton, and what he knew is that they were the dumbest and douchiest brothers in the Frat, in fact they are so dumb that it is rumored that they “do favors” to pass their classes. Even worse than being owned by two bros who are dumb as a bag of rocks and have a think they are the shit is that they have a habit of letting putrid gas rip out of their asses whenever and wherever they pleased, didn’t matter if they were in class or in bed with a hot babe, if they needed to fart they were going to. It was almost as if the two weren’t smart enough to realize that they can hold in their stink.
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“Yo bro! Welcome to mi casaaaaa” Easton spoke in a deep voice, “Make yourself at home man! Mi…or well our casa is su casa too! At least for the week.” Eli proclaimed in the dumb Southern Californian accent he had. Eli turned to Easton “It gonna be so nice not having to do chores around here broooo!”, given the state of the dorm it didn't seem like either one of them had done chores here in the first place. “I only see two beds in here dude” Jaxon said to Easton, “Where am I gonna sleep?”. “Thats the best part man!” Easton snorted, “You’re gonna sleep on the floor.” Jaxon could tell this was going to be a hard week, the floor was covered in junk, trash, and foul smelling clothes that the two obviously don't even bother doing sniff tests on anymore.
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“Ohhhh…greattttttt” Jaxon said through strained teeth. “Huhuh okay Jaxon since you’re ours for only a week we are gonna use you to your full potential” Eli said, “Yea man! Your blasters are gonna have to be on full throttle!” Easton added as he blasted out a fart. Eli punched his arm playfully and remarked “Huhu good one man that reeks, but we don’t want to knock out our new best bro!” Jaxon waved his hand in front of his nose as if it could do anything against the force of nature that is Easton’s fart fumes. “Huhu trust me that won’t help, anywaysss” Eli continued, “your first order is that you have to make your bed!”, “How am i supposed to do that if Im sleeping on the floor?” Jaxon pontificated. “Well we don’t want you to be uncomfy so all of our dirty clothes can be your mattress and blankets duhhh” Eli pointed out, Jaxon obliged making the smelliest bed he has ever had the misfortune of being on. Once he had made his bed the two bro’s told him “We want to go to sleep since it’s getting late so you have to sleep too so you don't wake us” Easton stated, “Oh okay! Let me just go brush my teeth an-.” Eli cut Jaxon off, “Nah I don’t think you need to brush your teeth, I mean we only do it in the morning so it's only fair that you do the same. The two frat bros breathed their foul breath in unison at Jaxon. Jaxon, barely keeping from gagging, responded with “Whatever you say” knowing that he would never get into Kappa Sigma if he fought back.
Over the course of the next week days Jaxon was constantly running errands, doing chores, doing Eli and Easton’s homework, etc. Jaxon was getting sick of the way the room always reeked like a High School locker room and hated the fact that he was starting to smell like that too. It was Saturday and Jaxon was so excited! Tomorrow he will be free from the stench, from the two bro’s stupidity, and will be a full fledged Kappa Sigma brother. That night the two bro’s ordered a pizza and got a bunch of soda and beer to celebrate his ascension into the frat. “uuuugh I am so so full!” Jaxon said, leaning his head back. “Me too” belched out Easton, Jaxon after being around the bro’s belching and farting all week found it kinda humorous now, his humor had regressed back to middle school but he didn’t mind. In fact Jaxon didn’t mind a lot now that he had spent a week with Eli and Easton. Jaxon didn’t mind the smell of the improvised bed all too much anymore, he didn’t mind doing all of Eli and Easton’s work, and he didn’t mind the farts anymore, the weak ones that is. He even started farting loudly in public just like them. “It’s been so fun having you here to do whatever we want man! We are gonna miss your servitude!” Eli said, “Yea man! Me and Eli were talking about it and we have one last thing we want to give to you!” Easton said excitedly, “It’s a surprise tho! So you gotta close your eyes!”. Jaxon, not wanting to not get the gift or insult them by not following their orders this last night did as he was told. Jaxon could hear the two shuffling around and Eli moved him from where he originally was in the dorm to right beside Eli’s bed. Still keeping his eyes closed he began to smell something rotten, it smelled like fermented cheese and unwashed ass. “One…Two…” he could hear them say in unison, “THREE” and all of a sudden he was met with a face full of ass fumes straight from the gassy bro bums. After what felt like a full minute, Eli and Easton’s putrefying butt vapors finally ceased. Jaxon sat there without saying a word. Inside his head the miasma of stink eliminated all higher thinking, Jax within a few seconds turned from a decently bright finance bro, to a bro dumber than a bag of rocks. Jax’s only future now would be as a janitor or something else of that nature. Jax’s memories were also being warped by the fumes, his strict heterosexuality loosening its grip became bisexuality as Jax began to have memories of sleeping with the other guys on the soccer team. All of his intellectual capacity and memories became one with the fart funk floating around in his head, but that cloud needed to go somewhere… As Eli and Easton began a second round of farts right into Jax’s face, Jax’s butt trumpet began to add to the symphony of flatulence. Just like that Jax essentially farted out his brain into a malodorous mist. Jaxon was gone, just a foul smell in a litany of foul smells in the room, all that remained was Jax, the dumb, gassy, bisexual frat bro. “Broooooooo” Jax moaned, “…That…was…SO RAD!” he said as his brain flickered back to life.
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Jax, Eli, and Easton all became inseparable frat brothers, they had class together, they ate together, they played video games together, they jerked off together, and they fucked each other. But most importantly they farted together, constantly farting. No one would sit near them in the dining hall or in a single class due to the corrupting haze of gas that constantly surrounded the three. The three frat bros moved out to all live together, moving out of the cramped dorm room and into an off campus apartment. Jax’s fate continued to befall every guy who resided in that room, the FRATulence kept making the brilliant college students into dumb gassy bros, ready to add their own fart flavor to the room before they dropped out. “Rumor has it that the FRATulence has been absorbed into the carpet, mattresses, pillows, etc. But thats just some weird dumb story to keep this room empty I guess” Your RA told you when you moving in to the room with your roomie, “The rumors at this school are so weird man…” he commented. After he left your room, you and your roommate went back to unpacking and you yelled him as the funk of your roommate’s blundering fart filled your nostrils, “DUDE! You’re really gonna let one rip in here after that dumb story!” Soon you and your roommate are gonna leave your mark on this school, or at least on some poor pledges nose.
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 3 months
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You were so excited to go and see your boyfriend at his place later today! The two of you had been so busy recently and your work schedules just refused to line up, so it was the first time in a week and a half that you were going to see him. You spent your entire day off getting ready to see him for dinner, you went out and got flowers, bought some dessert to take over, spent an hour and a half getting ready, and you were finally on your way over. As you got on the train to go over to see him you noticed this guy staring at you from a few paces away. He was dressed like he had just gotten out of the gym, and the slight acrid smell coming from his beat up white sneakers and sweaty graphic tee confirmed that he did.
