the-schmuck · 8 months
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(Free Palestine 🇵🇸)
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the-schmuck · 8 months
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Hiya! since this is blowing up just thought i’d stick this on here. I got this info from a YT community post from teddygamingreview, a smaller channel knee deep in the comics side of the tmnt franchise that i’ve been following for a while. From what i understand this is just teaser/promo material so there’s not a whole lot of other info out yet. Thats all, cowa-fuckin-bunga dudes
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the-schmuck · 8 months
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the-schmuck · 9 months
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the-schmuck · 9 months
Imma do this because I’m fucking bored.
What’s your url?
Now take away any and all numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0), take away the letters F, Z, M, Q, L, H, B, T, P, E, A, Y, S, B, D, and X, take away all dashes (-),
What’s your new fucked up version of your url?
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the-schmuck · 9 months
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Something like this would be so colossally helpful. I'm sick and tired of trying to research specific clothing from any given culture and being met with either racist stereotypical costumes worn by yt people or ai generated garbage nonsense, and trying to be hyper specific with searches yields fuck all. Like I generally just cannot trust the legitimacy of most search results at this point. It's extremely frustrating. If there are good resources for this then they're buried deep under all the other bullshit, and idk where to start looking.
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the-schmuck · 9 months
a moment of silence for the cabinet man who’s about to get his ass kicked tonight
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the-schmuck · 10 months
I would like to file a complaint with the qsmp content creators in that we have NOT had a mistletoe moment yet. This is UPSETTING and UNFAIR. I have waited TOO long it has been a few too many days.
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the-schmuck · 10 months
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a story in two photos
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the-schmuck · 10 months
Someday I will see a world where Philza’s character isn’t immediately interpreted maliciously in the worst way possible when he’s being blunt/ attempting to explain something and I will finally know peace.
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the-schmuck · 10 months
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the-schmuck · 10 months
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Lady is lifting her veil for a minute.
smaller parts is under the cut :)
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the-schmuck · 10 months
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learned how to make a gif just for this moment
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the-schmuck · 10 months
minecraft-sinfonia family in the Star Wars au, because brain worms never sleep
Chayanne is hardly a toddler in the crèche when the Jedi temple falls and the Empire is born. Phil saves him, cares for him, raises him as his own on a homestead after meeting Missa, far from the core worlds. He grows up learning to farm, to cook, to find his own resources and how to make do with what you have. He has no idea where he’s from - his records were sealed in a holocron along with the other younglings his age, and who knows where that is now. Not that it matters all that much to him - his family are his parents who have raised him, and later his sister.
Tallulah is also force sensitive, but was never picked up by the Jedi. She knows where she’s from - an outer rim dustball of a planet where she had no one but the other street kids, where they all had to eat dirt. According to Wilbur, who picked her up and took her in, she had been crying in the rubble in an ally, where a building had managed to collapse sideways into, somehow entirely unscathed, the only survivor. Now that she’s older, and has an understanding of her powers, she can guess she had used the force in some sort of subconscious survival instinct. She spent a good year or two with her father, before she had been dropped off during a visit to her “abuelo Phil”, and never picked back up. It’s another year before she starts calling Phil her Pa instead.
For a year after the fall of the Jedi, Phil travels with Wilbur, and tries to take care of a very young Chayanne as best as he can. He tries to make it easy on Wil as he can, but he know it can’t be simple, traveling with an ex-Jedi on the run and a force sensitive toddler who makes all the noise a toddler does. Whatever guilt he has is buried under the knowledge that this is safest. Staying in the wind, between the stars, without making a name or life for himself, is necessary until the panic around the Jedi dies down.
Phil meets Missa shortly after he parts ways with Wilbur, on some forgettable, relatively mild planet on the edges of the mid rim, in a town full of farmers and workers. He’s clearly lost, and exhausted, and struggling to find something he can afford to feed the hungry child in his arms, and Missa may not have much but for this he has a few credits to spare, and well - he just can’t ignore that feeling, tugging in his gut and wrapping around his chest, that’s pulling him towards the two strangers. Kindness has him buying them a meal and offering his home to them for the night, and when Phil asks if they can stay for just a while, to figure out where to go next, he says yes before he even processes the question. A little foolish, maybe, given the state of the galaxy, but Phil would be lost without that kindness.
Phil makes himself useful helping around the farm, feeding the growzers and nerfs, pulling weeds, planting new crops, at least when Chayanne doesn’t demand attention. Missa works as he always does, keeps them all fed, and looks up all the articles he can find about childcare - and then double checks with a few parents when they drop into town for market, because surely Chayanne isnt old enough to be eating full carrots yet, his teeth are just so small - that’s when he realizes he’s far more open to Phil and Chayanne staying around than he thought he was. It isn’t much longer until Phil comes to a similar conclusion, during a dinner like any other night before, where Missa had taken care to cut Chayanne’s carrots and had made a pot of tea that was Phil’s favorite (one he got based on a hunch back in town a few days prior), and he realizes that he doesn’t want to lose this. That he wants to stay.
After he finds that Missa himself is also force sensitive, and he comes clean about who he actually is, their life continues on without the idea that this just a temporary set up. They get officially married just before Tallulah comes into the picture, which gives Phil an official new identity to the Empire, from a legal standpoint.
