129 posts
I write G/T and make Art sometimes!!
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thebadger78 · 3 months ago
I'm just gonna write something about my OC's Kai and Ali (Kai is the big blue alien boy, and ali is the human. Might post refs later) I'm not the best writer(working on it), so typos/grammar errors may be present, but yeah! Enjoy my brainrot :3
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Late Night Comfort
955 words 5,296 Characters
Ali climbed Kai's bed. Ali was grumbling all the while. You'd think he'd install a ramp or something for him by now. Once he got to the top, he just flopped on the mattress to catch his breath before getting up.
He can vaguely see kai's sleeping form. The glowing lines on his body make him easy to spot. He slowly makes his way over slowly, approaching kais sleeping form.
He eventually makes it up close to his face. God, he looked so big from this upclose. He could feel kai's warm breath wash over him, rhythmic breathing following. But from so close, he also looked....peaceful and kinda cute?
He could clearly see the sharp white teeth. God, that idiot actually slept with his mouth open.
He was lost in his mind that he actually touched and ran his hands along kai's sharp teeth out of curiosity. He's seen them before and even seen Kai bite into the armor of tanks with ease, and yet they seemed so gentle up close....
The sudden contact made Kai jolt awake. Which made Ali snap out of it and fall backward.
Kai rubbed his eyes, clearly tired. "Mmmm wha-" he rubbed his eyes again before they focused on the small human before him. He couldn't make out Ali's expression in the dark. "Mmm Ali? Is that you? What are you doing here, silly human?"
Ali forgot how intimidating Kai could be up close, so he lost his nerve. It was a stupid idea to come up here. Kai couldn't help him with his nightmares infact he'd probably just make them worse...."N-nothing was just um checking up on you.making sure your clumsy ass hadn't fallen o-out of bed! uh, g-goodnight doofus."
Kai was puzzled. Surely Ali wouldn't have climbed all the way up here just for that? He could feel something was wrong with him. He decided to cut off the small humans exit, making Ali turn around in shock.
"Not till I get a better look at you.~" Kai hummed cutely. he reached over to the bedside table to flick on his bed lamp.
Ali yelled, "PLEASE DON'T!" He said pain, coating his voice. He didn't need Kai to see him all weak and scared.
Kai winced and made a noise. Retracting his hand. "O-okay" something was def wrong. He scanned the small thing, as best he could in the dark, the stripes on his body faintly lighting Ali up. "No physical injuries..." he noted. he'd read about a mouse who did the same he's glad that story didn't repeat itself here.
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to um raise my voice.please just don't turn on the light.." ali's shaking intensified.
"It's okay, you are okay." He offered his hand to the smol. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"H-had a stupid nightmare...thats all j-just wanted to make sure you were still here.."
Kai frowned"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. But of course, im still here, silly."
Ali just lay in the hand offered to him, curling up on himself. "Y-yeah y-you are..." he found comfort from the warmth radiating from Kai's palm. Kai was still here.
He immediately thought back to the nightmare. Kai wasn't gonna abandon him once he was done studying him, was he?
If you asked him a month ago, he'd be elated at the idea of leaving this alien behind. But now the idea made him sad..and scared...and reminded him of his nightmare....
"You are disposable test subject weak and pathetic...and here i thought you were interesting..." The nightmare rung through his ears. He shuddered. He knew Kai wouldn't say something like that....yet it coming from him drove daggers into his heart and made him shake even more. He just tried to ground himself, focusing on the softness and the faint pulse he could feel through kai's palm.
Kai could feel Ali's shaking. Was the nightmare that bad? He wasn't sure how to comfort the small, fragile human.
Ali piped up voice unsteady. "C-Could I just uh rest here for the n-night I wanna m-make sure you don't aban- uh fall off your b-bed.." Ali said weakly and with a shaky voice.
Kai gave a warm "mhm" in response.
Ali just gave a small "thank you" and sank into the plush surface, closing his eyes.