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As you pulled out your phone and texted your boyfriend that you should be there in about twenty minutes you could feel the sweaty gym bro staring at you. You looked up and he winked at you, you quickly looked back at your phone ignoring his flirtatious mannerisms. As the train approached your station you gathered your things, put your phone in your back pocket and stood up, the gym bro was doing the same. Departing from the train the two of you were just a few feet from each other you realized that the slight acrid smell wafting off of him when he was a few feet away was in reality a strong cloud of BO as you got closer to him. Ignoring the stench you continued to the turnstile and then up onto the street and started to make your way in the direction of your boyfriend's apartment. You could barely contain your excitement as you joyfully stode down the street with your headphones on listening to your playlist, you felt your phone get lifted out of your back pocket. You swiftly turned around thinking you were getting robbed just to be face to face with the gym bro from the train. Utterly shocked and a decent bit afraid you quickly took your headphones off and, with heavy annoyance in your voice, asked “Dude what are you doing!? Give me that back!”. All the gym bro did was smirk and put the phone in his own pocket, he then opened his mouth, “I’ll give you it back if you come back to my place pipsqueak.”. As he said what felt like a cloud of bad breath flowed out of his mouth and into your face, as the stench went up your nose the idea of going back to his place didn’t seem that horrible. You found yourself about to agree when you realized that that was insane, no way were you going back to this stranger's place! “No way! I'm not gonna go back to some reeking douchebag’s place! Especially when you have breath that could knock someone out!”, he looked a little annoyed that you refused but he just shrugged a little and took the phone out of his pocket and lifted it above his head, “Fine, I’ll give you back your phone but you gotta get it from me.”. He stood at least half a foot taller than you and with his muscular arm stretched up high you knew you were gonna have to jump for it. “You’re an asshole.” you proclaimed loudly on the empty street, as you were about to try and jump for it, thats when the smell hit you. His outstretched arm allowed for his thick armpit hair to reach out from the sleeve of his graphic tee, not only did the hair come out but so did the absolutely stupefying body odor the gym bro was putting on display. You instinctively covered your nose and the gym bro smirked, “Heheheh” he chuckled “You want to come home with me?” he questioned but it felt and sounded more like a demand than anything else. As you were about to say for the second time that he should get lost it felt like your brain was getting fuzzy, all that escaped your mouth was a soft, light moan instead of the torrent of disparaging words that would have normally come to mind. “Is that a yes?” the gym bro said knowing full well that with every breath of his rancid armpits taken in, your ability to answer became more and more difficult. You tried to stop it but something in your brain told you “Nod”, so you did, you weakly nodded yes to the stranger. “That’s what I thought” he uttered just loud enough for you to hear, allowing more of his bad breath to escape his mouth. He put your phone back into his pocket and draped his arm around your shoulders, letting a bit of his pit hair tickle the nape of your neck, beginning down the street in the direction you had come back to his place.
As he held the door to his apartment building open for you, you mindlessly drifted inside weakly saying thank you. Inside the cheap, dingy elevator up to his apartment you couldn’t help but breathe in the utter stench that was escaping from his entire body. His presence alone in an enclosed space was enough for him to hotbox it with his natural odor. As the elevator slowly crept up to the fifth floor apartment you were looking directly at him as he did the same to you, you had the faintest whisper in the back of your mind that this isn't your boyfriend, you don’t know this guy, someone is very very wrong. Then as the whisper grew a little bit louder the elevator dinged and you both stepped out into the hall and began the short walk to his door. He unlocked the door and opened it going in first and playfully pulling you in by the wrist. As the door opened the first thing you saw was a cramped living space filled with used socks draped over furniture, empty pizza boxes, cans of beer and soda empty and half drank, and a collection of shoes all dirty and strewn about in a huge pile. “Welcome to my place bro!” he said almost proudly as if this space was something to be proud of, if you were in your right mind you would laugh in his face but right now you just stood there with a blank expression. He pulled you over to his couch and sat you down saying “Wait here a second bro, I gotta get some shit off my bed”, and then he disappeared into the other room. Sitting on the couch covered in dirty gym clothes, the whisper in the back of your head grew louder and louder as you had been given a second to breathe air that wasn’t straight out of the gym bro’s armpit. You gained just enough willpower to slowly look around and take in your surroundings, you could hear him tossing things around in his bedroom, there was not a single open window, the kitchen a complete mess, and the smell was just awful, not as bad as his pits for the clothes strewn about have aired out a bit but still it can probably barely be considered oxygen. As you truly began to realize the situation at hand you slowly got up from the couch trying not to make any noise, luckily you could still hear him being preoccupied trying to make his bedroom “nice” for you. As you approached the door, you heard what sounded like him finishing the impromptu “spring cleaning” and turned a little toward his room, in an absent minded attempt to quickly seize your escape you tried to bolt for the door. Within three steps you inevitably tripped on something in the cluttered apartment, falling face first into the pile of shoes near the door. In a state of fear and shock you gasped in after the fall, stench quickly filled your nose going straight to your brain reverting you back into the submissive state you were previously in. You lay there, breathing in the cheesy foot stench, without any ability to try and escape as he opens the door and finds you face first in his disgusting shoes, “Why do they always try and run, it never works?” he proclaims to himself. He picks you up over his shoulder and carries you into his room, sets you down on the bed and tells you “I'm so excited to have a new gym partner dude you are gonna be perfect!”.
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Stripping of the sweat stained tee he has been wearing he releases a cloud of pure unadulterated bro-stench into the air. He takes a long deep sniff of his armpits, “Good thing I worked up a good stink today bro! I don’t know if I could’ve fogged up your brain if I wasn’t just at the gym!” He scoots you up so that you are sitting on his mattress but your back is touching the wall, grabs you by the back of the head and shoves you deep into his hairy armpit. The stench rushes straight into your brain overloading it with his funk, you feel your body start to spasm.
