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Theyre quite the opposite of eachother....yet also so similar
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I am a huge fan of Toby Fox's games. I honestly don't know why, but I see some slight similarities in your characters with the characters from his games. Shadow-Toriel, Yuni-Flowey, Hera-Susie, Faun-Ralsei. I'll say right away that I didn't want to offend anyone and the author's characters, forgive me in advance for my comparison
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I do not know what I did, but it's funny.
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Just some ideas I had about Artificer, along with some ideas about slugcats in general.
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thealternatetimeline · 3 months
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I made the Goober. And I made the goober neptune-themed!
Painting (c) thealternatetimeline
3d stl files (c) Alias_v2 on Thingiverse
Rainworld & Downpour (c) Videocult & DP devs
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thealternatetimeline · 3 months
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Aaaaand... Saint Sun! I figured the blue/white highlights would add some pop~
Painting (c) thealternatetimeline
3d model (c) Alias_v2 on Thingiverse
Rainworld & Downpour (c) Videocult and DP devs
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thealternatetimeline · 3 months
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Nightcat/Watcher Moon Planet! I thought the freckle stars would be an absolutely adorable addition.
Painting (c) thealternatetimeline
3d stl files (c) Alias_v2
Rainworld & Downpour (c) Videocult & DP devs
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thealternatetimeline · 3 months
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WIP Jupiter Slugcat :) The only reason Gourmand isn't a universe is bc this is supposed to be part of the commissioner's Sol planetary lineup
Painting (c) thealternatetimeline
3d stl files (c) Alias_v2 on Thingiverse
Rain World & Downpour (c) VideoCult and Downpour Devs
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You can casually work with deities.
You don't have to devote yourself to one (or a few) deities, or any at all.
You can ask for help from a deity that fits the bill for what you need help with.
That's how plenty of pagans in the past did it.
You go to doctors who specialize in different things based on what you need. Need help with your nose? Go to and ENT. Need help with your lungs? Go to a Pulmonologist.
Need help with love? Go to Aphrodite. Need help with developing a new skill? Go to Lugh. Need some wisdom? Go to Frigg.
and the list goes on. Even if you already devote yourself or work with specifically one or a few deities, you can still ask deities for help if you need their specific area of expertise.
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“I Live Well On My Own”
Have this sigil with you as you move out to live on your own and then keep it in your new home or apartment somewhere.
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crop circles // extraterrestrial symbols
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“9/11 was a severe tragedy that shook america to the core and was such a devastating event that ruined not only the lives of the 3,000 people who died, but all of their family and friends” and “9/11 isnt an excuse to attack or treat muslims like shit as the majority of those who are muslim believe in non violence and peace and the actions of a few awful people isnt an accurate depiction of a whole community that contains millions of people” are two mindsets that can exist at once.
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Former NASA astronaut, Frank Culbertson, has the distinction of being the only American not on the planet when the September 11 attacks unfolded. He was 400km above Earth inside an International Space Station. He captured videos and photos of the aftermath of the attack on the Twin Towers in New York City.
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“I Have A Safe Journey In The Astral Realm”
To keep you in your astral travels relatively safe. Keep this on your person when you lay down to go for astral travel. Remember to take all other necessary precautions along with this sigil and do your research.
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“Trans Exclusionary Feminists Fuck Off Away From Me”
Reblog this on main while having anonymous asks turned off, that should more or less do the trick~ For extra measure, check the notes of this post for angry responses so you know to block them~
Real talk though, keep this sigil on you to repel transphobic self-proclaimed feminists
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“Don’t Procrastinate”
With the new semester started or soon to be starting for some of you, this is probably useful to have, I know it will be for me. 
I recommend having this sigil drawn or placed strategically in areas and on objects you believe are linked to you procrastinating on work and projects.
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"I Attract Positive Vibes And Magic Into My Life"
Note when drawing: The bottom-most curve in the little bottom diamond curves up then slightly down as it approaches the left edge of the diamond, that line uses 2 curves idk why I drew it to look so subtle when I made it, sorry
You can either carry this with you, or Meditate with it, or Sleep with it in or under your pillow or mattress, or Burn the sigil into ash and sprinkle the ashes into the shoes you wear when you go out or go to work
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“Curses and Hexes Cast Upon Me Return To Their Source”
Take this sigil and burn it into ash. Then add those ashes to your bath and soak in that for a while. I recommend using epsom salts with mint and eucalyptus in your bath along with the ashes, but it’s not required.
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