The Average Teenage Blog
39 posts
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theaverageteenagefan · 5 years ago
Make a posable worm off the string (very easy)
You ever saw a worm on a string and thought: "why does this thing have no spine? It should have a spine." I did think that, and this is the result
What you need:
Those hairy wire thingies, I don't know what they're called. Google says chenille wire but I've never heard that term in my life. Make sure you use the soft, long haired ones
Googly eyes(you probably want the smallest size you can find. I had limited options so the eyes were kinda big for the face, but they still turned out fine, so don't worry too much about it)
Step 1: cut the wire
It doesn't matter what length, that's up to you.
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Step 2: haircut time!
Worms have a pointy nose and their tail slowly tapers down. Use a reference if you need to. It can be kind of tricky to get it even on all sides(especially if you have super dull scissors like me), but no worm is perfect! Maybe yours has a funky haircut or a stubby tail, who cares? It's a worm and that is enough. If you really don't feel like cutting worm hair today, you could also just skip this step entirely.
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Step 3: add googly eyes
I used a glue gun but other kinds of glue are probably okay too. If your googly eyes are self adhering that might work, I don't know, I haven't tried it.
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Step 4: that's it, you're done!
Enjoy your very own posable worm. Now go make some more, cause every worm needs a friend
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theaverageteenagefan · 5 years ago
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IG-11 is very polite
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By Max Degtyarev The Mandalorian’s Razor Crest cross-section
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theaverageteenagefan · 5 years ago
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
I got inspired to write something, so I did. I’ve only read the books, not watched the series, so this is my interpretation of heaven and hell.
Many have wondered what Heaven looks like. The most popular take is some sort of city, with big walls around it and a long stairway that one must walk before entering Heaven itself. Others envision it more like an endless void of happiness, or say it is made out of clouds, standing on top of clouds, and when you look down you can see the earth below(and more clouds). The thing Heaven most resembles, however, is not a city or a void or a cloud, but rather something like a penthouse you’d find in an interior design magazine for rich people who want a stylish house in which they will spend at most three days a year. It is modern looking, very white with lots of angles - not to be confused with Angels, though they are also present, of course- and big floor-to-ceiling windows. Furniture is sparse, but not in the ‘I don’t have enough money for furniture’ sense. Rather, it seems to radiate: ‘this is a deliberate choice and my interior designer makes more in a week than you in an entire year’. Or perhaps something more like ‘I do not know what furniture is but humans seem to deem it necessary so I’ll just put some in here’. The windows, as you would expect from a top-notch apartment, look out over tiny buildings far down below. The only difference with a real penthouse -apart from all of the Heavenly Forces that you will not find in anyone’s home- is that the tiny buildings far down below could be in Paris one moment and in New York the next.
Now you might think: but isn’t Heaven very big? How can all those Angels and souls and the garden of Eden and everything else fit on top of just one building? The thing to remember in this case, is that Heaven is not actually a penthouse on top of a building, just how the building is not actually a building.*  For example, if you would open a window, stick your head out, and look down, you would find that there is no building. All floors, beside the top one, do not seem to exist. That is because they, in fact, do not exist. The not actually a building with the not actually a penthouse does not have any other floors than the not actually a penthouse. 
It does have a basement, though. It’s called ‘Hell’. Hell is rather more dark and crowded than Heaven. It’s like all the furniture that Heaven did not like was thrown down into the basement, with a call of ‘I’ll bring it to the dump later’, to be forgotten for all of eternity. This furniture consists of thousands of couches and coffee tables and wardrobes and those chairs with a weird curve in the backrest that digs into places you do not want it to dig in, and exactly three lamps, one of which only works on tuesdays. It stands in the office of a Demon who, coincidentally, also only works on tuesdays. 
Heaven and Hell are connected like any other two parts of a building would be connected, even though the building is not actually a building. Also, like in most buildings, the elevator is broken. When an Angel decides to pop into Hell for a bit, or a Demon decides to look around in Heaven (both instances are incredibly rare, because why would any Angel go into Hell and why would any Demon go into Heaven?) they will just Miracle themselves where they want to go. The actual, physical connection between Heaven and Hell is only used for one thing, really, and that is Falling. When an Angel did wrong and is punished with Falling, they are pushed down the elevator shaft.** The only exception to this is the Demon Crowley, who did not fancy falling down who knows how many floors, and instead opted to take the stairs. 
