thebetasystem · 3 years
Arrow of Dodona, in a Shakespearian accent: At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Apollo: Oh, I apologize. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Arrow of Dodona: Somehow that's worse.
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thebetasystem · 3 years
Anyone want to do a (non-sexual) Star Wars roleplay with me?
I’m bored and they’re my comfort characters.
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thebetasystem · 3 years
k i n k y
if you c*nsor anything in a post you are l*gally required to put all of the omitted v*wels at the end as a footn*te
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thebetasystem · 3 years
my brothers share special interests and my favorite thing to do is walk in a room and be like "hey guys can you tell me about the mariana trench" and then sit there for an hour while they both infodump to me about the ocean it's extremely entertaining
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thebetasystem · 3 years
could you throw some love and support back here? 
tumblr is a backyard i throw footballs into
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thebetasystem · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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thebetasystem · 3 years
*trigger warning: transphobic violence*
This is absolutely horrifying. Everyone should be able to be who they are without fear of harassment and violence, especially children. The attack occurred in Florida, where the governor is signing many anti-LGBTQ+ bills.
When people ask why queer people get a pride month and straight people don't, this is why. Because we have to walk through a world that isn't welcoming or accepting of us, and we are sometimes hurt or killed because of it. For every one of us, accepting ourselves was a journey, and much of the world still doesn't accept us, so being proud is extraordinary.
This is why we need to keep fighting back against hatred.
If anyone knows of a go-fund-me or other donation site set up by the kid's family, let me know so I can boost it.
Stay safe, stay strong, and stay proud.
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thebetasystem · 3 years
What’s ‘toxic’, sweetheart, is your negativity in general. 
You come here to tear others down.
And did Nico EVER say dark disagreed with the fact that we should stop supporting them? No. Because NOBODY in our system supports them. We don’t eat there, and we DON’T promote them.
What he called you on was your anger and hatred to those in our community.
We called you on the fact that you told OTHER people to fucking choke. Just because you’re a ‘gay infulencer’, or whatever the hell you call yourself, doesn’t mean that you deserve more respect than others in the community.
What Nico sent you was polite, but disagreed with you. It was nothing but respectful. You responded with hatred and abuse. 
So, fuck you. And fuck your superiority complex, too. 
i hope you have a terrible pride month if you still eat at chick-fil-a with no consideration for other lgbt people
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thebetasystem · 3 years
I’m disappointed to see the LBGTQIP+ community causing divides like this. 
Because our entire thing is trying to prove that just because we love different people doesn’t make us NOT HUMAN.
So to see our OWN community treating others like this is...sad, honestly. 
seeing that the creator of the pan flag is a huge lesbophobe and transphobe really solidifies the fact that i just do not and will not ever feel comfortable around pansexual people bro like it’s 2021 and i’ve yet to see any pan person really give any sort of explanation as to how pansexuality differs from bisexuality in any real, tangible way without being biphobic. i’m so sick of the “hearts not parts” narrative and i’m so sick of other sexualities being treated as inherently transphobic/exclusive of nonbinary people because that just flat out isn’t true but it seems like no matter what anyone says a lot of people just cannot get that through their skulls at all. anyways here’s hoping the flag’s creator gets beat the fuck up for constantly speaking on what lesbians should and shouldn’t be doing on their twitter because they’re on some big brained horseshit level of thinking theyre a Lesbian Authority Figure or whatever, cheers
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thebetasystem · 3 years
Tear them apart please
happy pansexual visibility day. pansexuality helps perpetuate biphobic and transphobic stereotypes and i highly suggest that you read this
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thebetasystem · 3 years
“Pan people are inherently trans/biphobic!!”
Shhh... no one wants you in the lgbtq+ community
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thebetasystem · 3 years
Homophobia doesn���t stand here. We will fucking tear you apart for that shit. 
Before you think about challenging me, read the reblog above mine. 
Jaden and I are literally THE EXACT SAME, except I’m 21.
