send me a ✍ to see a glimpse of a muse i might want to play.
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Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse
Battle Theme:
Battle intro:
Reacting to Taunt:
Perfect Victory:
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Somebody Screwed Up Starters
"Care to explain yourself?"
"What were you thinking?!"
"I cannot believe you!"
"You made a big mistake."
"I’ll never forgive you for this."
"You are grounded for a month!"
"I wish I could say I was surprised."
"I should have seen this coming."
"I trusted you."
"I thought you were better than that."
"Why should I give you another chance?"
"You did what?!”
"I thought you learned your lesson last time."
"You’ve really screwed up this time."
"Don’t even bother saying you’re sorry."
"You can’t talk your way out of this one."
"Yes, I still love you."
"We’ll move past this. Somehow."
"You’re going to spend the rest of your life making this up to me."
"I think you owe somebody an apology."
"Someday we’ll look back on this and laugh."
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"Why are you hugging me?"
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"I tripped and fell on you, thanks. I don't go around touching people like that, that'd be disgusting."
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send me a ✍ to see a glimpse of a muse i might want to play.
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Unusual Word Headcanon Prompts #1
Acersecomic: How much effort do they put into personal grooming and hygiene?
Biblioclasm: Is there something about themselves they wish fewer people knew about?
Cacodemonomania: Do they believe in the paranormal? If so, have they had any supernatural encounters?
Dactylion: What are their views on swearing and profanity?
Enantiodromia: What's the most extreme personality shift they've gone through in their life?
Fanfaronade: Are they one to boast? What things are they prone to brag about, if any?
Gorgonize: What distracts them when they're trying to get things done?
Hamartia: What is their worst character flaw that they themselves don't recognize?
Infandous: What topics will they refuse to speak about?
Jettatura: If they could place a magical curse on their worst enemy, what would they want the curse to do?
Ktenology: Have they ever planned a murder, whether serious or not? If so, describe what they planned to do.
Leptosome: How is their body image?
Montivagant: How often do they get lost?
Noegenesis: Are there any topics that they love to think about deeply?
Ostentiferous: What's the unluckiest thing that's ever happened to them?
Pogonotrophy: What are their thoughts on facial hair, both on themselves and/or others?
Quockerwodger: Who do they most often mock?
Recumbentibus: What was their greatest victory?
Scripturient: Are they a good writer? What do they usually write, if anything?
Tarantism: Describe their dancing style.
Ultracrepidarian: What do they think they know more about than they actually do?
Vernalagnia: Does their mood or outlook on life change with the seasons? If so, how?
Welter: What subject will they never fully understand?
Xenization: How do they feel about interacting with strangers?
Yonderly: What kinds of things do they think about when they zone out?
Zugzwang: What's the trickiest problem they face in their life right now?
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✚ M U N  |  I N F O R M A T I O N ✚
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Name: Gabriel Nicknames: Gabe, lots of insulting shit Birthday: January 25th Height: 5'9" Eye Colour: Brown  Hair Colour: Black. Ethnicity: Half-Japanese, Half-Scottish Lives in: Vancouver, Canada Relationship Status: Single and glad of it. Hobbies: Video Games, writing, drawing. Special talent(s): Fuck all. Warning/disclaimer: I am an awful person Struggling With: Everything
✚ M U S E  |  I N F O R M A T I O N ✚
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Name: Copy Robot Nicknames: Copy, Copybot Birthday: Uh. Height: 4'4" by default, but it's prone to changing. Eye Colour: Red Hair Colour: Brown by default Ethnicity: Japanese? American? Japanese-American? Lives in: District Zeta/an abandoned building he found and is turning into a mad science lab Relationship Status: Hates the very idea Special talent(s): Shooting things Warning/disclaimer: Such a jerk
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For the next five questions my muse can not tell a lie.
Abuse this.
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Skull Alley {Open}
Copy Robot's current, self-given task: establish a foothold in the city for Doctor Wily's probable future conquest. Whenever he ended up here, as he probably would.
Currently, all he'd managed was to find a tiny abandoned building in an alleyway in Sector 002, paint a giant human skull beside the door, and paint Dr. Wily's emblem on the forehead of aforesaid skull. It wasn't much compared to the grandiose castles, but it was something.
Right now, Copy was preoccupied with lugging bits of equipment (mostly stolen) into the little soon-to-be mad science lab. A task that would've been much easier had he retained his Super Arm, Copy reflected.
So far, he'd put the laptop he'd received for Christmas on a desk in the corner nearest the door, and a pile of scrap metal in the corner opposite. In the middle of the room, there was a sturdy table with bits of engineering and metalwork equipment strewn over it, much of which was inoperable due to  the lack of electricity. In the back, there was a staircase, which only led to a roof that looked like it might have once been a second floor.
There was also a distinctly uninvited and decidedly unwelcome guest hovering around the room.
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"Yo, who invited you in, scrapbrain?"
