theboinalagoa · 4 years
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
Service Design is about designing the experience of services. This usually involves an omni-channel approach that considers the interrelated parts of a system, not just what appears on a user-interface screen. It seeks to be appropriate for the users and the business and processes.
“What Service Design Is and Isn’t”, Service Design: How to Design Integrated Service Experiences, The Interaction Design Foundation
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
As an interaction designer, you're constantly designing the dialogue between a user and a system. The user has a certain goal he/she wants to achieve, and a limited amount of resources to spend on reaching this goal.
Simplifying Data Entry, UI Design Patterns for Successful Software, Interaction Design Foundation
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
Differences in direction and when events take place imply items are distinct and should not be seen as one and the same or grouped.
Gestalt Psychology and Web Design: The Ultimate Guide, Interaction Design Foundation
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
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via weheartit
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
Most people take visual displays, such as the website above, for granted. They arrive at a screen, page, or window and there aims and intentions drive them to seek out the necessary information and elements, whilst filtering everything else out. We may be extremely adept at doing so, but the speed with which we are capable of separating the interesting from the uninteresting or the useful from the unneeded elements, is largely dependent on structure, order and the arrangement of information.
Gestalt Psychology and Web Design: The Ultimate Guide, Interaction Design Foundation
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
If measures are taken to aid the immediate extraction of relevant information users can allocate limited attentional resources to other elements of the task, increasing productivity and improving cost-effectiveness for employers as a direct result. As a general rule, design should always aim to reduce the demands placed on users, whether this is achieved through measures that make use of, or act in synchrony with, our perceptual biases or not
Gestalt Psychology and Web Design: The Ultimate Guide, Interaction Design Foundation
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
The way in which items are grouped affects the speed with which we can extract information from a display.
‘New’ Grouping Laws, Gestalt Psychology and Web Design: The Ultimate Guide, Interaction Design Foundation
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
The visual system is capable of interpreting visual information in a number of different ways. When images are ambiguous and present two or more possible, meaningful interpretations we experience the sensation of switching between them. This perceptual phenomenon is referred to as multistability, which is also a key principle from Gestalt descriptions of visual perception. Whilst certain factors can bias the initial interpretation we arrive at when scanning an image, object etc, multistability is largely out of our conscious control. For this reason, mutistable perception is referred to as stochastic, in that it occurs randomly and the shift from one interpretarion to another is difficult to anticipate.
Multistability: Gestalt Psychology, Gestalt Psychology and Web Design: The Ultimate Guide, Interaction Design Foundation
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
At its core, "Agile" is a set of values to use as compass to guide a team through the production of software. Whatever process or tools are used and how they are applied are secondary to the overall goals of empowering a highly functional team as it builds great software to the delight of its end users.
Diana Brown, “Agile User Experience Design: A Practitioner’s Guide to Making It Work”, 2013
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
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theboinalagoa · 4 years
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