*Also: the garden of Eden is not in Heaven, but, as any sensible person could figure out, in Eden.  **The elevator itself is not present in the elevator shaft. It used to be at the bottom, but after the first Demons Fell right on top of it, they decided to get it out of the shaft and scavenge it for parts with which they could make lamps.
heaven really is just the top of an office building 
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and hell is the shitty basement 
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
It’s a long read, but worth it
What if Harry Potter, the chosen one, had turned out to be a squib, how do you think history would have turned out differently?
It was Mrs. Figg who suspected first.
She noticed many things, sitting on her side of her fence with her cats chasing butterflies and nuzzling her ankles, Mundungus and the other watchers dropping by for tea now and then.
Mrs. Figg noticed that Petunia was a nosy bit of work with insecurities hanging from her every harsh angle. She noticed when Dudley learned the word MINE– the whole neighborhood noticed that one. She noticed that Vernon glared at owls.
She noticed that when Petunia gave Harry a truly horrendous haircut one year, it grew back in at a normal rate. Harry was uneven and weird-looking for ages, hiding under beanies when he could.
When Mrs. Figg had Harry over for carefully miserable afternoons of babysitting, she noticed nothing moved that shouldn’t. He didn’t accidentally make flowers out of fallen leaves, or levitate anything during tantrums, or turn toys funny colors.
Mrs. Figg called up her mother, interrupting the wizarding bridge game she was winning against the nursing home staff, and asked her how she had known, decades back, that her youngest daughter was a squib.
When Albus Dumbledore received Mrs. Figg’s letter he wrote back a polite thank you and then went to talk with Minerva McGonagall, who inhaled sharply in horror when he told her the news.
Finally, McGonagall gave a gathered sigh. “I suppose we can ask one of the wizarding families to homeschool him,” she said. “We can’t have the Boy Who Lived not knowing about his own world.”  
“No, he’ll come to Hogwarts,” said Dumbledore.
“Hogwarts is not a place for–” Her voice fell. “–squibs, Albus.”
Dumbledore shook his head. “Harry must be taught.”
“Be taught what, Albus?”
But Dumbledore just sighed and offered her a lemon drop.
Years later, the owls and the letters came to 4 Privet Drive. The Dursleys ran, dragging Harry with them, and the letters and one stubborn gamekeeper followed– none of this would change with a magicless Harry.
When Hagrid asked Harry in that little cabin on that little rock in the middle of the sea if weird things always happened around him, Harry couldn’t tell him about vanishing glass and setting captive snakes free, about ending up somehow on the school roof, or growing his hair out overnight.  
“Strange things always happen around you, don’ they?”
“Um,” said Harry, racking his brain. “Well… I live in a cupboard under the stairs…”
Harry could tell him about how snakes sometimes talked back, because that had never been Harry’s magic, but when he did Hagrid just blanched and changed the subject.
Hagrid held out hope, even against Dumbledore’s quiet warning explanations, until they made it to Ollivander’s Wands. Harry marveled at Diagon Alley, got his hands shaken in the Leaky, pressed his nose up against shop windows. Hagrid watched the scant boy– looked at James’s messy hair, Lily’s eyes, Harry’s own wandering gaze– and he wondered how this boy could be anything but magical.
In the wand shop, Ollivander said, “James Potter, yes… mahogany, eleven inches. Pliable. A powerful wand for Transfiguration.” He said, “And your mother, Lily…  strong in Charms work, ten and… yes, ten and a quarter, willow, swishy.”
Harry picked up stick after wooden stick. They remained just that– wood with bits of feather or scale or hair. Harry wondered if the creatures who gave these offerings were still alive– if they were given or taken. What did it do to your wand when they died? He waved a maplewood wand (unicorn hair, eleven inches) and a gust from the door opening blew some receipts off the counter.
“Well, said Ollivander. “I think that’s as close as we’re likely to get.”
He sent them out with the maplewood. Hagrid bought Harry a snowy owl and a fudge sundae and tried not make it too obvious that these were condolence gifts. The next day the Prophet’s headlines read: The Boy Who Lived– A Squib? Various magical medical experts weighed in on how it might have happened. Fingers were pointed at childhood trauma, at his upbringing, at his family lineage.
Harry still met Ron on the train– Ron was still smudge-nosed and Harry still bought enough candy to share. When Molly had helped him through the platform entrance, her voice had been a little softer, a little more pitying– but it was still better than the laughter that had been in his aunt and uncle’s voices when they dropped him here to find a platform they didn’t think existed.
