theburning-soul · 2 years
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○ The Kannushi of Suiren ○
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theburning-soul · 2 years
.:FFXIV Write 2022:.
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Saranqerel “Sari” Qalli - The Songbird & The Hawk
1. Cross
9. Yawn
11. Makeup
19. Turn a Blind Eye
20. Anon (AU)
23. Pitch
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Natori Ritsuka - The Shadow & Quill
2. Bolt
4. Solstice
14. Attrition 
22. Veracity
25. Pieces
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Shimohi - The Nogitsune Horishi
3. Temper
21. Solution
24. Vicissitudes
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Shima Rikiya - The Smiling Shateigashira
5. Cutting Corners
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Suiren no Hokusai - The Fire-soul Kannushi
6. Onerous
16. Deiform
29. Fuse
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Siyue - The Jade Rabbit
7. Pawn
18. Glass
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Suiren no Kaede - The Ghost of the Maples
7. Pawn
13. Confluence
26. Break a Leg
30. Sojourn
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Nijaz Surefoot - The Sable Dancer
8. Tepid
17. Novel
27. Hail
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Mitsue Torioi - The Sharlayan Healer
10. Channel
28. Vainglory
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Weiss Veil - The Searcher of Stars
12. Miss the Boat
15. Row
I almost made it through this challenge without missing one single day…but I floundered in the end and had a few late entries. ;-; But at least I did every single one!
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theburning-soul · 2 years
.:Prompt #29: Fuse:.
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Hokusai had changed quite a bit over his phases of life.
Sui no Sato was a black and white photo gallery in his head, something he didn’t give two shits about and would rather forget.
His time with the Confederacy had been a mixed bag. Any new recruit was put through the gambit but he’d quickly carved out a place with his scrappy nature, not to mention his innate gift of water breathing. But then there had been the whole dying thing...
Shiorei had mellowed the resurrected young man out. The old zenko’s wisdom and gentle hand had been the maternal figure he’d always needed in his life, helping him see beyond his rebellious nature and fiery soul. 
And now there was Mori, his polar opposite in so many ways that filled that void that had previously only been patched with crumbling brick and weak mortar. He was now complete.
Some things never changed, however...
There was a fanged grin as he enjoyed the feeling of his foot in that bastard’s stomach, listening to the splash as the hyur fell into the docks. One of the other sailors of the Eorzean crew grabbed him from behind, pinning his arms. Just to be burned, yelping as Hokusai wiggled free, decking the Seeker square in the nose and feeling bones break.
The third ran, scampering off down the pier, leaving the kannushi to catch his breath and wipe some blood from his lip.
“Oi! So next time ya’ll decide to bother us locals, think twice. I’ll stick my foot right up yer arse and send ya limpin’ back to yer cap’n!” he barked with a harrumph. 
It had been awhile since a fight and he’d forgotten the oddly lovely rush it brought. But he’d likely get The Look from his husband later as Mori tended to his bruised knuckles and swollen lip.
He couldn’t help it, the fox-blessed priest always had a short fuse and that simply would never disappear.
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theburning-soul · 2 years
.:Prompt 16: Deiform:.
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(Warning for subtle hints of smexy time)
Anyone that spent more than five minutes around Hokusai knew that the kannushi was not a subtle or particularly eloquent man. He was impulsive, quick to rile, rough of speech, and gave little care to his appearance. 
His beloved husband was the opposite in every way. Graceful (most of the time!), lovely, well-spoken, emphatic, and patient. At one time, these qualities were something that made Hokusai envious. Now, though, he counted himself lucky to be wanted and loved by someone so gifted.
What people didn’t know about his dear husband was, well, their /private/ times and how different the snake hanyou tended to be and Hokusai was always glad to comply. One would likely be surprised to know, even though the fox-priest was considered the dominant of the pair, he was at Mori’s will when they were left alone to enjoy one another.
To take his time to torment his paired bonded, kissing along those more delicate snake-like scales peppered like pearls over that darker skin. To yank ever so carefully at cherry-blossom strands to pull that lovely sound from the usually composed priest. To pin, to tease on the edge of pleasure for what may have seemed like an eternity before release was found and harsh breaths panted in the sanctuary of their quarters. 
Hokusai would often ignore his own wants and needs just to lavish attention on the other, it’s what he wanted. To leave his marks, to leave his kisses, to give this gifted and wonderful Raen every onze of him. 
Mori was perfect in every single way in his eyes and he’d do all he could to properly praise and offer his own worship.
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theburning-soul · 2 years
.:Prompt #6: Onerous:.
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If the kannushi hadn’t been a drinker before, he certainly was now. And he was running out of sake. At least the sake that /had/ an effect on his body since his fire-aspected aether rapidly burned off any alcohol! 
Floating children, children that could animate objects...and one that had yet to spring forth any unique abilities. What would it be? Minori and Makoto were always tied to the hip, the little boys bonded close since Hokusai coddled their sister. 
Would things start exploding? Flowers bloom? The shrine walls morph and twist? Would the one-year old suddenly start speaking eloquently in seven different languages?!
Oh kami, he was going to have gray hair before he hit a quarter century. Hokusai’s head hit the low table, one hand still holding the sake bottle. Fatherhood wasn’t something he’d been prepared for, terrified by honestly. With a husband, who would’ve expected children? But they were both very unique individuals with ties to the supernatural...he should’ve known. 
Hasu-sama help him, Hokusai /loved/ these children. It was a love unlike anything he’d had before, different even than the affection and respect he held for Mori. He’d made these lil ones. They were his. And he’d tear anyone apart that hurt even one lil strand of fur on their tails.
He’d gotten past the lack of sleep initially. Mori was always that calm and patient force that stopped him from snapping under the stress. The diapers. The spit up. The crying. All some of the worst trials of his life (even compared to the suffering of Sui no Sato classrooms) and he’d made it through with the guidance of his dear husband. 
But now...now the little ones were tiny bundles of unpredictability that kept him constantly on edge and anxious. The fox-blessed man shouldn’t have been so worried; Hasu-sama watched over the children of Her kannushi, even playing with them in gusts of breeze or tinkling laughter. 
Still, how could he not worry that he was going to feck this up? He was not a creature made to care for children, he’d never been shown the proper way. What if he did something wrong? Something that couldn’t be taken back?
The sake bottle was empty, he lamented, turning his cheek to rest on the cool table surface as he stared at the vessel.
...fatherhood was an amazing thing...but it also twisted him up inside unlike anything before and he prayed everyday to his kami for patience, guidance, and that he could bear this joyful burden all his life...
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theburning-soul · 2 years
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theburning-soul · 2 years
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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Sasaki Shuumei in Episode 11
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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If I said I was fine it’d be a lie. Even though I was so confident…
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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“I think BL is what made this story possible. It’s good the way it is. I don’t see a problem.”
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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SASAKI SHUUMEI [ 佐々木 秀鳴 ] ★
↳ SASAKI TO MIYANO [ 佐々木と宮野 ] #01: first time ⋆ 初めて
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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Hokusai always has had high energy and physical relationships were just another outlet in his rough and tumble life once he left his birthplace. He didn’t mind men or women as long as he could have his way though it was always a mutual gain. His tendency as a service top would be surprising to anyone who knew the rough-talking mlem. Though married and with a dedicated partner, his loyalty is firmly with his husband.
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Quiz [here].
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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The Weeping Stones in Okayama.
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theburning-soul · 3 years
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Anaïs Nin, from “The diary of Anaïs Nin, vol. 3: 1939-1944”
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