Flailing Through Fandoms
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Aidyn, 28, female, artist, writer, librarian. Currently dealing with Sonic (Shadow) the hedgehog brain rot so feel free to ignore me. I basically just lurk a lot and reblog things I like so I can find them later. (Leverage is my favorite show of all time, just FYI)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
the-moody-angel · 2 days ago
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I wanted to draw multiple bad ending versions of Sonic characters together so uh. Here we have a bad ending for Sonic 06, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Sonic Frontiers. Basic concepts include:
A Silver who was given Mephiles' powers and tasked with finishing the job he started, but uh. Silver obviously didn't want to kill Sonic at that point, so he snaps and launches an attack which temporarily stops Mephiles, but also the fatal blow to Sonic (who had already been hit by Meph, this is the end of the game). In a good timeline the world does not get destroyed as Silver n Shadow concoct a plan to deal with him. But in the bad timeline? Silver is all that's left outside of Solaris.
The Shadow comes from a uh. Rather messed up AU where Shadow is tasked with proving his loyalty in a bad ending of Shadow the Hedgehog, by which I mean uh....Okay so you know how the Black Arms feed on like. Humans n Mobians. Ya basically Shadow is tasked with doing that. And ofc he doesn't want to so Black Doom uses the hivemind link with Shadow to urge Shadow's Black Arms instincts out and Sonic. Again
The Sonic is from a bad end of Frontiers where Sonic does the same thing as the Supreme Titan and absorbs the End, but Sonic, due to his Cyber Corruption and uh. Insane like. Everything about him. Does not die. Instead, he and the End kind of fuse? So uhm. Yea.
All of these little guys are suffering
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu)
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the-moody-angel · 2 days ago
what if shadow was apart of the frontiers story? what if shadow had to watch as sonic slowly endured a painful cyber corruption? and what if seeing someone so full of life and energy suddenly start wearing down reminds him of a certain person he was supposed to take care of who suffered from a condition that put her into remission?
basically i should stop talking because the only words that come out are hurtful
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the-moody-angel · 2 days ago
Here’s a personal take!
The Sonic Prime 3D models have the best facial expressions seen from the modern cast. Why? Well, I’ll explain with my 0 experience in 3D animation. I’m only explaining as an observer. Not a professional. Anyways, onto the fun.
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First of all, let’s talk about the current models in the games. The animators became better at animating them in Sonic Frontiers.
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You can tell effort was being put in, but Frontiers still has limits due to the structure of Sonic’s face and eyes. I’ve seen fan animations with this model which animates him wonderfully. But no matter what, he’s still going to have limitations because his hands are too big, eyes are too far apart, mouth looks like it was made to only stay on the side, and more issues. The design frankly looks dead. Even in motion.
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In all fairness, this character was built for a 2D design due to it being inspired by Mickey Mouse. But Sonic Unleashed (because they used different models like Dream Team) proves this character CAN be expressive in 3D with a good workable model. It’s not the animation that’s the problem in Frontiers. Here are similar expressions from Sonic Prime and Frontiers.
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See how wider the expressions are in Prime? It allows their faces to be more flexible and warped. Prime!Sonic has rounder eyes making his head look easier for his facial structure to have an array of expressions. It’s kind of close to Sonic Dream Team with the minor tweaks of the OG models. Which is why the expressions in that game looked so good. ESPECIALLY when animated.
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It’s even why other designs are able to have great facial expressions. The eyes being close together just works. While the OG looks like he’s pushing expressions that’s near impossible to push. Yes, it’s still expressive, but you can see how limiting it is because the eyes aren’t supporting the face. And his mouth is always stuck to one side.
Onto more compliments to the Sonic Prime models. They emphasize the hight differences too. I personally think Sonic and Shadow look like mixtures between their 06, modern, Boom, and movie designs. They have long quills like 06. Their entire look is inspired by the modern designs. Their eyes are shaped similar to Sonic Boom and they have cool textures like in the movies. Other characters count but it most notably is for the two hedgehogs.
