the-old-aibouftw-blog · 10 years
See you!!
Wow.  So times have really changed.  I've been working in Japan for the past year and a half (whoa, time really flies!).  As you can tell, I had kind of committed internet suicide, and I didn't really have the urge to come back.
Actually, the rest of this post will be put under a "Read More" so it won't clog up all your dashes.
But the tl;dr version: if you still want to follow me, you can do so here.
The biggest reasons why I hadn't had any urge to return was because
1.)  I never really felt like I had any presence here, in any fandom.  I figured most people wouldn't even notice if I was gone.  Even when I had tried to post things while being here, I would be lucky if I got even 5 notes.  It really didn't help that most of my best friends who happen to have a tumblr blog also happen to be SUPER INTERNET FAMOUS LEMME GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH AND GET A PHOTO WITH YOU AT ANIME CONS! people.  It was not only getting intimidating, but it was also very demotivating.  I had dealt with practically my entire school career not being recognized or even noticed by anyone, and I couldn't quite face the idea of having that happen yet again...on the goddamned Internet.
2.)  Kind of related to #1, but I felt like this blog was really keeping me down.  It just feels like...this big burden you know?  It also doesn't help that probably 90% of my follower count are probably people who deleted their accounts or they stopped using Tumblr.
3.)  I am still not caught up in either Zexal or Homestuck and I'm afraid of being spoiled on my dash
So I think it's about time to finally start over.  Completely from scratch.  Yeah, my "follower count" will go down, but you know what?  I'd rather have 5-10 bros following me than 400-something ghosts.  Really, I think the only thing keeping me back this whole time was the fact that I didn't want to delete everything in this account.  Although there are quite a few bad memories with this blog, there were also oodles of good memories too.  But, luckily, I totally (figuratively) got off my butt and decided to see if there's anything I could do about it.
tl;dr: If you still want to follow me, you can do so here.  Welp, see you on the other side!!
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 10 years
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
Contest thing is over
Congrats to ectobiologay for figuring it out!  Thanks for playing guys!  It was fun!!
(answer to the pattern is under the "Read More")
The pattern is in their names: they're all alphabetical (except for the "D" which is for Dave).
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
Contest Thing: Winner Gets to Request a JohnDave Fic
Because I am desperate to write more JohnDave one-shots, but I'm too afraid of looking through the kinkmeme (because spoilers), I have decided to hold a contest:
(Posting a "Read More" because it actually shows a spoiler for my newest fic, What Made You Think That?)
So by the end of the fic, we all know about the "all of John's dates have blonde hair" pattern. However, there is another pattern that his dates share. The first person to figure out the correct pattern (and send me a PM via Tumblr) can request a JohnDave one-shot from me.
My only requests are: no rape/non-con, and nothing canon-related (because I haven't been caught up for a while and I'm afraid of spoilers).
Have fun!
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
Fandom: Homestuck
Pairing: John/Dave
Your name is John Egbert, and you've set yourself on a mission to get a girlfriend.
..Too bad every girl seems so goddamned confused when you ask them out on a date.  What's their problem?  Is it something they're not telling you?
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
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The critically acclaimed short film Go Home Homura, You are Drunk spread across the nation over night as a massive viral hit. Everything about this piece is wonderful; the animation, cinematography, and character development clearly surpasses that of its contemporaries. This animated feature spins the tale of five young girls throwing away their troubles for one night of partying that they will never forget. The adventure hooks audiences in, but the drama was what really attracted young teens across the country. Teenagers could relate to the struggles that the cast faced and were strongly empathetic to the protagonists. I highly suggest you give Go Home Homura, You are Drunk a chance because this short just might open your eyes to the complex lives of teenagers.
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
Get ready for a night to remember
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
Potential Livestream?
So I'm actually thinking about having a Livestream again sometime soon.  Omg the first time in almost a year???  Yeah, I know.  But this time, it won't be of Journey, or Flower, or me drawing.  It will be of...
