Is your child quiet most of the time?
Does he hide his feelings?
Does he always avoid your questions?
If he does, don't be scared. Your child just lacks self-esteem and confidence to speak when you're involved. Why? Most of the time, parents are busy with work and usually comes home tired and there are also times when parents blurt out their stress to their children. How does that affect the child? Children, especially teens, always tend to seek attention from their parents. Whether it may be because of affection or because of struggles they encounter. So once you don't allow you son/daughter to interact with you and share their thouths, you will make them lose trust that they can count on you in times of need. They will lose the courage to say what they really want to say because you don't allow them to speak. Help your child reconnect with your family and make him gain the affection he deserves. No one in the world deserves to be treated differently.
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Children and adolescence must need the support that depends upon parental commitment, when young children reach the point where they will experience and realized that relying on oneself is a must.
The children that has been seen the casualties of parental support are example of abandonment and smothering. Abandonment to a child can lead into anxiety, insecurity, basic distrust, fear of commitment, low self esteem, or high need for control. In some cases, parents of the child ended up divorcing and neglecting their child until the child are no other choice but to count on themselves. And smothering, this can lead to a child into lack of confidence, low self reliance, immaturity or irresponsibility. Children experience struggles in life but parents still support for the good of their child. Parental support can be tricky it distinct between two level of parental support — primary and secondary, but it depends on how parents clarify decisions to give support on their children.
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“I love my parents in the way most children would: for having been there at every point in my youth and childhood, ready to pick me up when I fell and support me when I stumbled.”
— Michael Gove
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LOVE, CARE, GUIDANCE is the three simplest yet effective parenting steps to support your child.
LOVE, Unconditional love is love without requiring anything in return. Thus, tell your kids everyday how much you love them.
CARE, Do your role as a parent. Don't let them do their things on their own.
GUIDANCE, guide your child with positive discipline. It is one of the most important thing you'll do as a parent.
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