the-onyx-dragon · 7 hours
I couldn't stop thinking about the car scene
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explanation for what's going on here
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the-onyx-dragon · 7 hours
oooooo people asking about lore? Time to add on
The dream nail and tail were giving at the same time aka after the dreamers try lock them also in a dream and the seer shows Alex how to work the dream nail but can’t show Clyde how to use the dream tail bc none in the moth tribe actually- had the tails to use it so seer tells them to find the old ant (or as I’ve been calling her lore ant)- she’s old enough to remember when veldiguns were apart of hollownest and she’s the one who gives Alex and Clyde the faithful partners charms too
for the hollow dreams Au, is there a reason Clyde has the dream nail at the end of its tail? It it connected to the moth tribe in some way?
Nervously looking away
It was cut off. So we're it's claws.
Alr since I'm definitely gonna be forgetting this later, might as well explain some bits of lore:
-Veldigun while they are it's own species of bugs, are based on specific bug types that already exist in Hallownest, such as Simon in the comic looking like cloth(that was mainly my inspo of his design i love cloth), and Winfrey being a butterfly (because the antennas while not intentional reminded me of butterflies and also because yes) Clyde isn't based on a moth.
For the Ask:
-Clyde has the dream nail on it's tail to make up for the short length of the tail that had been cut off, and that me and Onyx decided that Clyde would also fight dream bossess alongside Alex (because their whole ordeal is being inseparable in this story)
I just wanted to explain some bits of Veldigun lore and this ask was the excuse i needed /lh /j
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the-onyx-dragon · 20 hours
i like to imagine alex just sucks at dating but somehow at the same time they are really good at it by accident
like their rizz is so bad it loops back into irresistibly
also imagine that they are incredibly oblivious, so they don’t realize that 1. they just stopped the hardest pickup line of 1984 and 2. it worked
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the-onyx-dragon · 1 day
Remember when I promised all my one shots would come with art? I lied. ANOTHER DOAI X RE CROSSOVER BE UPON THEE!
The folie of deux au x resident evil
Leon dove below a desk. Holding his breath he heard the sound of heavy boots slowly approaching the door. The door creaked open.
"Leon?" It said, "helloooo..." it began to wonder around the room. There would be footsteps, then they would stop, things would be shuffled around, then it would continue searching. This thing wearing Alex's skin just appeared and began stalking him! Like that freakish super soldier from the police station. It knew his name, but that wasn't his cousin. No. It was some freakish mind controling parasite or something!
Leon heard it stop again. The sound of a book being slid from a shelf was heard before the brief flipping of pages.
"No. Nothings wrong. I just find books inturesting."
"Yeah... so. It seems he isn't in here."
"I know, but maybe you saw wrong!"
"Ugh! I don't even know what you like about the guy. I get he's your cousin and all, but he carries those gun things and keeps running."
"You're right. We aren't exactly what you used to be."
"Yeah... sorry..."
A one sided conversation, and it sounded regretful. Leon felt his shoulders relax, "your cousin" it said. Was it talking to Alex? Is Alex still in there? Leon shook himself. Maybe they were still there, but they have no control. He can't risk his life. Even if there was a sliver of a chance at saving them, he couldn't risk it.
The footsteps started again, moving away from his hiding spot. Soon the door creeked open, and the creature exited with the door slamming behind it. Leon listened as the footsteps slowley, but surely, became quieter and quieter. He let out a sigh of relief. Slowly creeping out of his hiding spot, he made his way to the door. Leon pressed his ear to the door, nothing, its safe.
Leon slowly made his way through the halls of the old office building. He hasn't found whatever Lankmann wanted him to find, but whatever it was can't be this hard to find. "It will revolutionize my research," he had said, "A matter of combining the two most optimal forms." Leon didn't believe it. Its probably going to result in a zombie apocalypse he'll have to clean up again...
He searched through some cabinets and desks. It would have really helped if they told him what he was looking for. Turning to leave he was only met with the tall lanky figure of what used to be his cousin. It basicly towered over him despite slouching. Black sludge dripped down half it's face, a glowing blue eye peaked through the curtain of slime. Clawed hands hung at it's sides, and the rest of their figure was shrouded in a black trench cout.
It smiled, "there you are!"
