the-rat-bandit · 3 days
Oh this hit all my red flags, I've torn down 3 already just walking Malaya to the park
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the-rat-bandit · 6 days
As you should
the owner of the sailing school took me aside and told me i am really good with kids. i suspect this was because she was not around when i called a six year old a wet bastard today
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the-rat-bandit · 6 days
A customer contacted our team with questions, and then finished their email with: "I am daunted by the complexities and unknowns." I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.
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the-rat-bandit · 6 days
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happy Thursday the 20th
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the-rat-bandit · 6 days
firefox just started doing this too so remember kids if you want to stream things like netflix or hulu over discord without the video being blacked out you just have to disable hardware acceleration in your browser settings!
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the-rat-bandit · 13 days
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when i see people express sentiments like this, my thought is pretty much “who exactly are you trying to prove a point to?” the democrats? if trump gets elected, they’re going to be completely sidelined if not worse and will be entirely focused on trying to get back in power and i can tell you they will NOT be moving further left. netanyahu? it’s a BETTER outcome for him if trump wins since trump is SIGNIFICANTLY more pro-israel than biden has ever been. the people in gaza? they need a ceasefire which has been rejected by both the israel and the hamas sides multiple times and a trump win WILL NOT make that a stronger possibility.
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the-rat-bandit · 13 days
"men don't need to be afraid walking around at night"
Unless they're black
"men make more than women in jobs"
Black men make less than white women on average
"men don't get followed around by people who mean them harm"
Black men are heavily policed and regularly jumped and killed for just walking down the street
"no one tells a man what he can and cannot do with his own body"
Black men are repeatedly assaulted and have their hair forcibly shaved or cut for wearing their hair natural and in culturally important styles. Black men who choose body modifications like tattoos or piercings are branded as thugs. Black men who have children and black men who don't have children are both regarded as players, hounddogs, absent fathers, and baby daddies, as if the logical answer is that no one's first choice of partner and father of their children would ever be a black man.
"no one judges a man's worth based on his clothes"/"a man isn't ever in danger no matter what he wears"
Black men are required to look presentable and professional according to eurocentric standards, push themselves into clothes not made for their bodies, and be highly uncomfortable in their daily lives or else risk 'fitting the profile' or 'matching the description' and getting detained by police AT BEST for the crime of existing in public. Black men wearing comfortable clothes are seen as sloppy, thugs, gangsters, street rats, hood and ghetto.
"no man fears rape"
The rape and sexual assault of black men ties directly to black buck stereotypes and black fetishization to the point where liking a black person or having your dating pool be open to black people is treated like a sexuality much like being gay. People are both threatened by and aroused by our bodies and that leads them to perform extreme acts of violence on us, including rape, SA, coercion, trafficking, and more. Much like how "tranny" and "lesbian" is a porn category, so is Big Black Cock. Sometimes with us featured as the rapist. Sometimes with us featured as the victim. Almost never with us featured as intimate, passionate, loving, tender. Black men are either to be feared and reviled, or to be broken and forced to submit. Direct ties to slavery with white people still getting off to our suffering.
Just say you don't care as much about black people's suffering and go, jesus.
I have privilege because I sometimes pass as a man? Try walking in my shoes for a while. Turns out being a black man vs being a black woman isn't always so different.
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the-rat-bandit · 14 days
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Ill taken this
ID: Gif of a red and white tabby on a windowsill partially obscured by a black curtain grabbing at a curtain string
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the-rat-bandit · 14 days
tumblr removed my header which was literally just this image
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the-rat-bandit · 15 days
so matt's absolutely giving scorched earth orders behind the scenes right. Not only are publically visible transfems dropping like flies, but every third person who musters up the audacity to comment negatively on Staff or Matt about this vanishes fucking instantly
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the-rat-bandit · 15 days
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she has been pickled for her crimes
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the-rat-bandit · 16 days
One thing I look forward to about being aroace and childless is that "You'll change your mind when you're older" and "You just haven't met the right person yet" probably gets more ridiculous the older you get. Like, try saying this shit to a 40 year old. You'll look like a fucking clown.
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the-rat-bandit · 16 days
Reblog this if you support sex-averse and sex-repulsed aces, including:
Aces who never want to have sex
Aces who had sex in the past but don't desire it anymore
Aces with sexual trauma who feel like their trauma ties into their asexuality
Aces with sexual trauma who don't feel like their trauma caused their asexuality
Aces who don't want to talk to you about sex
Aces who don't want to hear about sex
Yes even aces who do not want to engage with any sexual content and don't want it in their own personal spaces
Yes even aces who express the desire to have more spaces for queer adults where their boundaries are met (on top of the queer spaces that exist, we do not want to sanitize your existing spaces ffs)
If you cannot be normal about these people existing, if you believe they're a threat to our community and to how we're viewed by people who aren't aspec and the rest of the LGBTQ+ community, you are not an asexual ally. Yes, even if you're aspec yourself. Especially if you're aspec yourself.
Because it's been pride month for 4 days and I'm already seeing people trying to throw us under the bus or pretend we don't exist because that makes the ace community more palatable to exclusionists and people who swallowed too much "aces are puritans" propaganda.
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the-rat-bandit · 22 days
shout out to all the bitches NOT having gay sex this pride month
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the-rat-bandit · 22 days
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the-rat-bandit · 29 days
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the-rat-bandit · 29 days
to be honest it would make me a lot more comfortable if you guys would show a little concern about trump running for president again. Do not inbox me and say you don’t like joe biden omg i already know. but can we show a little concern. about donald trump. being the republican candidate for president. for the third election in a row.
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