You can’t and won’t win. So don’t try, love. Look inwardly and try to understand where your internalized homophobia comes from. Then you can come out with a fucking apology to this community
happy pansexual visibility day. pansexuality helps perpetuate biphobic and transphobic stereotypes and i highly suggest that you read this
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thebetasystem · 3 years
as a system with 17 pan alters and 13 trans alters: 
pansexuals are homophobic HOW? like @the-dino-system said, it’s literally not giving a flying FUCK about gender or sexuality. 
That ARTICLE is the homophobic thing here. Not the fucking pans
This is what I mean by the LBGTQIP+ community being toxic at times.
kindly go fuck yourself.
happy pansexual visibility day. pansexuality helps perpetuate biphobic and transphobic stereotypes and i highly suggest that you read this
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thebetasystem · 3 years
The Beta System Answers Some Questions
system ask meme...
a set of questions I either haven’t seen, can’t remember, or thought would be a bit of a novelty, cause there aren’t many of these. here we go!
1. is there anyone you consider the “host”? has there ever been one?
The core was the Host for a long time, and then they integrated with multiple others. Then for a short time it was Nova and Nico. Now the core integrated form is a co-host with Nico, and has a ‘blended name’. 
2. what was life like in the early days of realising you were more-than-one?
In the really early days we just thought we were role-playing. We’ve said this before, but the earliest we REMEMBER being a multiple/noticing dissociation was about 6/7 years ago. Then when we understood what dissociation WAS, we were in therapy and it was said to be a coping mechanism. 
It was scary. It was blurry. Headaches, emotions out of control. Spiraling depression, panic. But the alters were also helpful at times. There was just a lot. 
3. Describe the funniest thing you’ve seen happen between two alters.
One alter rickrolled Nova/Nico in the Inner World control room (we don’t know how to describe it.
There was a screen in the control room that usually had reminders on it and one day it suddenly just changed. To a rickroll. But lofi edition because they didn’t want to trigger and alter with a sudden noise. Quite an ordeal.
4. How many interpersonal bonds are there? Describe one (or a few!).
5. Who is the most protective?
Demon (Immortal, Protector, Persecutor)
6. Who is the most energetic?
Lill. She is two years old. She tries to cut our friend's shoelaces. Constantly.
7. Who holds the most anger? (We see you, and we love you)
Demon, probably. Amber (Solo), Eliora, and Nelson are very close, though.
8. Who needs the most support (and are they getting it)?
Probably all forms of Amber. Her character seems the most traumatised. Either her or Maria. 
Amber di Angelo is getting as much support as Nico is able to give, but...not what she needs. 
Maria is in no way getting the support she needs, and she never will. She doesn’t speak. Nobody even knows she exists. 
9. Describe what happened when an unusual fronter had a day in the limelight.
They got the police called on us.
The dungeon somehow didnt work and they were let out. The police were called. It was a horrible day.
10. If you are attending therapy, is it helping (eg. do you feel more grounded in the present? is there less amnesia, if any? is there more cooperation, communication, and sharing of tasks)?
N o p e 
Our therapist didn’t believe in dissociation and didn’t help us with it. 
We met a new therapist though and we’re starting with her so high hopes.
11. Who is prone to backseat driving, ie. directing the fronter without fronting themselves?
It’s easier to list those who don’t. 
Ryo, Lilli, Finn, Adaleyza (Fae) and Wes
12. Do you have any introjects (fictives/factives)? How are they similar to their source? How do they differ?
I’m not comfortable putting that information out about non-consenting alters. 
13. Describe the most drastic change a fictive has gone through since their first appearance.
They went from being a small, happy, cis female to a depressed, self-harming, OCD, darkgender who went through all kinds of abuse. Not to mention she’s not straight like dark though they were.
Went from curly blonde hair to black, red and purple. Style has changed. They’re polyfragmented. 
14. Does anyone have any special interests?
Music for most of them (one of them is actually pitch-perfect)
Graphic design
15. Describe some of the kids!
Jade says that we shouldn’t post about our littles on the internet. We’re not comfortable with that question. 
16. Who is the most responsible and/or good at keeping track of and tackling daily tasks?
Hope, by far. She was formed to take care of certain children, and she does so well. She tracks eating, sleeping, and all physical things for everyone. Jade takes care of tracking our emotional states quite well. 