Leon tried to run, he really did, but it gripped his arm. A monstrously strong grip. He wanted to scream, yell for help, cry, but he couldn't. There was no one who would answer. The creature pulled him in, he struggled to no avail, and it just hugged him. A kind and firm hug. One that Leon hadn't felt in a long time.
Despite all his instincts telling him not to, Leon melted into the hug. He must be touch starved to take even the smallest form od affection from the mutated form of what used to be his best friend. "I missed you." It said.
"What?" Leon stepped back. The glowing eye was gone, instead he was faced with Alex's normal green eye on the right side of their face.
"I missed you. It's been years!"
"You were able to talk this entire time and you never did!?"
Alex laughed, "sorry sorry! Winfrey likes her freedom! It was pretty spooky though, wasn't it?"
"Yeah... it was."
"Ugh, yeah. Sooooo..."
"Wanna grab something to eat and catch up? I know a place willing to make our burgers raw!"
Leon took note of the sharp teeth, carnivorous. Leon has seen weirder,
My list of potention crossovers is extensive. I am also on a 9hr road trip rn and the most well behaved person is my 1yo niece. She's just straight vibin.
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the-onyx-dragon · 1 day
Pspspspspsps hey....sitcom community
I've finally done it
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the-onyx-dragon · 2 days
Honestly same-
I would like to pet the flock
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the-onyx-dragon · 3 days
mom says it’s my turn on the writing
Alex rushed into the house, breathing heavily. Clyde stirred underneath the table where they were sleeping.
“Sandwich human, what’s going on?” Clyde asked, emerging from under the table with a cat-like stretch. It’s human was breathing heavily, clearly panicking.
“Human, are you okay?” Alex continued panicking, flopped onto the couch, burying their face in their hands. Clyde followed it’s human, trying to calm them down
“Human please I need you to be okay,” Clyde asked, “what happened?” It clearly wasn’t working.
“Alex!” Clyde grabbed its human’s shoulders, careful not to touch any skin. This shocked Alex out of their spiral, looking down at where the velidgun was touching them, only to breathe a sigh of relief when they see Clyde’s only touching their shirt.
“What happened?” It asked.
“I think i saw something I wasn’t supposed to,” Alex took a breath “there’s a velidgun locked up in the asylum.”
Clyde took a step back, taking its claws off Alex’s shoulders. “What?” It asked.
“I saw them,” they replied “they were tall, they barely fit in the room they were crammed in. Curled horns-“
Alex paused, “yeah I think they were”
Clyde gritted it’s teeth, balling it’s claws into a fist “they have Winfey”
A look of shock dawned on Alex’s face “your partner?”
Clyde slide off of the couch and wrapped its arms around its legs “They’ve been missing since I woke up from hibernation,” it growled “I knew the asylum had something to do with it, that bastard HAD to have done something to them”
“Wait, how long were you suspicious of the asylum?” Alex asked
“Why did you think I was…..” Clyde trailed off, but Alex knew what it meant. They sat down next to Clyde, leaning on the Veldigun. They would’ve given it a hug, but they preferred to have the normal amount of teeth and not be bleeding from every orifice.
It was the first time Alex had seen Clyde vulnerable, and it was haunting, like watching a diamond break. They didn’t know what to do.
So they did the only thing they could.
“We’ll get them out of there Clyde,” Clyde looked up at it’s human.
“I promise”
There was a knock at the door.
Alex gestured for Clyde to hide somewhere. The two were in the middle of brainstorming a way to get Winfrey and 66 out of the asylum, and Alex had a sinking feeling that whoever was at that door was well aware of that.
They were unfortunately proven right when they went to open it.
“Mx. Willams, we have been informed that you have contact with the Eastridge demon,” the police officer at the door said bluntly “is this true?”
“No” they blurted out, a bit panicked. The officer raised his eyebrows.
“A Dr. Hebert Lankmann said otherwise, and we have a warrant to search you house if necessary.”
Alex started to breathe heavily. Dear lord what do they do what do they do what do they-
“Mx. Willams?”
Alex looked up
and their vision expanded
That was the only way to explain what happened. It was like they suddenly had more eyes than just their own. They could see the backup squad hiding just out of their view.
They weren’t coming for negotiations.
The police officer looked panicked, frantically racing to grab his gun, but Alex was faster, slamming the door in his face. They rushed up the stairs, grabbing a bag and started packing frantically.
