the-vile-entity · 3 years
"So good to see you here, dear Taker," a familiar voice called from behind, "How have you been since our last encounter?~" ( Drache @bloody-cold-fog )
Several things have plagued the Elder’s mind for quite some time now. So much had happened in such little time, he was… Evolving, when he wasn’t so sure he could, just a measly little year ago. Or two. Mere seconds in the grand scheme of things, but… These are important moments.
So when Taker hears the voice of one of his problems, he immediately grumbles, turning to face the intruder- Drache- with a harsh, burning glare, “As if I would waste breath on small talk with you.” The Elder says, irritation already apparent, “You have some gaul to arrive at my wife’s Gala. You are not welcome here, and I only offer you this once grace because the event protects you from me.”
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the-vile-entity · 3 years
... Taker did see the necklace. It wouldn’t be his first choice, that’s for sure, but he did see it.
This intruder is slowly prying the Elder’s court apart. This will not stand.
Drache turns away, and immediately Taker’s gaze finds the note in his rival’s hands, snatching the paper away with a sneer, “You have mere hours left to live, parasite.” the words are spat at the dark Entity, acidic and full of rage. He wants so badly to destroy Drache right here and now, but he can’t disrupt Host’s event, lest he feel her wrath later.
He will deal with this when the time comes, very soon.
"So good to see you here, dear Taker," a familiar voice called from behind, "How have you been since our last encounter?~" ( Drache @bloody-cold-fog )
Several things have plagued the Elder’s mind for quite some time now. So much had happened in such little time, he was… Evolving, when he wasn’t so sure he could, just a measly little year ago. Or two. Mere seconds in the grand scheme of things, but… These are important moments.
So when Taker hears the voice of one of his problems, he immediately grumbles, turning to face the intruder- Drache- with a harsh, burning glare, “As if I would waste breath on small talk with you.” The Elder says, irritation already apparent, “You have some gaul to arrive at my wife’s Gala. You are not welcome here, and I only offer you this once grace because the event protects you from me.”
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the-vile-entity · 3 years
Oh how Taker’s blood boils. It’s just a game, he’s well aware. He’s seen it played hundreds-no, thousands of times, though rarely has he had to endure it. All his opponents, his rivals, they had honor at the end of all things. The Elder could respect them, even as he killed them. But Drache? No. Drache was just a pest waiting to be squashed. A little fool making too much noise.
Taker could use a little peace and quiet, after the recent months.
“Insolent little-” He tries very hard to be above petty insults, but how can he resist when he simply speaks the truth? “You truly do believe I’d take you at your word? Every noise you make is meaningless to me, pest. All you do is run amuck and disrupt peace. Get out of my sight.”
"So good to see you here, dear Taker," a familiar voice called from behind, "How have you been since our last encounter?~" ( Drache @bloody-cold-fog )
Several things have plagued the Elder’s mind for quite some time now. So much had happened in such little time, he was… Evolving, when he wasn’t so sure he could, just a measly little year ago. Or two. Mere seconds in the grand scheme of things, but… These are important moments.
So when Taker hears the voice of one of his problems, he immediately grumbles, turning to face the intruder- Drache- with a harsh, burning glare, “As if I would waste breath on small talk with you.” The Elder says, irritation already apparent, “You have some gaul to arrive at my wife’s Gala. You are not welcome here, and I only offer you this once grace because the event protects you from me.”
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the-vile-entity · 3 years
The Elder takes everything Drache says with several grains of salt. He knows his son has confronted the other God several times, despite his warnings to stay away.
The invitation from Taker’s wife, however, that is something hard to believe. How could Host welcome such a disgusting, thieving creature into her fog?
“You. You stay well away from my wife.” Taker says, eyes burning with hate, “I will break conduct if I have to, intruder. Leave the Gala now, and I’ll allow you to live for just a moment longer.”
"So good to see you here, dear Taker," a familiar voice called from behind, "How have you been since our last encounter?~" ( Drache @bloody-cold-fog )
Several things have plagued the Elder’s mind for quite some time now. So much had happened in such little time, he was… Evolving, when he wasn’t so sure he could, just a measly little year ago. Or two. Mere seconds in the grand scheme of things, but… These are important moments.
