the-peacock-witch · 7 months
Straw Into Gold - A Spell to Bring Wealth
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The little man took the necklace, seated himself before the wheel, and whirr, whirr, whirr! three times round and the bobbin was full; then he took up another, and whirr, whirr, whirr! three times round, and that was full; and so he went on till the morning, when all the straw had been spun, and all the bobbins were full of gold.
Intent: To bring wealth to the caster.
Ideal Timing: Waxing or Full Moon
Small glass jar
Empty thread bobbins or spools
Yellow or golden embroidery floss
Green or gold chime candle
Optional: Amber or orange oil
Most sewing or craft stores will sell empty spools or bobbins for sewing machines. Acquire three such spools or bobbins and enough yellow embroidery floss or sport-weight yarn to fill them.
After sundown, light a candle (yellow or green is ideal, but white works also) and sit down with the bobbins and floss. Focus on the candle flame and think of the way in which you would like money to come into your life.
Once you have the idea firmly in mind, begin winding the floss slowly around the bobbin and continue until it is full. Repeat until you have filled all three bobbins, then blow out the candle.
Anoint the three bobbins with orange or amber oil. Place them into a small jar and leave it somewhere it will not be disturbed. If the desired wealth does not come into your life within three months, or if you need more money, repeat the spell and add the three new bobbins to the jar.
- From The Sisters Grimmoire: Spells and Charms for Your Happily Ever After, 2nd ed., © 2017 by Bree NicGarran.
Want more fairy tale spells? Check out the masterpost here and visit my shop for spell kits!
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, tune in to my monthly show Hex Positive on your favorite podcast app, or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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the-peacock-witch · 3 years
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“An Irish Pub in France” (sent by a friend)… people honestly fucking hate us for no reason and consistently compare us to animals but I guess “Gypsy” isn’t a racial slur in Europe lmao /sarcasm
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the-peacock-witch · 3 years
FTR, there is no such thing as “ethically sourced” owl feathers. They (and most other wild bird feathers, nests, and body parts) are illegal to own as per the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, unless you’re an Indigenous American who needs them for religious purposes.
If you happen to find an owl feather on the ground, nobody’s going to come kicking down your door if you take it home (as long as you don’t go broadcasting the fact that you have owl feathers,) but it would still be inadvisable to pick them up. I don’t think Nyx would feel very honored by that in any case - after all, the MBTA was put in place to PROTECT owls and others at-risk birds from human encroachment. It would be better to respect that boundary in her name and stick to using only owl statues/imagery for your altar.
(This is mostly for North America, but most countries have laws protecting migratory birds and raptors nowadays, due to overhunting, poaching, and the exotic pet trade.)
would it be possible to get some nyx associations?? ♡ i would appreciate it greatly!!
of course, darling! i hope that these can help in some way, and that you’re having such a pleasant evening 😌✨🌙
♡ ethically sourced owl feathers; as well as statues and artwork
♡ crescent-shaped moon imagery 
♡ a dark altar cloth, twinkling fairy lights, and constellation charts
♡ midnight blue and silver coloured candles; selenite, moonstone, and black onyx crystals; and a silver chalice! 
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
green winter magick
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❄ pinecones : prosperity, abundance, new beginnings
❄ acorns : personal power, wisdom, youthfulness
❄ balsam fir : strength, breaking up negativity, insight
❄ cedar : confidence, money, protection
❄ cinnamon : spirituality, success, love
❄ clove : exorcism, money, protection
❄ fern : mental clarity, cleansing, purification
❄ ginger : sensuality, energy, liveliness
❄ juniper : attracting good health + good energy
❄ mistletoe : creativity, fertility, protection from ill will
❄ mugwort : instrospection, dreamwork, divination
❄ nutmeg : attracting money, prosperity, luck
❄ orange peel : love, divination, luck, money
❄ peppermint : healing, peace, restfulness
❄ rosemary : healing, preventing nightmares, faerie magick
❄ snowdrop : passing of sorrow
❄ valerian : dream magick, reconciliation, harmony
❄ wintergreen : good fortune
❄ yew : necromancy and death magick
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
“Different” is tempting fate.
“Different” does not translate to “better.” A “different situation” could easily be WORSE than the current one. See: Last January vs this January.
Don’t accidentally “different” your way into a financial loss or a hospital stay or a death in the family.
“Six months from now I will be in a BETTER situation.”
Make that happen.