“Sandwich human?” Clyde emerged from its hiding place. “We’ve been caught” Alex said, shoving their toothbrush and a change of clothes into the bag.
“Mx. Willams, you have 5 seconds to open this door before we use force”. Clyde looked up from it’s human “that’s not good”
“No shit Clyde” Alex replied. They threw their bag over their shoulders and rushed downstairs, Clyde close behind.
Alex rushed the back door
They grabbed the doorknob, pulling hard, but nothing happened
“It’s locked!” Alex exclaimed “I don’t have time to get the key!”
“I’m not letting you get captured” Clyde grabbed Alex, curling around the human to protect them
Clyde broke the door, and ran.
The lights below flashed red and blue, and the screech of police sirens pierced the night air. Clyde and Alex sat in a tree, looking down at Alex’s house.
“I’m fucked, aren’t I?” Clyde turned to Alex, confused. Alex looked back at it, their breaths shaky.
Something was in their hair
“What are talking about, human?” Alex’s eyes were teary. “You touched me while we were leaving, I’m fucked.” Clyde’s eyes widened. Veldigun sickness. Had it just doomed it’s human to a painful death?
“I lost everything, and now I’m about to die” Alex said. Clyde looked over at its human. Veldigun sickness worked fast, most victims dead or distorted in moments. Alex wasn’t displaying any of the symptoms, and it had been a couple minutes since the incident .
“You, seem fine?” Clyde said. Alex looked over at it. “Velidgun sickness is notoriously fast acting, so if you’re not coughing up blood and having an abnormal amount of teeth right now….?” Clyde trailed off, and Alex felt their jaw.
Clyde curled its tail around its human, pulling them closer. “I’ll be fine” Alex said shakily.
Clyde looked at it human. It was notoriously bad at comforting people, Winfrey had told it as such. But it could try.
Six knows Alex needed it.
“You have nothing left, a framed fugitive on the run from the police” Alex looked up.
“Come with me, and you’ll never be alone again” Clyde offered its hand. Alex hesitated before taking it and pulling in closer to the veldigun.
It had spoken those words before, but this time it’s wasn’t a lie.
“We’ll figure this out”
“I promise you”
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the-onyx-dragon · 4 days
(Jeezus. Y’all really do like the idea of the Twin! Au, don’t ya? Well worry not! For I have cooked up a little fic for y’all! Enjoy!)
An Unexpected Friend
(A DOAI AU Fic!)
Word count: 894
Warnings: Nothing!
Frosty wind beat against Alex’s skin as they walked down the long road to their home. Although, it no longer felt like a home due to their occupation at the asylum. Today was especially rough since they had to mind their own while another innocent patient was dragged off. They dreaded every second of their life. Not knowing what moment could be their last.
“Calm down, Alex.” They said to themselves. “You can make another recording when you get home. That might soothe your nerves.* They shook their head as their shoes scraped against the gravel. Then, they heard a very strange noise.
The sound of something thick being cut. It didn’t sound like flesh thank goodness, but it was still unnerving. “Hello?” Alex said in a slightly frightened tone. The cutting stopped as if the being was caught off guard. Alex swirled around, hoping just to see another human, but there it was.
“Don’t approach anyone you see wearing this costume.” That phrase rang in Alex’s head as they stared at the familiar orange and yellow costume. The pitch black face and asymmetrical yellow eyes watched them curiously. Alex shrieked and stumbled backwards. “The Eastridge Demon.” They mumbled under their breath. They took a few steps back before thinking of something. “If I’m going to die, I would rather die by anyone else’s hands rather than that shady corporation.” So, they stood there and closed their eyes, waiting for a, hopefully, quick death.
But death never came. The Veldigun only broke the distance between them and raised what they had been cutting. “Pumpkeen?” It’s voice was soft, yet full of joy, and it oddly sounded like Alex’s own voice. Alex then opened their eyes to see the Veldigun holding up a beautifully carved pumpkin. It looked like a traditional smiling jack o lantern, but it also had swirls for cheeks and little eyebrows.
