26 posts
I discovered minimalism last year after reading #MarieKondo's books. I am trying to see if a Nigerian can live minimalistic especially in a city like Lagos. So join me through this journey. #fingers-crossed
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
In my case, my native language is Igbo though the official language of my country is English. And I also have Memrise threatening me too. #polyglot #duolingo #hangul #korean #memrise
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5.26.20 what’s up everyone! kinda high off the euphoria of receiving so much love from the milestone, it’s just so wonderful to see everyone reply with their support and im so lucky to have everyone here. here’s a bujo spread from last week 
Mon - What is your native language?
Tue - Do you speak any other languages? Are you currently learning any?
I was learning Korean, but I’ve been distracted with school and apps and I haven’t found the time recently. the duolingo owl is plotting my untimely death as we speak 
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
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I have a love-hate relationship with Chloe Ting. I love her when I'm not doing her workouts and hate her when I am. This is me lying on the floor halfway through one of her 2-Weeks Shred Challenge Videos. #helpme #quarantine
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
I'm Ashley in the case.
1/? This is a long one i think. My friend let’s call her Ashley. Has a boyfriend let’s call him Jack. Ashley complains to me occasionally about how Jack doesn’t always answer the phone and sometimes he reads her messages but doesn’t reply right away. They are in a long distance relationship. I got fed up with hearing her complain because people can sometimes get busy, something may have happened or they just need personal space/ time alone. Maybe time off social medias.
Ashely said:” the least he could do is tell me, so i don’t worry about him”. I understand her point of view however i think if someone decides to take a break for personal reasons from social medias. Or simply they need space. I think that person can do it without needing to tell anyone. They owe it to absolutely no one. If it is for their own sake. I believe that after, person is fully recovered/ feels better. They can tell the people who worried that they needed space. Or something like that.
Am i in the wrong for telling her that?
depends on what you mean by “in the wrong”. i think your opinion is wrong but i don’t think you were wrong to voice it. 
i think your opinion is wrong because when you’re in a committed relationship, you do owe your significant other communication. that’s a fundamental part of any good relationship. you are of course allowed to keep some things private and you don’t have to share everything with them, but communication itself is necessary. you can’t just drop off the face of the earth for a week with no explanation and then come back and expect everything to be fine. a committed relationship is an agreement. entering one means you now have responsibilities to your significant other. that’s the whole point of a relationship. you don’t need to be at their beck and call and answer every text and message within half an hour, but you owe it to them to communicate and let them know what’s going on in your life. 
however i don’t think you were wrong to voice your opinion to ashley because that’s what friends are for. they give advice to each other. and as a friend you were just doing your job and trying to be a good friend. 
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
yooo how do u email a prof for a recommendation letter?
Hi Professor!
I am in the process of applying to ____ and they require letters of rec. I sincerely enjoyed your classes, and felt that they gave me a particularly good chance to display my strengths, such as ____ [class participation, writing, etc.] and would love for you to write me a letter, if you’d be willing. The due date is ____, and I can send you further instructions for submission later if you accept.
Attached to this email is ____, the piece of work I did in your class which best showcases my abilities, as well as my current CV [or resume]. If you agree to write me a letter, soon I will also send you drafts of my ____ [statement of purpose, personal statement, application essays, other relevant material] for my application to aid in your writing. I am also happy to meet in person to discuss this with you.
I want to stress that this application is quite competitive, so if you feel you will not be able to write me a strong letter then I completely understand - but please let me know. Thank you so much for your time!
Sincerely, ____
a few notes:
- you should have all your relevant materials (app essays, etc.) sent to them *at least* a month in advance to give them ample time to write the letter
- thus, your initial email asking them if they’d be willing to write a letter for you should be sent *over* a month in advance. professors are busy
- if you are applying for a really prestigious position/scholarship/fellowship, or grad school, it’s best to have at least a majority of your letter writers be professors (rather than adjuncts or post docs). ideally you’d want them to be full/tenured professors. in lots of cases, especially academic ones, *who* writes your letter matters - not just *what’s in* your letter
- the reason you send them the piece of work you did in their class that you are most proud of is to remind them of your abilities as a student and the quality of the work you produced for them. they have lots of students. sometimes they need a bit of help jogging their memory of exactly what you did in their class.
