theatomsinme Ā· 2 months
Everything is like ā€œQUEER historyā€ and ā€œList of QUEER young adult booksā€ or ā€œTop 10 QUEER moviesā€ and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.
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theatomsinme Ā· 1 year
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I need to make a lot of money fast, so why not a friendly raffle?
Check here for information about the sketches and more examples!
Dont hesitate to message me on tumblr for questions, concerns, and to get a sketch!
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theatomsinme Ā· 1 year
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and the second is "be yourself"
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
My amazing teacher; Dont give up! Even if you're failing, give the final your all!
Me, trying to to figure out how to explain that I downplayed my car crash and whiplash:
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
some of yā€™all never close your eyes in the sun and allow it to envelop you in feelings of peace and contentment and it shows
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
This is an ai ā€œartworkā€ hate blog now
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
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thought this was neat
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
video essays about horror, fear and dread
Films That Feel Like Bad Dreams
The Nightmare Artist
Fear of Big Things Underwater
Control, Anatomy, and the Legacy of the Haunted House
House of Leaves: The Horror Of Fiction
Monsters in the Closet: A History of LGBT Representation in Horror Cinema
The History of Insane Asylums and Horror Movies
The Saddest Horror Movie Youā€™ve Never Seen
Fear of Forgetting
Slender Man: Misunderstanding Ten Years Of The Internet
The Real Reason The Thing (1982) is Better than The Thing (2011)
The Bizarre Clown Painting No One Fully Understands
The Little Book of Cosmic Horrors
The Disturbing Art of A.I.
Fear of Depths
Goyaā€™s Witches
David Lynch: The Treachery of Language
The True History That Created Folk Horror
The Existential Horror of David Cronenbergā€™s Camera
Keep reading
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
*vibrating from too much caffine* Once I get the confidence to do well in interviews even with my bad GPA and no previous internships you're all screwed
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
like . chemistry makes no sense if u think about it. there are 3297 laws and 92370745945075 exceptions to each one. what is the point of anything
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
stem dark academia is so beautiful.
scratched notes of equations, detailed diagrams with annotations of bones & blood vessels, old notebooks containing maths problems invented & solved in a quiet afternoon.
classical music blasting from a cheap speaker. cold university dorms with posters of animal bones & carcass that were too beautiful to be passed.
debates over conservation expectations, dancing to the sound of rain after a long lecture. sleepless nights in the library, staring at a screen that no longer makes sense.
kind professors in tweed jackets & loose blouses, demonstrating how to calculate a sum, or take apart a specimen.
dirty fingernails from field work, dirty lab coats from schoolwork.
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
the academic urge to drop out of uni
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
You know a little detail I love in The Martian book? That Mark is obviously smart, but to different degrees depending on the subject.
Heā€™s a mechanical engineer and a botanist. This makes him especially good at math, biology, food science, physics, and techy stuff that involves building things or taking stuff apart and making it do something else and general problem solving
Heā€™s also generally good at chemistry. He knows that to make water he can breakdown hydrazine, but doesnā€™t think about the fact that it would cause the place to fill with hydrogen and almost blow up until it does. He also knows you exhale some oxygen each time you breathe, but doesnā€™t know how much.
He knows that solar panels are held at a 14 degree angle but doesnā€™t know why, and only knows the angle because he was in charge of setting them up
When he gets injured he doesnā€™t say what muscles, just that his back hurts. He fixes most of his muscle injuries with pain killers and warm baths while thinking about how the medic would have more detailed instructions
He has no idea how the pilot is so good at pilot stuff, and never differentiates different kinds of rocks like the geologist would
Itā€™s just cool to have a smart character who is smart at things that make sense for their degrees and experience. So many characters get the Sherlock Holmes treatment where theyā€™re good at whatever the plot needs, but in this case the book uses his blind spots as part of the plot. He knows enough chemistry to solve problems but not enough to anticipate the problems the chemistry would cause as well. Itā€™s refreshing to have a book where what a character is bad at, or just not super good at, works with the story rather than just getting glossed over or having the character magically good at everything because if you know botany obviously you also know anatomy and geology and meteorology, etc
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
Ima start saying shit like ā€œim retiring for the eveningā€
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
Abnormal Study/Work Things that Actually Help Me
Scrolling through Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, etc. for study vibes. Lots of people would say this is a waste of time, but getting in the mood to study significantly helps me. As someone that rarely has the motivation to do things and struggles with low-energy levels daily, seeing aesthetic pictures or watching study-with-me videos gives me the inspiration and motivation I need.Ā 
Multitasking is my best friend. If Iā€™m interested in what Iā€™m working on, this isnā€™t always necessary, but usually, having multiple things to do at once is helpful. Jumping between similar assignments, working 20min on one long assignment or chore, then finishing a smaller one, then going back to that longer thing, etc. It helps me avoid burn-out and taking breaks that turn into just giving up.Ā 
On the subject of breaks, taking breaks isnā€™t always the best for me. I know a lot of people rave about the pomodoro method, and while it works to help me get started on something, I eventually let go of that timer once Iā€™m in the groove of working. Taking a breakā€“ long or shortā€“ will usually just incentivise me to stop working altogether because thatĀ ā€˜breakā€™ is sooo much better than working.Ā  I much prefer long hours or scheduled out work vs play times.Ā 
Having multiple drinks on my desk. This is another form of multitasking to me. Water is always a necessity, but juice, coffee, tea, etc. is a needed addition. Similar to chewing gum, it helps stabilize me and prevent burn-out since my brain has multiple forms of stimuli.Ā 
Long to-do lists. I will literally have 20-30 things on a to-do list typically. Sure, I donā€™t always finish it all in a day, but writing out that to-do list helps get my mind organized and keeps me focused. Plus, it also helps to avoid procrastination. If I only write out 5-6 things, Iā€™d thinkĀ ā€œSure, I can wait to do those. Thereā€™s only a fewā€ whereas 20-30 things pushes me to work as soon as possible.Ā 
A lot of people would disagree with how I work, or tell me that thereā€™s a better way, but these are just some things that work for me. Some of us are wired a bit differently, and thatā€™s perfectly fine.Ā Do what works best for you.
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
What the gold rush means to most people: Prospectors! Dusty mine cars on tracks in the wild west! Gold nuggets!
What the gold rush means to an archaeologist: Hmm, where on this 100-acre plot of land covered in contaminated mine tailings do I think these clowns might have buried barrels full of literal cyanide?
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theatomsinme Ā· 2 years
dark/chaotic academia things iā€™ve been doing lately
picking up French again!
listening to classical music when i read
annotating the books iā€™m reading (Jane Eyre and Plath)
writing profusely in my journal about anything; my day, ideas, thoughts, observations, etc. in the selfish hope a strapping lad in the future will find it long after iā€™m gone and fall in love with me lol
only taking photos on my professional camera
sweaters and shorts :)
reverting back to earl grey tea (and drinking a ridiculous amount of it every day)
gradually losing interest in all social media except tumblr and pinterest
only wearing the jewellery given to me by the women in my family
developing a distinctive makeup look
smiling every time i hear the patter of rain
downsizing my wardrobe considerably so i only own the items i absolutely need and enthusiastically love
only ever thrifting my clothing
reading Plath when I canā€™t sleep
self-learning and studying books about my interests (i needed an excuse to take notes listen-)
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