Hermione Granger dropped by their compartment, looking for Neville’s toad, but got distracted when she spotted Harry. “I’ve read about you! In my books, and in the paper,” she said. “You’re the Boy Who Lived, and you’re a squib.”
Harry sank down in his seat. Ron hid Scabbers under a candy wrapper.
“Squibs have never been allowed in Hogwarts,” Hermione announced. “According to Hogwarts, A History, squibs try to sneak in now and then– the furthest anyone’s ever gotten is to the Sorting Hat before they got found out.” At eleven, Hermione still believed in expulsion being worse than death. Her voice was thrumming with sympathetic horror.
“But they already found out about me,” Harry said, alarmed.
“It’s alright, mate,” said Ron. “You’re Harry Potter. Oy, Granger,” he added. “What’s this Hat? Fred and George were trying to sell me some story about having to fight a mountain troll to get your House…”
Harry sat back and watched the countryside rush by. Yes, he was Harry Potter– his aunt’s useless sister’s useless child, the boy in the lumpy hand-me-down sweaters who named the spiders who lived in his cupboard. And here, in new world, he was apparently useless too.
When they got to Hogwarts, Harry clenched his fists and stood in line with the other first years. He barely twitched at the ghosts or Peeves, just stared ahead and thought about how far he would get before they turned him around and sent him back to Vernon and Petunia.
They opened the Great Hall doors. They called the first years one by one. Harry clenched his teeth and walked up to the Hat when they called his name.
As he turned to sit down on the stool, he really caught sight of the Hall for the first time– the hovering candles, the big wooden tables, the black robes that swallowed the light. Translucent ghosts gossiped with the students beside them. The paintings on the far walls– were they moving?
Harry’s jaw had unclenched, falling open. His fists curled open, curving around the stool’s seat as he leaned forward to stare. If this was it, if this was as far as he’d get in this world, then he wanted to drink it all in. The candles were floating, in mid-air.
The Hat dropped down over his eyes and blocked out the light.
Well, said the dry voice that had been hollering House placements all night. What do we have here?
Ron had been begging for not-Slytherin. Draco from the robes shop had been scornful of Hufflepuff, desperate in his disdain. Neville had begged for Hufflepuff, sure he was not brave enough for Gryffindor.
Please, thought Harry. Don’t send me back.
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
This is very satisfying
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
Op where's the rest?
Two leads with antagonistic chemistry
Massive struggle between heaven and hell, both of which are dicks
Events happen in ancient Rome, revolutionary France, Britain during The Blitz, etc.
Incredibly British (or whatever the UK equivalent is)
That car
Awful plans
Characters who have a poor grasp on whether they’re good guys or bad guys
Significant romantic tension between two male leads
David Tennant
Classic soundtrack
The Apocalypse
Stuck on my dash (and that’s fine)
Good Omens is Superwholock 2.0 in one show. In this essay I will…
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
I'm crying but I'm also feeling strangely happy?
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LIFE GOES ON (Part ONE) - 2019
A series of drawings inspired by Avengers Endgame. Part TWO, featuring characters like T'Challa, Quill, Carol, etc…will be posted in one-two months away. A big thank you to @hurtcomfortbucky for the beta of the captions  ♥
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
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This was me today.
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
A bit of Doctor Who, a bit of Mishapocalypse, what more do you need?
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
The original post was already perfect(this is gonna be really really helpful) but the bot makes it even better
You bored, or feeling artsy but don’t have any inspiration...? *updated!*
Do you need to distract yourself? Or are you simply bored? Here are some great websites to make the time pass.
create pixel art
Awesome photo editor and art program, all free…!
Totally free transparent textures
make a cute chibi
draw some cool generative art
be a graffiti creator
create a picassohead (you don’t need to be a picasso to do so)
paint online
another awsome site to create pixel art on
and another one
create your own mandala
or color one
create an avatar
or you can try creating your own superhero
here you can interact with organisms in different environments to see how to music changes
here’s a website that translates the time into hexidecimal colours,
Here is a website where you can travel along a 3D line into the infinite unkown
here is a website where you can listen to rain with or without music
Need a model in a certain pose for drawing? here
Want to build your own planet
here is a website where you can create your own galaxies
make your own pattern (very useful if you need a new background)
create next hit comic
make a city which looks like something from 90′s games
draw a mandala like design
jig saw puzzles
more jig saw puzzles to solve
create a stunning HTML5 animation - no coding!
make a movie
create and dress up dolls
play a piano
you can also play a guitar
create sounds
another sound creator
create a logo
design your dream home
sketch rooms
explore fashion trends and create your own sets
build a website
try this app for building a website
Or maybe start learning how to code!
design your own t-shirt or a beanie or sweatpants and order them
design your own phone case
pretend to be a graphic designer with this cool online tool
Make your own Glitch art
Here’s another glitch art maker
And another!