“6 months from now I will be in a different situation.”
Speak it into existence.
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
What Native people say about the use of sage: you can use sage, but you cannot smudge as nothing you are doing (waving sage around) is actually smudging. Smudging is a ceremony and you are, we promise, not smudging. Please buy sage from either us, or someone who sources the sage from us. White sage may not be considered endangered by the US government but corperate sourcing is making it difficult for us to source sage for our own religious purposes. Let alone to sell it.
What white people hear: never use sage ever, don’t ever buy it, don’t own it, don’t even look at it.
Look, y’all. There’s a couple of facets to my talk today.
1) Yes! You can buy sage! You really, truly can! Buy it from either native sellers (go to a powwow! Eat our food, buy our stuff, watch some dancing!) Or buy it from a seller who sources the sage from native people. Pick one. And no, buying it from 5 Below doesn’t count.
2) you CANNOT smudge. This isn’t just you “shouldn’t”— this is a YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF SMUDGING. Waving a sage stick around your doorways IS NOT SMUDGING. It is smoke clensing. Smudging, depending on the tradition and tribe, could easily have dancing and drums involved. You, as a white person, do not have the cultural BACKGROUND to even know how it works. At all. Period.
3) please, for FUCKS SAKE, stop making posts here on tumblr where you tell other white people about cultural appropriation and what they can and cannot do. Please stop, your license has been revoked because none of you bother to get the facts right. We native people are FULLY CAPABLE OF DOING IT OURSELVES. Consider instead: a) reblogging our posts where we talk about it! We’re here! We have made posts!! b) Making a post that states what we said and then LINKS BACK TO US. Screenshot with a link if you must. Stop centering your own voices in these conversations. You are already centered in everything, stop centering yourselves in a native space.
I’m tired of this nonsense, y’all.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ™
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
Unless someone is Anishanaabe, or a member of a tribe with similar (CLOSED!!!) beliefs, they don’t have a “spirit animal.” Like smudging, that is a religious concept deeply tied to intensive rituals that are not open to non-Indigenous peoples.
Come on guys I know y’all know better than this.
What you’re looking for is explained by tumblr user @keuhkopussirotta​
Oh hey btw, while “totem animal” and “spirit animal” are native american concepts far more complicated than simply looking at a creature and going “mood.”, there’s a finnish concept of sieluneläin, soul animal, a creature that is alike to you in soul (in the finnish pagan spirituality, one’s soul is actually three things, henki, luonto and itse/sielu, out of which the last one is what is distinctly you, personality and temperament). The term soul animal no longer has ritual or religious meaning, and it can’t really be appropriated. If you see a corgi laying down in a creek just fucking letting water run over her because she can’t bother to move and think “same”, that’s your soul animal, and you’re completely free to use the term unless you’re swedish.
Do you have a spirit animal?
Me? I think I do. I feel a strong connection to cats of all kind. Big, small, any kind of cat. They seem to trust me a lot too. There are some cats that don’t like anyone but like me. Thanks for the ask 😁 I don’t get a lot of questions about me ❤️
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
Full Moon Ritual
Yes, tomorrow is a full moon. On Halloween. During a mercury and Uranus retrograde. The chaos is strong my friends. 
You’re probably feeling emotional and jittery. 
This is a great time to let things go. Make a list of what is not serving you. Cut the list into slips of paper. Burn them under the full moon while you imagine those things leaving your life. 
Do it physically too! Shake your body up and down and wiggle and jump around. Shake off all the stagnant negative energy keeping you feeling emotional and drained. 
Don’t forget to take care of yourself. The planets are all in a very weird alignment. A lot of people are feeling sluggish, overly tired even though they’re sleeping, and sensitive. Maybe take a bath or shower and allow the water to wash over you emotionally and spiritually while taking your worries down the drain. 
Symbolism means a lot. 
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
💧Emoji spell to summon fog and mist on the west coast 💧
If you can, please donate to fire relief organizations I will link below. Everything counts- even if it is just a few dollars. Put as much intention into this post as you possibly can. Pray, do a rain spell, send vibes, do anything. You have more power than you think, and collecting energy is what this post needs to make it work.
☔️California wildfire relief 👩🏿‍🚒
🌧Oregon wildfire relief🧑🏽‍🚒
🌦Washington wildfire relief 👨🏻‍🚒
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
A simple spell to help boost whatever it is you’re wishing for.
