theangrybat · 4 years
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Anna Niskanen - Lustrum
author: Anna Niskanen
publisher: self published
ISBN: 978-952-93-7784-8
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Fabio Sgroi - Past euphoria post Europa
author: Fabio Sgroi
publisher: Crowdbooks
ISBN: 978-88-85608-0-61
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Lea Habourdin - Survivalists
author: Lea Habourdin
publisher: Fuego books editions
ISBN: 978-84-943983-1-5
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Jean-Michele Delage - Ramalah
author: Jean-Michele Delage
publisher: self published
ISBN: 978-2-9558804-1-8
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Olga Matveeva - Intrusion
author: Olga Matveeva
publisher: self published
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theangrybat · 4 years
We would kindly like to invite you to the third edition of the Maribor photobook award. The award will be accompanied by an exhibition of selected photobooks from the call and will coincide with the exhibition “Borders”.
The theme of the photo book award is Changing realities ‒ what lies behind the horizon?
Human societies are constantly changing. The horizon is new for every generation, for every human. This is reflected clearly in our physical environment. Where there were once borders, today there are none. Where people used to move freely, they are now constrained by private property, surveillance and effects of climate change. How do people shape their lives among constant change? How do we make sense of new realities? How do we co-shape the future? We are looking for photobooks that are broadly connected to the topic and try to uncover the changing realities of our world in many different areas.
Eligible are books published after the 1st of January 2018.
The winner will be awarded with a 4000 EUR prize money ‒ no strings attached. Also 2 runner up prizes of 500 EUR will be awarded. There is NO ENTRY FEE!
To apply please fill out one application form per book entered. The application has to be submited together with the book . The final date to receive the books is the 1st of September 2020 (postmark).
The books will not be returned. All books will remain in the permanent collection of The Angry Bat. If the books entered for the award are already in The Angry Batʼs collection, they will become part of the photo book collection of the Photo museum Maribor.
Please send the books to: Photo book award Maribor, Matej Sitar, Marčičeva 11C, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia.
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Katherine Oktober Matthews - I love animals
author: Katherine Oktober Matthews
publisher: self published
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Hean Kuan & Peter Oey - Dreamland & the dog on the couch
author: Hean Kuan & Peter Oey
publisher: WOB photobook
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Hean Kuan - Day by day, night by night
author: Hean Kuan
publisher: WOB photobook
0 notes
theangrybat · 4 years
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Gary Ng - 1+1=3
author: Gary Ng
publisher: self published
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Ivan Blazhev - At 3 a.m.
author: Ivan Blazhev
publisher: self published
ISBN: 978- 608-66028-0-2
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Chris Davies - Soul’etude
author: Chris Davies
publisher: self published
ISBN: 978-2-9562487-2-9
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Yorgos Karailias - Estranger
author: Yorgos Karailias
publisher: Kehrer
ISBN: 978-3-86828-501-7
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Marco P. Valli & Anna Adamo
author: Marco P. Valli & Anna Adamo
publisher: Cesura publish
ISBN: 978-88-906328-6-0
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Joshua Osborne - Habana boy
author: Jashua Osborne
publisher: Public house
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Mariusz Forecki - The man in the dark glasses
author: Mariusz Forecki
publisher: PIX house
ISBN: 978-83-908063-7-2
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theangrybat · 4 years
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Damien Chrobak - I see you
author: Damien Chrobak
publisher: self published
ISBN: 978-83-946272-2-5
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