Beautiful Landscape in Belleveue Hill Home Saved Using Our Brawoliner Junction Lining Method
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One of our local clients in Bellevue Hill was having to call a plumber twice a year to unblock their drains from the large fig tree roots in the street.
They were contemplating on getting the tree cut down thinking it would resolve their issue.
We diagnosed where the roots were entering and sealed it off in one day using our brawoliner junction lining method.
Client was happy because they kept the beautiful trees and don’t have the stress of ongoing blocked pipes.
Got a blocked drain? Call us today.
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Sewer pipes and soggy soil: sinkholes explained
Officially, sinkholes are a depression or hole in the ground caused by some form of collapse of the surface layer. Big ones are caused by a chemical dissolution of of carbonate rocks underneath top layer of soil. They’re also known as a cenote, sink, sink-hole, swallet, swallow hole or doline. They can vary in size from a single metre to 600m both in diameter and depth, and in form from soil-lined bowls to bedrock-edged chasms.
  Santa Barbara Cenote in Homun, Mexico
Of course, human-affected sinkholes most commonly occur in urban areas due to water main breaks or sewer collapses when old pipes give way. The first sign is often a soggy and foul smelling patch of lawn or dirt. Sometimes, if your lawn is looking particularly green and lush, whilst the surrounding grass is decidedly not, it can be a sign that your sewer pipe is compromised.
  Often the old clay pipes are joined together with rubber rings called collars which eventually corrode over time. This causes the rubber ring to perish and leak water into the surrounding area. Two reasons why this is not good for the drainage system is that it loosens and washes away the supporting soil thanks to the water constantly running in your pipes. Before you know it the pipe collapses as the existing soil has been washed away. 
  The second reason is that when you have leaking sewer water into the grounds, it acts as a fertiliser which trees love. Their roots feed off this leaking water and start to grow into the old, cracked collars as a very fine root, regardless of which tree is nearby. They then start to get thicker and stronger – and boom, you have a blockage. It’s always better to resolve this issue before it gets to a point where it can no longer be relined.
  Broken sewer pipes were traditionally an expensive exercise. Excavating gardens and soil, not to mention concrete, and even roads and tarmac. Today, with trenchless technology, we can get to the source of the problem before it becomes a bigger one. Got a blockage or a suspicious sinkhole? Call The Relining Company now.
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Blockages surge as toilet paper panic buying causes shortages
State and local utility providers are urging Australians not to flush anything but human waste and toilet paper down the drain after a recent surge in sewer blockages.
  SA Water recently urged Australians to avoid flushing anything but the “Three Ps” — that is, pee, poo, and (toilet) paper — lest residents unwittingly clog sewers. The pronouncement comes as shoppers continue to clear supermarket shelves of toilet paper, fearing extended periods cooped up at home due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  The utility provider shared a picture of a blockage pulled from a waste treatment plant, making it clear how undesirable material can accumulate.
  Speaking to ABC News, Scott Moorhead of Townsville Water said the region usually drops about $2 million each year to clear such blockages. Demand for blockage-clearing services is currently much higher than average, he said.
  Blockages can occur in mains or internal plumbing, and more often than not result in the backing up and bursting of waste pipes, requiring a professional to examine the issue.
  As always, make sure you only use and flush toilet paper. If you are experiencing flushing or waste issues, please contact us today.
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Happy Customer Q&A | The Relining Company review
The Client and the Problem
Scott Ingram, Sean Brandt, Ashley Woodcroft, Steve O’Neill and Graham Clarkson occupy a row of four Victorian terraces in the leafy Eastern Suburbs address of Paddington. They all complained of drainage problems in their respective homes. Here’s a review of what happened.
1. What alerted you that you had an issue?
Ongoing drain blockages and root damage problems.
2. What made you decide to call The Relining Company?
We wanted to get more genuine quotes. We did a search for “pipe relining” and found The Relining Company.