So when Taker hears the voice of one of his problems, he immediately grumbles, turning to face the intruder- Drache- with a harsh, burning glare, “As if I would waste breath on small talk with you.” The Elder says, irritation already apparent, “You have some gaul to arrive at my wife’s Gala. You are not welcome here, and I only offer you this once grace because the event protects you from me.”
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the-vile-entity · 3 years
"So good to see you here, dear Taker," a familiar voice called from behind, "How have you been since our last encounter?~" ( Drache @bloody-cold-fog )
Several things have plagued the Elder's mind for quite some time now. So much had happened in such little time, he was... Evolving, when he wasn't so sure he could, just a measly little year ago. Or two. Mere seconds in the grand scheme of things, but... These are important moments.
So when Taker hears the voice of one of his problems, he immediately grumbles, turning to face the intruder- Drache- with a harsh, burning glare, "As if I would waste breath on small talk with you." The Elder says, irritation already apparent, "You have some gaul to arrive at my wife's Gala. You are not welcome here, and I only offer you this once grace because the event protects you from me."
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the-vile-entity · 3 years
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the-vile-entity · 3 years
“That matters not.” Taker states firmly, his harsh gaze boring down on the young God, “All that matters to you is my will, and I command the two of you to fight.” 
The creature posing as the Bastard’s little killer looks to the Elder, then to her- it’s- supposed ruler, “Bass, what’s going on?” The girl questions frantically, approaching the former god, “Where have you been? Why is he making us fight?” She seems so concerned, so scared, the illusion is convincing.
The being Taker sees is not the image of his own creation, but rather a grotesque mimic of the killer. No bandages cover the skinless, fleshy scars. They’re not even scars anymore, simply half her face has seemingly been peeled away, leaving nearly half of it’s face stained darker than the rest. The gaping hole where an eye should be is a void, the other eye all black, bleeding liquid darkness.
Taker will reveal it soon enough, he’s just waiting for the right moment.
Sex this, pain that, lets get something really spicy. ►Give your survivor form to Taker to use when he pleases. If it is a copy of you or you getting taken from your realm is up to him.
[Send my character a ► and a command. They must obey: Accepting] @the-vile-entity
“I’m too tired for this bullshit. I don’t even know what this means”, he growled and pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to calm himself down. “Those fog walkers are becoming more and more frustrating, I swear.”
“So what? I’m now supposed to brush his castle halls and perhaps fluff up his pillows? That d- doesn’t fall into his needs. But whatever. Whilst I’m a survivor he can do the fuck he wants with me regardless of me giving or not giving myself to him. So have fun Tak, I’m all yours.” He spreads his arms out and rolls his eyes. “Fuck me, this is stupid.”
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the-vile-entity · 3 years
Without a single moment of delay, the Bastard is summoned before the Lord, who just so happens to look very pleased with the current events. Sitting on his brimstone throne, Taker hums at the sight of such a measly little creature.
At first, a jab of hurt runs through his form, quickly snuffed out by a twisted, sadistic delight, “I am pleased to know you are aware of my control over you, my boy.” The Elder muses, his previously content expression overtaken by a slight frown, “Though, I do not appreciate a prayer being referred to as ‘stupid.”
Just as his last few words are spoken, a cloud of glowing cinders and smoke swirls from the ground behind the former Entity, shooting upward, then dissipating to reveal a very confused looking Bonny. Well, something that looks very much like the little cult leader. It’s not real, just an illusion masking the true creature hiding behind what the Bastard loves.
“Fight to the death.” Taker orders, “The victor will be rewarded.”
Sex this, pain that, lets get something really spicy. ►Give your survivor form to Taker to use when he pleases. If it is a copy of you or you getting taken from your realm is up to him.
[Send my character a ► and a command. They must obey: Accepting] @the-vile-entity
“I’m too tired for this bullshit. I don’t even know what this means”, he growled and pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to calm himself down. “Those fog walkers are becoming more and more frustrating, I swear.”