Holy hell, here’s a third!
make an image look like it was created by a commodore 64
freaking cool text generator!
Easy to use word processor
Make up really cool patterns or run your photos through it :)
Write an essay on anything with no hassle
Wanna see how something you write would look like if it was on JacksFilms YGS((Your Grammar Sucks videos on YouTube))?
Make pictures out of text
ASCII word generator
Need an idea for some fanart-here :D
Still haven’t found something that would float your boat? Try these:
watch a documentary
learn to code
do something yourself
workout with the help of this great youtube channels
learn things
play pokemon or zelda or other awesome old school games
waste your time on miniclip
play games at additing games
or try games at agame
calm your thoughts
the quiet place
it will be okay
vent or listen to someone
pour out your soul
explore the sky
look at art from around the world
virtually visit museum of iraq
explore world with arounder
create a music playlist
list through rare books
scroll useful science website
create sand art
brain games
try out tastekid and discover new favorite band or movie or book
interactive 3D anatomy
random street view
post a secret
create a family tree
find our what’s the difference between x and y
help scientists and become volunteer researcher
create your own font
read a classic short story
In the mood to read, but not sure exactly what book to go for?
scribble on maps
listen to letters
play with acrobots
listen to podcasts
make a bucket list
Ever want to see the most truly useless websites in creation?
Prank a friend with this blue screen of death!
Zone out watching the colors drip down
Maybe none of these peeked your interest-maybe you’ve been wanting to create an o.c, but never really knew how to start-or you just enjoy making O.C’s….
This masterlist is to help you in making your own OCs….it can also apply to developing RP characters i suppose! (´ヮ`)!
How to Write Better OCs:
basic tips on how to make your oc even better
tragic backstory? learn how to write one/make yours great
writing specific characters
a wordier, great guide on how to develop your character
kick out those vague descriptions and make them AWESOME
Character Development:
how to actually make an OC
Q&A (to develop characters)
more Q&As
giving your character a backstory
how to write an attractive character
Need an Appearance idea?
Humanoid generator? check
Here’s another one
and maybe if you didn’t like those this’ll work
Need Monsterpeople?
Well, then here ya’ go
Maybe you need Cats?
adding more racial diversity
avoiding tokenism, AKA, how to add diversity to your cast not just because you “need” it
writing sexuality and gender expression (doesnt include non binary, if you have a good ref to that, please add on!)
masterpost on writing more diversity into your story
cultures of the world
guides to drawing different ethnicities (not just a great art reference, but also really helpful in appearance descriptions!)
Mary Sue/Gary Stu
Test to see if your character is a Sue
Explains subdivisions of Sues/Stus
Powerful Characters Don’t Have to Be Sues
villain generator
need an evil sounding name for your evil character? bam
villain archetypes
what’s your villain’s motive for being a villain?
character perceptions (What your character thinks of themselves and what others think of them)
how to write strong relationships between two characters
8 ways to write better characters and develop their relationships with others
OCxLove Interest Handbook
develop your couple with good ol’ Q&A!
how to write realistic relationships
how to write relatives for your characters (this is more OC related to a canon character, but will help in writing family members in general)
12 common archetypes
8 archetypes for male/female characters
female archetypes (goes pretty indepth from two main categories)
a list of archetypes
how to name your character
random name generator
most common surnames
surnames by ethnicity
tips for better design
basic appearance generator
pinterest board for character design (includes NSFW and images of skeletons/exposed muscle (?) so tread carefully!)
clothing ref masterpost
Clothing generator
Another clothing generator
More clothing generator
Aaaand even more
Steam punk clothing
Char Style preference
Dress Generator
give your character better powers
a list of professions
proactive vs reactive characters
positive and negative traits
interest generator
skills generator
motivation generator
123 ideas for character flaws
list of phobias
Oh shit someone died
Backgrounds and stuff? yep
Personality. you need that shit
Need something fandom related?