3. How soon did they come out to Paddington?
They were prompt and took the time to understand the job at hand thoroughly!
4. Any drainage problems since The Relining Company carried out the repairs?
Everything seems to be working fine, thankfully.
5 Would you recommend The Relining Company?
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Wetherill Park Bowlarama blocked drains saved by pipe relining
The Relining Company recently received a call by the Bowlarama Wetherill Park that the kitchen drains were blocking up.
Using our nifty drain camera, we found that a section of the PVC inspection cap had collapsed, in the pipes that lay underneath the establishment’s carpark. After robotically grinding the pipe back open, we installed a junction liner which is specifically designed to seal all three sides.
Bowlarama could go back to business as usual, happy we didn’t have to dig up the car park floor! It’s not every day you can say a carpark was saved by pipe relining (tongue-twister alert).
Got a blocked drain? Call us today.
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German technology | Why Brawoliner is the best in the business
BMW, DHL, Siemens, Bosch… is German, is good. So we’re proud to use cutting-edge Brawoliner pipe relining products.
Over 25 years of expertise in sewer and in-house rehabilitation.
Inspired by a case of damage at its own company, Brawoliner designed a flexible hose liner in 1998, which for the first time enabled defective pipes with bends up to 90° and dimensional changes to be reliably and permanently rehabilitated.
  The highest European certification you can get.
From the beginning, Brawoliner has striven for the best. As a result, the first branch pipe liner with DIBt certification – Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) is the last word in German technical authority in the construction sector – was launched in the market in 2005.
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  Everyone loves it – including the Queen of England.
You’ll find Brawoliner wherever you’d find pipes – ie, everywhere. Demand is worldwide, for example for the installation on an offshore Norwegian drilling rig, for training courses in Singapore and Japan or providing support on construction sites in Tel Aviv, Rome and Ireland. It has been used to repair the pipe networks in Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament in London as well as the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig. Not to mention the suburbs of ‘Straya.
  There’s about 5500km of Brawoliner installed worldwide.
Yup. Think Bondi to Bangladesh – that’s A LOT of pipe. Interested to know more? Here’s a handy vid…
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4 reasons why DIY plumbing goes wrong – and how to fix it
Do-it-yourself is great… except when it’s not. And a blocked drain is no laughing matter.
It can be dangerous and expensive
Got that blogged gurgle sound? Think it’ll be faster and cheaper to fix it yourself? Think again. Chemical cleaners offer a risk of noxious fumes and chemical burns, especially if you have kids around. Any unqualified plumbing work can make a small problem big, costing you thousands of dollars in repairs. Professional pipe relining is a technique designed to allow plumbers to repair pipes without having to excavate the old one. With a proven history in the industry pipe relining has now become the preferred way to repair broken drains and sewers.
  You can’t see the problem – but we can
To diagnose the condition of your property’s sewer or storm water system we insert a high-tech CCTV drain camera into the affected drain. Using this equipment we can assess the nature of the problem by viewing it via a monitor at ground level. 
  “Wait and see” can accelerate the issue
Left untreated, or seeing if your DIY plumbing trick worked, can exacerbate any issues. That can mean smelly drains, growing mould – even the structure of a home can be damaged. Giving the experts a call can get a professional diagnosing the issue, and even fixing it on the spot, saving you time, money and grief down the track.
  Toilets are tricky beasts
So you’ve tried plunging, water tank filling and added hot water flushing – none have worked. It’s time to call us. When this is the case, usually there is a problem further along the line unreachable by plungers, either a blockage, tree root or collapsed wall. The Relining Company’s thin camera can probe the pipe interior to determine the cause, and reline the pipe without removing a tile. 
For any blockage issues book a consultation.
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“What’s blocked my drain??”
An overview of the most common causes of blocked drains – and what you can do to prevent them.