“So what? I’m now supposed to brush his castle halls and perhaps fluff up his pillows? That d- doesn’t fall into his needs. But whatever. Whilst I’m a survivor he can do the fuck he wants with me regardless of me giving or not giving myself to him. So have fun Tak, I’m all yours.” He spreads his arms out and rolls his eyes. “Fuck me, this is stupid.”
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the-vile-entity · 4 years
At the scent of fresh blood, the twins seemed to grow ever ravenous. Drool fell from bared teeth, their maws hung open slightly, anticipating the taste of flesh. Silently, they communicate with each other, though the third hound has yet to be seen. 
Pinprick red eyes bore into the Bastard’s soul, the twins are stalking closer. Until the largest of the three roars, spooking them to back away. Finally, it can be seen. The leader of this group stands much taller than the others, tattered wrappings cling to it’s body. It has antlers, and a mane- similarly to that of a horse. It growls lowly, voice gurgling. The twins bow their heads, backing away.
The leader had just been scolding them.
It turns from the others to the Bastard, scanning him before they speak again, “Dddid you not think your lord could not sense your disrespect?” Another step closer, “Eeeeven after letting you live?”
Some of Taker’s monstrosities have a job to do.
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the-vile-entity · 4 years
The twins chitter at one another, eyes locked onto their target. The Bastard has spoken to them, something that they had expected- but not so soon. It’s certainly interesting to the creatures, as they can smell the urge to fight seeping from his scars. The more violent of the two wishes to reopen some of those former wounds, but the unseeable glare from it’s God prevents that. 
One of the twins gets closer, bearing it’s teeth at the young God in a wicked, grin-like snarl. Then, in unison, all three of them speak as one.
“Hhhhow loathsome you are, believing you still have the right to the girl’s compassion.” All of their voices are different, yet the same. Gurgling and hoarse, gritty, echoed and reverberating within the Bastard’s head, as well as off the trees surrounding them, “Aaaafter what you’ve done, you still believe you are loveable.” 
It’s quite obvious this is not Taker’s message, but their own. It’s what they do, after all. Feeding off emotions and flesh alike, similarly to the Entity that created them.
Then, the outward vibe of one of the twins shifts, another demented howl is released into the forest as it charges at the Bastard, lunging at him. After that, the smaller pair cackle like hyenas, layered on top of distant screams.
Some of Taker’s monstrosities have a job to do.
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the-vile-entity · 4 years
Creatures with purpose dwelled within the forest, having crawled down from the Castle grounds where they lived. Their God had given them a task, and they intended to complete it. The largest has eyes on a particular young former Entity, small red dots that glowed in the darkness should have alerted the Bastard to the presence of something wicked.
But there’s not just one, there’s three of them. All communicating with one another, almost silently. 
They’ve been watching him for a good while now, from the shadows, from the corner of his eye. They needed a chance for him to be alone, though as the redhead who’d formerly accompanied him was a possible distraction. She could have been harmed if she were to get in the way of the order, so it was best for them to wait.
Now, though, the young God is alone, and it doesn’t matter where he is going. All that matters is he is such easy pickings, it’s a shame they were told not to kill him.
One of the smaller creatures lets out a long, almost elk-like howl. A deep, gritty cry that echoes off the trees. It’s twin does the same, hollering in return to the call. The leader does not respond, as it will reveal itself later.
The twins circle the Bastard, little red eyes flickering as they pass behind the trees. Baiting the young Entity into a response, as there is very little chance he will be successful in running away. Not with the leader constantly lurking behind him. 
Each of the twins are visible. Their skin is dry and dark, the color of rotting flesh but lacking the lively shine of blood. Patches had clearly fallen off, as lines of scars span their bodies, all still held together with withering stitches. Somehow, their teeth still remain mostly intact, only a slight yellowing, yet their twisted maws are stained crimson. The worst trait about them has to be the vaguely human-shaped form, aside from their skulls. Man and beast, crudely made into one.
They lurk in wait, patiently tormenting the mind of their prey. All they need is a response, then the task will begin.