City generator hell yeah
location? got ya
make your own god damn laws
Need Item names?
Fantasy/sci-fi/etc. medicine names
Stuff to make things more interesting.Weapons, clothes, treasures… whatever your characters need.
Item & Artifact Generators
Other stuffs!
Genre, Plot, & Story Prompt Generators
How did your characters meet?
Fanfic plots. you bet your ass.
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
Doctor! What are you doing in a rock?
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How deep does the hole go?
Art by Penzilla
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
This is quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Socialism: You have 2 cows and you give one to your neighbor.
Communism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and gives you some milk.
Fascism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and sells you some milk.
Nazism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and shoots you.
Bureaucratism: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away..
Traditional Capitalism: You have 2 cows. You sell one and buy a bull. You herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.
An American Corporation: You have 2 cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow dropped dead.
A French Corporation: You have 2 cows. You go on strike because you want three cows.
Japanese Corporation: You have 2 cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow cartoon image called Cowkimon and market them Worldwide.
An Italian Corporation: You have 2 cows, but you don’t know where they are. You break for lunch.
A Swiss Corporation: You have 5000 cows. None of which belong to you. You charge others for storing them.
Chinese Corporation: You have 2 cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim full employment, high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported the numbers.
An Iraqi Corporation: Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none. No one believes you and they bomb your arse. You still have no cows, but at least now you are part of a Democracy…….
Counter Culture: ‘Wow, dig it, like there’s these 2 cows, man, grazing in the hemp field. You gotta have some of this milk!’
Surrealism: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.
Apathyologism: You have 2 cows. You do not care.
Fatalist: You have 2 doomed cows…
Atheism: You have 2 cows. There is no God.
A West-Country Corporation: You have 2 cows. That one on the left is kinda cute.
A Brazilian Corporation: You have 2 cows. You pay taxes for 6 cows. You have to sell one cow in order to pay the taxes. Your remaining cow gets sick and dies while waiting for availability in the public vet hospital.
Russia: You have two cows. Since they are both female, if you happen to keep them in the same stable you will pay a 5,000 rouble fine for homosexual propaganda.
PETA: You have two cows. You kill them both. You then use naked women to convince other people that killing cows is wrong.
Moffat: You have two cows. Both of them are your daughters time traveling from the past where they had a brief love affair with Da Vinci making you the rightful Queen of England. As you assume the throne, you throw them off a building.
Hussie: You have 2 cows. You ask for another one. Instead of getting just 1 cow, you get 2,485,506 cows.
Romney: You have 2 cows. You are not the president of the united states.
Once-ler: You have 1 cow. Everyone decides to make 5 different versions of that cow.
Old Spice: You have 2 cows. The cows are now diamonds. I’m on a horse.
An Irish Corporation: You have a million cows because they’re everywhere
Tumblr: You have 2 cows. You ship them together and make GIF posts screaming about how much you love your cows, but they should stop existing because they are so perfect.
Also Tumblr: I give you a hamburger.
Night Vale: You do NOT have two cows. Cows do not exist. What’s a cow? Show me a cow! That’s not a cow! Who let you in here?
Tom Hiddleston: You have two cows. You are very sorry for them.
Thranduil: You do not have two cows, you have an elk. Riding on two cows is not majestic. Also the dwarves are on fire.
Dwarves: You had two cows but now they’re on fire.
Bilbo Baggins: You did not invite those two cows for dinner.
Cows: The shit you go through.
This post: Started off as a post that explained different goverments but then everything changed when the fire nation attacked
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
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Oppy deserves a happy ending, okay
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
I know three sisters who are called (translated into English) Doll, Girl and Fairy
*white parent voice* i cant believe kanye and kim named their baby North West!! thats ridiculous!! oh no, its almost 4:30, i need to pick up my kids Mackaylikiah and Ashleighyie from their water polo practice!
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
I have this like motherly or whatever attachment to the Tardis, like if anything happens to it in the show I’m like OH NO YOU DON’T STEP AWAY FROM MY CHILD and it’s one thing to want to wrap the David Tennant in a blanket and bake him cookies but it’s a whole different thing if I want to wrap the WHOLE GIANT TARDIS in one… I’m going to need a bigger blanket 😳
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theaverageteenagefan · 6 years ago
I've only ever seen this as a screenshot I have to have it on my blog
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