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The hands are smaller like in the movies and Boom. The pupils being bigger gives volume to the faces. I also adore their fur and quill patterns to give the designs flare. Their gloves have little details too. I especially love how they can change the quills for Sonic and Shadow and make them look similar to a 2D style. Usually they’d make the quills smaller in the games to get that 2D look but Prime Shadow and Sonic are able to have long quills while the animators adjust them however and whenever they need to.
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Their mouths are also well animated and smooth when transitioning to different sides of the face. The characters body shapes are also 100% better. While the Game model looks too straight the Prime model has a pear shape torso that are also given to Boom and Movie Sonic respectively. The Prime models look like they were made for action scenes.
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I know some people complain about the eyes not going down, but honestly it’s what makes the expressions weaker when used in 3D. I’m glad they have a balance of it sometimes to allow the expressions to get their points across. I really appreciate the colors on everyone also. They look lovely and bright with help of the lighting.
The few critiques I have are due to multiple watches but they’re not a HUGE deal.
1. I can easily see their necks at points.
2. The mouth animation looks weird when characters makes an O shape and the tongues/teeth are jarring.
3. I wish their hands weren’t so flat and skinny. Other models had their hands shaped like Disney characters, but Prime’s hands can look flat sometimes.
These are just nitpicks though.
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Even compared to the CGI cutscenes while still good I think Prime conveys a subtly previous models didn’t do too often. Of course the CGI looks amazing and it still holds up, but the nuance in Sonic Prime cannot be ignored. Hope my take makes the slightest of sense.
Stay Creative! 💜
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the-moody-angel · 2 days ago
so like... if sage threw up hypothetically
would it be ai art???
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the-moody-angel · 2 days ago
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Casually throwing Shadow into the Cyber Space too and making Sonic go hyper (along with my hc that he destroys himself with that form)
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the-moody-angel · 4 days ago
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Prime Sonic appreciation post…. I forget how cutesy he is 😭💕
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also canon height difference I don’t care if it’s just because of the positioning or if it’s not or if it is, THEM.
Also Sonic Verse part coming later :p
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
I think a lot about how in Ice Age 1 a huge theme is the slow but unstoppable advancement of the human species as they start to threaten previously unchallenged megafauna (hunting the pack of the antagonist sabertooth and killing Manny the mammoth’s family) and then in all the sequels they just fuckin disappear
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
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imagine with me for a moment....
That after the events of SxSG with the development of his morphs, this in turn has effected the way that he uses his chaos energy and clashes with the regulation of his physical mutations. The removal of his inhibitor rings while unleashing the full potential of his chaos energy, as it usually does, it also unleashes the maximum flux of his morphs as well. and with these new aspects of his abilities clashing with each other it now requires him to relearn how to regulate his powers with this new and far more physical intensive aspect
Thus brings out some very interesting but inconvenient potential injuries of those mutations exceeding beyond the limitations of his own body
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
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Rest in Peace Michelle Trachtenberg (1985–2025)
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
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The computer doesn't make the jumps. That was all you. ICE PRINCESS (2005) dir. Tim Fywell
Michelle Trachtenberg (1985 - 2025) may their memory be a blessing
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
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Realized the other day we got kinda Neville Longbottomed by Ferb. Couldn't let this thought go without including the entire, wholesome Flynn-Fletcher sibling unit!
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
Suggestion: they add Maria’s portrait to the cave wall next to the painting baby Sonic did of him and Longclaw
They're having fun :)
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
Shout out to all those people obsessed with wings who read the entire Maximum Ride series because they convinced themselves the next book would be better but it just kept getting worse until you got to the end of the series and realized you would never recover the hours you lost forcing your way through it.
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
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Not only did my fried rice panel take off in a way I wasn't expecting but my POST about the fried rice panel also took off in a way I wasn't expecting please let me rest
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
Everyone after the Puss in Boots movie: omg I can’t believe Dreamworks actually included a drop of blood on screen!! animation studios never show blood!!
1990s Dreamworks, taking a drag from their cigarette: bet
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
*offers you a cigarette except out of a crayon box and it's a crayon*
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the-moody-angel · 25 days ago
Looks like we can’t isolate, ignore, ibuprofen our way out of this one boys
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