thebekkie · 9 years
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thebekkie · 9 years
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She gives her boyfriend the PS4 he really wanted
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thebekkie · 9 years
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For all you wonderful starseeds ♥
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thebekkie · 9 years
As a Black man who loves Black women, it is exhaustion to watch this happen to our sistas over and over and over and over again. Exhausting and infuriating.
If You Don’t Understand Why a White Girl Wearing Cornrows is a Big Deal
I’ve seen a lot of comments arguing about this whole Kylie Jenner cornrows appropriation situation and a lot of people seem to not understand the harm in a white girl wanting to wear braids. I don’t think Kylie Jenner is trying to actively harm the black community. She probably even thinks that adopting certain features and hairstyles from black women is complimentary. Here’s where cultural appropriation is so insidious. It may seem like wearing cornrows, dreadlocks, grillz, or referring to extensions as a weave is harmless. But the reality is that the groups who appropriate a culture do not have to deal with the daily oppression that comes with being in the appropriated group. 
Cornrows, box braids, Marley twists, etc are not just for aesthetic purposes, they are protective hairstyles for black hair which allow our hair to grow and allow protection from breakage and shedding especially during the colder months. These styles are also just beautiful and are warn year round. We need these hairstyles for other purposes than just a cool instagram picture.
 So when a school denies entry to a black child with cornrows because of their dress code which was designed to “deter gang culture and create a safe environment for all its pupils” or when Six Flags denied a black engineering student employment because of her dreadlocks or when  Hampton University banned dreadlocks and cornrows for male business students or when a white Glamour Magazine editor told a group of women at a law firm that their afros were no nos and that dreadlocks were inappropriate in a workplace, or when the Army banned twists, dreadlocks, and braids for female soldiers while deployed, what are black people being told? 
There are literally policies and bans against our natural hair to prevent us from education and career success. When a white person appropriates a black hairstyle, they are temporarily able to gain all the aesthetic purposes these hairstyles come with while having the option to take them off and return to their life of privilege. It’s extremely frustrating for us to see white people accessing our culture for aesthetic or economic purposes and then putting it back when they want, meanwhile not contributing to black causes or speaking against the discrimination of blacks in America. Black people, who wear these hairstyles on a daily basis, are told that they are unprofessional and against policy. A white person donning features of an oppressed culture does not have to live with the daily discrimination and institutional oppression which comes with belonging to these cultures. Kylie Jenner wants to look trendy for a few minutes and be praised by her instagram fans, but she will never understand how deep the meaning our beautiful black hairstyles and features have and the oppression that comes with them. On a daily basis black people are punished and told that we are less than because of our features, but only when a white person appropriates them they are considered beautiful and trendy. It’s exhausting.
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thebekkie · 9 years
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thebekkie · 9 years
Its right in your fucking face
Ironic that Miley puts up a picture of her appropriating black culture Hmmm
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thebekkie · 9 years
Privilege ABCs
So my best friend finally shared the story of why he got a speeding ticket to me (he’d mentioned it via text a few days ago but hadn’t gotten a chance to call and explain the situation) He and his two friends were heading to the next state and got pulled over for speeding, right at the state line. Due to the the heavy oncoming traffic he asked him to step out of the car, immediately explaining it was simply because he didn’t want to stand near the oncoming traffic They exchanged dialogue about how he smelled weed and asked when the last time weed was smoked in the car. He proceeded to search the car He found the weed they had been smoking and the object they were smoking it with.
The officer said I’m not really interested in worrying about a simple $80 fine, I’m just going to write you a ticket for going 9 over My friend continues to say that the officer actually had clocked him in at 85 in a 55 . The officer accidentally pressed a wrong charge (that a minor under 16 [they’re all adults] was without a seatbelt, on top of the 9 over charge) when entering the ticket and apologized and reassured that he’d clear everything up at the courthouse
My friend is white. If you truly don’t understand and accept the white privileges that circulate this country, your eyes are still closed
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thebekkie · 9 years
One day I woke up and realised I was not made for anyone. I was made for me. I am my own.
TheBestFriendRole (via wnq-writers)
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thebekkie · 9 years
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thebekkie · 9 years
*looks innocent but is actually kinky as fuck*
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thebekkie · 9 years
Meet the girl who wrote Rihanna’s “BBHMM”
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thebekkie · 9 years
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thebekkie · 9 years
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I’m going to keep bringing this up because the fact that so many people understand what it’s like to be ridiculed for being over weight from a young age disgusts me. I know many people will re-tweet or reblog this out of humor and I don’t find it funny at all cause all the things that they tweet about is a moment that actually happens and is devastating. If you don’t think that a mother has told her daughter she’s worthless and no guy will ever look at her because she’s over weight you r wrong and if you also don’t think a girl or guy has cried in a store trying on clothing cause they think they aren’t worth it you would be wrong again. And also if you notice it’s not just girls who have this problem boys do to and I personally believe we should stop fat shaming especially towards young children who will grow up thinking they are worthless. Rant over.
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thebekkie · 9 years
Fuck her in the mouth then kiss her.
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thebekkie · 9 years
How come I cant be this gorgeous 😍
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Afro Punk 2K15
Photo(s) by me:
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thebekkie · 9 years
Hey, how are you doing?
Im okay yourself?
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thebekkie · 9 years
Why is it "R.I.P." Alpha? When did you die? How? Why? Why is your soul left to damn this Earth?
People don’t appreciate you or love you till you gone so pretend I’m gone now appreciate me now and love me now
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