Tree Roots
Once a tree roots takes hold of a pipe via a small crack, it can invade quickly. In some species roots spread further than the branches themselves, particularly for some popular Sydney species. So if you have large trees, you’ll also have large roots. Powerful roots. Roots that can puncture pipes, back up your toilet and mess with the neighbour’s stormwater drains. Before planting, find out where your pipes are, making sure to consider how it will grow in the future
Cooking Grease
It’s so much easier to send cooking grease down the sink, rather than disposing of it in the bin – messy, wet, hot. Ugh. However when grease cools, it congeals and sticks, turning into a hard blockage that can partially or fully block the pipe. Try pouring it into another container destined for the tip instead, or feed it to your compost – it can take a little at a time.
Most times it’s a relatively easy task to simply ‘remove the hair’, albeit a little gross. But as parents of long-haired girls would know, a build up further along the pipe can cause serious issues. A quick swipe of your drain after every shower will help mitigate this issue.
Foreign Objects
The out-of-sight, out-of-mind theory often applies to plumbing. A lot of leftovers? Chuck it down the toilet. No rubbish bin in the bathroom? Just flush that sanitary item away. Curious toddler wants to see what happens when he presses the button? Bye bye small toy. All of these can cause serious blockages. Be vigilant.
  For any blockage issues book a consultation
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What impacts the cost of Pipe Relining?
Pipe relining is a technique for repairing damaged pipes, sewers and drains. It works by using a small keyhole to enter the pipe and reline the damaged area with epoxy resin, which then hardens and becomes the new walls of the existing pipe.
  How much does pipe relining cost?
It is difficult to say exactly how much pipe relining costs because each case is so different. This means that each job needs to begin with a professional inspection of the site to assess the situation, and review what factors need to be considered before work can begin. While it is difficult to say exactly how much pipe relining costs, there are some general factors which tend to affect the price of pipe relining which we have included below as a guide.
  What impacts the cost of pipe relining?
The length and diameter of the pipe that needs to be repaired. The length and diameter of the damaged pipe will dictate the materials that we will need to use. Obviously, the larger the length and diameter, the more epoxy resin material the job will require.
A junction needs to be reinstated into the relined pipe. Sometimes a pipe will have other pipes or ‘junctions’ flowing into them, for example the toilet drain joining the main sewer line. When we have to reline the interior of the pipe where a junction is present, the pipe that is joining the damaged section will be blocked off by epoxy resin. So, once the relining is done, some of the epoxy resin wall will need to be removed to reopen the junction or adjoining pipe.
The location of the damage. Another important factor in how difficult it is to perform a pipe relining repair is where the damage is located in the pipe, for example a repair along the body of the pipe will be easier than along a satellite junction.
How easy it is to access the damaged area. Sometime access to a pipe can be very easy if it has an opening above ground, however, other times it might be buried beneath your backyard or beneath the tiles in your bathroom. This will often require the creation of a small keyhole which may add to the overall cost of the pipe relining.
Potential risk factors. While for the most part pipe relining can be fairly straightforward work, sometimes there are significant risk factors that need to be taken into account, for example high temperature or pressure in the pipe, which will require extra care and precautions to do the job right.
  What about pipe replacement?
Pipe replacement is the traditional way of repairing a pipe, which involves digging out the damaged pipe and replacing it with a new one. While it is difficult to estimate the cost of the job without reviewing the site, generally pipe relining will be less expensive than pipe replacement. This is mostly is due to the fact that pipe relining doesn’t require excavation of the site. As a result, pipe relining generally requires less labour and time, making it the more cost effective option.
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Common Causes of Pipe and Sewer Damage in Sydney
While some parts of Sydney are almost as old as the nation, other neighbourhoods are just a few years or decades old, which means that pipe and sewer damage can come from a wide range of issues. To help identify what might be the root cause of your plumbing problem, here are five common causes of pipe and sewer damage in Sydney:
  Rust build up on the walls
With years of use and water, waste and chemicals flowing through the interior, rust can to begin to build up on metal pipes. Rust can eat through the walls, create blockages in pipes and cause cracks, which eventually become much bigger problems. If you’ve never had a plumber over to inspect your plumbing before it can be extremely useful for understanding the state of your pipe and sewer lines and whether any maintenance is required.
