The Bookish Gaymer
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
Tamlin absolutely has his flaws but he has done lots of good for Prythian. If people aren’t able to understand that then they need to reread the series and separate Feyre’s bias from the events of the series.
Hot take: Anyone who categorically hates Tamlin completely lacks media literacy.
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
Hot take: Anyone who categorically hates Tamlin completely lacks media literacy.
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
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nesta that was ur get out jail free card😭
don’t think saying “i suppose we won’t need u” to someone who the court has an alliance with and knows a lot is a good thing
bless eris patience with night court i know he’s ready to be done with them
funny how eris says to nesta “stay with night court and you risk your ruin” did he lie???? did he????? and cassian cuts in with talking about night court sure buddy
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
I remember how when I started reading ACOMAF my friend told me to just wait until chapter 54 to bawl my eyes out. I didn't. My ass was too fiery from how Tamlin was made evil in comparison to Rhysand to care.
Yes, we are reading the same book. With different minds.
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
Feyre being the root cause as to why Nesta & the IC didn’t get off on a good foot originally is actually crazy.
Now that’s not to say she is the only cause because she definitely is not but she is the one who set the tone.
Especially when you realise that when she went back over the wall for Tamlin one of the last conversations Feyre had with Nesta was how Rhysand placed a decapitated head on the statue in the spring court garden & how he held her mind against her will & then she turns up months later after 0 contact with the very same male she said committed these heinous acts.
Like I don’t think people actually understand how insane that would look to anyone, not just Nesta and then Feyre only ever tells Rhysand & the inner circle Nesta supposedly never did anything, she complained, spent the money & was cruel…when more time Nesta was the one who took care of the household, she began learning how to use a bow & arrow to help Feyre with hunting, she was the one who went to the wall for Feyre, she was the one that told Feyre she wanted a better relationship with her. So Feyre conveniently “forgetting” to not mention the good of either side gives off that “I’m the only one can be a victim” & “woe is me” bullshit she keeps doing.
Yet Feyre only ever told each side the negatives & wondered why neither were receptive to each other & to top it all off Feyre comes back a fae & acts like it’s the most normal thing in the world & her attitude & arrogance is even worse than before.
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
do you think lucien begged for eris when jesminda was taken in? (first it was just pleading — she didn’t do anything wrong. it was me. i wouldn’t leave her alone. punish me. please, father, my lord, punish me. but then, when the screaming started, it was — where is eris? where is eris? please, eris, please, you said you would protect me. you said you said you said.) do you think beron told lucien that eris was invited to join in but decided it wasn’t worth his time to deal with the low-born faerie filth his brother defiled himself with? do you think beron told lucien that eris knew what was happening and simply didn’t care enough to stop it, that eris was upstairs, drunk and entertaining courtiers? do you think lucien was so fragile in that moment that he believed it without question? do you think lucien heard eris screaming as he was being punished for refusing to participate, but lucien didn’t recognize them because jesminda’s had finally stopped, and there was nothing left for him in the world, let alone a brother who was not there when he begged?
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
tbh I don't get the whole "tamlin didn't save feyre UtM BS" like 1) neither did Rhysand let's be so real right now but 2)???????????? tamlin was her captive. he sent feyre away before he and Lucien were forced UtM with her and was forced to sit beside Amarantha the whole time. and not only that, Feyre went UtM knowing damn well Tamlin wasn't going to be able to save her and she knew she'd likely die in the attempt to save him. what is this obsession with making the rescuee the rescuer. HE was the Damsel, NOT Feyre. Rhysand just needed to make an excuse to make himself look better than Tamlin. Like always.
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thebookishgaymer · 4 days ago
I just remembered that when Nuan said that Lucien had sent her the faebane samples, Feyre told Rhysand that "It seems that Lucien can still play the fox." but she NEVER saw him play the fox. she only HEARD from Rhysand that Lucien's mask was not for nothing, and he also dared to say that Lucien's talents were being wasted in Tamlin's court. I suppose now he is using the fox boy's talents properly? is that why they haven't suffered any punishment yet, because the emissary is handling everything? Because Feyre saw Lucien acting like a fox ONCE, and then she is acting like she completely understands his abilities because she heard he was a cunning fox???? GIRL THINK FOR YOURSELF! STOP THINKING LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT LUCIEN IS KNOWN AS A FOX!!!
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thebookishgaymer · 5 days ago
“that’s gay, you faggot!”
I say as my boyfriend tells me he loves me
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thebookishgaymer · 5 days ago
He gets comments from those weird pro raw carnivore diet people and just straight up calls them stupid.
i feel like if lucien had social media and any free time he’d have one of those ASMR cooking accounts that makes extravagant meals from scratch in the wilderness using like rock stoves and fresh running water from a creek to cook tilapia
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thebookishgaymer · 5 days ago
Friendly reminder this is the "found family" Nyx will grow up with.