“You…” Alex whispered. “You were carving a pumpkin?” The Veldigun nodded excitedly, it’s familiar toothy grin appearing on it’s face. “Do you like it? I’ve been working on it for a few hours now.” Alex wearily nodded. “Yeah. It’s cute.” The Veldigun’s tail flicked happily as it patted it’s feet on the ground. Then, it looked like it suddenly remembered something. “Oh! I’m sorry. I should’ve told you my name. I’m Pastra.”
“Alex” They said as they took a step back to avoid a possible handshake. “So, you’re the Eastridge Demon.” Pastra tilted their head. “No? I’m actually new around here. Although, my brother has been here for some time now! I figured I should see what the fuss was about.”
Alex’s eyes widened at the sudden realization. “Wait, so the Eastridge Demon…is your brother?” Pastra nodded excitedly. “Twin brother to be exact! Although…” Theur tone shifted to a sorrowful one. “We’ve been distant for a while.”
“Why’s that? If you don’t mind me asking.” Alex’s voice softened, turning more compassionate. “Well, for many reasons.” Pastra fiddled with their claws. “They say that I’m a disgrace to the Veldigun kind and that I came out wrong…” Pastra sighed as their tail flopped onto the ground.
Alex furrowed their brow before shaking their head. “Don’t listen to them. From what I’ve experienced, you seem to be the most friendly Veldigun I know.” They huffed irritably and muttered one last sentence under their breath. “The child snatcher has no right to say that.”
“Thanks.” Pastra whispered softly. Still, the poor Veldigun looked away, a droopy frown plastered on their face. Alex knew they had to do something to help this friendly creature. Yet they didn’t have much to offer them, so they decided to give them safety from the foundation.
“Hey, bud. You…can crash at my place while you look for your brother. You do seem to be pretty tired.” Alex smiled at the Veldigun. Pastra looked up at them and intertwined their claws. “Really?” Alex nodded with a warm smile. An energetic grin filled Pastra’s face before wrapping their long, noodle-like arms around Alex. “Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I promise you won’t regret this!”
Alex flinched at the touch, frightened that they were going to get infected. Yet, nothing happened. Pastra took notice of their fright and let them go. “Sorry. I should’ve told you that I don’t spread the infection. It’s an abnormality amongst Veldiguns.” Alex chuckled as they were given a piece of their story. “Don’t worry about it, buddy. I’m guessing that’s one of the reasons?”
Pastra nodded timidly. “There’s a few more, but I don’t feel like going into it.” Alex nodded, understanding their situation. “Don’t worry. You can tell me when you’re ready.” They then offered the Veldigun their hand, which they took with a wide grin. “Thanks, Alex.” Pastra said with a warm smile. “Of course.” The two then made their way down the street. Alex now had some company while Pastra finally found someone who was truly kind to them.
Off in the distance, Clyde, the real Eastridge Demon, growled in anger, yet also concern. “What are they doing here? Don’t they know that the foundation is here? It’s too dangerous for them to be here!” Clyde clawed at a tree as they watched the two. “They need to go back home.” The Eastridge Demon then slunk back into the darkness, planning on making their move on another day.
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the-onyx-dragon · 5 days
mom says it’s my turn on the writing
thank you someone on the whiteboard for this idea
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You on the whiteboard. I love you and appreciate you.
Alex didn’t know when Clyde just hanging around their house had become a regular thing, but they were starting to feel like they had the world’s weirdest roommate. Honestly, the Eastridge demon wasn’t even the worst roommate they’ve ever had. Sure, it could kill them at any time and probably would once their usefulness dried up, but there was this one guy in college-
“Sandwich Human,” said demon interrupted their thoughts in a sing-songy voice “what are these?” Clyde was holding their googles from work, witch Alex immediately snatched.
“Don’t touch these.” They said “they’re for work”. Clyde snarled and rolled its eyes. Clyde never liked Alex’s job at the asylum, and Alex couldn’t exactly blame them. Capturing and experimenting on veldigun lose a bit of heroism once you realize they were sentient beings and not just mindless monsters like the asylum said.
Alex put the goggles down on the countertop and turned back to the mountain of paperwork they had been making their way through. Another con of working at the asylum, there was paperwork for everything.
“Why do you even need goggles for your work?” Clyde asked. Alex could see them fidgeting with their goggle through the corner of their eye, but they were too tired to do much about it. They had been tired a lot lately.