Kai, normally, if he didn't know what to do, would've just left Ali to his own devices. But he couldn't sleep like this! knowing Ali was shaking in his palm, suffering from his nightmare! He needed to reassure him. So he carefully began to move his hand.
Ali opened his eyes in alarm. "What are yo-mmpf"
Kai squeaked and shuddered from the feeling of Ali pressed against his exposed skin."T-there," Kai said triumphantly he blushed a bit. "N-now you w-wont have to worry! i won't fall off the bed!
Ali just went limp, burying his face into him, letting the warmth soak into his bones. "Idiot," he thought. He felt safe... and warm. Kai was here he was surrounded by him. Surrounded by his large heartbeat, warm skin, and rhythmic breathing... He practically melted into the larger boy.
Kai felt Ali instantly relax the minute he made contact. Now this was better...very better... his blush was still very visible he was glad Ali couldn't see it right now. Fuck he had what humans called a "crush".
Ali's eyes began to droop. He just felt so comfortable and safe.."g'night Kai, thank you." He said in a small voice.
Kai heard him loud and clear, though a bit muffled by his hand covering the smol, but he had heard him nonetheless. The tips of antennas began to glow. He sent a telepathic message.
Ali felt a familiar warm sensation poke into his mind. The voice was very recognizable. "Good Night Ali, Sleep well."
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thebadger78 · 3 months ago
Commissions open! ⭐️
I just realized that I said that commissions are open but I never put down my commission sheet 🥲
I also got a few questions regarding furries- yes I do draw furries of any kind, I only don’t do mecha/ transformers and armor, though if you ask very nicely I will still give it a try 🩷
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I work with PayPal, and will give you the final version without watermarks after you’ve payed!
And you can of course ask for an extra character, bust, half or full! You won’t get any discount for adding them though
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thebadger78 · 3 months ago
Whatever happens... A, B, and C
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"Hey C? Buddy? How're you doing in there? Are you ready to come out yet?"
Their question was met with a cold silence, but B could do nothing about the unpleasant response. It was meant to still be a secret between B and A, with the idea being that once they had reached their third month's anniversary of their relationship that they would tell C. But the surprise came a little too early.
A bent down. "Have they still not come out yet? It's been an hour..." They spoke in a soft and hopeless tone, which was conflicting with their usual upbeat personality.
"No..." B replies while eying the bathroom door. "I just hope they'll be okay... what if they don't like us anymore after this? I don't want to lose them. This is exactly what we were trying to prevent..." he says while silently acknowledging the irony of this whole situation.
B knocks on the little door again. "C? Please come out...". "N-no!..." came a soft squeak, which very briefly settled B and A's worry that their partner had somehow managed to escape through the window. They knew it would actually be impossible for C, but the fear was still there, C had a tendency to accomplish the impossible, such as dating two people who were secretly giants.
The two shared a look of grief, and A could see how B's mind was tumbling: "What if they break up with us? W-what if they leave us?" B asked with a choked voice. "Then we let them... it's not right to hold someone hostage. That would definitely make us monsters. C is already so overwhelmed..." A spoke with pain in their heart. At first, A wanted to pry the door open and get ahold of C, but now that they've thought things through it would most likely never go well.
"I miss them..." B hugged themselves tighter. "I miss them so much, and they're right here. They're so close, and we're losing them A... what do we do..?" A sighs "I don't know..."
Hours continued to fly by till the early morning, around 4. C finally decided to have a peek outside the bathroom to investigate the silence. They almost yelped when he saw how close the two were to the door, A was snuggled up to B, they both looked exhausted. To C, this was a relief. This was their chance to get the hell out of here... C grabbed their keys and bag off the counter and quietly made their way to the door. They took their time to observe their home for a final time and made some connections, such as why the ceiling was so high and why the two always had a glimmer in their eyes whenever they saw each other... C always thought it was because they were in love, which may have been the case, but also because the two shared a deep secret with one another... one that they never deemed necessary to tell C despite being their partner. Maybe C's insecure thoughts were right about them being nothing more than a third wheel.
