We will redact all allegations when Kenneth fulfills his end of the bargain and carries out his promises, particularly in coverage of all the actions and allegations held against him and how he has said he would “debunk” each one individually.
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Once again, they’re not trans. They were a furry at one point to be cool, then a brony when it was cool, now they call themselves a trans girl because it’s cool.
If the rape accusations are baseless, why did trc avoid answering any questions about them, threaten to debunk it--and later retract this offer knowing it was incriminating, and why did they focus solely on covering the person that brought these “accusations” to light, rather than ignore them?
If you think donating to someone who openly shows they are a drug user but begs extensively for cash while complaining about the simplest of jobs is considered charity, you’re naïve.
And did you just say capitalism is bad because you don’t get free handouts
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>rapes friend and blackmails them into submission to keep them quiet
>has international business degree
>confirmed druggy, meth abuser, alcoholic, and pothead
>sleeps on couches, mooches off people
>complains about capitalism because no handout pay me pls ):
lol ok
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@fullcommunismandexistentialdread, please avoid violating the Tumblr guidelines by using senseless follow spam. Thank you.
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It got that pervert to delete tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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Their nsfw blog was filled to the brim most of the time with futanari, and that included all prior blogs they once owned.
Furthermore, there is in fact a “trans” blogger who calls themselves dickgirl on here.
Kenneth Nishimoto may identify as trans, yes, but they are well known for changing their tune to fit with the teenage community of Tumblr, hence why they called themselves a “post-teenager”. Your “trans woman” in reality, all due respect to keeping bloggers safe, is really a confirmed rapist and possible pedophile, hence their grooming habits.
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>also implying I’m user listed
I just post the receipts, babe. Anywho you can’t say they aren’t a trans fetishist when their nsfw blog is nothing but futa and trans men with erections.
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>implying a dickgirl fetishist is not transphobic
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The-Red-Church reciepts
yet they say about you “Please stop reblogging from tumblr user the-cringe-channel, they’re super disgusting?
Their entire blog is to facilitate the gang stalking and harassment neurodivergent trans gals/trans gal youth?”
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I don’t think you meant to tag me in this, but thanks.
You were probably blocked by T-R-C if my blog was default
Tampons should be fucking free. 
Until such a society exists under which tampons ARE free, the forcible expropriation of tampons from retail establishments is morally and ethically permissible behavior.  
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Believe it or not, I used to know Post-Teenager IRL. We've known each other for years, since before she came out as trans. I'm a little bit wary in posting this, as she knows some things about my power level and she's a very vindictive, hateful human being, but I think some things need to be said.
She is in fact half Japanese, half White, and her family is very well to do. She currently lives with a friend that she has mooched a great deal off of, finally got a job after proclaiming to me several times during our friendship that "my blog is my job," and now they struggle to pay the rent, supposedly. I don't know the details, we stopped talking because she essentially used me and was incredibly cruel and emotionally abusive to me.
There is a lot of her blog that is just her outright trolling. But let me be clear. This is all stuff she absolutely believes. She has stated IRL, several times, that she in general "hates people" and that she truly thinks that violence towards white people and "fascists" is the answer. In her mind, "fascists" is anyone that she disagrees with.
IRL, she can actually be very charming, witty, and an absolute darling to be around, although she is definitely a bit of a spazz and has to place herself in alternative subcultures. People should not be fooled though. I was so willing to wear rose colored glasses that I didn't see the red flags that she had basically outed herself as a psychopath that has little to no empathy for others.
Post-Teenager has always been someone that speaks controversially, seemingly for attention. I rekindled a friendship with her this year before our falling out hoping she had grown up, but unfortunately, the reality is she only got worse, and found a place that feeds into this pathological attention seeking in the worst way. Post-Teenager is an appropriate moniker more than anyone here would have thought.
Post-Teenager has done things like embarrass me in front of a bunch of people at a house party by rejecting my gift of Rose Quartz (because she liked Steven Universe so much) and acting out about, "EWWWW GET THAT NEW AGE, HIPPY CRAP AWAY FROM ME!"
Post-Teenager has said things to insult my specific mental illness (BPD) in very abusive ways, and seemingly had no more empathy for me after I reached the point I needed a lot of emotional support, and my emotions were found to be annoying and inconvenient to her.
Post-Teenager has said fucked up things like denying that the genocide of political prisoners in North Korea is happening or has happened in the past. During this particular debate, which happened while she was actually sitting in the very chair I'm in now, when I stated that I believed forced abortion to be one of the worst things women in those kinds of countries had to go through, she sneered derisively at me and stated, "Ugh, if you think that's the worst thing that's ever happened to women, you're an ignorant liberal" and made me cry.
I mean, there's honestly so much fucked up shit. Going through the skype logs now is pretty emotional, because its just so obvious that she never really cared unless I was giving her attention that she liked. I'm not proud of a lot of things I said, and a lot of the ways I was unrepentantly clingy towards her because of my mental health issues, I'm not trying to claim I was a saint or that I'm totally normal and well adjusted, because I'm absolutely not.
But the facts are the facts, this blog is not a troll. This is a real person, a real person with abusive potential, and a clear lack of empathy for others that do not constantly praise her. I'm considering publishing some of the skype logs relating to her admitting things like, "All transphobes should be killed and I'm not sorry." I may not though.
I don't want to give her fodder to doxx me, or otherwise try to bite back, and the fact is most things in my skype logs relating to her hateful stance are things that she will put on her blog these days, though she seems to have toned down harassing other people and saying things like "fascists should be pushed into traffic."
Speaking of harassment though, I actually have been going around and sending some messages to the people that Post-Teenager will harass, trying to explain that they should really just not regard her as its her intention to be antagonistic and get any kind of attention.
One of the more screwed up ones I recently encountered was a lesbian blogger that attempted to explain why a trauma related reason for her not dating trans women is not transmisogynistic. Post-Teenager set off such a campaign of harassing her over being transmisogynistic that she was incredibly upset. Of course, after explaining in detail she was raped when she was 9 years old and cannot control her trauma, Post-Teenager immediately deflected to something completely different to try and ding her for "ableism" or something.
She is actually pretty smart, very well read in Marxist theory, but her techniques are from her own admission actually from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
In particular, she likes to follow through on this point: "RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)"
In conclusion, this is absolutely real and its about as deranged and worrisome as you all think. She is an abusive individual that absolutely believes in her perceived superiority over everyone else. She's a tyrant and I advise anyone remotely interested in Marxism to stay far, far away, because she has no bones about hurting her own comrades if they're not "red" enough.
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