“They’re supposed to protect against the ‘state of the art hallucination system’ that the asylum uses for its patients,” Alex said. They could practically hear Clyde rolling it’s eyes “not sure why patients exposed to velidguns should be dealing with more hallucinations, but exposure therapy is a thing I guess”
“Uh, sandwich human?” Alex turned around to see Clyde wearing Alex’s goggles, a concerned expression on its face as it looked down at its arm. Alex turned and snatched the goggles off its face, careful not to touch the Velidgun least they start bleeding from every orifice
“I thought I told you not to touch these” Alex snapped. “No human, I think something is wrong with your goggles” Clyde responded. Alex couldn’t help but hear a bit of fear in its voice, which scared Alex as well.
Why would their goggles frighten the Eastridge demon?
Alex slipped the goggles on, looking around to see what had it shaken up, but everything seemed the same, even with the reddish filter the goggles applied. Clyde had to be overreacting to something.
Wait, where was Clyde?
“Hey uh, Clyde?” Alex asked, looking around the room for the striped demon “where are you?”
“That was what I was talking about.” Clyde said.
Wait, that voice was coming from right in front of them
Alex removed the goggles in a haste, and sure enough, Clyde was a couple inches from their face. Alex raised the goggles to one of their eyes, and they could only see Clyde through their eye without the goggles, the eye looking through the goggle only seeing the room around the veldigun.
Alex put the goggles down in shock, utterly confused and very shaken. “See what I mean?” Clyde asked. “Yeah” Alex responded bluntly. The looked at the goggles in their shaky hands.
If these could hide a whole velidgun from view,
what else could they hide?
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the-onyx-dragon · 5 days
heheheheheh ORB RADIANCE
she was befriended out of pure spite
Everyone in the found family: grieving
Meanwhile in a dream realm:
Basically sealed siblings ending but it's called "Sealed partners" ending in this also they befriend the Radiance through sheer dumbassary
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the-onyx-dragon · 7 days
Mom said it's my turn to write
Writing for the Cabinet Man AU !! My first time writing anything DOAI-
Made by theonyx_dragon on discord!! (I don't know your Tumblr, apologies-)
It’d been a little while since Alex had contact with any of the Veldigun. The last one they had had contact with killed them and stuffed them in an arcade cabinet. That left some bitterness within them. So when that stupid mouse tried to take something from their mall, that did not bode well with them. The children were in the rafters, and Klaus didn't know Alex was still here, alive even. It was the perfect set up.
Klaus was looking for food. Clyde had woken up from their coma.. hibernation.. thing. It had sensed that their human was alive, staticy, but alive. Jack was with him, safe inside his jacket. Klaus didn't want to leave without Jack in case something happened. What Klaus didn't expect was a8fft tall, wired and goopy.. thing to be right behind him.
“K̴l̴a̴u̴s̴ ̴!̴ ̷Y̵o̷u̵ ̸m̵a̶d̸e̵ ̵a̸ ̵m̶i̴s̴t̵a̵k̵e̵ ̶b̷e̴i̷n̶g̵ ̴h̴e̸r̶e̵ “ It said, with a faint distortion filter.
“What the-”. Klaus cuts himself off, noticing stripes on the things arms and legs. “You’re a Veldigun..”
“D̷i̷n̵g̸ ̷D̶i̸n̴g̵ ̷D̶i̶n̵g̵ ̷!̸ ̶H̵o̷w̶e̶v̵e̵r̶,̸ ̸n̶o̵t̴ ̴t̸h̵e̶ ̵p̶o̶i̶n̷t̵.̴ ̸Y̵o̶u̴'̷r̶e̵ ̸i̵n̷ ̶m̶y̶ ̵m̸a̵l̷l̴,̸ ̷i̷n̸ ̸m̸y̷ ̷h̶o̵m̴e̴,̷ ̵a̴n̴d̴ ̵y̶o̸u̸ ̴h̸a̷v̷e̸ ̸m̶a̴d̴e̵ ̵a̷ ̸g̴r̸a̶v̷e̴ ̴e̴r̵r̴o̸r̴.̶” It had a gif of a bone breaking on it's screen. “I̵ ̴d̶o̸n̶'̷t̸ ̶k̵n̶o̵w̵ ̶h̴o̷w̶ ̴C̶l̴y̸d̶e̴ ̷e̸v̸e̷n̸ ̵l̵e̶t̶ ̶y̷o̷u̶ ̴l̶i̶v̸e̷ ̶a̸f̷t̷e̷r̶ ̵k̸i̶l̶l̶i̵n̷g̴ ̷m̵e̷”
“You’re- you’re- that human Clyde was protecting.” Klaus forgot he’d done that. And right now, he wished he hadn't. There was one course of action, and he didn't want to do it. Klaus through Jack, still in his box, at the used-to-be-human. Missing terribly, and hearing a high pitched scream. Ignoring that, using the distraction to bolt out of there, back to the cave with the others. He needed to think of a way to make sure they didn't hate him.