Suddenly, he noticed B's eyes flicker open. In a panic, C rushes to the door, his steps waking the both of them. He pulled on the door and... nothing. It didn't budge, he tried again, then he tried pushing, nothing. Finally, he looked up from the handle and saw A's hand pressed against the top. Fear struck his already broken heart as he felt it sink to his stomach. He spun back towards the bathroom to see that his safe haven had been blocked off by B.
C looked up at the two with frantic eyes, unable to get his legs to move. He had no real other pace to hide as their layout was rather open. B gently reached to make contact with C, but C jolted away as if B's fingers were knives. "D-Don't touch me!" C hated how the fear rang in his voice, how he stammered in front of them. C never was one to speak up for himself. He was the timid and soft-spoken one of the three.
B and A kept their distance, looking down at C with pleading eyes, please C please don't go. Let us explain, let us hold you, show you that we would never hurt you.
But their silent pleading fell on deaf ears. C stared at the two with blurry eyes, tears obscuring his vision. "Let me go." he rests his hand on the handle, looking at A. Please let me get out of here.
A & B share a look before returning their eyes to C. "Let us first explain ourselves... please Cc?" B pleaded with an all too familiar nickname that made C feel uneasy hearing at the moment.
C's legs were ready to make a run for it as soon as either one made an attempt to grab him again, he was particularly eying B for that distinct twitch they'd show when they lost their patience. This would be C's only chance to speak their mind before something were to happen to them. "I... no, I've heard enough, I've... I've seen enough. I don't know why you'd keep such a big secret from me for so long! I'm not a stranger. We've known each other for years! And not once was I ever considered your equal! I-I'm just that easy to get forget about, aren't I? The small third party! Quick and easy to get rid of!" C's breathing quickened, and his blood boiled, yet he still kept his voice lowered. Regret began to almost instantly set in after he was done talking back at the two in such a tone, he swore that the two were now staring right through him. How dare he speak to them that way, how dare he try to question their decisions when he was so disposable to them?
Instead, A let out a very pitiful sniffle, a gate of tears rolled down their cheeks. "We're sorry, we're so, so sorry... we really messed up this whole plan." they say while trying to wipe all those messy tears off. Wanting nothing more than to be given a second chance to try and be better at how they handled the situation. They wanted to explain how scared they were of C's reaction and how they knew he would be scared if they had revealed this secret any sooner.
B held A's hand before looking at C. "C... no, no C, you're not! Don't say that! Please get that out of your head it was never meant to get so out of hand. We swear we would have told you a-and it was supposed to be a whole setup and everything!" Slowly B moved their hand closer to C. C hadn't even noticed B's hand. they were too occupied by their heart ringing in their ears and the sight of A sobbing in B's arms. Even B looked completely heartbroken.
When C suddenly felt B's hand wrap around his waist and legs, he began to frantically squirm, watching and attempting to push away any enclosing fingers that hugged his body. "n-no stop! Stop!!" C yelped. "I-it's okay! It's okay, I won't drop you, I promise you C..." B spoke with a gentle yet strained voice, trying to hide the pump in his throat as he felt his panicked lover squirm and scratch. Wincing a little as he felt warm tears drip down his fingers.
A quickly wiped his tears and let B open their hand. The two had talked for hours about what it would be like to hold C in their hands, how they wanted C to take naps, demand being held, how soft he would feel... this would probably not be the case anymore... "Cc..." A spoke softly. B looked at C. "I'm sorry I... I just wanted to be near you. Please don't be scared, A and I... we were trying to prevent this reaction, but it just happened. A-and now everything seems forced and-and the timing is terrible and we're scared we're going to lose you! We don't want to lose you C. Please, please believe us, we promise there's nothing else to hide from you, we will tell you everything... let us prove it to you... we will do anything to make up for this mess."