Feyre: His mother who made "the found family" hate his aunt Nesta for "always sneering" and "letting her hunt", even though she tried to hunt and wasn't good at it, did all the housework, suffered years of physical abuse so she wouldn't have to. All the while excusing his other aunt Elain sitting on her ass because she was polite about it. His mother Feyre who threw hysterics because his aunt Nesta hung out in slums. His mother who didn't care there were slums in Valaris, poverty in Hewn City and Illyria while she built her fifth mansion, opened an art studio and occasionally spared some charity. His mother who locked his aunt Nesta away with a creepy man she repeatedly tried to get away from, who berated her, verbally and physically assaulted her, had sex with her at the time she felt completely unloved and used sex as a coping mechanism.
Rhysand: His father who is President Snow from Hunger Games to Illyria, Hewn City and probably every other Court. His father who claims to be the most powerful high lord in one sentence and whines how change takes time and he can't do anything about it in the next. His father who enforces segregation between Hewn City and Valaris, doesn't enforce the law to stop femicide, mutilation and rape of female Illyrians, lets children live in poverty and war camps. His father Rhysand who repeatedly threatened to kill his aunt Nesta over everything. His father who drugged and assaulted his mother. His father who took his mother's bodily autonomy, hid from his mother that pregnancy would kill her and didn't take the risk to allow her to shift into Illyrian form to save her life. His father who made a stupid pact to die with his mother. His father who orphaned him.
Cassian: His uncle who saw that Azriel was romantically interested in Mor, felt jealous over it, and agreed to have sex with her knowing it would hurt Azriel. His uncle Cassian who gifted his one night stand lingerie in front of everybody, including his mate. His uncle Cassian who didn't respect his mate's boundaries, threw a tantrum when she refused his present after he gifted his one night stand lingerie and nobody gifted her anything during the celebration. His uncle Cassian who always made it about himself at the time when his mate was at her lowest and told her that he hated being shackled to her, told her he didn't understand why her sisters loved her, controlled her diet, had sex with her at the time she used sex as a coping mechanism, took her on hikes until she collapsed at the time she was suicidal, laughed at her when she fell down the stairs and had to crawl back up injured, never defended her when his brother threatened to kill her, always hypersexualized her, never told her he loved her. And never apologized for any of this shit.
Mor: Who didn't emphasize with his aunt Nesta even though she was also going through trauma of being physically and sexually abused. Mor who wanted to throw his aunt Nesta to the same people who abused her. Mor who doesn't try to make Hewn City and Valaris a better place and unite them. Mor who hid from his mother Feyre that the pregnancy would kill her.
Amren: Who was bitchy to his aunt Nesta for no valid reason and advised Cassian to break her and then offer a helping hand. Which he did. Amren who is always dismissive of his aunt Nesta and commands her around even though she has done more than she has. Amren who also hid from Feyre that the pregnancy would kill her.
Every time I remember this is Nyx's family, Meet the Grahams starts playing in my head.
Edit: Since it went over some people's head, I'll clarify that I fear Nyx will grow up to be a hypocritical arsehole like the rest of them while they groom him to be Rhysand Number 2. I sincerely hope the kid will somehow break free from their influence and learn to think for himself.
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thebookishgaymer · 7 days ago
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today’s game is count how many times cassian tries to make nesta say it when she clearly didn’t want to and even said “no” yet he still pushed her😀 look at his reaction and how it progresses when she doesn’t
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thebookishgaymer · 7 days ago
People who “make” ACOTAR AI slop are cringe AF, but the ones who make AI shit with character’s kids are GROSS.
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thebookishgaymer · 7 days ago
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the fact that feyre harmed, tried to drown with intent to kill the high lord of autumn and harmed the lady of autumn and the heir of autumn + rhysand, a high lord attacking another high lord
these acts which can cause a civil war, in a meeting where it shouldn’t have happened
and no other high lords found a fault with feysand’s actions or least wearily of them after they tried to come across as “good” after waves at every lie, destroying spring court as a member of another court and so on and rhysand is ridiculous
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feysand should be kissing nesta’s feat for cleaning up after them again and yes again, bc the whole reason she was there was bc feyre destroyed spring court, which got spring and summer court ppl killed and made night court look even more worse and untrustworthy -all their fault btw
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thebookishgaymer · 7 days ago
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Was talking about this earlier but isn't it crazy how Tamlin's mother, the ONLY person he mourned and thought to be a good person, would still excuse his father's poor behavior due to the mating bond magic...never getting over this actually. Everyone from Spring asking, even in the book itself, oh what did he do to you, what did Rhysand change in you. 🫣 Maybe it's not about his daemati powers after all, or the theories that him warning Feyre to keep her mental shield up was foreshadowing for mental manipulation. Maybe it was about the Mother all along, and the magic 😶
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