Chayanne and Tallulah both grow up learning Jedi techniques to balance their connection with the force. They learn early on the extent of their powers and how to meditate. The better trained you are, and the more you know of your own powers, the better you can master self control - that’s what their dads say, at least. While Phil had been anxious when Tallulah first arrived - wondering if them knowing their powers would make them all more obvious to those hunting for them - it’s cemented when Chayanne uses the force in the market, floating a fruit from a street vendor towards him when he couldn’t reach it himself. They were extremely lucky he wasn’t noticed. Chayanne, with enough core memories in the temple, where using the force and connecting wasn’t only second nature, but was encouraged all around him, would only struggle if they pretended anything different. Besides - as much as they have to keep themselves hidden and safe from the Empire, the force was something to celebrate. They were never taught that their gifts were anything but special - it wasn’t them that was wrong, but the Empire for hunting them.
After their home is raided, and the kids go with Phil to the rebellion, separated from Missa, is when they learn to fight. Chayanne is extremely disappointed he can’t actually train to learn how to wield his dads lightsaber. Tallulah leans less into physical training, and gets a better handle at using the force to interact with the world. She learns a technique to help plants grow just a little faster, and a little stronger, and likes to help around the gardens and greenhouses. It makes Phil a little sad, but only sometimes - she would have loved the Room of a Thousand Fountains, had this universe been kinder.
When Missa manages to find them again, worn and weary and somehow with Phil’s lightsaber still intact and all his limbs attached, he joins the rebels cause and fights with his family. Phil insists Missa keeps his lightsaber on him, pretending like it isn’t as big of a deal as it is, saying he’s grown used to fighting without it - but Missa knows better. A lightsaber is a Jedi’s life, their being connected to their crystal that gives it power, the weapon an extension of themselves. He understands the significance, of Phil’s life humming in his hands, protecting him above all else. There’s an immense amount of love, of trust, in the decision. It makes Phil a terrible Jedi - giving up his saber by choice, for a familial attachment he should never have made in the first place. But who gives a fuck - the temple has long been gone, the Jedi and all their believers dead with it, and Missa is here in front of him, alive, unlike the fucking Jedi council, the merry band of hypocrites. He’d like to keep it that way.
Chayanne still gets Phil to train him with the lightsaber, and it’s the coolest thing ever of all time.
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the-schmuck · 10 months
Qsmp! Chayanne Character Analysis and How it Relates to Pissa
Chayanne is a perfect hybrid of his dads. Yes, Missa hasn’t been as present as philza but this is a truth. In fact I believe Chayanne is one of the best examples of child getting personality traits from both parents. Even if one is absent whether it’s because of reaper duties or literally being kidnapped. Chayanne has traits both from his dads. Even if it’s more visible the traits he gained are from Philza.
Missa is a bleeding heart. I believe Chayanne gained his massive heart. But sharpened with determination and bravery. Not bleeding out like Missa. It’s not usually noticeable because Chayanne is similar to Philza. He shows not tells. But his heart is so kind. Especially for a child. He just wants to protect those he loves and cares for.
Philza like we discussed is a survivor. And utterly paranoid and stressed so much what could go wrong. This isn’t a bad thing as again and again this protected his family numerous times. Philza raised Chayanne to be responsible. To protect Tallulah because of her asthma. Chayanne accepts this responsibility. But he is still a child. He feels so guilty not being able to protect or in his mind not doing a good job. Philza is similar it’s why he represses his love for Missa. He needs to protect Missa as much he can.
Chayanne looks brave but honestly he is just a scared child under diamond armor. He so desperately wants everyone to be safe. Or happy. Or having fun. He can only do so much as a kid though. He loves philza. There’s no question about that. But there’s reasons why missa is his favorite. He’s addicted just like Philza to Missa gentleness. To Missa kindness. Missa makes Philza and Chayanne feel safe. Chayanne feels free to act like a spoiled kid for once when Missa is around.
Chayanne is scared. He like philza wants their family unit to be safe. But he is still a kid. He can only do so much. He loves philza. Philza is his dad. But there’s no question in my brain that he misses missa gentleness. In fact true enjoyers of death family know that Missa is chayanne favorite dad. He actually acts spoiled for once.
Philza needed to be stern with Chayanne. Philza wants his kids to survive. It’s an aspect of Philza that prepared them for how hard life on the island could be. And how dangerous it could get. Philza knows simple mistakes can be deadly and he needs Chayanne to understand that. He is stern because he loves his son so much. And Chayanne wants to make him proud. So he always listen to his dad. Being considered one of the most obedient eggs. Because Chayanne understands his dad point of view and wants to protect.
Chayanne is also very similar to Philza when it comes to his papa. He doesn’t care if Missa isn’t skilled or talented. He doesn’t care if Missa needs protecting. Chayanne doesn’t need Missa to be useful. He is just like Philza. He just wants Missa to be there. Thats enough.
Chayanne never stopped waiting for Missa to return. He missed him but never gave up on the idea of him coming back. And he’s so happy when he can see him. Chayanne is very protective of his dad’s marriage. Which makes sense as he was the first one that how to deal with how they act around each other. He supports them but think they are being dumb about it. He doesn’t see what is wrong with his dad’s clear love for each other. He is a child he doesn’t realize philza being open could lead to missa being in danger.
Chayanne fully believes that Philza and Missa are the best dads in the world. He always had an affectionate home life. Philza and Missa are always loyal and affectionate. And both love him so much. He is just happy his dads are his dads. He wouldn’t want anyone else.
Overall, Chayanne is clearly both missa and philza son. He carries aspects from both of them. And that’s really beautiful in my eyes. Chayanne has pieces of his dad’s habits and personality with in him. And he will make them both proud.
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the-schmuck · 10 months
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what if Mei gets a hologram/spirit form, but it's like in New Gods and it's her god-body manifesting :3
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the-schmuck · 10 months
I hate when a Leosagi fanart looks like this:
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