Alex heard Wendy scream and bolted in her direction. Jack. Klaus had tried to throw Jack at them. Clyde told stories of these two, how Jack was always childish and Klaus had to calm him down often.
Alex looked up at Wendy,”A̵r̵e̴ ̵y̴o̷u̶ ̸o̶k̴a̵y̷,̸ ̷d̵e̵a̷r̶?̴”
Wendy nodded and signaled for wanting down, the other children following. Alex needed to check on Jack, they were told he didn't like being alone. Alex reached up and grabbed him down, he returned to his box. They placed him on the ground, they needed to deal with their kids first.
“You all are fine?” Their voice returning to normal,”Physically at the very least?”
The kids all said yes, just in different manners.
“Maybe we should stay in the fort tonight. I don't want you all going home knowing he's out tonight. “ Alex worried for their kids, what sane parent doesn't,”Let’s watch some movies?”
“Oh, oh ! Can we watch the one tape you have ?” Lewis begged
“Of course !” Anything to distract their kids and keep them happy.
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the-onyx-dragon · 9 days
Delivery (Single parent sitcom au)
The first glimpse into the single parent au me and @secret-spirit have been working on! Enjoy :D
It purred quietly as it trotted across the grass and then into the stone of its cave, its chest full and warm and only a little squirming now. The trip back to the cave from the town had taken a bit longer than it cared to admit, but well- it supposes that’s what happens when you have 6 squirming, struggling little ones within….and a slash across your side. 
It winced slightly at the thought, the wound bristling and painful, stupid humans fighting back- stupid humans taking winfrey- but it has a costume to keep it clean, and now it has 6 small bodies worth of biomass to help it heal up…and a couple of souls and minds to keep. 
Its back arched, tail pointed directly up- the tip reaching the high ceiling with a satisfying click- and spines twitched before it dropped itself, chest first, into the pile of leaves and moss and ... .what are these called again-? Blankets, yes the word is blankets. Leaves and moss and blankets….all of which made a nest meant for two….
The little ones within- those who were still mostly solid at least- made quiet grumbles and shifted, and Clyde couldn’t help but snicker. Norman- it thinks at least that’s the boy's name- was still struggling. It was honestly impressive- he was the oldest and largest of the bunch, perhaps that’s how he’s still fighting…but even so, it can feel that he's slowing down, getting tired, losing shape…
It shifted, an arm wrapped around its shoulders, chest and back, round and round and round- a little hug for itself and them- and let itself go limp against the nest- curled up in a ball to keep itself warm. 
….the nest felt so ....big, and exposed, without winfrey here…It missed hearing their hums and feeling the gentle thumps of its heart as they lay curled around it- it missed the cuddles, and the warmth and...it missed them….
….it smiled slightly as it’s chest sat heavy and warm- and still. Finally settled…It closed its eyes and sighed, tension leaving and left behind a veldigun flat against its nest…
Leaving its body to heal and reform and recreate, it’s goop building up around pestering wounds and stitching together torn flesh…
It grumbled, eyes opening slowly, blinking and groggy….the pestering wound was gone, but now something else was wrong. It’s chest…hurt? No, not hurt…hollow? It shifted, and head tilted as its costume hung wrong around its chest. Instead of sticking to it like before, it hung limp and heavy against the nest- an air gap between it’s flesh and the secondary skin it had claimed for itself…
It shifted, fingers getting hold of the zipper and pulling it, a loud ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip echoing out of the cave- followed by six different splates and a chorus of tiny complaining chirps and squeaks. 
It froze, staring down at the six little shifting lumps…it lowered itself and gently sniffed at one of them- it smelled like it….but almost had a candy smell as well, like candy corn- and it’s eyes were looking over them all. Dark, goopy, tiny mouths without any teeth and eyes basically glued shut- tiny squeaks and merps and chirps as they shifted and moved, blindly wiggling across the nest toward it. 