  Blocked pipes and sewers
Pipes and sewers can become blocked for a long list of reasons including grease blockages, hair build up and objects being flushed down the toilet that aren’t designed to be flushed, like wet wipes. Blockages can cause serious damage to pipes and sewers by allowing water pressure to build up in the pipe and then start to put strain on the walls and joins of the plumbing, sometimes resulting in a leak or rupture.
  Old and decaying pipes
Sometimes the answer is as simple as the pipe is extremely old. In some of Sydney’s more historic neighbourhoods pipes can degrade significantly over time and become worn due to erosion, caused by the acidity of the water and simple physical flow. Once a pipe has become worn, particularly if they are made out of steel, they can become very fragile and even more susceptible to corrosion.
  Tree root pipe invasions
Over time the joints holding pipes together can become weaker and start to fail. This is particularly common in terracotta pipes and pipes with rubber joins, which can degrade over time and create a leak, which eventually gives roots a foothold for invasion. Once a tree has made it inside a pipe they can grow very quickly causing greater damage to the infrastructure.
  Lack of regular maintenance like pipe relining
Regular maintenance of pipes is vital to the integrity of some of the most important infrastructure in your home and without it small problems like blockages and leaks can cause much larger damage, including sewer collapse. While they are often forgotten, your pipe and sewer systems are your home’s heart and arteries and require attention the same way that your body does.
To help maintain the health of your pipes you should have them inspected by an experienced plumber every year or two. If the plumber does find small cracks, deterioration, rust or other issues they can act quickly to repair the damage. Most often they will do this through pipe relining, which is a technique for repairing pipes by relining the walls with epoxy resin, a material that hardens and becomes the new walls of the pipe, repairing any damage without the need to remove the old one.
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How to reline broken drains and sewer pipes
There is nothing worse than coming home from a long day at work and finding that you can’t flush your toilet or waking up early on a beautiful summer’s day only to find that your garden has become inundated with water and waste. With most plumbing underground we normally find out pretty late when something is wrong, and by that time the pipe is severely damage, its been infested with tree roots or become blocked from a build up of debris.
  Traditionally the only way to deal with this kind of damage was to dig out the old plumbing. While this might sound like a simple solution it poses many problems, particularly how to dig without damaging the prize garden or breaking through the newly paved driveway or pulling apart the tiling in the toilet.
  Luckily, today we have pipe relining, a technique designed to allow plumbers to repair pipes without having to excavate the old one. With a proven history in the industry pipe relining has now become the preferred way to repair broken drains and sewers.
  So how do we reline broken drains and sewer pipes?
  An inspection of the inside of the pipe
The first step to pipe relining is understanding what is going on underground and what issue has caused the blockages or flooding. Here the plumber will use a thin camera to probe the interior of the drain or sewer pipe use a monitor see what is the cause of the damage, looking for things like a decaying drains, root infestations or collapsed walls. Once the inspection is over the plumber will decide how best to repair the damage and whether pipe relining is the best option.
  Cleaning out the drain or sewer pipe
Once it becomes clear what the damage is the plumber will begin to clear out the inside of the pipe. Normally, the plumber will first use a high pressure water jet to clean the walls and wash out any debris, including things like tree roots or sediment build up. If there is a blockage that can’t be cleared out by the water jet then a robotic cutter will be used, which can cut through almost anything including metal and concrete.