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You awake to discover 4 or 5 presents stowed away in your abode, all of which have been boxed in pristine, vibrantly wrapped boxes adorned with bows. Some of these boxes contain: a laptop, an Nintendo 3DS, a Wii, an assortment of sweaters and 4 computer chips. (This is not to be published or responded to until the 25th. Merry Christmas!)
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"... Nice."
The video games were probably going to see comparatively little use, but the laptop and computer chips were perfect for his plans.
The sweaters would never again see the light of day, however.
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Hey, a new weirdo in the city. And quite the weirdo at that, although it hardly fazed the watching machine.
Copy nonchalantly followed the sharklike man on his way, waiting to see what the newcomer was like.
Fun, it seemed.
"Who knows? Human nature varies. All depends on the people in the crowd."
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"Wanna give it a shot with this one?"
I Went On a Search For Humanity [CA Open || Intro]
   ☠— He stood tall, taller than the common folk crowding the streets.
   Clearly, this man was of a powerful build. With wide shoulders, thick arms which filled the sleeves of his long coat quite nicely, and a towering figure, it would be difficult to think of him as anything but “powerful.” Add to the mix a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, one completely black eye with the exception of a red dot for the pupil (the other eye was covered by an eyepatch), a large x-shaped scar across the forehead, and scales…and, well, you got the man standing and staring at the throng.
   The blue-skinned being seemed to be deep in thought at the time — his eye was darting from person to person, and occasionally, his lipless mouth would part and he would mutter something under his breath, his jagged teeth gnashing against each other. 
   ”…Makes ya wonder, doesn’t it?”
   And then, from the silence, there was sound. A deep, gravely voice, which sounded like it belonged to someone who had lived a thousand years — that was the charisma, the wisdom, the all-encompassing knowledge that voice held. Turning his head, the sharklike man offered a full-toothed grin to the stranger who had stopped nearby.
   ”All these people. It’s the same wherever ya go, really. I’ve got some good cash with me…haven’t ya ever thought…what if I tossed it onto the street? What would people say…?" For a moment, silence once more. And then, a slight chuckle. "Better question.”
   ”How much would I have to toss in for these people to start fighting each other over it?”
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send me a ✍ to see a glimpse of a muse i might want to play.
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I came up with this based on things I love to know about RP partners! ;; Feel free to reblog and fill in your own answers-- or don't. Shh. Love me.
               FILL IN: 
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I like to be called: Gabriel My favorite color is: Lavender Gender: Male One thing you should know about me: fireemblemfireemblemfireemblem One thing you should know about my muse: friggin' jerk First language: Canadian English
Age range: under 13 | 14-17 | 18-22 | 23-25 | 26-29 | 30+  Am I okay with NSFW? [Yes | No | Sometimes] My favorite/most common thing to RP is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | other OC friendly? Yes | No | Depends RP blog does | doesn’t contain OOC posts.
meme; things I like to know about rp partners
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Aw, crap, he'd been noticed. As the hand descended on his shoulder,Copy grimaced.
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"There were some jerks trying to catch me, so I teleported away. You got dragged along. We done here, spiky?"
Copy began to edge away again. If this guy didn't let up, he could be in trouble. That had been the last teleport he was allowed for the day.
"Look, I gotta get going before whatever passes for law enforcement in this place catches on and follows the big beam of blue light, right?" He said, casually swinging the toolbox grasped in his hand slightly.
To others, going out and looking for things to do may have seemed like a minor thing—possessing no feeling of victory or importance. So insignificant that it was a notion that simply slipped past one’s mind.
But to Phoenix, it was a win—he had the energy to get up and leave the house. He did it every once and awhile, but he felt like it wasn’t enough. The newly found motivation had him walking down the streets of Hive City.
However, this motivation was not good luck … it appeared to be bad. Before he knew it, he was pushed to the side and whipped right up into a…blue vortex.
And then when he popped out, he was somewhere else.
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Standing up, dusting himself off (and quite frankly, a bit upset, since he was wearing his only suit)—he turned to look at the man who…transported him here.
"H-Hey…!" Phoenix said, walking over to the person and placing his hand on their shoulder. "What did…what did you just do?" 
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[[For reference, this is my headcanon for Copy's casual clothes. It's Megamix concept art with my shitty colouring.]]
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Copy Robot bolted down the streets, stolen tools in hand. As he reached a turn, he whirled around to face his pursuers, to mock them one last time. The blue robot grinned and dissolved. Blue light replaced him, beaming upwards, before coming back down in an alleyway somewhere far away.
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"Hah! Can't catch me, you-"
Oh, dammit. Copy Robot looked down. He'd been pushing the man out of the way, but apparently he'd still been touching him when he teleported, because the guy had been dragged along for the ride, and now he was flat on the ground beside him..
Copy began to creep away. Maybe he could get away while whoever this was was still getting their bearings after an involuntary teleport? Naw, he wasn't that lucky.
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[[Let's try this again, since only one person responded last time.]]
[[Like this post for a starter!]]
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