Did…..Did it….? Slowly, gently- as gentle as it could- it tapped the head of one of the shifting goops. It let out a tiny coo, a barely formed hand grasping at the edge of its finger as it tried to wiggle into its hand. Clyde's eyes widened, a purr raced up its throat before it could even think about why, tail swinging back and forth- chest hollow of minds and souls but felt so warm… 
It really did….
It paused, gently poking one of them again- strings of goop followed after its finger, and froze. They are not solid at all, barely even formed- It wouldn’t be surprised if those eyes are shut because they aren’t even functional yet, that’s how it and most of the others were when they first entered this world- and they were chilled, even just for the few moments they’ve been out of it’s chest they were already cold-
They need costumes-They need Food- Now. 
It scooped up six of them- soft, goopy, it could see where they had been in the nest as smudges and part of them were left behind on the moss and blankets- and shoved them back into its costume, zipping it up and keeping an arm wrapped around its chest to keep them in place. A hug, in a way, as it stands and moves- cursing the fact it had to run on two legs instead of all fours but it needs to keep them in place. 
A chorus of pleased sighs and chirps muffled by fabric, and little goopy bodies pushed themselves as close as possible to its flesh, snuggling up against its ribs and stomach- tiny barely formed hands grabbing hold and gripping tightly. It smiled softly and giggled at the thought that crossed it’s mind- perhaps they were trying to return to its insides, it had tried to do something similar with its own creator- the world was so big and loud and cold and bright compared to the the internals it spawned from, Clyde can only imagine they’re feeling very similar right now. 
Sadly that’s not how this world works, once outside you must remain outside and you must survive…but it wasn’t just going to leave them to fend for themselves, not like it and winfrey had needed to do- at least not yet, maybe once older and less goopy… But for now, it will fend for them, starting with something to keep them warm and keep them solid. 
With any luck- that one costume ship should still be in the same place, and should still have a broken lock…and then it can worry about getting these six little veldiguns-....veldilings? Maybe, it’ll think about the terms later- after getting secondary skins it can worry about getting food into these little ones...Maybe small rodents, yeah they should be able to swallow those whole…
It’s nest won’t feel so empty anymore it seems….
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the-onyx-dragon · 9 days
mom says that it’s my turn on the writing
They’d been caught.
Police sirens blared outside the barn, shocking Alex out of their uneasy sleep. The lights outside painted the barn in red and blue.
Clyde barged into the barn in a panic. “Human we need to leave”
Alex grabbed their bag and sprinted out the door, only to be met with the horrifying sight of a cop car parked right outside. They froze, then started to dig through their bag for a weapon as police swarmed onto the scene. Out of the corner of their eye they saw Clyde dive onto the nearest one, ripping him to shreds with it’s claws.
Looks like they were fighting their way out of this one.
Clyde was panicking, fueled by pure adrenaline and fierce determination as they moved onto the next cop. It could ignore the exhaustion that plagued it for a moment as it torn through the officers.
It felt a shock run up its spine. It snapped around, only for the shock to return with vengeful force, a police officer holding a taser standing behind it.
Only for a crowbar to hit him on the side of the head. Alex stood behind the cop as they went for another swing. Their eyes were full of fear, but Clyde could see a spark of white-hot fury behind them.
Alex extended a hand. The eyes were visible in their hair again, their illusion fading through the sheer stress. Clyde grabbed their hand and the two started to run. They were outnumbered, and Clyde wasn’t stupid enough to let its pride blind it to danger.
A buzzing sound rang through the air, and Clyde felt the shock a third time. It snarled, whipping around and striking the assailant with it claws. The exhaustion came back with incredible force, and Clyde stumbled back a little in dizziness.
It saw the officer sneak up behind Alex, ready to tase them down, and Clyde lashed to protect it’s friend, it’s family.
Wait, what?
And suddenly, Alex wasn’t there anymore.
Clyde had never been more thankful for its illusions acting subconsciously in its life. It turned to the officer, ripping through his chest, and turning to next one with rage in it eyes, eyes so heavy from exhaustion. It lunged, only for a sharp pain to shot through its shoulder. It turned around to see a police officer holding a gun in his shaky hands.