  Relining the pipe
Once the pipe is clear and the walls have been cleaned it is time to roll out the pipe reliner. Pipe reliner is a textile which is coated with a thick epoxy resin, designed to set into a hard material. First the plumber will measure out the amount of pipe reliner necessary for the job, then will mix in the resin with a hardening agent before coating the textile liner. Once this is done they will use air or water pressure to introduce the reliner into the pipe and press it firmly again the walls. The pressure is then maintained until the reliner has been cured.
  A final pipe inspection
Once the relining is complete the plumber will do a final inspection of the pipe with a drain camera. If done correctly the pipe relining should have created a smooth, perfect, watertight pipe that can last for more than 50 years!
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What is Trenchless Pipe Repair?
There is nothing worse than coming home from work only to find that the toilet has flooded the bathroom or waking up in the morning and turning the shower knob only to get nothing come out. Our water and waste systems are absolutely fundamental to every part of our lives from cooking to cleaning or even just pouring ourselves a little glass of water.
  Having a damaged pipe, drain or sewer can quickly develop into a serious issue. Aside from not being able to use your plumbing a cracked pipe can also cause damage to the surrounding property as water builds up and starts eating away at your garden or housing infrastructure. That’s why getting it repaired quickly should be a top priority.
  What is trenchless pipe repair?
  Trenchless pipe repair, also called pipe relining, is a technique for repairing pipes efficiently. Pipe relining was invented as a response to traditional pipe replacement which was severely limited by the fact that in order to repair pipes plumbers would have to go in and dig up the old one. This meant digging down into your garden, breaking through floors or excavating the driveway which could cause significant damage to the property.
  Pipe relining on the other hand works around this issue by allowing plumbers to keep the old, damaged pipe in place and repair it from the inside, without having to dig it out.
  How does trenchless pipe repair work?
  Trenchless pipe repair normally involves several steps.
  The plumber inspects the interior of the pipe. Another fantastic technological advancement is the invention of the thin CCTV camera which can be inserted into a pipe through a small hole to inspect the interior. At this point the plumber is looking for the cause of the damage and how extensive it is across the plumbing system.
The plumber clears out any blockages. Cracked or damaged pipes can manifest for any number of reasons and often cause blockages by allowing tree roots into the plumbing or sediment to build up and harden on the walls, impeding the flow of water and waste. If any blockages are found plumbers can use a high pressure water jet or a robotic cutting machine to cut through the obstruction and clear out the pipe ready for relining.
The plumber relines the pipe. Finally the plumber will use the small hole in the pipe to introduce a material called epoxy resin into the interior. The epoxy resin is used to line the walls, which then hardens, patching up any cracks or damaged sections and becoming the new walls of the existing pipe, all without having to dig out the old one.
  What are the advantages of trenchless pipe repair?
  There are two main advantages of pipe relining:
  Less damage to your home. Trenchless pipe relining works by allowing the old pipe to remain in the ground, meaning no need to dig it up and cause damage to the surrounding property.
More cost efficient repair. Pipe relining is a cheaper alternative to pipe replacement as it requires less time, less labour and no extensive repairs from excavation. This can make it as little as half the price of pipe replacement.
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Tips for troubleshooting blocked drains
Blocked drains are incredibly common in any type of home, from contemporary apartment blocks to historic houses or converted industrial spaces. A blocked drain is normally a fairly easy issue to fix. However, if left unattended for too long, or if the wrong solution is used, more serious issues can begin to crop up over time. Here are tips on how to troubleshoot the five most common drain blockages in residential homes:
  Blocked Toilet
A blocked toilet most often happens due to foreign objects being flushed down the toilet that don’t dissolve in water. This can be anything from children’s action figures to leftover food. There are also some trickier examples of items that are not degradable in a toilet such as wet wipes, feminine hygiene products or nappies.
  Where to start: The best places to start with a clogged toilet is always a regular plunger. This will help shift whatever blockage is built up inside the toilet. If this doesn’t work then a plumbing snake also known as a toilet auger should be employed. This works by inserting it into the toilet and letting it snake all the way down the drain, hopefully breaking up the clogged particles within it.    
