the-saddest-gay · 3 years
all bugs can be organized into one of three categories: homies, chillers, and haters. hornets and wasps are haters. mosquitos are haters. most spiders are homies cuz they eat shitty bugs, some spiders are chillers cuz they dont really do anything, but also some spiders are haters because they’ll kill you. learn to tell the difference. bees are homies but they become haters if you fuck with them. most beetles are chillers but if they’re the kind of beetle that flies really fast at your face then they’re haters.
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
So i went on a date to a haunted house and made friends with the girls behind us. As we’re going through, one of them is holding my hand and a guy leaps out and separates us. I panic as my date is pulling me along, I reach back for her and grab her hand in a group of three other performers and start getting out if there. After a bit I look back to check on her and I discover I’m holding the hand of a six foot tall zombie creature and not a 5'2" girl.
Cue the most terrifying realization of my life.
I had basically kidnapped this performer from his section and abandoned the girl and her friend behind us.
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
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I was walking through the toy aisle at Target when I found this thing and had a VIOLENT AND IMMEDIATE FLASHBACK to when JP first came out and they had a bunch of REALLY COOL T Rex toys that I would have sold one of my scrawny small-child limbs for but my mother wouldn’t get me one because they were “too violent and also ate people” :(
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
when u search for a very specific question in google and it shows the exact thing you’re looking for
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
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If you follow Selmers to the poetry society meeting in Night In The Woods, this is her poem. I loved it and the themes of the game, and wanted to use it as practice to see if i can control the way readers ‘hear’ the words through images.
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
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reblog if you support denim and hate capitalism
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
couple important bullet points here:
the people who infected everyone else had gotten negative covid tests before traveling to the wedding
everyone was in a tent. it doesnt say how enclosed the tent was but it would definitely cut down on air flow
doesnt say whether or not people were wearing masks but i suspect not
if these people hadnt been vaccinated, it would have been a lot worse
the big delta wave will hit the US pretty soon, and is already starting in states with low vaccination rates. new mutations (delta plus, epsilon and lambda) are on the way; lambda is more infectious (symptoms and severity are unclear). the CDC is wrong, everyone should still be wearing masks indoors and in crowds (which is what the WHO says anyway). children still arent vaccinated. 
you do not want to get covid at all, even mild covid. long covid even with mild symptoms is really fucking people up (talk to anyone with a chronic illness about what this is like and hopefully they can scare you straight). even mild symptoms like “brain fog” can effectively ruin your life. one guy got tinnitus from long covid that was so bad he committed suicide.
in ten years youre not going to regret being extra cautious right now, but you could very easily regret being careless.
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
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Are you sad that June is over and you don't have a pride month anymore? Fear not, friends! There's a different pride month just beginning! lgballt
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
I see a lot of positivity posts about 12-year-olds just learning to draw.  Posts cautioning us to be mindful of 11-year-olds with no grasp of anatomy and 13-year-olds whose characters are all the same person with different hair and clothes, and I love those posts.  Those are great posts.  Keep those posts coming, tumblr.
But can I ask, what about the 25-year-old who just bought their first ever sketchbook?  What about the 32-year-old who’s been drawing for a month and has just about got the hang of a human-looking face?  What about the 67-year-old who finally has time to sit down and learn how to paint like they’ve always wanted?
Not everyone starts drawing as a child.  Not everyone learned as a preteen.  Some people start in college.  Some people start when their career is going well and they feel like it’s time for a new hobby.  Some people start after they’ve retired.
Not all beginner artists are kids, and I just think the adults ones deserve some encouragement, too.
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
Did you consider Steven universe's art style as your art style or do you have another art style?
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l mean...
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If you can look at the rest of what I draw and solidly say 'yep, that sure is Steven Universe alright' I'd be quite impressed. But everyone has a different eye for these things I suppose?
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
American movie be like
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
As much as I mildly despair about the functionality of Tumblr, I’m forever grateful we don’t have the creative interface of other social media platforms. 
I keep seeing youtubers talking about how the new algorithm on their creative dash is so detrimental to their mental health, both in terms of how they feel about themselves as creators and the content they make—dreading to find out their performance rating, regardless of whether they enjoyed it or not. And it’s the same across multiple other platforms, TickTock, Facebook, Instagram. Fuck, I’ve even seen people with business accounts complaining on Twitter.
And then there’s Tumblr. Where sometimes you can’t find your own posts even though you know you tagged it, time stamps are hidden in the ellipses at the top right hand corner of the post, your bread recipe keeps getting flagged as porn, too much punctuation causes asks not to send, and checking your activity feed causes the app to crash. You want to know your trending numbers? You want to know what’s performing well? Fuck you, guess.
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
Someone said "Are you really so stupid to think that Africa has the same technological advances as us? If they did they would probably have clean water and not live in houses made of sticks and mud. Get over yourself and stop being so ignorant."..... Below is a tiny collection of images of the Africa they refuse to show you..
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I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that the whole of Africa is poor, I really am..
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
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Imagine retiring at 54 and living out the next half of your life in abundant public greenspace, learning, socialising…
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the-saddest-gay · 3 years
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“I always remember having this fight with a random dude who claimed that ‘straight white men’ were the only true innovators. His prime example for this was the computer… the computer… THE COMPUTER!!! THE COM-PU-TER!!!
Alan Turing - Gay man and ‘father of computing’ Wren operating Bombe - The code cracking computers of the 2nd world war were entirely run by women Katherine Johnson - African American NASA mathematician and ‘Human computer’ Ada Lovelace - arguably the 1st computer programmer”
- Sacha Coward
Also Margaret Hamilton - NASA computer scientist who put the first man on the moon - an as-yet-unmatched feet of software engineering, here pictured beside the full source of that computer programme. #myhero
Grace Hopper - the woman that coined the term “bug”  
- @robinlayfield
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