C was a shivering mess. They looked at both lovers like they were predators despite the duo's best attempts to calm him, giving gentle rubs and holding him against their chest. Talking to him with a soft and sweet voice that tried to reassure him that he was safe and that they would never hurt him while also repeatedly apologizing. This continued till the sun rose, and C finally passed out on B's chest.
The two laid him in bed, their poor C was exhausted, their cheeks stained with tear marks and their eyes were puffy, their body never stopped shivering and every now and then they'd jolt and mumble incoherently. The two looked at each other with equally stained cheeks and puffy eyes. They decided it would be best for them to shrink down to the size C was familiar with. B held C's hand and gently kissed their forehead while A kissed C's cheek and snuggled up to spoon him. The 3 got cuddled up together and fell into a deep sleep... hopefully, when C woke up, they'd be more willing to talk. But they couldn't be certain. All they could really focus on was that C was in their arms, and hopefully, after some time, they'd be able to sleep together without fear.
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thebadger78 · 3 months ago
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thebadger78 · 3 months ago
I really like when giants are infatuated with tinies in like a cute way. Small thing is adorable type of thing. Giants who “awww” audibly at tinies. Giants who dress their tiny up in little doll clothes. Giants with cuteness aggression squeezing a tiny just the slightest bit, holding back because if they don’t, their little friend will probably pop. I think theres a good opportunity for fearplay too with it yk. Having a giant see you as a cute little toy. Not knowing if their intentions are entirely pure when they call you “such a cute little thing”. God forbid you get called “cute enough to eat” or something. Idk jurst…. being cute to something big hehehe
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thebadger78 · 3 months ago
Spoiled Snacks
I love the concept of size shifters who unabashedly love being small. Not so much in a fluffy sense where they just feel so safe and comfy… But in a spoiled wanting to be pampered sense. Like smug little gremlins who just want to be carried around.
Word Count: 632
CW: Fearplay,
No matter how many times you ask them not to walk all over your plate, they never listen. Every meal time its the same thing. They shrink down, hoisting themselves up onto the table, and walk right over to your plate, enjoying whatever you’ve made for yourself. 
“Ohh,” their voice is thick with that quintessential mocking tone, “but I’m sooo small. You won’t even notice what I’ll take.” 
You narrow your eyes. 
“I wish I didn’t notice you.” They snicker at your remark, continuing to pick off of your plate. The first time they had shrunk had been jarring to you both. It had been without warning. One moment they were walking towards you, and the next they had seemed to vanish into thin air. Had it not been for their soft yelp of surprise cutting the silence you weren’t sure you would have noticed them. 
Things… things had changed since then. You almost missed the days where they had sat in your cupped hands, eyes wide with fear. The way the had to close their eyes before you touched them, the way their hands shook before they touched you… With the privilege of hindsight, they had been adorable. While you didn’t want them be terrified of you again, anything was better than this. 
What had once petrified them had quickly become their preferred state. You couldn’t remember the last time they willingly walked somewhere; you having become their primary mode of transportation. Personal space had so quickly become a thing of the past. They quite literally had taken to walking all over you, and they absolutely knew it. 
They were smug.
You try to shoo them away from your plate with a spoon but they duck and weave, nimbly avoiding being pushed from your plate. Their laughter feels taunting. You lean closer to them, eyeing them up and down. All you get in return is a smirk as they sit on the edge of your plate.
“I miss when you used to be scared of me.”
For a split second, that smug little smirk gets wiped right of their face. You don’t quite catch the emotion that replaces it before they begin to chuckle, but you didn’t miss the way the tips of their ears had turned bright red. 
“Thats on you.” They say nonchalantly, as the pull some more food directly from your plate. When they see the confusion on your face, they continue, “I never really thought of you as a gentle person until all of this” they say, gesturing to themselves. “But boy was I wrong. They way you’d dote on me left and right? The concern in your eyes every time you picked me up? How am I supposed to be afraid of someone as soft as you?”