Some of Taker’s monstrosities have a job to do.
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the-vile-entity · 4 years
Some of Taker’s monstrosities have a job to do.
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the-vile-entity · 4 years
Taker ultimately ignores the stealing comment, as he’d taken the white-haired mortal under acceptable circumstances. Jude did not belong to the Bastard, in fact, his entity had vanished, something that still leaves a bit of worry in the back of the Elder’s mind.
The pleading from his younger kin did make him feel a certain level of hurt. He’d seen the Bastard as some sort of offspring, one he could guide to a better, powerful life as an Entity. With that, came a personal responsibility, and a feeling of failure. Taker rarely fails, but with this? 
It is one of his most powerful emotions. 
With a sigh, the Vile one turns to approach the balcony, stepping one leg up onto the railings, holding his fellow God over the edge, from the highest point in the castle.
“I have decided, since you feel such a need to be so intimately involved with your mortals.” He pauses, outstretching his arm further, “Then you should have no issue joining them.” 
As soon as he says his last word, Taker puts his free hand to the Bastard’s chest, ripping the power from him, it all forms into a large orb of golden light, swirling around within it’s confinement. The Elder’s power keeps it from all dissipating, a thin layer of deep orange flares surround the young God’s energy.
He casts one last look to his fellow Entity, eyes not burning as hot as they were before. This is what will be best for them all. Best for the Bastard. He must learn, and to do that, he must suffer. A crash course on the importance of godhood. The only way to understand, is to be knocked down to the level of those you rule. He will appreciate his role in the universe, with time. For now, though, he will walk among them as another mortal.
“I did not want to do this.” Taker says, “But I will be watching.” 
With that, he lets go. Letting his younger kin fall, all the way down to the ground of the Castle realm, and then some. He falls through it, down back to one of the unlit camps. The Elder turns his back, returning to another pressing matter.
This won’t last forever, just until the young one learns his true place. During that time, the golden power is sealed away, safe, deep within the Castle. No one will take this from him, not truly.
Not even Taker.
I’ve got nothing witty or poetic to say I really just wanna beat the fuck out of this punk (ily Bassy <3)
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the-vile-entity · 4 years
The chuckle was annoying to hear, but that did not compare to the searing hot rage Taker felt when the young God lunged at him. Swiftly, the Elder caught the Bastard’s forearm in his hand, crushing his limb, effectively breaking the bone completely. 
His grip is still tight, continuing the pressure on the damaged limb, crushing it even more.
“Do you not understand? You are a God, boy. To feel so attacked by the concepts of a mortal is beneath you. You should know the Ghostface has no true power to take anything from you. Let him believe whatever he wants, for it will not affect you.”
The Elder knows his words will possibly be interpreted in the entirely wrong way, so he continues with clarification, “You have aligned yourself with these mortals, so much so you have begun to think like them. You feel as if you must constantly remind them who you are. It is a fools game that you play, boy. And you will never grow until you rise above.” 
But he doesn’t deserve to rise. Taker knows this. And he forms a plan within his mind, saved for when this punishment is over.
The Elder lets the young one drop to the floor once more, observing his kin’s actions.
“You have forgotten why you exist. We, as Entities, live to rule and consume the emotions of mortals all around us. Their pain and suffering is our life, and without it, our death.” 
He looms over the Bastard, grabbing his chin to force those golden eyes to meet flaming orange, “You have forgotten our law. Never punish a soul which isn’t yours, and do not dare even think of consuming one that isn’t yours.” 
Bursting from the ground, a claw pierces the young Entity in the chest, hauling him up to hang in the air, stuck in the center of the room, “You nearly did. If I had not stopped you, I would have lost one of my most loyal killers. Do you know what I would have had to do, should you have consumed him?”
The two gods are now eye-to-eye, the Elder had healed the young one’s vision just so he can see the fear in those golden irises. “I would have been forced to do the same to you. And I would not have enjoyed it. Your behavior has forced my hand. You say the Ghostface is uncontrolled, but it is simply you who has been left unchecked.” 
Taker grabs hold of the Bastard’s throat, ripping him off the spike, holding him up, “You have disappointed me, young one. More than you could understand.”