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You feel your feet start to cramp up as they grow bigger and bigger from a size 8 to a size 15. The massive feet you now have sprout a forest of hair as the Converse you are wearing slowly start to stretch and rip. As they fully rip apart and fall of your feet a billowing stench is released, adding to the stench in your apartment. You feel your legs start to tighten up and change, growing from small toothpicks that couldn’t hold up a marshmallow to sturdy tree trunks able to keep a redwood standing. Your crotch and ass begin their transformation, your wimpy 3 inch dick that forced your boyfriend to be the top starts to ache, you brainlessly begin to paw at it as it becomes a behemoth standing at 10 inches full mast. Your ass is next turning from a cute, perky, bum into two smooth globes of pure fat and muscle. The gym bro has to readjust to accommodate the two new cushions you have grown, too bad they won't ever be used for anything other than shitting, while as your ass inflates into every top's wet dream your hole begins to close up to the point that looks like it has never been used. The straight boy ass you now possess really starts to itch, with one hand preoccupied with your dick your other hand finds its way into your pants to scratch the itch. As dainty fingers begin to start scratching you are met with so much hair coating the two previously smooth soccer balls. As your ass itch dies down you feel a rumbling in your stomach, a sudden sensation of pain overcomes you as your gym bros pit stench reaches deeper into your brain. You wince as you are overwhelmed with the sudden pain, you go to grab your stomach and you are met with a set of abs that you can feel hardening into something akin to stone. As the abs begin to finish their conversation from soft tummy to a rock hard six-pack you suddenly feel it come over you… “Dudeee…” you moan out as a cloud of gas rushes out of your ass PPFFFFFBBBBBTTTTTT “AW BRO THAT’S NASTY!” the gym bro proclaimed while still holding you in his pit. Next to change was the puny chest that you currently had, as if it was being inflated like a balloon your pecs became perky and bounceable. Your shoulders broadened and grew into huge muscular shelves holding the weak arms you had that were about to change. You could feel the spasms lower into your arms and hands, your arms became huge, able to crush someone's head between your upper arm and forearm, and your hands became massive paws capable of easily picking up a soccer ball with one hand. You can feel the thick, coarse forest of hair filling in your armpits. The funk they begin to release makes the gym bro guffaw, “These are gonna be great for turning some pansy into one of us later huhuhu.”. The last change happens to your face, your neck becomes huge and thick supporting the pinnacle of masculinity which sits above it. Your jawline becomes square and fills in with dark coarse hair, your lips become big and plump perfect for blow jobs but that option is soon to be erased, your nose flattens and nostrils expand perfect for taking in more stank from your gym bro’s unwashed pits. Your eyes get smaller and the color of your eyes shifts from a beautiful amber to a deep dark brown, your eyebrows fill in and become thick caterpillars that are perfect for keeping all of the sweat produced at the gym out of your eyes. And finally your hair turns from a perfectly preened mass of curly hair into barely kempt straight hair that would make the old you chuckle if you saw it on the street. You can feel yourself get pulled out of the gym bro’s stink prison, “How ya feelin bro?” he asks, “Uggghhhh where am I?” you look around and smell something even worse than the gym bro’s armpit and you sniff around. You lift your own arm and sniff the new mass of hair in your pit, “Ewwwww I smell disgusting I need a showerrrrrrr…” you say still a little dazed. You hear the gym bro announce “You’re not done I guess.” And you feel his hand grab your head and shove you back into his armpit.
The stench once again fills your brain, resuming where it left off and begins to whittle away at your mind. Starting with your intellect the wall of stink begins turning knowledge of math, history and science into knowledge of protein shakes, gym routines and fitness influencers. Years of studying art history has turned within a matter of seconds into thoughts about how inferior guys who wear deodorant are. Next to go are your memories, memories of your boyfriend disappear into the all consuming funk in your brain and are turned into memories of all your bro’s from high school and the gym that always stink to high heaven just like you. Memories and aspirations of school and wanting to be an art historian turn into thoughts and impulses about boobs and turning women into bimbos. Nothing about your old gay self is left, all that remains is a straight douchebag with terrible personal hygiene. You are again pulled out of his armpit, “Huhuhuhu dude we reek!” you dumbly point out, “Brooo we always stink!” the gym bro responds. “Uhhhhhh brooooo I can't think straightttt huhuhuh uhhh do you remember my nameeee?”, “You are so dumbbbbbb! You seriously don’t remember your name Miguel? Do you remember mine?” questions the gym bro. “Uhhh yea its uhhhh…it’s…huhuhuh it’s Stinkbomb!” you say jokingly. Stinkbomb chuckles knowing that you are completely gone, the old you will never return, Miguel the stinky straight gym bro is all that remains of the little gay twink that was laying in the bed earlier.
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 6 months
My wrestling coach of 6 years has been on my ass trying to get me to join him as his assistant coach. I’m not so interested as I have to prioritize my studies.
The problem is he keeps sending his dirty compression gear to my flat — I don’t get that. But something about that smell… it reminds me of him, his manliness… And I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t had a crush on him for the past 4 years… maybe I should accept his offer…
Well, crush is a harsh word… I mean, you started on the youth team in elementary school with your coach. You're a sophomore in college now. Sure you had a little crush on him when you were in high school. But you weren't really in love.
Since you've had a laundry basket full of his dirty clothes in your apartment, that's changed a bit. You dream about your trainer all the time. And the dream usually ends with rough sex. And a nocturnal ejaculation on your part. You're already sleeping in one of his wrestling singlets so you don't have to keep changing your bed. This prevents bigger messes.
When you get out of the shower this morning, freshly shaved all over, there's a knock at the door. Someone has left a package in front of the door. A wrestling singlet. It's still warm and damp with sweat. And someone has recently squirted into the singlet. It's actually disgusting. You actually have to go to class. But you have to try on the singlet. Now. Damn, it feels so great. The cum from Coach sticks to your smooth cock. You can feel his sweat on your skin. You smell your freshly shaved armpits. It's a good thing you haven't used deodorant yet. So you can smell Coach's musk and imagine it's yours. You have a boner. You play with your nipples. Your precum mixes with Coach's cum. And shortly afterwards you cum. An incredible amount!
You don't have time to shower. Your first marketing lecture starts in half an hour. You pull on a pair of jeans and a hoodie over your singlet, slip into socks and sneakers, grab your backpack and make your way to campus.
You could have saved yourself the day at university. You couldn't concentrate. You went to the toilet three times to have a wank. And as soon as you get back to your apartment, you wank the next time. It feels so great to come in Coach's singlet.
The next morning you wake up in your own university team singlet. You must have changed into it at some point while you were half asleep. Phew, you stink of sweat and cum. Yes, you remember… After training yesterday, there was a private wrestling session with Coach. He tried to use gentle force to persuade you to take on the job of assistant coach. The fight was great. But you don't want to. The fact that you let yourself be persuaded to switch from business studies to sports science a semester ago is the furthest thing from your mind. First lecture this morning is athletics. Not your favorite sport… But at least you don't have to shower. You take a deep breath from your bushy armpit. Fuck, yes! No wonder it drives Coach crazy. If you could, you'd fuck yourself.
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Coach is still lying next to you, snoring. Today is your last fight as a student for your university. You're still wondering whether you should cut your hair for the graduation ceremony. Since you've been Coach's assistant, you've let your curls grow. But when you graduate, you'll also lose your assistant position. In two months, you will become a coach at your old high school. Best job you can imagine.
Pic found @athletic-collection
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 6 months
I just wanna be a dumb, dull teenager biker… not caring or thinking about anything, only having knowledge is bikes and not even being able to do simple maths, just riding, stinking and farting on my motorcycle….
Do you think you could make it happen? Thanks
Bloody hell! Do you have any idea what's going on here so close to the holidays? Read. The. Fucking. Manual! Select properties, define characteristics, activate. And if that's too much work for you, select one of the default settings. Here's a really cool one. 19 years old, well-trained, C-student throughout. Motorcycle fan. Here you go!
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You can't get enough of the feeling of being in a motorcycle suit. Your bare, sweaty skin in tight nylon and leather. And then off you go on your racing bike, onto the highway and steel, leather and asphalt become one with you. It's not the first time that your jockstrap has gotten wet from precum while riding.
You and your bike get hungry. You pull out at the next rest stop. You fill up, take a piss and sit down in the diner. The waitress is on the ball. While the waitress takes your order, you take off your helmet and open your jacket. A gush of musky air comes out. You run your fingers through your long, sweaty locks. The waitress looks a little disgusted. And passes on your order.