You snort. Soft, huh? You can feel a grin pulling at the corners of your lips. 
“How are you supposed to be afraid?” Slowly, you pinch their ankle between your thumb an index finger, “How about I show you?” 
You lift up, bringing their foot up towards their head and sending them tumbling to their back. Before they can sit back up you press your fingertip to the center of their chest; pinning them to the table. The feeling of their heart beating wildly in their chest is oddly exhilarating. 
“How about you stay off my plate,” you say, as you loom over their tiny frame. You bring yourself much closer, face inches away from their body. “Lets I mistake you for something a bit more-” you pause, flashing them a toothy grin “tasty.”
The change occurs suddenly. 
One second you’re looming over a miniature human, the next, there’s a full grown person splayed out on your table, eyes wide, cheeks red, and completely on top of your plate. 
You’re the first to break the silence. Doubling over, you laugh. Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you look at their flushed face, expression completely dumbfounded.
“Don’t you worry,” you tease, “I don’t eat spoiled snacks.” 
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thebadger78 · 3 months ago
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★Currently thinking about a giant trying to soothe a tiny that is in distress by showing them affection. Such as scooping them into their hands and firmly— yet gently locking their heaving form onto their chest, or maybe even holding them up to their face, looking at them with a soft expression as they shush up their cries in an oh-so gentle manner, not realising— or just plainly ignoring, that their little acts of delicacy may just be adding more fuel to the tiny's fire of nothing but sheer panic.★
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thebadger78 · 4 months ago
when the tiny tries to escape your love and affection for the 70th time
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thebadger78 · 4 months ago
Thinking about being in bed long after midnight with a giant looming right outside your window. They were just passing by and unfortunately for you, they noticed you watching them, and now you’re hiding beneath your covers, trembling, sweat heading your brow while you try to hold in your labored breaths while your heart roars in your ears and you feel so terrified you might pass out. The giant, however, isn’t as malicious as you might think. They wait outside your window, patiently trying to coax you out of hiding with just their voice, quietly whispering gentle pleas and reassurances that they don’t intend to harm you. You might have seen them when you shouldn’t have, but you aren’t going to die for it.
Eventually you do pass out and when you wake up the next day you find your window is still open but the giant is gone. There is no trace of which a massive being ever being there, and for a moment you think you might have conjured up the whole thing in a sleep-paralysis nightmare…until you see a paper atop your windowsill and in neat, fancy handwriting with a tone that somehow is soft and gentle, there’s a note: “You don’t have to be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I promise. Please, don’t be afraid. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
It turns out the giant might not be a permanent giant after all. They are someone in your community, and now they are fully aware that you know their secret.
Idk I’m up really late tn and just listening to the sounds that are happening outside and I’m just thinking about what if you accidentally caught a size shifter/giant walking through your neighborhood at night and they notice you watching them. Decided to make it fluff bc I’m in that mood.🤷‍♀️🫤
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thebadger78 · 4 months ago
In honor of pinning against the wall becoming a gay trope. Erm. Giant romantically pinning a tiny to the wall. Giant crouching down and placing a hand against the wall just above a tiny’s body, as they loom over them and look down with a flirty little smirk. Or even a giant holding a tiny against the wall, their tiny legs kicking in their uncontrollable flusteredness as the giant holds them to the wall, remarking on how cute they are, all red like a little strawberry. Hmmmmm
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thebadger78 · 5 months ago
Giants that throw tinies around when they're bored. Like absentmindedly throwing and catching them with one hand while they're thinking. It seems like a completely careless action, but in reality, they'd never do this if they weren't 100% certain they could catch said tiny and repeat the action without causing them harm
In conclusion, I NEED more Giant!Kokichi Ouma stories/headcanons PLEASEEE
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thebadger78 · 8 months ago
Nightmare He was in headspace This place shouldn't exist anymore wh- Before sunny could gather thoughts, a figure appeared it was basil at least sunnys minds manifestion of him. Sunny scooted backward. Something was "off" with this basil. He could feel it. He tried to run for the door as far as his little legs could carry him. "Why are you trying to leave me sunny? Basil? Grabbed him roughly, he could feel the possessiveness and desperation through his grip and voice. "You promised you wouldn't leave me again! You said you'd be there for me, " He was then set on the bed Sunny tried to choke out an answer but was too scared to speak. Basil? Yelled out. "Tell me why you tried to leave me again! you promised you"d stay!"
