thebennettfiles · 2 years
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Released written notes of Dr. Lindsey Bennett pertaining to Subject 826
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thebennettfiles · 2 years
Reminder that when you're driving and there's weather like fog, snow, or rain, turn your headlights on. It doesn't help you to see better, no, but it does help other cars to see you, preventing accidental collisions from literally just not seeing another car.
This goes for everyone but especially "neutral" colored cars like gray, silver, white, black, and even just dark colors like dark blue. Cars with those colors blend into the road whenever visibility is low. Turn your headlights on. Let other cars know where you are.
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thebennettfiles · 2 years
Subject 826 appears to be a large centipede like creature, approximately between 20-40 meters in length with a width of approximately 4 meters, with thick chitinous plates covering the entirety of its body, small claw like extremities that seem to aid in some sort of locomotion and large sharpened bony plates acting as it's jaw structure, not dissimilar to the jaw structure of the prehistoric armored fish Dunkleosteus, 826 does not appear to have any visible eyes. Subject 826 seem to be to some degree semi aquatic, capable of remaining submerged under water for several hours at a time, water provided to the pool in 826's enclosure is filtered in from a large lake near the [REDACTED] facility. Audio was taken during one of Dr. Linsey Bennett's many tests with 826. Despite 826's large size, the creature seems to have no issues in moving swiftly, as evident of 826's quick devouring of research assistant Peter Davis whilst he was inside the enclosure conducting tests into Subject 826's hunting habits. Further study to be done.
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thebennettfiles · 2 years
Fun fact to know if you’re going to listen to The Bennett Files: Dr. Lindsey Bennett likes girls
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thebennettfiles · 2 years
The female urge to sacrifice all of your male research assistants to unknowable apocalypse bringing creatures
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thebennettfiles · 2 years
Pay no mind to the lights you see in the sky tonight, Subject 893 is of no concern to you
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thebennettfiles · 2 years
Just looked at the analytics for the trailer of The Bennett Files, the majority of listeners are female... so you know... the female urge to be a mildly unhinged scientist working for an underground government testing facility
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thebennettfiles · 2 years
The Bennett Files is a found tapes style story based podcast produced by Arachnosound Productions. The story circles around Dr. Lindsey Bennett (played and written by Louann DuVall) who is the head of research for an underground secret government testing facility. Many of Dr. Bennetts observations and notes were recorded via audio tape, which were later found inside the old abandoned facility. Through the story we see Dr. Bennett’s devotion to her work, the unfortunate demises of her research assistants, the strange creatures and anomalies of which Dr. Bennett has devoted her life, and we delve into the truth of who Dr. Bennett truly is, a woman with no memory of her past, family or life outside of the facility. Who is Dr. Lindsey Bennett? What happened to the facility? And more importantly, what happened to Dr. Bennett?
Join Arachnosound Productions as we delve into the strange and unusual every 2nd, 12th and 22nd of every month, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and most other places podcasts are found.
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thebennettfiles · 2 years
Let women be psychopaths, let women be mad scientists, let women be mildly concerning with no memory of their pasts.
Let women be Dr. Lindsey Bennett
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