I’ve got nothing witty or poetic to say I really just wanna beat the fuck out of this punk (ily Bassy <3)
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the-vile-entity · 4 years
A snarl escapes the Elder at the words of his younger kin. This is not over some petty game between two people incapable of compromise- the Bastard had to know the Ghostface was constantly getting the short end of the stick, only able to retaliate because of the runes.
And, as far as Taker recalled. The Young god started this war first. He’d have been wiser to simply feed off of all the emotions ebbing off the redhead when she and the killer were together. Just as The Elder did with his Ghostface.
In one swift motion, he grabs the Bastard’s head and throws him across the room, the young gods back leaving a small, cracking dent in the wall, “You d̴̜̯̃̿a̸̯͐ṟ̶͚̌̒ȇ̴̲ raise your voice at me!?” He questions first, stomping closer to his kin, “We both know you were the petty fool who started that war. You felt threatened by the words of a mortal who didn’t even belong to you, and you retaliated. You cast the first stone!”
A large hand grabs the Bastard’s throat, “Have you forgotten? You have punished my mortal on more than one occasion. I was a fool to let you believe you had the right, so now I correct that.” 
An Entity claw bursts from the wall, piercing the young Entity in the opposite shoulder before he is thrown down again.
“You didn’t even tell them why you did it. Why? Because you knew exacting some meaningless revenge over an event that never took place would let them know just how weak you really are.”
By the front of his shirt, Taker pulls his kin back up to his feet, marching forward quickly to smash the Bastard’s back into the wall again, “You constantly prove time and time again, you know nothing of being a true God.”
Then comes a slashing claw to the face, just barely missing both eyes. The cuts aren’t too deep, simply broad and bleeding. He lets it bleed for a moment before slowly healing the wounds, only to repeat the process two more times before letting the young Entity go, burning eyes take in every pathetic movement of his younger kin.
I’ve got nothing witty or poetic to say I really just wanna beat the fuck out of this punk (ily Bassy <3)
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the-vile-entity · 4 years
The Elder is livid. Infuriated beyond words as he watched the fool of a young God punish a morsel that did not belong to him, and for an event that never even took place in this reality. Unjust vengeance, an act of complete disrespect and a vile display of the utter weakness that the Bastard possessed. To maim the Ghostface for what occurred within his own sick mind, it set Taker’s anger ablaze.
The Vile Entity could have intervened at any moment, yet he chose to let his rage fester into something near uncontrollable. With each scream, a new claw mark appeared on the dark brimstone walls of the throne room, even he couldn’t contain his emotions, which was irritating in and of itself.
Finally, though, he’d had enough. He did feel a mild streak of responsibility, and by extension, guilt, over letting his killer be harmed in such a way, for an action he never made. The Ghostface was rightfully confused, and possibly just as livid as his Entity.
The Bastard was ripped from the communal grounds of the Fog, and instantly met with a roar of rage, the Elder slipping into his true tongue as he spoke, “You ḑ̸̰͇̳̗̀̋̕͜a̷̲̋r̴̢͕̠̙̲̖̀ḛ̴͖̎̈́̅͜͜ ̷͍̖̍̇̉̽́͐defy me, boy?!” He towers over his younger kin, eyes burning with rage, the marks on his forehead glowing. Taker too had cracks lining his face, struggling to control the inner form within. Maintaining a level of controlled dominance was essential now, “You have no right to mutilate my killer in the name of meaningless revenge. Spoiled, foolish b̶̭͋̔r̸̮͒͑a̵̢͊t̴̺̝͑.”
Taker heals the wounds on the Bastard’s face, only with the intent to harm him much worse than Samantha did. Oh, he was impressed with the girl when she stabbed the young God. Sadly, anger overrode it.
“I will devour you.”
I’ve got nothing witty or poetic to say I really just wanna beat the fuck out of this punk (ily Bassy <3)
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the-vile-entity · 4 years
I’ve got nothing witty or poetic to say I really just wanna beat the fuck out of this punk (ily Bassy <3)
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