Basil? climbed onto the bed, sealing off sunny only chance at escape. Sunny was trying his best to calm himself down "this isn't real this isn't real this isn't real. This is a dream someone helped. " he just scooted back and back until he hit the headboard with a "thunk" But It feels so real..... "Why are you trying to leave!? Only I can protect you." Tears Welled up in the "basils" eyes. Sunny brought his knees up and buried his face in them, hoping this nightmare would end. The basil? reached out and ran his fingers on the shuddering sunny Sunny tried to squirm away from the touch but couldn't as the fingers only followed him.... That's right, he couldn't do anything to help himself. He was trapped, completely at the mercy of his "friend" no-one could help him. Sunny choked out a sob he just wanted his mind to stop tormenting him with the person he loved. only to have his face forcefully tilted up by basils finger "You look so cute when you are scared like this darling~" Sunny awoke with a start
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The basil in this is a dream!
A manifestion of sunnys fear of the power basil has over him now and how sunny (irrationally) thinks it'll affect the "relationship they have."
A/N: Holy, I love the idea of tiny sunny being vulnerable. Maybe a fluff peice is in order to move the beans closer just a little bit >_<
after this dunno if this is a "story" but I think it'll loosely be one. I just like writing moments like this.
Even tho I'm ass at writing lul
Hopefully, one day, a g/t sunflower fic will come into existence with the same themes and do it better, lol
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thebadger78 · 8 months ago
Faking sleep has always come easy to sunny. He's just glad basil bought it enough to fall asleep on his own. He had tried to wiggle out of Basils grasp but to no avail so he just resigned himself. Being this small made sunny feel vulnerable and that scared him. He is scared of basil given his newfound size and their history together but he couldn't help but feel safe in his arms like this. This reminded him of when they were 12 cuddling in the grass on a hot summers day. He could hear the calm and soothing heartbeat and rhythmic breathing of his bigger friend.
as he looked at basils sleeping face he couldn't help but wonder "was he always this cute?" A blush crept up on sunny's face as thoughts about basil flashed through his head. For a brief moment he stared at his lips wondered what kissing his lips at this size would feel- Maybe he'd let basil- "Shut up" he thought to himself. There is no way basil likes him back especially at this stature. He's just doing this to comfort him like a friend right?
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A/n: I love the idea of sunny being scared of basil given how vulnerable sunny is rn at his size. But Sunny is hopelessly in love despite those feelings of fear.
Also I suck at writing sorry aaaaaa
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thebadger78 · 8 months ago
Basil didn't know how to calm his friend (who he has 100% totally platonic feelings for) down , so he thought he'd give his heartbeat a try!
This brainrot is ughhhh so fucken cuute
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thebadger78 · 8 months ago
This fandom needs more size content, luckily I am here to provide 💜
I like to think Sunny is freaking out bout bein small, and Basil is just like in his head, "adorable af must protect"
Despite his crush being this small, that won't stop Basil from exploring his more "romantic" feelings for Sunny, tho! (Very carefully though)
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Hopefully, this'll spark some lil mini drabbles/fanfictions or spark some imagination ^-^(if it does, plssss tag me! I need this for my soul). But, Enjoy may post more soon because God, I've got sunflower brainrot
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thebadger78 · 2 years ago
(I'm not the best writer but hopefully this'll inspire others to write similar stories.)
