Marina And The Diamonds
Murder lives forever And so does war It's survival of the fittest Rich against the poor At the end of the day It's a human trait Hidden deep down inside of our Dna One man can build a bomb Another run a race To save somebody's life and have it blow up in his face I'm not the only one who finds it hard to understand I'm not afraid of God I am afraid of man Is it running in our blood? Is it running in our veins? Is it running in our genes? Is it in our Dna? Humans aren't gonna behave as we think we always should Yeah, we can bad as we can be good Underneath it all we're just savages Hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages How could we expect anything at all? We're just animals still learning how to crawl We live, we die We steal, we kill, we lie Just like animals But with far less grace We laugh, we cry Like babies in the night Forever running wild In the human race Another day, another tale of rape Another ticking bomb to bury deep and detonate I?m not the only one who finds it hard to understand I'm not afraid of God I am afraid of man You can see it on the news You can watch it on tv You can read it on your phone You can say it's troubling Humans aren't gonna behave as we think we always should Yeah, we can be bad as we can good Underneath it all we're just savages Hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages How could we expect anything at all? We're just animals still learning how to crawl Underneath it all we're just savages Hidden behind shirts, ties & marriages Truth is in us all, cradle to the grave We're just animals still learning to behave All the hate coming out from a generation Who got everything and nothing guided by temptation Were we born to abuse, shoot a gun and run Or has something deep inside of us come undone? Is it a human trait or is it learned behaviour Are you killing for yourself or killing for your saviour? Underneath it all, we're just savages Hidden behind shirts, ties and marriages How could we expect anything at all? We're just animals still learning how to crawl Underneath it all we're just savages Hidden behind shirts, ties & marriages Truth is in us all, cradle to the grave We?re just animals still learning to behave
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Sempre fui a pessoa que some, que ignora, que não se importa. Nunca fiz o papel da pessoa que insiste, que prende, que implora, que sufoca. Sempre fui a pessoa que sentiu menos, que amou menos, que quis menos. Mas dessa vez foi diferente das outras, dessa única vez eu sinto vontade de ir atrás. Agora eu quero que tudo seja diferente. Eu abro mão de ser o vilão da história, o cachê de idiota apaixonado ta mais alto.
Sean Wilhelm.   (via sincronizar)
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Na verdade, sou intenso, sempre fui. Sou daquele tipo que quando ama dá a mão, o braço, o abraço e o coração… e quando não simpatizo eu recuo, eu tento me afastar de tudo que não me faz bem, de tudo o que não me faz feliz, de gente que não sabe o que é sentimento e que só pensa em si mesmo. Estou cansado de quem tenta agradar todo mundo, de quem fala uma coisa e faz outra. Cansa ver que, muita gente só está perto de você por conveniência. Cansa ver as pessoas perdendo sua sensibilidade. Só preciso trazer pra perto de mim quem eu gosto e quem gosta de mim também. Não faço muita questão de ser notável, mesmo precisando de atenção, prefiro que minha falta seja sentida, pois assim me sentirei amado. Prefiro que me dê um retorno seja de um beijo, abraço, ligação ou torpedo, qualquer amor que é recíproco nos faz bem, eu gosto de receber amor, mas implora-lo jamais, até porque gosto sentimentos naturais que fluem em cada olhar, em cada toque, em cada sorriso, gosto de sentimentos que nos invade a alma e nos transborda de alegria.
Joab Costa & Nattan Duran (via assoprador)
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1) Despite the amount of hatred and comments they get about being heartless, they’re actually very big on caring, and often take others feelings into consideration before theirs.
2) They’re very strong minded. You cannot outthink or outsmart a Gemini. You can try doing so though; you won’t make it very far.
3) They know how to forgive, and will sometimes easily forgive.. They’ll never forget what you’ve done to them though, and will 9 times out of 10 not treat you in a way that you was treated before.
4) They are natural flirts, like it just happens. So boys and girls, if you’re in a relationship with a Gemini, please don’t be alarmed!
5) It is said constantly that Gemini’s are unable to stick around one thing for a long time, and always need change… BUT, once they find the one they truly love and admire, they’ll committed and very faithful.
6) They cry easily. Yes, I said it. The only reason you won’t catch a Gemini crying is because they’re always crying alone.
7) The littlest things excites a Gemini. They don’t expect and always want the big things.
I’ll be doing confessions a lot for now on :) If you have anything that you think should be posted for the next confessions post, message me! You’ll be notified if your confession gets picked.
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1) Gemini’s may appear outgoing and bubbly, but they’re actually very shy people, and can get nervous quite easily.
2) A Gemini will go above and beyond investigating when it comes to receiving the information they truly want.