Just as your salad with tofu and the cranberry spritzer are served, a group of truckers come in the door. The diner is full. There's only room at your table. Without asking, the four giants join you. The first one asks if that's your bike out there. A rarely stupid question, you are the only guest in motorcycle gear. Your mouth is full and you just nod. "1992 Fatboy?" asks the trucker. The baby is your pride and joy. You nod again. "Difficult bike, but I assume you have experience with the engine". You're still chewing, but you show your calloused and oil-smeared hands to prove it. Yes, your baby is not really reliable. But it's honest American steel. Not some crap from Japan, Italy or Germany. With your mouth full, you say that you used to have a Triumph. But nothing beats the machines from Milwaukee. And then you bite into your burger again. The second trucker orders a large portion of scrambled eggs and bacon, gives you a fist bump and says. "Damn right, buddy. America first!" You burp and confirm "America first!"
Half of your burger is hanging in your beard. You're still hungry. When the truckers' food arrives, you order a portion of the ribs. And another beer. You ask the guys if they want another one. The ribs are delicious. They are dripping with sauce. Your fingers are not only oily, but also covered in fat and sauce. You wipe them on your jeans and the hair on your belly. Your next round of beer is coming. You toast with an "America first", take a big gulp, look at each other and burp simultaneously. You like these guys. Big honest heroes of the highway. You pay for your meal at Lucy's and promise to come by again soon. You say goodbye to your friends and go out to smoke a cigar before continuing your journey. And you really need to piss. But you'd rather do that behind the shed.
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Hehehe, you already know why you don't piss in the toilets. It doesn't take long for one of the truckers to join you. He doesn't smoke a cigar. But what's in his mouth is hardly any smaller
Preset found @neusatz-an-der-donau, later pic found @vareddman76
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 6 months
I've always been a well put together scrawny guy. Never really got along with other guys who were more masculine. I'm eager to see what's on the other end of life. A bear, hairy, with a big belly and a deep belly button. Can fart among other men openly, freely, and, most of all, proudly. The kind of guy who can fix a car with one hand while the other hand is scratching my belly button or drifting the stench of my farts up to my nose. I want to be as filthy of a man as can be, and I want to be proud of it!
As they say in an old Hollywood movie, life is like a box of chocolates… Do you like chocolates? Here's a box.
The chocolates are made of very dark chocolate. They smell of wood, leather and tobacco. Masculine. The first one has rings as a symbol and melts in your mouth. It tastes of whiskey. Very tasty. As the saying goes. A moment on your lips, a lifetime on your hips. You can feel your belly growing a little. And the piercings in your nipples feel great.
You can't really tell what's on the next chocolate… An eggplant? Maybe. It tastes… Musky? Your boner is growing in your pants as your belly swells over the waistband. Your foreskin grows back. You run your hand down your pants. Yes, that's good. You smear the precum. With your other hand, you take another chocolate.
It's a bear or something… Also filled with alcohol. But something different, tastes like beer. You have to burp. Your shirt stretches across your stomach and chest. You're growing fur. Everywhere. That was really tasty, you need another one of those. Hehehe, the burp was even better. Phew, how it stinks. Male! You have to take your shirt off before you tear it to pieces. You pull your hand out of your pants, the waistband is getting too tight. You smell your hand. Sweat and musk, sticky from the precum. You rub it clean on your hairy chest and then unbutton your pants. Your cock pops out like a jack-in-the-box.
There's another animal head on the next praline. Could be a bull. Your belly doesn't just swell, it bloats…. Brffffffffft! Phew, you can still put up with your own farts. And here comes another one. You take a deep breath. Yes, that's what a really good fart must smell like. You rub the bulge in your leather pants… It feels great. And the leather can tame a bit of your farts if necessary. If you want…
You haven't tried any of those yet. They have a geometric pattern on them. Your pecs have become man boobs. Big, powerful but soft. And decorated with tattoos that look like you've had them for decades. You get another one with an eggplant on it. Your balls and cock swell up. Your cock is rock hard. Shit, you have to cum. Your cum flies all the way into your beard. A deep puddle forms in your belly button. You rub it all into your fur with your calloused hands.
You've never had one with a wheel like this before. It tastes of oil. Kind of disgusting. And somehow hot. You put your heavy motorcycle boots down on the coffee table and adjust your muir cap. Shit, chocolate pralines don't really fit in your motorcycle workshop. But they do taste good. You have to fart again. And burp immediately afterwards. You hope no customers come in now.
The appetite comes with eating. You take two with a bear on them at once. The leather sofa groans under your weight. The muir cap feels great on your bare skull. The remains of your tobacco still cling to your mighty beard. Yes, you actually feel more like a good portion of Copenhagen or a cigar than a chocolate. But there are only two left anyway. One with a ring on it and one with a bull.
Shit, you can feel a hurricane brewing in your guts. You rub your belly and your tits. Your huge piercings in your nipples and glans are impressive. The leather strap stretches across your upper arm. One of your boys comes into your office and wants to ask you about the Fatboy that's due to be finished this afternoon. This is the moment you've been waiting for. Brbrbrbrbrffffffft! Shit, a bison would be proud. You take a deep breath. Your coworker turns pale. "Get used to it, boy!" you growl.
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To apologize, you have given your employee an extra-large box of chocolates. He is to share it with the other boys. His questions are all answered. Now you need a midday nap. Your boys know that. For the next half hour, all they'll hear is snoring and farting coming from your office.
Pic found @musclefetish77
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 6 months
Hello Sir! I know you can help me with my problem. Soon new year, and in new year I want become big brut hairy bear, with bald head. I ready pay any price for it. Can you help me in this question?
You couldn't necessarily tell by looking at Liam. But he was already 19 years old. He constantly had to show his ID. He was annoyed. At least he wasn't ugly. On the contrary. He had hundreds of followers on TikTok. But most of them thought he was a kid. No one believed that he had finished school and wanted to start training as a draughtsman the following year. When he asked a construction company for an internship until then, they told him that they didn't accept underage trainees.
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"Guys, how old do you think I am? And what can I do to be thought of as older?" Liam added to his new pic. Comments poured in. bears_and_boys_1982 sent him a link. Looked interesting. Probably something similar to FaceApp, Liam thought. He downloaded the app. And nothing happened. One of his buddies had replied that he should meet them for a cigarette and a beer at the bus stop. If he smoked enough, he would soon look older too. Liam laughed, put on his fake Moncler jacket and set off to meet his mates.
It was already after 11 p.m. and Liam was just about to turn out the lights when his cell phone beeped. "Installation complete, defining profile" was on the display. What the hell? Ah, the app from the bear and boy guy, Liam remembered. Let's see. It really was something similar to FaceApp. And it seemed to be free. You could capture a whole range of things. Age, occupation, hobbies, weight, height. Liam played around a bit. But it was awkward to use, the interfaces were old-fashioned, and there were no pictures or graphics anywhere. Liam lost the fun pretty quickly. He was also tired. He locked the phone, put it on the bedside table, turned off the light and soon fell asleep. The cell phone buzzed a few times during the night. Messages lit up. "Settings saved", "Target defined" and finally "Transformation started". After that, there was silence. Until the alarm clock rang at 04:30.
Quietly, so as not to wake his parents, Liam went to the bathroom. This internship was exhausting, but also fun. He was assigned to the bricklayers. Actually, he would have preferred to do something in the office on the computer. But his colleagues were nice and he had the feeling that working in the fresh air was good for him. Showering before work was silly. Liam sprayed some Axe under his arms, brushed his teeth and set off. The bus always picked him up at 05:00 and drove him to the construction site with the other colleagues.
