"Me either! I'm.. here.. physically not mentally just yet."
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Oh, you know….surviving. How are you? I thought I wasn’t going to see you again!
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"I.. yes, District Twelve. I had nothing to do with anything though, but yet everyone is assuming so."
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"Well, to be fair, you do come from the place that is the enemy. If you didn’t look upset as you do I’d be questioning you. Aren’t you an escort or something from one of the upper districts?”
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"Useful?! Everyone thinks I am the enemy! Me! I haven't done a thing wrong! How on earth am I supposed to be useful?"
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"Well, we have quite a bit longer. You’ll have to get used to it, or make yourself useful."
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"Portia, darling! How have you been?!"
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Effie?! Is that really you?!
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"Effie.. District Twelve escort.. Gloss.. yes." She nodded remembering the name. 
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"Gloss, from District 1. One of your precious victors." 
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"I - I am yes. And who are you?"
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"My hunch is that you’re from the Capital, isn’t it?"
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" I don't know how much longer I can take it here! It's so.. dull."
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