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practicing drawing wings w my favourite angel
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I don't know if this happens to other people, but the more I get to know someone, the more I hear the person's voice when I get texts. Like, not just the sound of their voice, but the inflections, how words are emphasized, and I can better gauge the meanings of words and phrases.
It's cool and unsettling at the same time.
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I know this isn’t something you want to hear, but I think it’s something you need to hear: sometimes someone’s inability to love you the right way is not their fault. If you are the first person to show someone pure, genuine love, they may not know how to reciprocate because they’ve never experienced it before. In turn, they may not know how to give it back. This doesn’t mean that it’s your job to teach them, that you have to tolerate it, or that you deserve it, but I’ve found it incredibly helpful in my own healing to understand that sometimes people aren’t hurting you or treating you poorly intentionally. Sometimes people will self sabotage good things because they don’t think they’re worthy of it. Sometimes they just don’t know what to do, so they ruin it, whether that be by running away, being disrespectful, or causing pain. Sometimes, people still have their own growing to do. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you, it’s just that you happened to be there in the collateral damage. I don’t say this to justify any of their bad actions, but to offer a different perspective that may aid you in forgiving and ultimately reaching your peace.
— alhwrites
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So somebody that I work with had the bright idea to but a bun in the Q-ing oven. For those of you who don't know what that is, its basically a 15000 watt microwave. They put it in there for a long
So I got back from my break, and there is yellow smoke pouring out of the thing. Someone is standing next to it preparing sauce, and I stammer something and point at it. The dorr was opened, and the bun was a blackened crisp, and the carbs in it has melted, creating a liquid that looke like motor oil.
The manager was obviously mad, because someone basically started a small fire inside a piece of equipment that costs thousands of dollars. Understandable. Everyone thinks that the person standing next to the Q-ing oven doing sauce did it. Also understandable, considering that he is one our two resident beings of chaos.
But I know for a fact who did it, and they are not the other being of chaos (that person was a fair distance away from the incident).
Luckily since no one has proof of who did it, no one is getting fired. But I know the truth, and people better be glad that they aren't on my bad side, otherwise things would have been very different.
I'd also like to note it takes a lot to get on my bad side. If I hate you enough to get you fired, you fucked up big. No single incident can make me hate you, it is a culmination of treating me and other people other people unfairly without reason.
So you, burner of buns, are safe from my wrath. You will receive your Christmas gift soon.
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You see, its the inherent disrespect you show me that makes me want to steal your kneecaps and use them as ashtrays. Obviously as a matter of opinion I feel strongly about these berries. Yet you call them monstrosities. Have you tried them, or are you just basing your opinion on appearances?
Lychee is the greatest fruity flavor i have ever known
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Lychee is the greatest fruity flavor i have ever known
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So toddlers are the purest beings of chaos incarnate. Not when they're like 3 or 4, but when they are just beginning to have a grasp of language, yet still can run around the house. The thought patterns of small children are already erratic to a more mature person. When you add a communication barrier to that, shit goes south real quick.
They'll sit there and say Coco over and over because they want to watch the movie. So you turn on the movie, get them comfy, and everything seems fine. You leave for TWELVE SECONDS, and suddenly their toys are all over the floor, and start screaming the moment you enter the room again.
Trying to derail their train of thought to a more desirable direction, you tell them that Coco is on, and to sit and watch the movie.
All this earns you is a plastic toy thrown directly at your face. Then they laugh, you clean up their toys, and then they finally start to watch the goddamn movie.
This is why I don't like babysitting small children anymore.
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Some of yall act like npc's that characters only interact with in passing. You should be glad this is my good karma run, or the majority of you would be dead and left on the streets to rot.
So instead you get free cupcakes and energy drinks. Your fuggin welcome.
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I mean... yeah. That's me
Boomers when they see someone with dyed hair
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Eventually no one will remember and that makes me sad. One day I'll be old and gray, and I won't remember Mark eating eggs with a ball gag on, or Eef singing the disclaimer song. One day everything will be like dissipating smoke, until there is nothing.
Unus Annus was all a dream. I tried telling people about it and they had no clue what I was talking about.
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This legit happened to me last night.
Having to knock loudly on a door more than once is one of the most underratedly uncomfortable things out there
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“Thank you so much for being apart of Unus Annus, and making it something truly special because without you…it wouldn’t have mattered at all.“
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This place... it's new to me, yet it feels like home. I can't wait for somebody to ruin it.
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