After work, Liam drove back to his parents' house. His father needed help building the new carport. In other words, Liam was supposed to build a new carport. Initially, Liam's parents had grumbled that Liam didn't want to study, but only wanted to be a craftsman. Nowadays, the two wizened academics were happy that at least one of the family knew how to work. Before it got dark, Liam prepared the concrete for the foundations, dug the holes for the foundations, built the formwork and poured the foundations for the carport. Tomorrow he would install the support beams. Liam declined his mother's offer to stay for dinner. He had an appointment with a few colleagues for a beer. And even though the work had been exhausting enough, he would still like to go to the gym for an hour beforehand. He was increasingly developing a paunch from too much beer and too much junk food.
Life on the construction site was a man's world. The containers were small and stuffy. Especially for a colossus like Liam. The bunk bed, where Liam slept downstairs for safety reasons, was hardly more spacious than in a submarine. The air reeked of sweat, beer and male farts. But mostly also of cum and testosterone. Liam loved this world. He was almost always sorry to go back home at the weekend. Here there was always the opportunity for a quick fuck or a blowjob, just like tonight in the shower room. The apprentice looked almost greedily at Liam's fat, cheesy and uncut cock. It didn't matter whether colleagues were about to join him. At best, an orgy would develop.
The weekend at last. Liam had been a foreman on the construction site for a long time, but his boss still called him home at weekends to do smaller jobs. Hehehe, Liam knew what these tasks were. As a rule, his boss's wife wasn't at home on weekends like that. The boss would then cover the beds with the leather sheets that he hid from his wife in the tool shed and Liam would then fuck him on the sheets, in the hot tub or on the kitchen table.
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He always felt a little uncomfortable in his boss's house. He hated the pictures of that princess who died a hundred years ago hanging at the shithouse. And he constantly had to be careful not to lose any of his body hair or beard, which could make his boss's wife suspicious. And Liam was constantly losing hair everywhere. Especially from his head. But Liam also didn't give a shit about his boss's problems. There was a good commission for the weekend work. And there was also commission if he pissed standing up and didn't lift up the toilet seat or if he shot his cum on the carpet while he was cumming. The rest wasn't his problem. By the time his boss's wife came back from the yoga weekend, he was long back in his man cave. With a bit of luck, with the hot apprentice's head between his thighs.
Pic of the former Liam found @toughukladz and pic of the current Liam found @eurobeef
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 6 months
When the roommate's transformation gets out of control
Dedicated to @dumbmusclehypnojockboy as part of @thegreatstoryteller's 6th Great Story Exchange
Tyler's POV: Damn, I have a reputation to lose. I'm one of the hottest studs in college. What did I do to deserve having to share a room with this wimpy, pimply-faced loser? Chuck got me these untested and unapproved pills from his father, who works in the pharmaceutical industry. They were actually meant to improve my body. But I think I'll try them out on the nerd first. It can't get any worse than this.
Joshua's POV: It stinks in our room. Tyler is the messiest person I've ever met. We really fight every night about his sweaty clothes lying everywhere and uncleaned toilets and sinks. From what I know of him, the rich snob could have afforded his own apartment. Why do I have to share my room with this Neanderthal? But it seems that the dimwit is coming to his senses. Today he actually brought me a smoothie. With kale and ginger, just the way I like it best. I'll give him a chance, maybe I'll just make his bed today and clean up his mess from the bathroom.
Tyler's POV: At first I thought everything was just going to get worse. The idiot actually cleaned our room. It's not bad, but I actually wanted a bruh for a roommate, not a houseboy. And then I saw Joshua when he went to bed. I swear his calves were more muscular and hairy than this morning. And apart from a "good night", he didn't say anything at all. I actually prefer that a thousand times over his whiny nagging. In return, he'll get his disgusting swill brought back to his bed tomorrow.
Joshua's POV: I really need to ask Tyler how he makes these smoothies. I mean, I drink them to make my skin better and to give me more energy. But I never thought it would work. I mean, for the first time in my life, I really felt like working out today. I was outside in the fresh air during my lunch break and went for a walk. I feel great. And even though I have no idea how this could have happened so quickly: My pimples and atopic dermatitis are gone!
Tyler's POV: I've upped the dose. Joshua is actually finally turning into a normal person. Last night he laid on his bed and didn't read, he just surfed through TikTok. I swear he went into the bathroom at some point, probably to have a wank. And when he came back from the shower today, he just had the towel around his hips and not his ridiculous bathrobe on. And damn: The guy is no longer a beanpole. Now we just need to work on his embarrassing clothes.
Joshua's POV: Bloody hell, something is wrong. I mean, I'm a fucking genius. My IQ is something like 140... But I haven't been able to focus on my Data Science assignments today. Instead, I've been googling gym tips in lecture. I'll have to ask Tyler what he thinks about adding protein powder to my smoothies. I skipped Fundamentals of Chaos Theory today. I really needed to buy some clothes for the gym. Not much. I understand Tyler, he likes to wear his sweaty clothes for a week or two at a time. I love the smell of his socks and jockstraps. After training today, I wanked in my jockstrap. It felt so good to put it on afterwards.
Tyler's POV: It's not often that Joshua is home before me. He usually sits in the library until he gets kicked out. But today he was there before me. Bloody hell! At first I wanted to yell at Joshua to go to the bathroom when he was jerking off. But I saw his cock. And it's a beauty. And boy, his balls are working extra shifts. I mean, he last jerked off less than 24 hours ago. And the load he shot off on his abs and chest tonight, I wouldn't be able to shoot off after a nnn. The pig didn't even bother to take a shower afterwards. Just massaged the cum into his wiry muscular body. Afterwards he grunted at me that he didn't want a smoothie tomorrow but a protein shake. And after a fart and a burp, he turned to the side and fell asleep snoring.
Joshua's POV: I knew something was wrong. That dirty little asshole. When I came back from workout today, I had a killer appetite. And that's when I went through Tyler's cupboard to see if he still had a protein bar somewhere or something. Okay, maybe not good style. But I was fucking starving. And then I found the pills. And a piece of paper with dates and lines next to it. Heading "Joshua's doping program". Obviously a log of the cycle or some shit. I went to the fitness store on campus and got some creatine capsules and swapped them for the pills. There was no instruction leaflet or anything for Tyler's pills. But he's always given me one or two a day so far. Probably in the morning with my shake. What a wimp. I'll take four a day from now on.
Tyler's POV: Our room smells worse than the wrestling team's locker room. Tyler's bed is crusted with cum. As far as I can tell, he's been wearing his jockstrap and other gym clothes for over a week. Around the clock. To class, to the library, to the cafeteria. When I complained tonight, he called me a whiny little baby. Then he pressed my face into his armpit and asked if I had any objections to the smell. I don't know what got into me. But after that I got down on my knees and had to give him a blow job. I couldn't help it. And afterwards I made up his bed and washed his protein shake canisters. I mean, he's become a total jock. And I have to admit, he's got more muscle mass than me. I have created a beast. I flushed his pills down the toilet.
