//Work has been draining me for the past week, so I haven’t been on, but I am off tomorrow and the day after so I will be here, somewhat, so I have things drafted, I’ll get to them asap.//
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Delta snorted some before growling when the transport ws started up. It was time to move.
He watched her quietly still “Ugh that seems so…. invading” he frowned
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owen and baby raptors. <3
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The raptor grumbled and her thoughts were projected through the device. Most were words that her Alpha had said on separate occasions towards his boss and idiots that came near the raptors in a cocky fashion that almost got bit.
He frowned watching the raptor sympathetically “man..”
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The little hatchling made a little noise while looking up at the shadow that blocked the lights. Her eyes were dilated and so she couldn’t make out features currently. She laid there and peeped before rumbling when something touched her and petted her. Letting her know things were alright since she didn’t know what was going on.
Owen Grady’s experience with child birth was zero to none unless you counted waiting in a hospital while his mom gave birth. Which he really didn’t because he hadn’t seen anything. And he was sure if he had, he was sure it wouldn’t be like watching a baby velociraptor break of her shell and roll around on the nest they had made.
“They’re cuter than I expected.” He leaned over, making sure she got a good view of him. It was important that she see him so that she could imprint on him. “Hey girl.” His finger came up, slowly inching towards her to pet her.
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Delta growled and moved to settle down and wait while the transport was started up. She didn’t like these things, she fell more often than not.
“I don’t see why not” he said softly watching Delta frowning a bit
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// work. 8 hour shift //
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Delta squeaked at the human and flicking her tail. The scientists around the place muttered too Kelly about her DNA structure being more avian than others, such as her sisters for one. It made her more bird like while still giving her the raptor genome aspect. Delta tilted her head around in emphasis while she looked to see what the humans nearby were doing, seeing if they had food.
Okay, really cute.  Kind of like a normal baby animal. Not at all like something that would be lethal in less than a year.  Kelly let out a little laugh at the squeaking sound the raptor made, amused by the little creature.  “You’re not so bad are you? At least not yet.”
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I was brought here. Delta stated while puffing up some in defense. She and her sisters were brought to this island after theirs was evacuated. Her Alpha brought them to this island. To keep them safe from the I-Rex that was on the loose.
Certainly not a native of the Island, if it were not already obvious, the small beast not knowing what and who Gojira was certainly confirmed it further. All monsters of the Island knew who Gojira was, friend or foe, from the grand and divine Mothra, to the wretch King Ghidorah.
They call me King of Monsters,
So the humans did indeed call him such,
And Gojira. Godzilla. And what are YOU doing on my island?
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carnifiix is a marvelous Rexy roleplayer. I feel that Rexy truly lives through her mun’s writing and has a special place within the hearts of other roleplayers that interact with her.
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“Almost” the scientist said, “We just need a watcher for her, can you be that watcher until Owen arrives to the pen to take her?” Delta clawed at the door while they were talking and made an indent from her clawed feet.
Tony rolled his eyes watching them then looking at Delta frowning again “We almost done or what?”
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Her tail flicked a few time while she watched the scientist from where she was in the little enclosure. She made head swiveled around to the side to look up at him then she noticed the pebble coming towards her. Delta squeaked at it then growled before jumping to it and started to play around with the tiny rock. Her clawed feet toed it around then made it skip a few centimeters to her other foot.
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I don’t know how long I’ve been around compared to that, I now I was here for... maybe three season changes.... at least that is what my Alpha called them. Delta said and looked at the trees.
You tend to have a lot of them when you have lived as long as I have, about half of my years there were no meatsacks on this island.
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You’ve matured well and have many stories I can see. Delta said and looked at the scars upon Tango’s body that she was able to get visuals on.
Around twenty some years, Tango wasn’t a spring chicken anymore and she had the battle scars to prove it, one scar was during the chasing the meatsacks where she rammed her head into a metal cabinet trying to get to a young girl.
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How long is that? Delta quirked and flicked her tail as she was interested in knowing.
I knew her since before the humans even came back to this island.
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The egg was still in the incubator for most of the day. But at some point, it began to twitch, shake and move. The little raptor inside was starting to make movements to get out of the egg, looking to be hatched and born today if she could help it. 
Little claws moved against the shell and worked at cracking the layer of protection around her. It was hard, it didn’t give and she had to break a hole with her little claws before curling them and trying to make the hole bigger. Cracks spread in the shell when the little raptor pushed and broke at the protection before a sizable chunk fell off and light shined on the little one.
Her muzzle was seen first and she made a little noise before snuffling at the air. She clawed at the egg’s shell more, cracking more of it and trying to get out. It didn’t last much longer when more pieces fell, showing her face and eye. Her head moved and she was able to shift and break the shell with her body before she rolled out into the incubator and made cries and cheeps at the cool air.
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I’m not close to her enclosure, I just know of her since we have been transported past her territory several times when the humans were still around.
Her and I have an uneasy truce and we stay away from each other’s territory. pretty good arrangement.
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