The Meaning of The Music
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This a blog where music speaks. The music listen to defines who you are, the music you listen to are all the words unspoken that you've wanted to say so much. But the music you listen to has a meaning, every song does, from Lil' Jon to The Beatles to Bon Iver. This is where music has a voice. Let it speak.
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"50 Ways To Say Goodbye" By Train
Listen to the song here:
This song is a singing contradiction. Firstly, he says "My heart is paralysed, my head was over sized, I'll take the high-road like I should" He was in shock that it ended, he thought that it was butterfly's and daisy's and that he won't act like a baby about it, he will be fine with it. Then he says's "You said it's meant to be, that it's not you it's me, you're leaving now for my own good" She was trying to turn it around, like breaking up with him was a good thing, for both of them. Then this is the part I really love: "That's cool but id my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say" and you can tell by that single line, the chorus is going to be a lot of fun. 
"She went down in an aeroplane, fried getting suntanned, fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand, help me help me, I'm no good at good byes! She met a shark underwater, fell and no one caught her, I returned everything I ever bought her, help me help me I'm all out of lies, and ways to say you died." That is the contradiction. In the line before the chorus he says, yeah that's fine, I'm okay with it, but I'm going to say this when my friends ask where you are now. He's being very passive aggressive when it comes to this break-up and I love how he's totally okay listing all ways she can die, the ways she dies makes her sound superficial. 
Okay, I'm going to skip over the next verse, because it's basically the same as the first, except when he says "not super minivan" It's say that she thinks he's getting serious and wants to start a family. The next verse is also very passive aggressive of the guy: "She was caught in a mud-slide, eaten by lion, got ran over by a crappy purple Scion, help me help I'm not good at goodbyes!, she dried up in the desert, drowned in a hot tub, danced to death at an east side night club, help me help I'm all our of lies! and ways to say you died" This is continuing on with the superficial interpretation of her, and the deaths are getting more gruesome, I mean, she's getting eaten by a lion.
By the way, I counted how many ways to kill this girl there where in the song. There's 11. 
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"Skinny Love" By Bon Iver
Listen to the song here, you need to:
"Skinny Love" By Bon Iver is one of my absolute favourites at the moment. I've listened to this song over and over trying to figure the meaning, and it could be about anything. For me, I think it maybe about a relationship that's not fair. That it's all take and not enough give and that causes the girl, (Skinny Love), to try and commit suicide, "Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer". The man is mad at her for doing this, it seems like a co-dependent relationship, but it could also be because he loves her so much that he's angry that she's not happy about being with him. He fights with her, and she does the same, "Pour a little salt we where never here", like he wanted to pretend that the fights never happened, but in the end it's just too much, and with the line "I'll be holding all the tickets and you'll be owning all the fines" it's like he's saying "You won't get anywhere by doing this to yourself". The song is all a metaphor. The song also says "And now all your love was wasted? Then who the hell was I? and now I'm breaking at the britches and at the end of all your lines" She says that her love was wasted on nothing, and he is feeling offended that he was nothing to her all along. "Who will love you? Who will fight? And who will fall far behind?" He wants to know if she will fight for their love as much as he is. 
In the end, the Man loves this woman and he can't go on without her, he needs the reassurance that their love will go on, and he didn't get an answer because he left the song on question, like he's saying "I've given you everything, all that I am, now can you do the same?"
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I'm new here . . .
Hey ya'll, I'm new to tumblr, or any blog for that matter and I just want to start of by saying that I will not give out any personal information, this is a music blog where I will talk about songs and their meanings and how amazing and/or terrible it is. This is not about me, this is about the music, which I adore. If you do to, then, trust me, your in the right place.
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