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Puppyshipping - The Puppy Needs Master
Supposedly, there's some "Mature Content" in it, and it's possible to get a bad ending!
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
Sorry, slight change
the tag will be called "aibou watches zexal."
I just feel weird using my full name all the time! lol
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
I'm going to be catching up on Zexal!
So in the next few days, I will start watching all 30+ episodes of Zexal that I missed.  My goal is to finish before my Winter Vacation (which is the last week of December/first week of January).
Because I know that some people would love to see my reactions, I have decided that I will be posting them here as well, because I've heard that after the first 20-something episodes of Zexal II, everything just goes to shit and I will forever be in a glass case of emotion.  Also my shippings might change. 
To keep up with these series of posts, I will be putting them under the tag "aibou watches zexal."
Well, anyway.  I hope you enjoy the ride!  I know I will!
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
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shadzu said: I am a little shocked that you didn’t say cookie dough bites omg. you have chaged so much /single tear
Omg I actually forgot about those!  It's been forever since I've last laid eyes on them!  Great, now I want to eat some!  Thanks man; thanks a bunch
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
since i reblogged it from you i might as well do it to you as well, Heliconia
Aw, thanks for being awesome!  I tend to do that too (ask the person I'm reblogging it from).
Heliconia: Do you like when it rains?
Not really.  It makes me feel really drowsy and makes it hard to concentrate on things.  It's especially bad if I have a busy/stressful day at work.
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
Aster, Queen Anne's Lace, and Primrose?
Thanks, dude!!
Aster: Would you rather be cold or hot?
Cold.  No question about it.  When I'm cold, I can always put on another coat or wrap myself in another blanket.  However, when I'm hot, I can't just take off all my clothes and go streaking everywhere.  And even if I could, I would still feel hot!
Queen Anne's Lace: Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?
I think I'll go with wrap presents.  I love choosing the right wrapping paper/card for someone!
Primrose (already answered)
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
Thanks, Tinny!
Primrose: Favorite kind of soup?
Arghhh this is a hard one!  I guess I'll have to go with Broccoli Cheddar soup (the kind you can get at a Panera Bread/Bread Co.)!
But I also really like a good miso soup
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the-old-aibouftw-blog · 11 years
GET RID OF YOUR TAG, I AM DOING IT!!! Carnation, daffodil, and magnolia!
Well, usually no one does!  Thanks, dude!!
Carnation: If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?
Funny, I was just thinking about this the other day.  I would definitely want it to be a Kajiura Yuki (the composer for Tsubasa, Madoka, Pandora Hearts) live concert.  Especially if she premiered the music from Madoka Magica The Rebellion Story.
Daffodil: What's the most thoughtful present you've ever received?
That's a tough one.  I've received a lot of thoughtful presents (because I have awesome friends like you!).  But the one that has always stuck with me was what my Secret Santa gave me in chorus my senior year of high school.  My previous Secret Santas usually just stick to what we put on the info sheet (like "My favorite Store" or "My favorite candy", etc.).  Hell, one of them gave me something totally unrelated, and I could tell it was because she was shopping at a Forever 21 and happened to think about "Oh yeah, I still need to get something for my Secret Santa" so she picked up some random bracelets.  But I'm digressing...
This girl didn't exactly go along with what I wrote, but with things she noticed.  She gave me a whole bunch of my favorite candies (Dove chocolates at the time) the first day.  Then she gave me a blue Beanie Baby bear, because she knows that I like blue.  And she also gave me a cool sketchpad, because she knows that I draw a lot during class.  I dunno.  That present has always stuck with me.  Maybe because she wasn't one of my best friends and yet still gave a thoughtful gift.  Also, wow, this is a really long answer; sorry for that!
Magnolia: Favorite kind of candy?
Well, even though I did mention Dove chocolates a little bit ago, my real favorite candy is Apollo.  Hands Down.
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