this summer’s gonna hurt like a motherfucker || maroon 5
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Put your name in the tags.
*when you follow and talk to ppl for months and don't know their damn name*
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Reblog if you're a Life is Strange RPer.
I’ll be creating a Life is Strange master list.
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Finish this phrase in my askbox: "What's with the...?"
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Some LIS tarot cards I’ve done so far for fun
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The blonde let out a small, muffled chuckle through her pursed lips as she hung her head in defeat. There was no use in resisting, especially if she ended up landing on the ground, head first. She curiously squeezed Victoria’s biceps, feeling the hard muscle. “ Impressive, you could be a bodybuilder at this point. “
A high pitched yelp sounded from Rachel as she was suddenly lifted off of the ground. She was about to nail her attacker in the face, until she recognized who committed the crime. The blonde arched a eyebrow as she narrowed her eyes at the other blonde, pressing her lips together to stifle a laugh. “ You’ve got a surprising amount of muscle. “
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Her amber eyes rapidly shot around the room, never looking in one direction for too long, as she sensed the paranoia creeping back into her system, its whispers haunting her. He could be here any moment, and kill the girl who stood in front of her, and she would lay still, dead within seconds. “ ...Please, please hurry, Ally! What time is it? Hurry! “  The blonde cried out to the other girl as she began to pull against her restraints, her eyes showing her emotions of panic settling in.
“What have they done to you?” //secretive Ally comin in to save the day?
Send me “What have they done to you?” for my muse’s response to yours finding them shackled and chained in a small The Dark Room.
As soon as the blonde heard a familiar voice, her eyes widen, her hanging head stood low, but she was awake now. She felt like hell, the dark circles hanging below her eyes and the death within them flashed off with just a glimpse.
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She met eye contact with the other girl in front of her, her face holding something grim and dark. “ …Ally? He’s going to be back soon, you need to go. “ Rachel frantically pulled against her restraints, her eyes now wide with panic, and glimmered with something unreadable. 
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( X ;; Punk Babe. )
Grumbling, she pushed Rachel’s hand away from her face. “Tell you what? I just said I’m not nervous.”
Rachel grinned as she cocked her head to the side, giving off a mischievous aura. “ Yeah, you’re right, you’re just grumpy. “ She teasingly pinched the bluenette’s cheek.
"Do I make you nervous?"
Nervous Starters.
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Rachel chuckled out loud as she folded her arms across her chest. “ No, but you being pretty doesn’t help. “ She had a mischievous expression playing upon her features. 
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[I'm alive! I can't roleplay until the weekend, but just updating you all. :D]
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You wanna find out some personal shit?
1. Any scars?
2. Self harmed?
3. Crush?
4. Kissed anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
6. Someone you hate?
7. Best Friends?
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
9. What's your dream job?
10. Ever been in love?
11. Last time you cried?
12. Favorite color?
13. Height?
14. Birthday?
15. Eye color?
16. Hair color?
17. What do you love?
18. Obsession?
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
20. Do you love someone?
21. Kiss or hug?
22. Nicknames people call you?
23. Favorite song?
24. Favorite band?
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
27. Something you would change about yourself?
28. Ever dated someone?
29. Worst mistake?
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
31. Ever had a heartbreak?
32. Favorite show?
33. Best day of your life?
34. Any talents?
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
36. Any bad habits?
37. Ever had a near death experience?
38. Someone I can tell anything to?
39. Ever lost a loved one?
40. Do you believe in love?
41. Someone you hate/Dislike?
42. Are you okay?
43. Relationship status?
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“Smurf Balls”
[8/24/15, 2:31:59 PM] (♚) #Noot Noot: i’ll take pics w/ u tho, rach. 😘 [8/24/15, 2:32:17 PM] Rachel in The Dank Room: 😒 [8/24/15, 2:32:26 PM] Rachel in The Dank Room: fuk off fuckboi [8/24/15, 2:34:36 PM] (♚) #Noot Noot: tch. apparently you mentioned me in that letter so — [8/24/15, 2:35:51 PM] Rachel in The Dank Room: tch indeed, you don’t know who the hell I was talking about [8/24/15, 2:35:55 PM] Rachel in The Dank Room: so — [8/24/15, 2:35:58 PM] Rachel in The Dank Room: suck it [8/24/15, 2:36:04 PM] Rachel in The Dank Room: 😘 [8/24/15, 2:36:17 PM] canadianxsummer: c: [8/24/15, 2:36:32 PM] Rachel in The Dank Room: also you especially fuck off too [8/24/15, 2:36:39 PM] canadianxsummer: :c [8/24/15, 2:36:59 PM] The Price of Gays: I’m sure you sucked something
Keep reading
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trigger warnings apply! ( mental illness, drugs and alcohol use, self-destructive behaviours, and vomiting )
“You haven’t slept for days, have you?” “Are you eating properly? You don’t look it.” “Why do you keep stumbling over your words? Just how tired are you?” “You need to think about yourself every once in a while.” “I know your work is important, but you’re going to end up in hospital if you go on like this!” “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” “You look so… empty. I’m worried for you, please talk to me.” “Are you alright in there? You’re so quiet.” “How did you get these bruises? Please don’t lie to me.” “There’s something bothering you that you’re not telling me and I can see it slowly destroying you. What happened?” “You’re sleep deprived and you haven’t been eating. Why do you think you’re feeling dizzy?” “I can give you some pills to help you sleep. They aren’t healthy, but this is even less healthy.” “If you didn’t just blink I would’ve sworn you were dead, that’s how sickly you’re looking. Go to bed, please!” “Have you drank all of these bottles in one weekend?!” “I know you don’t want this, but it’s for your own good. Sign the papers so they can pick you up tomorrow and you can get clean.” “What the hell are you doing?! Did you do that to yourself?!” “When was the last time you left the house? Or opened the curtains for that matter.” “Here, just keep breathing. It’ll be okay. Better out than in…” “This can’t go on like this! You’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, you barely talk!” “I’m sorry. I went through your room and found this. Explain what the hell this is doing in your room!” “I thought you’d quit! How long have you been lying to me?” “I’m only trying to help and right now I think I have a much better idea of what you need than you do.” “Did you take anything? Why are you passing out? Hey! Stay with me!”
worried starters
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Steven Universe {Sentence Starters}
"I wanted all of us to have breakfast together."
"It uh... doesn't seem to wanna go away."
"Everyone’s counting on you, you can’t just be useless!"
"Well of course I can, I'm perfect!"
"Looks like we're gonna have to split up."
"It’s extremely powerful, we shouldn't have even brought it home."
"We’ll figure out something else, something even better."
"The doors and rooms here make no sense! They all bring you back here!"
"But remember — this is a serious mission."
"Ah, it's fading! How do I make it come back?!"
"We should've done this in the first place."
"Whoa! What magical place of mysteries is this?"
"In my defense, I forgot."
"Fine. Move aside, I’ll take care of this."
"I certainly hope that's not the attitude you have during battle."
"Are we really going to let him keep that?"
"That pizza wasn't even good."
"Maybe you should take the day off."
"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have yelled! But I can't stand to see you freaking out like this!"
"I know where you are. It's where you're going that concerns me!"
"What's the point of saving people if they're just gonna ban you from their pizza shops?"
"Humans find such fascinating ways to waste their time."
"No whining. We need to start cleaning up the debris."
"So what?! I'm not strong enough?!"
"I'll make them understand. I'll make them all understand."
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