Joshua's POV: I got my first C- on an exam. And I don't give a shit. It's not like I don't understand all that computer science shit anymore. But it just doesn't interest me anymore. I spoke to a couple of bruhs from the football team at the gym. They're happy when I come to training. They're rather weaklings, but it could be fun. There's already one or two hot asses to fuck. I'm meeting the coach tomorrow. I can't wait to hear what he says.
Tyler's POV: Even though I haven't given Joshua any pills for a few days now, he's becoming more and more of an animal. I'm addicted to the smell of his stinky wet bush in his armpits by now. But I really resented the fact that he ousted me from the position of quarterback in the team. In return, as his roommate, I'm almost as popular with all the jocks as he is. Damn, what am I saying here. I used to be the alpha jock. I hate Joshua!
Joshua's POV: I've been on da football team for uh couple weeks now. Coach tells me not to worry about da letters from da dean. He would recommend that I drop this computer science shit. I should try to get my mba, that wouldn't be so hard. N otherwise I should concentrate on making sure his quarterback doesn't let him down. Sure thing, coach, I replied. In da canteen, one of those physics nerds asked me if I wasn't coming to da chess club anymore. I told da bruhs from da team to hold him down so I cud fart in his face. Chess club! miserable nerd shit! what an offense!
Tyler's POV: Shit, I'm getting really jealous. Josh just hangs out with the big boys and barely has time for me anymore. As hard as I try, he might only fuck me once or twice a week anymore. Okay, jerking off to him fucking a different guy from the football, swimming or lacrosse team in the bed next to me every night has its appeal too. But when he calls me "little boy" and offers to suck the last bit of cum off my or his fuck buddy's cock, it's humiliating. It usually gives me a hard-on.
Josh's POV: Tyler's not bad. Uh bit submissive for my taste. But he sucks like uh devil n haz uh tight ass. N even though I actually prefer it when I smell like uh real main, it's cool when he does my dirty laundry n when I have uh freshly made bed with ironed sheets at night. Hehehe, but da next morning it's usually sweaty n soaked again. What wuz da name of that greek guy who had to do da same tasks all da time? syphilis? tyler is my syphilis!
Tyler's POV: Tuesdays are laundry day. Josh's whores, and those who would like to be, always line up outside our room so they can jerk off in his dirty clothes before I put them in the washer. Coach and the dean are usually the first to arrive. I let them into our room exclusively. Fuck, even if I'm only his houseboy now, it's a cool job. I make a lot of money from it. Of course, I need the money to pay for Josh's presents. He looks damn cool with his fat new gold chain. If only he knew he got it more or less from his former database design professor.
Josh POV: Hanukkah wuz uh disaster! my mom wuz crying da whole time n my yo pops wuz screaming. That I ruined my future. That I had dishonored my family. I had to promise da rabbi that I would successfully complete da trimester. What uh load of shit. Da only fun wuz when I got to cream da chasan's vocal cords. Damn, that guy blows better dan ty! asked me if we cud meet outside da synagogue sometime. I still have uh few of ty's pills. Maybe some will end up in his drink. Da horny bastard cud use uh few more muscles.
Tyler's POV: I asked Chuck if he could get me some more pills. Josh is such a brick wall of a man by now that I look like a weakling next to him. I know it's not a good idea, I've seen that the pills have massive side effects. But I'd love to be his fuckwhore. But I won't be if I look like a linnet next to him. Coach currently has the job. And he's already got a few more pounds of muscle on the scales than me. Chuck said that production of the pills had been stopped after tests on pigs and rats. The test animals were hardly good for anything apart from fucking. And they tyrannized and dominated all their fellow animals. Well, what can I say...
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Josh's POV: I had to have da dean blow me. But I graduated. Mom n yo pops are proud of me. N coach says I have uh great career in pro football. We'll see if I'm up for it. All I care about is that ty, da motherfucker who got me into all this, keeps doing my laundry n giving me his ass when I need it. Right now he's sucking my socks. In front of da entire football team. What uh miserable loser. I knew that da moment I saw him. Best roommate ever!
Thanks for the pic of Josh from Ty's perspective to @jocksnifr-2
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 6 months
I'd like to wish being transformed into a really dumb jock, and gross, but like, literal, so dumb i can't even say what 2 + 2 is, and i so gross i constantly belch and fart non-stop cause i think its manly and its funny, could you do it, pleasee?
You want to be dumbest thing walking on two legs. Thats all I read when I seen this. So that’s what we are going to do. People will look at you really question how something so dumb could even exist. As soon as your wish leaves you mouth instantly you tongue acts on it own hanging out of your mouth like a dog. You try to pull it back in but you can’t ! No matter what you do your tongue just seems to be too big you mouth and your jaw squares itself and drops. You look in the mirror shocked. You didn’t think didn’t think it would happen this fast but you can’t deny it. You look dumb. You start to burn up as your body begins to generate more heat than you’re used to and sweat begins to pour on your body. As that happens a puddle begins to form under you from all the sweat dripping off your body and your body begins to bulk with muscle. Your arms balloon out as your chest pumps up. Your abs pull your waist in and become tight forming an incredible 8 pack. Your face begins to itch as a beard starts to grow on your dumb face as your hair darkens. Your arms become hairy and your legs begin to bulk. Becoming swallowed in a furry mass as well. You back widens and you are overcomed with being lightheaded you have to sit down. Sitting in front of the mirror in your own puddle of sweat you can’t help but notice right arm and pec begin to get dark as a tattoos begins to streatch their way up your arms and across your chest. You look down and see a tattoo form on your right leg as your feet begin to swell. You notice that as your feet get bigger your tongue begins to push out more. Lower. DUMBER! Your pants begin to get tight as your package seems to be connect to your feet to. The bigger they become the larger your member becomes. Your feet stop ground at a sweaty size 17. Your body is massive now. Dripping sweat. Your veins are bulging from all the mass you’ve gained and your skin even has a tanned color to it.
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But even though you look dumb. You said you wanted to be DUMB! Like the definition of full blown dumbass. And intense migraine moved across your head as you brain cramps. Losing the ridges that hold knowledge. Smoothing out as you become a literal dumbass. But I’m not cruel. I’ll leave you able to function. Unable to read. Unable to do anything other than lift weight and be a dumbass. You belch signifying lift off of your new dumbass life. Not even aware how stupid you are. I’m not even sure if you remember how to walk with how dumb I’ve made you but a muscle body like needs to crawl anyway. You’ll repeat simple sentences but anything complex you’ll have a glazed look pass over your dumb face. Instantly lost in all the confusion. Even yelling like a wild animal because of the dumbass you’ve become. You manage to stand up and stagger as your stupid brain tries to understand what you’re doing. A loud fart shoots out of your tight bulbous butt while another burp comes out. Still sweating and pumping out some serious Bo. You’re going to be a sweaty gas machine. To dumb to do anything and impossible to learn anything. Enjoy the new life you big dumbass.
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 6 months
I went to hook up with this guy and his dorm smelled of such strong musk and protein farts and ever since I’ve been feeling like I’m getting dumber
Lucky you! That musky streamer guy is pretty picky about who he brings home to get dumb and slutty off his infectious musk.
