thearcana-content · 5 years
come back to me | fic
《 firstly, sorry. secondly, not sorry. half-monster valerius can r*w me. this somehow got angsty when i meant to write pure smut. either way… enjoy… 》
the prompt for this challenge i never got to finish lol was rough/scratching
Word Count: 665 | Pairing: Valerius/NB!Apprentice | Warning: NSFW under the cut.
They don’t remember how they got to this point, and they don’t think they cared. 
The apprentice was pushed to the floor of the wine cellar, back scraping against the harsh cobblestone, knuckles going white as they desperately grabbed onto the shoulders of the figure that hovered above them.
He changed. This wasn’t the man they knew before, physically or mentally- they didn’t know.
This wasn’t the same man they dare say they loved once. 
They grabbed his shawl, roughly pulling it off and letting it fall to the floor as desire- hunger- overtook the pair. Valerius ran his clawed hand up the apprentice’s waist before carelessly tearing their clothes off, baring their body to him. 
Keep reading
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thearcana-content · 5 years
Since everyone in the Arcana is in love with the baker’s pumpkin bread~
Here’s my pumpkin bread recipe! I might have been working on it for 3 weeks but shhhhh
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Pumpkin Bread Recipe
1 cup of coconut oil
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
2 cups (435 grams) of granulated sugar
2 cups (1 can) of solid packed pumpkin
3 medium eggs
3 cups (385 grams) of all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of baking soda
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon of nutmeg
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
2 tablespoons of poppy seeds (optional)
Parchment paper
2 loaf pans
2 medium bowls
Preheat your oven to 325F (~160C).
Line your loaf pans with parchment paper.
Melt your coconut oil (30 seconds in the microwave should do the trick).
In one bowl, mix the oil, vanilla, sugar, and pumpkin.
Let cool slightly before adding in the eggs (you don’t want to cook your eggs in the warm oil!).
In the second bowl, combine the remaining ingredients (flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, and poppy seeds).
Add your wet mixture to your dry ingredients (mixing by hand works great).
Divide your batter between your two loaf pans.
Bake for 50 minutes to an hour.
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Let cool, and enjoy~!
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thearcana-content · 5 years
Hi uh yeah
It keeps deleting all the SHIT I WRITE
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thearcana-content · 5 years
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This is canon right?
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thearcana-content · 5 years
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the devs knew EXACTLY what they were doing with them “””armors”””. don’t mind me, i’m just excited for a part i haven’t gotten to yet wheeeeze
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thearcana-content · 5 years
Daily reminder
That I’m in love with the entirety of Nadia’s family, parents included.
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thearcana-content · 5 years
Absolutely not it is the only truth
“I’m 50% top on my mother’s side”
-Nadia, probably
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thearcana-content · 5 years
In rainbow order no less!
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The Satrinava Family ~ Book XX: Judgement
Nasrin, Namar, Nafizah, Nazali, Navra, Nahara, Nasmira, Natiqa, and Nadia 💕
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thearcana-content · 5 years
Nadia’s Route - Book XX upright ending (SPOILERS)
I have way too many screenshots, I just… I’m not crying you’re crying ok but like this family is the most beautiful and precious and all gay for Portia
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Ok I mostly took pictures of Naz but they’re fucking perfect I love
And I could cry real tears over how proud I am of this fictional woman for how far she’s come and how much she’s learned to trust everyone and accept help and delegate and I just
Oh and this. This was so unexpectedly fulfilling and I literally can’t?????
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Where it’s like, it took him fucking most of their lives to realize Muriel is in love with him and it’s the goddamn sweetest thing????? Asra you’d better not fuck this up, break his heart and I’m coming for you.
And then these. Oh, these are beautiful. I have to make a whole other post for my appreciation for Nadia’s Mother and Baba I can’t even it’s too cute 😂😂😂
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I now have 7 whole sugar mammas and a sugar grandma and grandpa and I’m like hhhnnggg
Oh and speaking of, we’re getting married??????? Because of course I slammed that YES button for my goddess???!?!?!?!??!!? 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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thearcana-content · 5 years
“We all know that Mama Satrinava gives Namar the strap” is a sentence that left me crying and speechless
“I’m 50% top on my mother’s side”
-Nadia, probably
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thearcana-content · 5 years
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thearcana-content · 5 years
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thearcana-content · 5 years
Muriel: all I’m saying is, we don’t HAVE to take him home.
Julian, on a table: yOU MakE mE dANcE BRinG mE UP brINg me DOwN PlaY iT SWeEt mAKe mE mOvE LIkE A FreAk MR. SaxOBEaT
Asra: I…think we have to.
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thearcana-content · 5 years
Lucio: I’M TOO HOT
Lucio: *points at Julian*
Julian: *sighs*
Julian, monotone voice paired with deadpan expression: hot damn.
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thearcana-content · 5 years
I need people to follow!!!!
please reblog/reply/message me or anything really if your blog is:
about the arcana (at least 90% - pls no multifandom!)
hate-free!!!!!!! (very important)
And I’ll take a look and probably follow!!
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thearcana-content · 5 years
Muriel: all I’m saying is, we don’t HAVE to take him home.
Julian, on a table: yOU MakE mE dANcE BRinG mE UP brINg me DOwN PlaY iT SWeEt mAKe mE mOvE LIkE A FreAk MR. SaxOBEaT
Asra: I...think we have to.
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thearcana-content · 5 years
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Have some more arcana shit posts! I do what I want! *does a kick flip*
Heres the original post made by: @arcanaquotesincorrectly
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