  Blocked Bathroom Sink
A blocked bathroom sink is normally caused by a build-up of particulates. This might include hair from shaving, mineral build-up or soap solidifying in the pipes.
  Where to start: Once again the plunger is your best friend. Try to dislodge anything within the pipes through the plunger, however, remember to block the overflow drain before you start. The overflow drain it the hole half way up your bathroom sink which helps to siphon water in case the sink gets too full.
If the plunger doesn’t work then try a bio-cleaner or enzyme to break down the particles chemically. Another safe option is using vinegar and baking soda to cause a reaction in the pipes and hopefully clean out any soap or particles clogging them.
  Blocked Shower
A blocked shower is most often caused by hair or soap build-up and is normally fairly easy to unblock if it isn’t anything more serious.
  Where to start: The best place to start is to remove and clean the drain stopper (the sieve that lets water through to the pipe). If that doesn’t work then it would be a good idea to try a drain snake to remove any hair and break up clumped soap in the drain.
  Blocked Water Pipes in Shower
While not strictly a drain issue, houses can often have restricted water flow coming out of their shower head. Often this can be due to a build-up of sediment inside the pipe providing the water.
  Where to start: While this can be a more serious issue requiring professionals, a good place to start is to remove the showerhead and soak it overnight in vinegar to remove the sediment.
  Blocked Kitchen Sink
A blocked kitchen sink is most often caused by grease solidifying and building up on the walls of the drain. This combined with detergent or soap interacting with undissolved food particles creates a thick sludge that clogs the sink and causes blockages.
  Where to start: Again old faithful, the plunger, should be tried first. If it doesn’t do the trick then it might be a good idea to try and remove the elbow bend below the sink to see if it is the culprit. Finally a non-toxic chemical solution such as baking soda and vinegar or a bio-cleaner might do the trick.
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Drain Repair: 5 Reasons to Engage Trenchless Pipe Relining
A damaged drain is a nightmare for anyone who owns a home, not only can it do extensive damage to the property, it can also affect your ability to do even the simplest tasks around the house, like flush your toilet or take a shower. Blocked drains, flooding and water logging can all happen in an instant.
  Luckily there are some options when it comes to drain repair. There is traditional pipe replacement, which basically involves excavating out the old pipe and replacing it with a new one. Or there is trenchless pipe relining, which uses a small keyhole to insert an epoxy resin material, which then sets against the walls of the existing pipe, repairing the damage.
  There are significant advantages to using trenchless pipe relining over traditional methods, including:
  Trenchless pipe relining is significantly less destructive
Traditional methods of pipe replacement involve excavation. This means digging up your floor, backyard or driveway and causing significant damage to your home as the professionals replace your old pipe.
  Trenchless pipe relining requires only a small keyhole to be able to insert the epoxy resin material into the pipe. After this is done the epoxy resin sets and become the new walls of your existing drain. It is a simple and non-destructive method of repairing what could be a serious issue within the home.
  Trenchless pipe relining will save you time
  Excavation and repairing the damage that it does can require heavy machinery and a lot of work. This can take a long time to complete, forcing the residents of the house to find alternative accommodation while the water is switched off.
  Trenchless pipe relining on the other hand can often take as little as one day, meaning you can get back to your normal life faster!
  It will also save you money
  Not only does trenchless pipe relining take less time for the fix, it also uses less heavy machinery and less manpower. This all means that trenchless pipe relining can cost significantly less than a traditional repair, sometimes half the price of replacing your old pipes.
  Trenchless pipes enjoy improved functionality
  Aside from the advantages to your wallet trenchless pipes also have other advantages. Because a trenchless pipe is a single sheet of material set against the walls of your existing pipe it is smooth, with no joins or weak points. This makes them more resistant to damage from tree roots and allows for less restricted flow of water through your drains.