17. Who isn’t good at keeping track of the time and tasks to do?
Amber (in any form)
18. Elegant, suave, refined. Who did I just describe? 
Adaleyza Fawn (Fae)
19. Peaceful, brotherly, patient. Who did I just describe?
Will Solace or Percy
20. Angry, spitfire, vicious. Who did I just describe?
Demon or Nelson
21. Dejected, passive, tired. Who did I just describe?
Nico, Eliora and Amber
22. Free-spirited, active, protective. Who did I just describe?
23. Describe another alter with three adjectives.
Traumatised, quiet, sweet- Ryo
24. Does anyone feel shame about their past? (as this is a symptom of trauma you don’t have to go into detail, or at all)
Yes. Most of us. All of us, really. Either because of trauma, or because of our switching. 
25. Who works together best to complete daily tasks? Is anyone good at washing up, but really bad at vacuuming?
We actually have pairs who work well together. Almost everyone in the System does chores, and in our case, we have a list of who works well and who doesn’t.
Annabeth and Ryo are the best at completing tasks. Add Percy and Will (Nico too)  to the mix and you’ve got a great combo
26. Who has the most issues completing tasks?
Amber, Ellana, the trauma-stuck alters or any of the kids.
27. Who, if anyone, creates memory blackouts?
Everyone. Literally everyone 
28. Who can’t keep their thoughts private to save their life?
29. Are there any inseparable pairs/groups? Alternatively, what are the social groups like?
We have about 50 alters, so we’re like an entire community. We have besties, people who can;t stand eachother, all of that.
Finn and Ellana are inseparable. 
Nico and Amber are always together.
Reyna and Annabeth fight alot. 
Eliora, Nelson, Wes, and Deb are constantly in some sort of war. 
30. Is there any gender/sexuality variance in-system?
We go from super-straight homophobes to darkgender influencers. 
Sexuality is all of the place.
31. Describe, if any, an inhuman alter.
Some of our non-humans are Greek-style immortals
Others are magical beings from our own universes
32. How big is the system?
Around fifty
33. Describe what switching fronts feels like.
Pain and confusion. Blurry
34. How do different parts react to dissociation (ie. involuntarily switching fronts)?
Most are deeply traumatized and scared by it.
35. Is anyone a bit of a “control freak”?
Our trauma holders and protectors. Nelson, Eliora, Wes, Nico, Will, Deb, Demon, Jade, Amber, Rubi, Maria are the ones most often fighting to control it.
36. Is there a place, like a round table, where everyone can get together to communicate?
We have a ‘control room’, but it’s difficult to communicate more othen than not.
37. Does anyone have a fascination with numbers, shapes, or using repetition to self-soothe?
Many of the trauma holders, because they have OCD. 
38. Describe someone who doesn’t usually get a day in the limelight (if they consent).
Miki and Ryo, along with an alter who doesn’t want to be named. They’re the deepest trauma holders and prefer not to be seen.
39. What’s something you’ve managed to create as a team?
Our innerworld. It’s always expanding, it’s something that’s taken a lot of work. Alot of pain. 
We also managed to create a group of people who support us no matter what. 
40. Describe, in as few or as many words as you like, the journey from discovery of your multiplicity to the present.
We went from 3 alters to start to around 50 now. The major psychological change is indescribable. It’s a roller coaster that we don’t want to describe.
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thebetasystem · 3 years
okay so yes what theyre doing is awful
but please stop being vile to OTHER lbgtqip+ people on the internet. 
yes, theyre awful, okay? i think every one of us would argue us. but the comments about hoping that they choke or have a horrible pride month also make the lbgtqip+ people seem toxic. 
please consider deleting this or changing the wording.
~nico (another lbgtqip+ person who very actively stands for our rights)
i hope you have a terrible pride month if you still eat at chick-fil-a with no consideration for other lgbt people
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thebetasystem · 3 years
no youre not allowed to die ~nico~
~nico update~
kill me please
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thebetasystem · 3 years
no i require death ~nico~
~nico update~
kill me please
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