Clyde turned to lunge at the cop, but before it could, he pulled the trigger, and another flash of pain sent it reeling back.
And another
And another
And as it lost consciousness, it wonder if it would get to see Winfrey again soon.
Alex hadn’t left the barn for hours, and Simon was worried. It had come back to the barn in ruins, and Alex had tried to explain what happened best they could with their broken sign language.
Clyde had been taken, using its illusions to hide them before it was carted off to the asylum. Simon was terrified, utterly confused on what to do next.
But if Simon was panicking, Alex was completely devastated. They had sat in the dark for hours, surrounded by nothing but their own illusions. Simon had taken a look inside a couple minutes ago, and the whole room was dark.
Lit up only by illusions of yellow eyes and crooked grins.
Simon heard the door creak open, causing Simon to turn around quickly, to see Alex walk out from the darkness. They had given up trying to make themself look human in any capacity, and Simon finally saw what they looked like underneath the falsehood.
Their form was dripping and unstable, crooked stripes lining their arms, ebony black claws gripping their crowbar. The bones of wings stuck out of their back, dripping with void. Their face was completely covered in shadow, crooked eyes burning with determination and rage, inhuman teeth pulled back into a snarl.
Are you coming they signed. Simon looked at them confused “what are you talking about?”
I’m going to the asylum. I’m getting everyone out, are you coming with me?
Simon looked at Alex in shock “Alex, you can’t. You’re unstable and it’s to dangerous-“
Are you coming? They signed aggressively.
Simon looked at them, at the sheer rage in their eyes, and nodded.
———————————————— Clyde woke, exhausted and in pain. It shuffled upwards, gripping its bullet wounds. The costume shifted uncomfortably against its skin. It took a couple moments to take in its surroundings.
It heard muffled voices from just outside the large steel door. Out of curiosity it moved closer to hear more clearly.
“I said I wanted 01 in prime condition, instead your men turned around and made Swiss cheese out of it!”
Rage curdled in its stomach. It knew that voice.
“I’m sorry sir, but it brushed off three tasers like it was nothing and killed at least six of my men.”
“Never mind. At least it’s here. Where it specimen 03?”
“I don’t know sir. They just disappeared”
“What do you mean they disappeared? Did you forget they could make illusions?”
“Incompetent. All of you”
All of a sudden Clyde heard a shuffling behind it. It’s tail shot upwards in fear. It was in no state to fight, and whatever was in this room with it was probably bad.
It knew those voices
It turned around-
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the-onyx-dragon · 10 days
[Sealed Partners ending] Tragic Revelation
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the-onyx-dragon · 10 days
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Behold! The borrower au- Basically Alex and a collection of other character are Borrowers and that is the main gimmick, don't want to go to deep into details yet cause very tired but hehehhehe- I has plans
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the-onyx-dragon · 11 days
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Clyde looks different cuz Bretta sewed a new cloak for it
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the-onyx-dragon · 11 days
: )
Alex couldn't hear it. That was something Clyde quickly figured out after waking. So it chose to follow Alex on their climb back up.
Was it just it or was the abyss- darker than normal
A loud shattering sound interrupted that thought, there was another vessel- shattered from falling. Alex stared before shaking their head and continuing to climb, and Clyde swiftly climbed after them.
Clyde had no idea what they could be climbing for- but it trusted Alex
At some point, Clyde found itself somehow in front of Alex. Paying no mind to it, it dashed onto the exit platform, turning to Alex as they went to dash onto it also.
Why couldn't Alex hear it? It hoped it was just something with the abyss
Right as Alex was almost on the platform there was a flash of white light, and Alex was clinging to the platform and Clyde couldn't move.
Why couldn't it move- it needs to help Alex up- WHY COULDN'T IT MOVE?
Clyde looked around for anything to help Alex or anything to get its body to move again, but stopped short at the sight of two others on the platform. One was a vessel that looked similar to Alex, The other was the Pale King.
What was going on- why was he here- WHAT IS HAPPENING?
The Pale king would swiftly leave, the vessel would start to leave also, but not before turning to look at Alex and swiftly darting off.
Where were they going?
And then Clyde could move again and then Alex was falling, It ran to catch its friend and they both-
Alex and Clyde have collected the VoidHeart
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