- the reason you send them your other application materials (personal statement, statement of purpose, CV) is so that they have information to draw from when writing your letter. they know what you’re passionate about, what you hope to do in the future, other experience you have, and can use this information when writing your letter
- on a similar note, this is also why you’d want to list the strengths you displayed in their class
- basically, you want to give them as much information as you can about your strengths, goals, and intentions - give them prompts they can use to write your letter
- the bit at the end about asking for a “strong letter” is important because some professors can only write you mediocre letters (e.g. “this student was always on time to class and gave their undivided attention during lecture” - what does this tell admission committees? well, it tells them that the professor has nothing positive to say about your *academic* abilities and so they’re resorting to other strengths. it’s a polite way of saying “this student was okay, but not spectacular in any notable way”. big red flag for admissions committees.) if all you’re going to get is a mediocre letter, you might as well not get a letter at all
- if the professor you ask accepts, then be sure to send them polite reminders as the date approaches. (i usually send a reminder at the 1-month-till-due-date mark when i send the other application materials, and then again at the 2 week and 1 week marks, and, if necessary, every day after the final 3 days leading up to the due date
i know this was a lot, but i remember being in your shoes and being completely lost when it came to applying for stuff so i know how daunting it can be. i figured i’d just throw all this information at you to be of as much help as possible.
for reference, i’ve applied to graduate programs, fellowships, and scholarships. i have been accepted into several of the top 10 graduate programs in my area, as well as received multiple scholarships and a fellowship, and received honorable mentions for some of the most competitive fellowships in the US. i have also worked with the admissions committee at my graduate program to organize multiple informational events for those interested in applying to graduate school and, in the process, have learned a lot about what makes a strong application.
so while you should absolutely take my advice with a grain of salt (different circumstances call for different standards), i do have quite a bit of experience with applications and what makes a strong letter of rec.
i hope this helped! best of luck with whatever you’re applying for :)
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
Update on my relationship:
I got back with my boyfriend. Hopefully, my negativity won’t affect my relationship. 
Broke up with my boyfriend yesterday. Trying to finish a bottle of white wine and listening to heartbreak songs. Feeling better already, I think. We'll see what today brings when I wake up with a hangover.
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
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This year, my trust in God waned and I really don’t know why because He really has been faithful to me and my family.
I seem to be getting back on trusting Him and He has continually been there. Over the weekend, I decided to clean my room, it was very dusty and cobwebs at every nook and cranny. I asked the Lord to give me the strength to clean up and to also make sure my allergies didn’t act up. I finished cleaning with no allergy attack and completed all the house chores I wrote down on my to-do list.
Another testimony was getting to work yesterday and today. I live in an estate and getting to the bus stop from my house is a very long walk and I was on my period (heavy flow and all), before leaving the house, I prayed to the Lord that I would get a lift to my office not just the bus stop and I did.
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
You’ll always be my favorite memory.
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
Broke up with my boyfriend yesterday. Trying to finish a bottle of white wine and listening to heartbreak songs. Feeling better already, I think. We'll see what today brings when I wake up with a hangover.
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
I think I'll try this out. Though I am not in school. (Graduated more than 5 years ago) I'll swap school for work.
30 day back to school challenge
hey folks! as september rolls around and everyone gets back to school, the studyblr community is getting a bit more crowded! I thought to help everyone (myself included) get back into the swing of school (and therefore having things to post!) I’d create a little challenge. Each day, post a picture (or text post) following that day’s prompt, and be sure to tag them #universi-tea challenge so I can see!
Goals for the semester
What are you excited about?
What’s in your bag?
Study essentials
Favorite study snack
Your handwriting
Daily routine
Good morning!
Good night!
Favorite subject
Least favorite subject
Something you’re proud of
How you study best
Supplies + reviews
Shelfie/pic of your books
Your favorite part of your school
What’s in your pencil case?
Show off your favorite back to school outfit!
Coffee or tea?
Your study style
Favorite way to take a study break
Study playlist
What motivates you?
Favorite quote?
Favorite study spot
Your to do list
The best thing about school
Your top 3 tips for school
I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with! Don’t forget to reblog and tag #universi-tea challenge!
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 5 years ago
This is beautifully written.
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03.08.2019 “it’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” 🍋💛✨🔆
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 6 years ago
“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”
— Rumi (via quotemadness)
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 6 years ago
Right now, I'm feeling lost. So I need all the inspiration I can get to find what I need.
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 6 years ago
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if i’m not the love of your life i’ll be the greatest loss instead
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 6 years ago
Listen to Love is the moment (park jang hyeon ft park hyeon gyu) [The Heirs OST] by kDrama OST & Kpop on #SoundCloud
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 6 years ago
30-05-2019 #workflow #budgeting #accounting
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the-nigerian-minimalist · 6 years ago
Something to try out. #foodie
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New Recipe:
Chicken Rissoles with Sweet Potato Mash
I never buy chicken mince so I used the salmon mince I had in the freezer and the only other tweak I made was to add capers to the mix. 
They were very good!
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