the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally finished painting her side when she looked outside before back at him. "I think I'm going to go job hunting today Jack." She said with a small smile to him. "I think I need to look into the seamstress department." She nodded. "I hope you don't mind me cutting out early?"
We can live like Jack and Sally
“It’s not so much what you did,” he said, not knowing how to articulate it. “It’s more of… you just being there. Like, just seeing you every day helped me remember that I can do this. That it’s not that hard. If this girl can escape an asylum and get to England with little money and almost no resources… then I can open a shop. It’s simple.” He shrugged.
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
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Ashley Greene & Ian Somerhalder
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
So so sorry for the OOC! But I don't think everyone uses aim and I just have a quick thing. If anyone is looking for an rp partner, I have Sally wandering London in my dabbles. Or you can message me. I'm not sure who's really roleplaying with who so I'm making this small ooc just in case someone is looking! 
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
When he mentioned her escape she seemed to stop moving. Thinking about it didn't help her. She hurt people, she broke laws, she left her mother without a word even though her mother had lied to her, and that poor woman's car was most likely stolen after she left it. 
Sally stared at the chalkboard paint before realizing that she was too still and too quiet. "Well...I'm glad that I could help." She said flashing a tiny smile to him.
We can live like Jack and Sally
“It’s not so much what you did,” he said, not knowing how to articulate it. “It’s more of… you just being there. Like, just seeing you every day helped me remember that I can do this. That it’s not that hard. If this girl can escape an asylum and get to England with little money and almost no resources… then I can open a shop. It’s simple.” He shrugged.
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
A walk around London...part 2
Once Sally had finished watched the Florists buzz about getting ready for a lucky couples wedding, she decided to walk some more. Just to take in the sites. It didn't hit her before but she was in London. London. One of the most beautiful cities in the world after she had been locked away in a pure white prison. Granted she had money problems and emotional problems she had to work out, but the bright side was that she could have a whole new start. A whole new world of color. Like everyone she knew she was going to have to work really hard to make money and simply live. But the moment she just looked around, she couldn't help but smile.
That's when the calming music hit her ears. She gave an odd face, a mixture of confusion yet curiosity lied with it, before she turned around to see a large church was right behind her. She looked up at this huge, intimidating building. The stone walls, the gargoyals, the statues of praying women and of angels, the tall black metal fences with they're looming gates. But, the soft music caught her attention. Such a soft warming sound coming from such a scary place.
Slowly she pushed the gate open and stepped inside, she glanced around in fear that she was doing something wrong. But she wanted to get closer, to hear the music. She very slowly crept up towards the doors before she noticed the stained glass windows. 
They struck her, they were breathtaking. And the way the sun was hitting them right now made it look as if they were simply glowing. When her attention turned from the windows to the singing once more she took a seat on the steps. She closed her eyes and with time began to be able to make out the words. Now she wasn't religious, but the music was soothing. It was meant to sooth a troubled soul. And Sally was one troubled woman. 
She felt this sort of calmness from the singing. And for once she just seemed perfectly calm. It would only last a little while, and she knew this. But she would have five minutes of feeling safe...normal...sane. Then to just pass it by and keep going on terrified of her own shadow, scared of a boogie man that wasn't supposed to exist. 
This calmness, This was a form of blessing to her. A simple time where she can just sit and not think. Not feel fear or loneliness. 
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally was reading the newspaper as Jack brought everyone around. She was silent as she flipped through the pages and just read what was going on in the world. Before she got to anything juicy Jack walked back over and began to speak. She was quiet and listened to him as she soon folded up the newspaper and began to help him paint. 
"I really didn't do anything Jack...." She said as she looked over to him. "I just gave you an idea for the shop name." She said as she painted over the worn white wall. 
We can live like Jack and Sally
time skip
Jack’s keys jangled as he slid them into the lock. “Welcome,” he said to all the people following him, “to the Present Patch. Your job today will be to help me paint.” He smiled at all of them, but it faded when he got no reply. “You’re being paid.”
He was gone for a bit, showing everyone what parts needed painted what color, but when he got back to Sally, he smiled. “Everything’s gonna be great,” he said. He grabbed a paintbrush and started painting one of the walls with a special chalkboard paint. It was supposed to be around an open play area when everything was said and done. Kids could draw or write whatever they wanted, along with playing with the other toys that were laid out. “I’m really excited,” he said. “It’s so… different from how the shop was back home. And I’d like to thank you, you know. If it weren’t for you, I probably would have flipped out and quit a while ago.”
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
A walk around London...
Sally left Jack's apartment before even the sun was up. It wasn't like she slept anyway and she grew bored of just laying there. So she decided to just walk around, maybe learn her way around the streets. London in the morning, when no one was really around, was simply breathtaking. That small bit of light illuminated the linings of the buildings almost giving them some form of angelic glow. But with the angelic gow came the darker shadows, the shadows that simply set her off. Her stomach tossed and turned whenever she went near them.
