The Tokusatsu RP blog
2 posts
Hello, welcome to the Tokusatsu RP Blog. In this blog, I do Roleplay about Tokusatsu (Live action tv shows that rely on special effects). In this case, it's Superhero Tokusatsu, this includes Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Power Rangers/Super Sentai, Metal heroes, and many more. These Rp's can range from kid friendly, to Adult (SFW, to NSFW). If you would like to RP with me, just message me and we'll get planning, hoping to rp with you soon!
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the-tokusatsu-rp-blog · 8 years ago
Hey, I see you're interested in rping? If so, please feel free to message me! :D
{Please reblog or like if you’re interested in a Tokusatsu themed RP}
Hello, I am The Tokusatsu RP Blog (I know, long name) and I’m pretty new to this platform and RPing in general. So I was thinking I could start a Tokusatsu (Japanese show that utilizes a lot of special effects, this includes Superheroes, horror, sci-fi, and drama) themed RP with any of you lovely people! 
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the-tokusatsu-rp-blog · 8 years ago
{Please reblog or like if you’re interested in a Tokusatsu themed RP}
Hello, I am The Tokusatsu RP Blog (I know, long name) and I’m pretty new to this platform and RPing in general. So I was thinking I could start a Tokusatsu (Japanese show that utilizes a lot of special effects, this includes Superheroes, horror, sci-fi, and drama) themed RP with any of you lovely people! 
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