  Trenchless pipes are extremely durable
  Epoxy resin for pipe relining such as Brawoliner starts off as a flexible material that can be manipulated into a pipe. Once it sets however, it becomes as hard as concrete, making it an extremely durable replacement for your pipes. This durability can significantly extend the life of your pipes by up to fifty years, meaning that they don’t have to be revisited for a very long time.
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5 Maintenance Tips to Avoid Blocked Drains During a Storm
  Drain blockages during a storm are common, particularly on properties where drain maintenance is overlooked. Blocked stormwater drains during a storm most often occur due to foreign material being swept into the drain or tree roots penetrating the pipes, which then become blocked with debris during a storm. To avoid blocked drains during a storm you need to regularly maintain your stormwater system. Here are 5 maintenance tips to avoid blocked drains the next time there is a storm.
Keep your grate clean at all times
  The grate that sits on the top of your storm drain acts as a sieve that prevents large debris such as tree branches, twigs and larger leaves from entering your storm drain. Checking that the grate is properly installed is the first step to ensuring that your stormwater line remains clear.
  Stormwater drains can become blocked within the pipe, but may also become blocked at the grate causing inundation of the backyard, footpath or driveway. Cleaning out the debris that builds up on top of the grate every once in a while can stop disaster striking when there is a storm.
Use a fine mesh or screen under the grate to catch smaller debris
  While the grate is good at catching larger objects before they get into the storm drain smaller leaves and foreign material can still enter the waterway and build up inside, causing an internal blockage. Installing a mesh or screen underneath the grate that is fine enough to catch the smaller foreign objects can help collect this debris before it causes a blockage further down the line. It would be important to remember to clear out this mesh at the same time as when you clean the grate.
Clean out your gutters every three months
  Gutters are designed to collect the water that comes down during a storm and funnel it into your drains. However, they often collect a large amount of debris from trees which can then be swept into your drains when a storm comes down and clears the gutters out. Cleaning your gutters every three months when the season changes can prevent this built up material from flowing down into your stormwater drains and creating blockages.
Be aware of how water flows into your drains
  Observing the route that water takes to flow down into your drains can give you an idea of where potentially hazardous debris might come from. If water during a storm is flowing under trees or through a garden it might carry more debris than a clear footpath or driveway. After noting how water flows into the drain clear out these areas so that during a storm only water finds its way into the pipes.
Check that you don’t have an issue with tree roots
  Aside from organic debris like leaves the biggest cause of drain blockages from storms comes from tree roots penetrating pipes underground and causing blockages deep within the stormwater system. To check whether you have an issue with tree roots you need to stick a camera into your drain. If you do not have access to such equipment it might be worthwhile getting a professional in the check for you.
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How to Tell if Tree Roots Have Damaged Your Pipes & Drains
Tree root damage to a property’s pipe and drainage systems are some of the most common plumbing problems found in Australian homes, but it does take some knowledge to know why and how you might spot it if it happens to you.
    How does a tree damage your pipes and drains?
Roots are surprisingly strong and can do extensive damage if left unchecked. It begins with a tree finding a small crack or fault in a pipe, normally in the join between two sections. Once it finds an opening it slowly starts growing into the space until it reaches the water and nutrients inside. As it expands into the crack, the root grows, widening the opening and eventually causing serious structural damage to the pipe’s walls.
However, with all of this happening underground, it might be difficult to see how you can recognise tree root damage without digging up half your backyard. Luckily, there are some common signs and symptoms that can point to a larger problem before you call in the professionals.
    Strange new contours in your backyard
Finding new contours or sinkholes in the earth of your garden can often be a sign of damage to your pipes under the ground. As water escapes from the pipe it leaks into the earth around it creating soft spots which then sink down into visible contours on the surface.
    Blockages in your drains and toilets
Extensive tree root growth into your pipes can cause complete blockages of your drainage systems if left untreated for too long, however, before it gets quite that bad there are some earlier warning signs. Looking for slow drainage or listening for strange gurgling noises from your toilet can hint that there is a blockage somewhere down the line.