You probably became a completely idiotic, slutty, musk-loving version of yourself that first night. I’d be surprised if you two didn’t have a belch-off while you rode him. You went mostly back to normal afterwards, and what you’re noticing now are the long-term effects of direct exposure.
To start with, you’ll probably find yourself hooking up more often. It’ll be like your libido has been ratcheted up several notches. During your hookups, you’ll find yourself unable to resist some kind of musk play. Some guys get really into eating ass, others do armpits. What’s that? Yeah, I thought you might say jocks and underwear. You probably can’t get off without some ball-sweaty crotch fabric over your mouth and nose by now.
You’ll also start getting way, way dumber. It’s like your brain wants to go back to how idiotic and slutty you were when you were in his dorm. You can still type for now, but not for much longer. It might be just a few days until all you know how to do with your phone is hit “record” and upload to PornHub.
Don’t worry, there are plenty of that guy’s other ex-hookups around. Whenever you need a big, dumb bro to fill your twinky holes and lend you some used jockstraps, you’ll have plenty to choose from. Not to mention that you can entertain yourself with farting contests between rounds!
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If this got you horny, consider putting some spare change in my Ko-fi cup so I can write even more hot stories.
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 6 months
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I loved the Cha Cha Room.  It was as exclusive as it was expensive, but hey that’s the price you pay when you’re a social media sensation.  Being Trey, the sexy instagram model wasn’t without its downsides, however.  The worst thing was when guys who should’ve known that someone of my caliber wouldn’t be interested in them tried to hit on me.  Sure, I fucked my fans regularly, but only the ones that shared my dedication to beauty.  I couldn’t help that I was born gorgeous.
My entourage, an aesthetically curated group of other models (all only slightly less attractive than myself) walked into the Cha Cha Room, ready to be gawked at, each of us oozing beauty and charisma. The crowd parted like the Red Sea, their eyes filled with awe, desire, and, my favorite, envy.
But amongst that sea, there was one guy that forced me to do a double take.  Doug, rounder and balder than anyone else, didn't fit the usual demographic that came to Cha Cha. It was a mystery how he must’ve slipped his way in when security wasn’t looking, because there was no chance they’d ever willingly allow someone who looked like that to enter such exclusive premises.  And, to make matters worse, when he caught me staring at his odd appearance, he began to make his way toward me, a small, devious smile playing on his lips.
"Can I buy you a drink?," he asked.  I raised an eyebrow, my lips curling into a smirk.  Sure, he was far beneath my standards, but I loved teasing my inferiors, especially when it comes with a free drink.  "Well, aren't you a sweetheart," I replied, trying to hide my disdain for his smelly, musky demeanor.
As we talked and I pretended to listen, he must’ve farted at least three times, but I wanted to be nice, so I held my breath and counted the seconds till I could rejoin my way cooler group of friends.  However, when Doug began flirting, I couldn’t help it.  A chuckle bubbled up from my chest and I shook my head, saying "Doug, was it?  No amount of drinks in this club could make me think you're anything but fat, smelly, and bald."
“And what’s wrong with that?” he said earnestly.  “This is a bar for fat, smelly, bald guys after all.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.  Just as the words escaped my lips, I noticed something strange. As my eyes scanned the crowd, I realized that everyone, even my formerly flawless friends, looked just like Doug. They’d grown beards, their hair on their head was gone, and they all had guts the size of bowling balls.  I felt a chill run down my spine as I started to walk away.
“I must be in the wrong place.  I don’t belong here,” I said, just barely missing the door.  But before I could free myself from this hellhole, Doug stopped me and said, “Yes you do.  I think you fit in perfectly.”
Suddenly, my Gucci shirt felt tight around my midsection, and my once firm arms now felt doughy. As I turned to leave, a full-length mirror on the wall revealed a shocking transformation.   I reached up and where once were lush and thick chestnut locks, was now greeted the cold, bare skin of a rapidly receding hairline, retreating with alarming speed, creating an expanding dome of skin I’d never seen before.
Clumps of my hair began to detach themselves from my scalp, falling gently to the club floor. Each strand felt like a piece of my identity, a piece of Trey, falling away to reveal the bald truth underneath. I watched in frozen terror, feeling each follicle detach until all that remained was nothing but a smooth, shiny surface. I was as bald as an egg.
And then I farted.
I was disgusted with myself for only a moment, until I started to let a hearty chuckle much deeper than my old voice.
I looked in the mirror again, my face so much more different than it was ten minutes ago—familiar, but not the one I had painstakingly maintained for the world to admire. Suddenly, the world seemed to shift as a flood of memories washed over me. I wasn't Trey, the Instagram sensation. I was Tom, a twenty-something, bald, overweight man who didn’t shower, farted every five minutes, and fucked anyone who’d have me.  This was my bar and I was gonna make sure all my fellow cubs had a good time
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As the rock music blared and the crowd at Tommy’s Den started to become increasingly alluring to me, I was suddenly hit with a wave of unfulfilled desire, a need for cock.  So I pulled Doug aside to the bathroom and…well you can guess what happened next.
I was Tom now, and, honestly, my life was so much better…
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 7 months
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 7 months
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thecakeoftime222-blog · 8 months
The Monster of Frat Lake
A barely scary story for October ;)
“Alright Michael, in 400 feet you’re going to turn right.”
I looked ahead to see if I could spot the parking lot, but it was too dark now. The sun had gone down hours ago and if something wanted to be seen then it had to pass through the headlights.
“How big is this lake again?” Tyler asked from the back. The shortest of our three, Tyler was our team’s wildlife expert. Michael and I were already friends, but Tyler was tossed into our project as a last minute addition. We knew him, the small little gay guy who had quite the obsession for the local freshwater fish, but we had never really engaged. “I’m hoping it’s between Lake Wanatiga and Vennilly’s in size.”
“Uh…” I paused before answering with some kind of number.
“Really?” Tyler’s response scared me a bit, thinking I had been caught in my fib. “That’s incredible! The rumored organism could definitely live in that kind of huge body of water.”
I exchanged a knowing glance with Michael. Neither of us were nerds per say, but we weren’t exactly jocks either. We were simply losers–bottom rung of everything. Sure, not being good at anything typically didn’t make us popular. And being relatively unattractive, with my pudgy frame and Michael’s awful skin and oily hair, made us pretty much un-destined for school greatness. All that, and our on-and-off relationship with each other didn’t get us any extra points. The “Pity Fags” as we were known was not a reputation we enjoyed.
That was why we were out in the middle of the night at some random lake. The body of water was known as Round Lake, but after our college notoriously began holding parties every weekend on its beaches, it was locally renamed to “Frat Lake”. Jocks and their bimbos would swim under the moonlight in gatherings filled with alcohol and sex. Recently, the parties had been getting larger and wilder, with more of the college campus attending as time progressed. This wasn’t entirely due to the popularity of these events themselves, but also due to a rumor of a creature hidden underneath the water.
The “Monster of Frat Lake” was what it was called. Nobody really knew what the organism did, but the rumors had started with some of the college’s students disappearing. Most believed the frat boys simply made the story up to play with the lower classes on campus, both in terms of age and status. So Michael and I set off to prove the question on everyone’s mind: Was the Monster of Frat Lake real? If it was, then Michael and I (and I guess Tyler) could have an in with the popular crowd, and if not, we could blackmail them. Or shut them down entirely. We hadn’t really thought through that whole part yet.