In fact she was staring at one and walking when she accidentlly bumped into an elderly baker. She looked heavy Italian in nature and her hair was pure white and her eyes a deep blue color. She gave a smile as she just stepped inside and came back out giving Sally a croissant sandwich that had bacon, eggs, a bit of pepper and a pinch of salt. She gave Sally a smile before walking back into her bakery to start for the day.
"Wait..ma'am...I should...pay..." It was too late the woman was gone and Sally looked down at the food. She soon bit into it and a small smile crossed her face as she continued her stroll through London. She watched the morning shops, bakeries, coffee houses all start to wake up and thrive for the day. 
One place caught her attention right off the bat. She sat down in a bench and watched a flower shop just spring right to life. It was obvious they were getting ready to deliver flowers to a wedding so it was a nice little scene to watch. The people just kept going and going. Saying orders to one another and filling up this large white van. But every time one of the center pieces got to the van they thought something was wrong with it and quickly tried to right it. 
Sally giggled as she watched. She had to admit it was nice to see people act like this. After so long of being alone, simply watching people just...live. Made Sally thankful to be alive.
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
"Well..." Sally began. "I can make uniforms if you want me too. I've always had a talent for sewing. I can help painting if you need me too....The rest I might not be so good with." she chuckled lightly before she sat down next to him. "Thank you." she said with a smile to him.
"As for employee's...if London's economy is anything like the States then there will be people looking for work." 
We can live like Jack and Sally
He looked up at her and smiled, seeing as she was now clothed. “The Present Patch… I like it.” He looked down at the notebook and wrote it down, circling it. “Uhh, I think I’m gonna get the space. It’s a thousand a month, which all in all is a great price. It’s everything else that’s gonna be a lot of work. I have to get companies to sell from, and paint the place, and furnish it, and get employees, and advertising and…” he rubbed his head. “Sorry. I’m a bit overwhelmed. Very, very excited, though.” He grinned at her. “Business… it’s a lot of work.”
He glanced at the TV momentarily, then patted the place next to him on the leather couch. “Would you like to join me?”
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally looked at Jack and turned ten shades dark red...of embarrassment. She watched him scurry off before she did the same. She grabbed her clothing from the bathroom and quickly slipped into her undergarments. She then pulled on a pair of black pajama pants with small little rag doll bears on them and a black tank top. She brushed her hair then ruffled the stray drops out of it before she slipped back out towards the living room.
She heard Jack speaking to himself as she paused and thought for a bit. She pursed her lips together and placed her hands on her hips before giving a chant of her head. "What about The Present Patch?" It was a play on a Pumpkin Patch but instead it was presents.
We can live like Jack and Sally
Jack heard a screaming from the hallway and came running. “Are you okay Sall…” he noticed her lack of clothing and turned a bright red, “…y?” He gulped. He’d seen a fair share of naked women in his day, but it was never one of his close friends. He turned around quickly. “I, uhh. I’m sorry.” Then he scurried off.
He plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. He’d gotten an appointment, and the shop was almost surely going to be his, unless there was a problem with his credit. He flipped open a notebook and started brainstorming ideas for the toyshop. “Jack’s Toyshop… no. Toy King? Definitely not. Argh,”
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally watched him leave the room as she looked around. She wanted to say thank you to him again but he was on the phone by the time she managed to find her voice. Unpack, that sounded good. But first she really wanted to take a shower. She rummaged though her large bag, deciding just to take out clean clothing and undergarments. She'll unpack the rest later.
She stepped into the bathroom and looked around. She held a towel on top of her clothing as she soon turned on the hot water and found a good temperature. Then she stripped herself of her clothing and slipped into the water to bathe.
When she turned the water off, she didn't know how long a time had passed. But it felt so good. She wrapped a towel around herself and dabbed her hair dry. But as she did this, a spider slowly crept down from the ceiling and landed on her shoulder. She froze feeling something crawling and soon looked over. With a loud shriek she ran out of the bathroom and began to flail about trying to get the spider off. THANKFULLY, the towel remained around her body and hiding it, but she was no longer in the secured bathroom. The spider was long gone, most likely having lost it's life bravely during the flailing fit.
We can live like Jack and Sally
When they were done, he brought her to his 2 story apartment and gave her a tour. “…and this… is your room.” he said, smiling. “Mine’s right across the hall. The bathroom’s connected to both of them. You can stay as long as you like, Sal. I consider you one of my closest… well, I consider you my only friend. You’re always welcome here.” He looked down at the carpeted floor, embarrassed. “Uhh, I… I’ll leave you to unpack. I’m here if you need anything.” He left the room to go call the company that was renting out a little shop a block away. He hoped that could be where he’d open the store.
