An RP Blog Dedicated to Rewriting Cait’s Lore
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the-one-and-only-kiramman · 6 hours ago
The failure of (both sides) of the arcane fandom boil down to, in a fashion similar to that of politics, the people being unable to hold several truths at a time. That is, those truths being:
-Caitlyn was in the wrong for using the grey. While her ‘justification’ is not morally correct, people fail to understand that she was a. Under extreme mental duress, b. Already in a position where the turning point of her character (and this is because the writers wrote themselves into a box here) would have to be her switching sides, and then realizing that she was doing more harm than good trying to diminish the damage done.
-She is not a fascist. People who claim this do not know what fascism is and use it as a buzz word. She is barely, if at all, a dictator. People are not Nazis for pointing out that the most fascist-dictator esque thing Cait did while in power… was… declare martial law. If that automatically makes someone a dictator, then several US presidents, as well as other presidents all over the world, are all former dictators.
-The relationship between Caitlyn and Vi is not perfect. But a large problem that Caitvi antis (the ones who ones who call people slurs because Caitlyn is in their top 10 list of favorite characters, which is about 65% of them) fail to recognize that their relationship’s issues are mostly because of bad writing. They wrote Cait poorly, they wrote Vi poorly, but they wanted to create nuance and conflict between Caitlyn and Vi, so they had Cait turn on her. The dynamic of Caitvi is something somewhat akin to friends, to lovers, to one-sided enemies, to lovers who know they need to work out their problems, but are putting it on pause for a bit. (I’ll get into the whole CaiTvI iS aBusIVe bullshit on a different post. Just know, for now, they’re not)
Now, here’s the big question: How do we fix this? It’s not really ‘broken’, per se, but there are several things that are flawed and could have been done better.
We need three things here to improve this, if you will.
The reasoning for Caitlyn determining the need to target Jinx is fine, especially since she committed an act of terrorism because… she just killed someone by accident. The way she goes about it is extreme, so we need another reason for Caitlyn to want to use the Grey. I understand why they had her use it originally (Heavy is the Crown adds a bit of nuance to that), but I feel like giving her a stronger, secondary reason would improve her character, while not justifying her actions, but giving more explanation into why she thinks they’re justified.
Show more of Ambessa’s influence on Caitlyn. We already get a lot of this through her displayed actions, but it would be intriguing to see more of how Ambessa manipulated Caitlyn behind the scenes, by using other people (such as Maddie, I love Maddie btw) to get to Caitlyn. Maddie was really the only example of this, but it would have been much better if Ambessa managed to get other people to do it. Every time Caitlyn would show doubt for her actions, someone around her would step in and remind her ‘they’re necessary’. This further demonstrates Ambessa’s manipulation of Cait when the big reveal happens, and it also highlights the fact that Cait actually does doubt what she’s doing, but other people are telling her it’s right.
Maddie. The big change needs to be Maddie in this portion. I love her character but she did not need to sleep with Cait to get across the point that Ambessa was manipulating literally everything about her. This partially comes for my extreme glazing of her character (I love Maddie so much, like, to an unhealthy degree. That needs to be examined). What we needed to see from Maddie, is, instead of the implication that they slept together, imply that Cait and Maddie had a strong friendship instead (you could always just replace that part of the scene with a sleepover, I’m not so insane that I don’t deny that was critical to Cait’s story, but the fact that Maddie slept with her wasn’t as critical). This immediately removes one of the two largest problems with Caitvi right off the bat and sets them on a better track to reconcile.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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Hiii mod here
So this blog was mostly created out of spite (don’t ask, I was being harassed). It functions one third as an rp blog, one third as an arcane s2 rewrite, and one third as a send in your takes for Arcane (mostly cait, but don’t limit it to her).
Make no mistake, Caitlyn is not my favorite character. However, she was probably the most poorly written (and least understood by fans) in S2, so I’m focusing on this atm.
Tags are as follows:
‘accurate arcane’- takes and head-canons I agree with, or think could be accurate, with little to no notes needed to be added
‘asshole anon’- pretty much anyone that acts like a bitch towards me, whether or not they’re on anon or not. If you want, you can block this tag to completely avoid any issues from them.
‘mod note’- is self explanatory, notes from me.
‘arcane rewrite’- ideas, concepts, and set-in-stone affects for a rewrite of Arcane season 2. You can submit takes that also fall under this category!
‘rp’ is also self explanatory. If you want to avoid any RP aspects, block this tag :3
‘op being insane again’ anything about my ship between Mel and Maddie. It is a stupid asf ship. I know. It’s a crack ship. That’s why I love it. You won’t offend me if you block it :3 You can chose to take it seriously or not, I don’t mind either way.
I will also be using the arcane critical tag. (It will be rare, as I don’t want to be associated with those people) I love the show but it is not without flaws. Block the tag if you want, it won’t offend me, lol, and I also don’t mind since a lot of people who actively use the tag are assholes. (Most of my discussion will be about the issues I find with the writing, specifically how Caitvi is depicted. I have NO ISSUES with the ship itself. It’s my otp of the fandom. However, I have issues with how it was portrayed in certain ways.)
Pedophiles or anyone who ships that, homophobes, ableists, transphobes, misogynists, zionists, anti-semetics, nazis, fascists, racists, and pretty much anyone who’s hateful towards marginalized groups.
I’m a minor so no inappropriate asks.
if I forget to tag something, dm me or tell me on the post! :3
Uhhh that’s all! :3
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