Izuku Midoriya had been working tirelessly on his hero duties and studying for exams, and his body was at its limit. He couldn't wait to get back to his dorm and rest.
However, as he walked into his room, he noticed something strange on his bed. It took him a minute to realize was y/n who had somehow shrunk to the size of a small toy.
"Y/n, what happened to you? Are you okay?" Izuku asked, his concern evident in his voice.
"I don't know, Izuku. I woke up like this.The moment I um was shrunk y-you were the closest so um here I am."," you said, pumping your fist up to distract from feeling embarrassed at your current "predicament."
Izuku's heart fluttered a bit knowing you trusted him enough to come to him.
"Do you mind if I-" izuku's breath hitched in his throat. Either from nervousness or from exhaustion.
You waited expectantly. Waiting for the bigger boy to finish his sentence.
"Pick you up." Izuku said blushing he began his signature muttering "N-not in a romanticwayofcoursethatwouldbesilly. I'llonlypickyouupifyouwantmeto-
"Sure, I trust you" you figeted. You trusted Izuku to treat you with care. afterall you had a minuscule (no pun intended) crush on the freckled teen.not that you'd ever tell him.
"Oh OK I'm gonna pick you up now y/n"
Izuku knew he had to be careful not to hurt you, so he carefully picked you up using both of his hands. Being careful not to jostle you.
As he held you, he couldn't help but notice how cute you looked at this size. Izuku felt his heart start to race. Had you always looked this adorable?
He stood there enamored by your tiny, cute, and adorable form.
Izuku's instincts were screaming at him just to hold you close and tell you everything will be okay.
You noticed izuku was staring at you analytically. "Um izuku you alr-" you tried to get his attention startling him in the process.
"AH yes! Uh sorry about that."  His face scarlet as he began to set you on his bed. Then paused for a moment. Izuku's protective instincts began to win over the boy's tired brain. Exhaustion catching up to him suddenly.
Izuku began bringing you closer to his chest almost unconsciously.
Your face began to redden as you realized what izuku was doing. "Izuku what are you-" you manged to stutter out before being pressed against his warm chest.
Izuku proceeded to lay down on his back. His brain just in auto pilot at this point.
For a brief moment, As Izuku held you close he could feel his heart beating faster and his face growing warm. He didn't know why he was feeling or acting this way, but it felt...right to him.
Despite your struggles to wiggle free, Izuku held you gently not wanting to let go.
After a while of wiggling you resigned yourself to your fate. It felt nice being cuddled so close to your crush. You began to melt into the warm embrace of the teen. Your eyes grew heavy as his warmth surrounded you. You eventually unknowingly drifted off to sleep.
As time passed, Izuku, too, had started to drift off to sleep content with having you so close. Even while sleeping, he held you close to his chest, unconsciously cuddling you tighter.
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thebadger78 · 3 years ago
pinned post 📍
hi, my name is cas and this is my g/t art blog. i draw silly guys of various sizes :-)
this blog is sfw and does not have any follower restrictions, however please keep in mind i do draw my oc's in nsfw scenarios, so if that makes you uncomfortable then i recommend not interacting.
PLEASE DO NOT LIKE-SPAM ME, if you flood my notifs i WILL block you
asks & anon will always be open! in truth i'll only respond to the ones that interest me / the ones i have time for, so please don't send the same ask more than once if i don't get to yours
my twitter will only be given out via DM to adults with an age visible in a blog description/bio/carrd, as that account is heavily NSFW
LUKA & FAUST: the story of a demon who misjudged the scale of our world compared to his own, and the human that ended up taking care of him ratings: romantically confused roommates, slice of life with some plot, lots of fluff tag: #lufa
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THEO & PAZU: the story of a man descended from world-class exorcists desperately striving for a normal life, and the massive ghost set on tormenting him ratings: non-romantic and borderline parasitic relationship, mostly just for goofs tag: #ghoststories
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