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally lowered her head a bit as he mentioned knee pads but quickly her face turned a light shade of pink as he winked. She gave a small shy smile before she looked at the woman and stood silently and awkwardly. She looked to Jack, very thankful that he had taken over for her. She followed along before looking around the office. 
When his hand touched hers though her head shot down and a deep blush appeared. She glanced up at him before giving him a smile back, letting the blush slowly fade away.
We can live like Jack and Sally
“You know,” he said, “I should get you some knee pads to wear so you don’t get hurt when you fall.” He winked.
A woman came up to them with a huge grin. “Is there anything I can help you with today?”
He was almost certain Sally would be scared, not having to talk to strangers very often where she had been living. “Yes, we’d like to exchange USD for Euros, if that’s okay.”
“Certainly,” she said. They followed her into an office and he rested a hand on top of one of Sally’s to comfort her. He gave her a reassuring smile.
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally flailed lightly as he took her bags. "Wait...Jack..." She said meekly to the man but had thing deep seeded belief that no matter how she protested, he would carry them anyway. So she silenced herself and trotted after him. 
At the mention of her breaking out her eyes went wide and she actually tripped over a small pebble. She fell right onto her front with a small grunt. She made sure to get back on her feet as quickly as possible and to dust herself off. "I...had to...I couldn't stand being there anymore...All that white..." She shivered at the thought. She looked up at his apartment and blinked. "Very nice." she said as she soon grew a tad bit dizzy looking upwards so much. She then stepped inside with a smile. "thank you."
We can live like Jack and Sally
“Well, it’s no bother, if you want to save the money, and I’d love to have you. But if you’d rather not…” he faded off. He really would love to have her around, but he didn’t want to push. “Umm, my flight was normal. I fly a lot.” He shrugged. “Oh, there’s a bank around the corner that can do the exchange. Shall I escort you?” he asked, grinning.
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally lightly rubbed her arm. "Oh well um..." Saving money sounded far better then he would know. She really didn't have much, only what she had stolen and her savings. "I suppose...if you're willing...I'd enjoy staying for a bit." She said with a smile. She turned her head in the direction the bank should of been. "Please...I've already gotten lost." She chuckled lightly.
We can live like Jack and Sally
“Well, it’s no bother, if you want to save the money, and I’d love to have you. But if you’d rather not…” he faded off. He really would love to have her around, but he didn’t want to push. “Umm, my flight was normal. I fly a lot.” He shrugged. “Oh, there’s a bank around the corner that can do the exchange. Shall I escort you?” he asked, grinning.
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally smiled to herself when he spoke before she shook her head. "Oh um...Don't worry about me! I mean..I might need a place to stay but you shouldn't worry about that...I have some money for a hotel room....I just need to find the place where I can change dollars to euros." She puckered her lips remembering her desperate search. She then noticed one of her bags had opened revealing three outfits that she was making, but they only got half way finished. "oops." She quickly zipped up the bag before looking back up at him. "The flight was fine...Shorter then I expected...and smoother. How was yours?" Trying to pull him from the topic of her needing a place to stay. She didn't want to put the man out in any way.
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We can live like Jack and Sally
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“I needed to make a life for myself. I got an apartment a couple blocks away. Oh gosh, I’m sorry. How was the flight? Do you need a place to stay?” He was happy to see her, but also worried about his friend — one of his only friends, and she was here. “I have plenty of room, if you want to stay at my place.” He scratched his head. “It’s great to see you.”
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally let out a small yelp as someone bumped into her. When her bum hit the floor she rubbed her head a bit. After so long in the institution, her body was fairly weak and she felt the fall a bit more then normal. But at the voice she blinked. "J...Jake?" She stuttered out before he helped her up. "Oh!" She hurried to help him with her things. "I...I...um...well...It's a long story..." She said as she glanced around nervously. "To put it shortly...I had to leave the states..." She stared down at the floor. "What are you doing here?"
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We can live like Jack and Sally
Jack was looking for an empty shop along the streets of London, around where the airport was, when he literally bumped into someone, sending both of them to the ground. He looked up and found that it was an old friend from his times of travelling. “S-sally?” he asked. “What are you doing here?” He helped her to her feet and picked up her bags.
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Sally in London.
The plane finally landed and Sally walked off. She walked though the airport but her stomach rumbled. She stopped and looked around before she realized she had to change her American Money to English Money. After that buying a small lunch shouldn't be too bad. 
She began to walk around trying to find out where she was supposed to go. She was a tad bit lost and was scared to actually talk to any of the security. She was terrified they were looking for her. Maybe she should just leave into the streets, but then again it's the airport. The smartest place to switch currency would be here.
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the-rag-doll-sally-blog · 12 years
Ho snap I am sorry for not being on. I have a few crazy weekends coming up and soon I might need to take a few days because my mom is due back in surgery. When I do take that Hiatus I will make sure everyone knows but please bare with me. I'll be on all weekdays but when the weekend comes I might not be on so much.
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