“And Tyler, you know how to use the boat, right?” I said as we left the truck. Thankfully, we were the only car in the parking lot.
“How many times have I confirmed this?” Tyler rolled his eyes. “I worked here last summer. I even kept the keys.”
Michael and I couldn’t fully see the keys, but we did hear the jingling. We had only the necessary equipment for two reasons. One, we wanted to carry the bare minimum to capture evidence. And two, we were broke college students. Michael and I held the camera equipment, just the basics of photography with some night vision. Tyler had his fishing gear and some chum that he believed would be “tantalizing” to the creature.
After a little maneuvering, Tyler had unlocked the boat and we were leaving the dock. We decided not to use the motor, hoping it would keep us silent for both any passersby and the creature itself. When we finally made it out to the middle of the lake, Michael and I watched as Tyler poured the chum into the lake.
“That smells delicious,” Michael joked, curling up in his green sweats and black hoodie.
Tyler simply huffed, focusing not to spill on his own lighter hoodie and gray pants. The two sat at the front of the boat while I was situated towards the back. When it came to the boat, Tyler was obviously in charge, so Michael volunteered to be his assistant while I simply stayed out of the way.
With no reception, little light, and not much to talk about, the wait was fairly dull. We had promised ourselves to stay out for at least three hours, after which we would call it a night. Once the first hour had passed, I had started to get a sinking feeling that we had been fooled by those arrogant frat boys. But then the unthinkable happened.
“What was that?” Michael asked with a hint of panic in his voice. A hard thump had hit underneath our boat, shaking it a little.
“I can’t think of any freshwater creature in this area that could make such an impact,” Tyler muttered. The thump hit again, this one forcing me to steady myself more firmly. “I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing, but maybe this thing is real.”
A third thump came, although much stronger than the past two. Clumsily, I felt my left foot slide out from beneath me as I landed on my butt. The pain struck like a chord in my lower half, a split second of shock striking violently. I was about to say something, anything, but the sound of a splash emerging from the water beckoned me to grab a camera. In an instant, I had the video playing and the night vision activated.
In the frame were Tyler and Michael side-by-side at their end of the boat. Both of them were silent, looking at the tentacle that was gripping Tyler’s side of the vessel. Tyler may have been the wildlife expert, but both Michael and I were smart enough to know that at least in this area, there was no freshwater creature with tentacles.
None of us moved. None of us even breathed. All eyes were focused on the one tentacle, watching as the suction cups secured themselves firmly to the port. Another splash came from the opposite side, and I watched through the camera as another tentacle latched itself onto the starboard. Both of the tentacles were only inches away from Tyler’s and Michael’s legs. 
With Tyler’s focus on the tentacle near him and Michael’s on his own, it was only I who watched as two more tentacles appeared from behind them. While the first pair had been smaller and covered in suction cups, these were much thicker and only carried one massive cup on their ends. When I realized what was happening, I shouted for Tyler and Michael to move, but it was too late.
"Guys! Watch out!"
The two tentacles slammed downwards, latching their individual suction cups on each of the boys heads. Although both Tyler and Michael had already been sitting still, their bodies immediately stiffened on impact. Their frightened demeanors disappeared as their eyes rolled back into their heads. The cups, which were held firmly along their foreheads, began to pulse with a sloshing sound. I peered nervously through the camera as the cups inflated and deflated atop their heads, as if they were pumping something into Tyler and Michael.
The heavy guffaws caught me off guard. Not only were they in unison, but they were empty and deprived of any life. I couldn’t tell what was happening to Tyler and Michael internally, but through the night vision I was able to see the physical effects. Both of them were growing, literally expanding.
It first started with their heights, pumping them up inch by inch until they were both above 6’0. Next came the muscles, sculpting out their arms and legs. Tyler grew biceps and triceps that appeared to be filled with youthful testosterone, while Michael’s own shoulders and back gave him the proportions of a real man. Tyler’s thighs bloated into a set that could rival any hockey player’s, and Michael’s calves thickened into those proportionate for the soccer team.
Startled, I quickly realized I shouldn’t have been able to evaluate these changes. The tentacles, whatever they were doing, had somehow altered their clothing too. Now both of them adorned skimpier, skinny versions of their previous outfits. The tight tee shirts, the short shorts. Tyler even wore one of those classic douchey cross necklaces while Michael had his new designer sandals kicked to the side. And even against the smell of chum and the lake itself, I somehow had enough of a thought to wish he’d put those sandals on.
The scent was inescapable. The foot funk came first, probably from the massive feet the tentacles had swollen out beyond recognition. Then the typical jockish body odor, which I assumed came from a mix of sweat, musk, and sexual phermones. And as a cherry on top, I began to recognize some of the tentacles’ invisible work. Tyler and Michael hadn’t been germophobes before, but they certainly weren’t animals. The casual burping and farting however suggested the suction cups had changed that.
Through all of this, it appeared Tyler and Michael were somehow coming back to.
“Oh, bro,” Tyler chuckled in a dim baritone, revealing a perfect set of white teeth. “That was a good one.”
Michael’s hair fluffed out beneath the suction cup. “Thanks dude, but your's absolutely reeks!”
Tyler’s jaw extended into an attractive point while Michael’s began to adopt some facial hair. “The ladies are gonna love this!” Tyler exclaimed, letting another one rip out his back end.
“Broooo…” Michael replied, his voice shallow and sluggish. “I wish I had a chick on this dick right now.”
As is it was previously coordinated, both of them shot a hand underneath their shorts to their crotches. Their massive, prominent crotches. I’d never paid attention to Tyler before but I had known for a fact that Michael was not well-endowed. Now however, both of them were ripe with sets meant to repopulate. And guessing by what the suction cups had been providing them with–both externally and internally–something told me that was the exact point.
“Oh dude…” Tyler groaned. “I think I’m gonna blow.”
“No…homo bro,” Michael gasped. And with a grunt, they both came into their palms. On cue, they reached out of their shorts and presented each other with the massive globs of their baby juices as if they were trophies. After they each approved, they wiped their hands off on the side of the boat.
Suddenly, I heard two squishy plop-like noises from above them. The tentacles had detached themselves, leaving the suction cups on Tyler and Michael’s heads. I watched curiously through the camera as the suction cups lost their milkyish color and darkened. Their flesh hardened and thinned into a cloth-like material. Before I knew it, the tentacles had dried out into backwards caps, secured firmly and proudly to the new frat boys like bottle caps sealing the product.
“Yo, Mike..."
“Wassup bro?” Mike’s eyes fluttered as he regained full consciousness. “Ty, are you seein’ what I’m seein’?”
“The fag there tryin’ to snap a pic of us?” Ty asked.
“Oh...nah dude, but now I do,” Mike popped a cocky grin with some hand signals. “A pic would be sick.”
Tyler nodded, copying his fellow frat boy. “Then what, bro?”
It took Mike a second to register the question, “Oh…uh…I was talkin’ ‘bout that tentacle right behind him.”
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