    Enhanced growth in particular patches in your yard
A damaged pipe can release water or nutrient rich sewerage into the earth of your backyard, which can result in enhanced growth for some of your plants. If you see patches of grass that are vibrant and green, while other parts look lacklustre, or you have sudden growth from one of your trees or shrubs, it might be a good indication that there is a leak somewhere beneath the surface.
    Bad smells around your home
With part of your sewerage system blocked, you might begin to notice bad smells around the home. This can occur either around your sewerage lines, as they become backed up and don’t flush away, or in your backyard as sewerage leaks into the soil.
    How can you be sure without digging out your pipes?
The good news is that technology has advanced enough that you no longer need to rip up your backyard in order to check whether you have a tree root problem. Specialists can come in with a thin micro-camera that can be introduced into your pipes via a small ‘keyhole’. This way you can see exactly what the issue is before you decide how to fix it.
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The Emergence of Pipe Relining as a Plumbing Solution
Pipe relining has revolutionised the plumbing industry with its innovative approach to . Historically, a burst or damaged pipe was a difficult and costly problem to fix. After a pipe became damaged, whether by tree roots, shifts in the earth or direct physical impact, repair specialists would need to come in and excavate the pipes. This would involve digging up earth, destroying lawns or breaking through concrete, all to remove the existing pipes and replace them with new ones.
With the emergence of Brawoliner technology, however, repair specialists have a completely new, innovative and non-destructive way of fixing damaged pipes and drains, meaning that they no longer have to go down the costly and time-consuming path of excavation.
  How does Brawoliner trenchless pipe relining work?
Plumbing specialists using Brawoliner technology can fix most types of common pipe and drain damage. They start by draining your pipes of any water or sewerage residue and then insert a micro-camera into the pipe to examine the damage. This might involve the creation of a small ‘keyhole’ to be able to reach the pipe.
Once the damage is inspected the specialists will clear out any remaining debris such as sediment, blockages or tree roots that have infiltrated the existing pipe. This is normally done by a high pressure water lance that can cut through most obstructions.
Once the existing pipe is clear, the Brawoliner material (a type of textile coated in epoxy resin) is inserted. The textile is left in place as the epoxy resin hardens into an extremely hard and durable material that replaces the existing pipe walls.
  What is Brawoliner technology?
Brawoliner material was invented in Germany as a way of repairing pipe walls without having to perform excavations. The material is extremely flexible, can line pipes at ninety degree angles and once set becomes a hard pipe with a life-expectancy of up to 50 years.
Brawoliner continues to be manufactured in Germany, owned by the parent company KOB that began as a manufacturer of textiles for the medical industry. This means that Brawoliner is stringently tested to the quality assurance standards of the German medical sector, making it an industry leader in long-lasting and high-quality materials.
  What are the advantages of pipe relining?
The advantages of Brawoliner pipe relining over traditional pipe repair options are manifold:
  Faster repairs. The repair process for trenchless relining is much faster because it doesn’t require digging or physically removing the old pipe, meaning that it can be performed within a day, as opposed to several weeks.
Lower cost. Due to the faster process the fix is on average significantly cheaper than traditional methods.
No joins, meaning a more durable repair. Tree root damage is one of the most common issues that causes problems for normal pipes. The tree roots infiltrate the pipes through the small faults where they are joined. Brawoliner on the other hand not only has a 50 years life expectancy, which is higher than most traditional pipes, but is a flexible textile that doesn’t require joins, meaning the tree roots don’t have a foothold to infiltrate the pipe and cause reoccurring damage.
The post The Emergence of Pipe Relining as a Plumbing Solution appeared first on The Relining Company.
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from WordPress https://thereliningcompanynsw.wordpress.com/2019/05/20/the-emergence-of-pipe-relining-as-a-plumbing-solution/
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