3) When a Gemini tells you they love you, believe it. Love isn’t something easily and commonly passed around when it comes to Gemini’s.
4) If a Gemini appears quiet to you, don’t believe they’re quiet! Just saying.
5) You cannot tell a Gemini what not to do without them doing it. They hate following rules sometimes.
6) Gemini’s tend to very independent. We’ll only depend on those who’s worth depending on, and that’s rare to find.
7) You cannot lie to a Gemini. We may accept and entertain your lies, but that does not mean we believe you; we’re going to just not tell you.
I’ll be doing confessions a lot for now on :) If you have anything that you think should be posted for the next confessions post, message me! You’ll be notified if your confession gets picked.
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NEW Gemini’s Do’s and Don’ts
Don’t talk about them behind their back. Your typical Gemini would prefer for you to tell them, directly.
Do not be fake. If you say you’re going to be down for your Gemini, be down. If not, let them know from the beginning.
Do not pretend. A Gemini wouldn’t want to meet you this day, and a different you the next.
Don’t be a boring someone. Know how to be open and willing to do and try new things. 
Don’t be so serious. A Gemini can’t stand when someone has to be serious about every little detail when it comes to life. Be free!
Be open-minded, be someone who’s able to view different situations from different perspectives and not just with negative thought.
Be a leader. Be unique. Do not try to be like everyone else. It sucks, a lot, trust me.
Be adventurous and willing to explore new things in life. Doing the same thing everyday gets boring!
Know how to have fun. A Gemini wouldn’t want someone who promotes and delivers boredom. It’s an nightmare.
Be free. Don’t limit yourself from doing the things you want to do because someone else told you otherwise!
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Gemini Facts ♊️
1) Gemini’s are very independent
2) Gemini’s don’t act kindly towards fake-ness
3) A Gemini can and will talk about anything
4) You can count on a Gemini
5) Gemini is the best sign. Yes, be jealous
6) Gemini is the most hated, why? Ask yourself
7) Gemini’s are really quick graspers
8) Witty? That’s a Gemini for you
9) Open to new things, always!
10) Love meeting new people
11) Gemini’s are smarter than you think
12) They’re crazy over what they possess
13) Gemini’s pick and choose their friends wisely
14) They love being themselves
15) Gemini’s knows everything! (not literally)
16) Gemini’s hate and don’t get along with followers
To be continued…
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Gemini: Rundown Part III
Gemini Keywords 
Gemini Quote
“Like a typical Gemini I’m changeable, I can be two different types of people. I can be very outgoing, but sometimes very shy.” Denise Van Outen
Understanding a Gemini
Gemini’s are way too quick and fast-moving for many, and tend to switch things up within an instant. The Gemini population have a quality within themselves that only themselves or a very few can actually comprehend. At some point in our lives we can all be misunderstood, but it takes someone special to understand the misunderstanding of a Gemini. They are very unique individuals and seek nothing but change at times, whether it’s for the better or even just for an adjustment that they feel was needed. They operate on a level so advanced, that many are actually left confused and are unable to understand what a Gemini mean when they do or say certain things. They have a way of doing things that a lot of people would consider abnormal, and this con tend to leads to the stereotypes that you may hear today; Gemini’s aren’t two-faced, they are just misunderstood.
Ways to understand a Gemini
Listen to what they have to say
Spend a lot of valuable time with them
Often create conversation with them
Try not to judge their opinions
Observe them
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For a Gemini - Part I
Words for a Gemini 
Quote for a Gemini
“I’m a Gemini and I have a lot of different moods. Sometimes I’m very serious and introspective and pensive, but other times I’m completely goofy and girlie. So, I like my songs to cover all my moods.”
Gif for a Gemini
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When a Gemini finally completes the homework they’ve been contemplating on doing.
Careers for a Gemini
Show Host
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Tiny Ink Drawings Scaled to the Size of Pencils, Fingers, and Matchsticks by Christian Watson
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(Don’t) Come Back For Me
There's a dark room
Inside of my head Developing images I'd rather forget
You laced your tongue With poison And it makes me remember Every night I'll look at my window Afraid you might return for more I miss your frozen love to much And I'd overdose from just a touch, so Baby, don't come back
Oh, whatever you do Don't come back for me After all I've bled for you I can hardly breathe And one more kiss Could take my life
There's a fire inside of my bed Made of causes I deeply regret Oh, you left me burning with the ember And I barely made it out alive Oh, whatever you do Don't come back for me After all I've bled for you I can hardly breathe
Oh, you're back inside my dreams Broken bones and empty screams Sleepless nights in burning sheets Lighting strikes inside my eyes Tell me, is this love alive? Tell me now or set me free
Oh, whatever you do Don't come back for me After all I've bled for you I can hardly breathe And one more kiss Could take my life
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