Likes to charge.
Reblogs to cast.
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
How to have a good relationship with nature spirits (from my experience)
Nature spirits are not fairies—they’re a distinct type of entity. Fairies are spirits of nature, but they’re not the same thing! A fairy is a being that resembles a human, and tends to be mischievous and volatile depending on their mood.
Nature spirits, on the other hand, are just cognizant blobs of earth energy. They don’t speak, nor do they really “interact” with people the way fairies do. Think of nature spirits as wild animals. They’re neutral, but if they perceive you as a threat, they can become dangerous.
I’ve come into contact with nature spirits who look like big round blobs the size of trash cans. Others manifest in swarms of insects shaped like people (kind of like spriggans—no joke!). Others are HUGE, like the size of several large trees! There’s a diverse collection of nature spirits in my backyard way out in the Ozarks. One of them looks like a shadowy sloth. There’s one that looks like an enormous bear spirit, and another that looks like a child caked in mud.
The key thing to remember is that these beings are manifestations of earth’s energy. Again, they’re like wild animals—they don’t speak, don’t act like fairies, and they don’t respond to offerings or altars in the same way. In fact, a lot of the time they DON’T like altars! So how do you nurture a healthy relationship with your local nature spirits
🌿TAKE CARE OF THE EARTH! More than anything else, nature spirits love it when you do anything that makes the earth a nicer place. This includes gardening, picking up trash, and cultivating land. Nature spirits WILL show up if you do any of these things. They seem to really like farming, as long as it isn’t destructive.
🌿 Take care of animals! Particularly farm animals like chickens, cows, sheep, etc. My local nature spirits are very interested in my chickens. They seem to like it when I take care of them, especially when I go out of my way to really nurture them and give them treats and care for them when they’re sick. Nature spirits love it when you extend kindness to animals.
🌿Little things like watering plants, feeding birds, planting a garden, picking up litter, and just spending time outdoors will attract nature spirits.
Nature spirits are very intelligent beings and they know if someone is gentle and kind or malicious. My local nature spirits love my mom, who’s one of the most naturey people I know, but they HATED my sister’s ex-boyfriend, who did things like burn small animals to death for fun (he was a nutcase). If you want to get on good terms with your local nature spirits, just do small things to beautify nature and show kindness to it. They will extend their blessings to you.
So why would you want to attract them at all? In my experience, my outdoor space feels more “alive” when they’re around. They make it feel less lonely, so in a way they can be attracted for companionship. Nature spirits also make the plants and animals healthier, and that can extend to humans in the form of good health. All in all, I like to have them around and I feel that they’re really good magical allies to have! Especially if you’re a green witch :)
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
Just putting this out there, but does anyone have any juniper berries they would be willing to part with? I have very little cash at the moment but I would be happy to discuss alternate payment methods if need be - perhaps a trade for some fabric?
(Seriously, I have SO MUCH fabric, y’all. Pretty much any color you could possibly want!)
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
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salamis parhassus
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
Quick Protection Ward
This is going to be a quick warding charm to protect your house or your room. I remember someone taught it to me when I was younger but I don’t remember who. Anyway, all you need is:
A small glass jar or vial with a lid
Salt, Caraway seeds, or beans (I like rosary beans). 
Black ribbon or cord (optional)
Make sure you have enough supplies for both entrances to your house (or just one if you’re protecting your dorm room.) Fill the container with the grain of your choice (you could combine grain types) and repeat this 3 times while focusing on your intent:
“Count the grains, never the same. Count the grains, or leave in shame.”
The idea is that whatever unkindness that is trying to come into your house will first have to successfully count the grains before they can enter. But you’ve also cursed the grains so the number will always be different and thus impossible to count. This was originally a ward against evil spirits. Salt is very protective. This also works against theft, especially if you use caraway seeds. Stay safe everyone!
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the-peacock-witch · 4 years
Quick idea I had and need to note down before I forget it:
a witch bottle designed not to harm the incoming energies (like most witch bottles seem to be with their nails, thorns and black pepper) or block them (like the protective witch bottles I’ve seen with rosemary and basil), but filter and transmute.
Somebody throwing bad luck at you? Great, you’re giving me energy, I’ll filter it and change it into a blessing. 
“When life gives you lemons” sort of idea, inspired by a post I’ve seen floating around about that witches shouldn’t ground bad energy, but filter it and transmute it, because earth can only take so much negative. 
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