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the-masters-pieces · 2 days ago
What if the Americas populated the whole world?
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the-masters-pieces · 4 days ago
What if the whole world was populated by the Americas?
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the-masters-pieces · 4 days ago
What if the whole world was populated by the Americas?
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the-masters-pieces · 6 days ago
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the-masters-pieces · 6 days ago
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the-masters-pieces · 13 days ago
Word Alternatives: Colours
BLACK atramentous, charcoal, coal, crow, darksomeness, denigration, duskiness, ebony, funereal, jet, inkiness, melanism, melanotic, midnight, niello, obsidian, pitch, raven, sable, singe, sloe, smirch, smoke, sombrous, soot, swarthiness, swartness, tar
BLUE aquamarine, azure, berylline, cerulean, cerulescent, cyan, cyanosis, cyanotic, electric blue, ice-blue, indigo, lividity, midnight, navy, Oxford blue, pavonian, pavonine, peacock blue, robin's egg blue, royal blue, sapphire, turquoise, ultramarine
BROWN adust, auburn, beige, biscuit, braise, bay, bronze, brune, brunette, buff, burnt umber, burnt sienna, caramel, castaneous, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, drab, dun, embrown, fawn, grege, hazel, henna, infuscation, khaki, mushroom, ochre, paper bag, pumpernickel, raw sienna, raw umber, roan, rubiginous, rufous, russet, rust, scorch, seal, sepia, sorrel, suntan, sunburn, tan, taupe, toast, umber, walnut
GRAY ashiness, canescence, cinereous, cineritious, dullness, ecru, fuscous, glaucescence, greige, grisaille, gunmetal, hoar, iron, lead, mousiness, oyster, pewter, slatiness, smokiness, steel, taupe
GREEN aerugo, aestival, avocado, beryl, chartreuse, chloremia, chlorophyll, chlorosis, chlorotic, emerald, foliaged, glaucescence, grass, greensickness, ivy, jade, loden green, holly, olivaceous, olive, patina, patinate, pea-green, smaragdine, springlike, verdancy, verdantness, verdigris, verdure, vernal, virescence, viridescence, viridity
ORANGE apricot, cantaloupe, carotene, carroty, ochreous, ochroid, pumpkin, saffron, tangerine, terracotta, Titian
PINK carnation, coral, coralline, flesh-pink, incarnadine, peach, primrose, roseate, rosy, salmon
PURPLE amethystine, aubergine, bruise, empurple, fuchsia, lavender, lilac, lividity, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, pansy, plum, puce, purpure, purpureous, raisin, violaceous, violet
RED beet, blowzy, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, copper, crimson, damask, encrimson, erubescence, erythema, erythematous, erythrism, erythroderma, ferruginous, fire, floridity, floridness, flushing, gules, hectic, henna, incarnadine, infrared, laky, lateritious, lobster, lurid, magenta, mantling, maroon, miniate, port, puce, raddle, rose, rosiness, rouge, rubefaction, rubicundity, rubor, rubricity, ruby, ruddiness, rufescence, rufosity, russet, rust, sanguine, scarlet, stammel, vermeil, vermilion, vinaceous
YELLOW aureateness, auric, aurify, banana, begild, bilious, biliousness, cadmium, canary, chartreuse, citreous, citrine, citron, engild, fallowness, flavescent, flaxen, fulvous, gildedness, gilt, goldenness, honey, icteric, icterus, jaundice, lemon, lutescent, luteous, luteolous, mustard, ochroid, old gold, primrose yellow, saffron, sallowness, sandy, straw, sulfur, topaz, xanthism, xanthochroism, xanthoderma
WHITE achromatic, alabaster, albescent, albinic, besnow, blanch, bleach, bone, calcimine, chalk, cream, cretaceous, eggshell, etiolate, ghastly, ivory, lactescent, lily, lime, milk, pearl, sheet, swan, sheep, fleece, flour, foam, marmoreal, niveous, paper, pearl, phantom, silver, snow, driven snow, tallow, teeth, wax, wool
VARIEGATION (diversity of colors) spectrum, rainbow, iris, chameleon, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, ocelot, zebra, barber pole, candy cane, Dalmatian, firedog, peacock, butterfly, mother-of-pearl, nacre, tortoise shell, opal, kaleidoscope, stained glass, serpentine, calico cat, marble, mackerel sky, confetti, crazy quilt, patchwork quilt, shot silk, moire, watered silk, marbled paper, Joseph's coat, harlequin, tapestry; bar code, checkerboard
variegation, multicolor; parti-color; medley or mixture of colors, spectrum, rainbow of colors, riot of color; polychrome, polychromatism; dichromatism, trichromatism; dichroism, trichroism
iridescence, iridization, irisation, opalescence, nacreousness, pearliness, chatoyancy, play of colors or light; light show; moire pattern, tabby; burelé or burelage
spottiness, maculation, freckliness, speckliness, mottledness, mottlement, dappleness, dappledness, stippledness, spottedness, dottedness; fleck, speck, speckle; freckle; spot, dot, polka dot, macula, macule, blotch, splotch, patch, splash; mottle, dapple; brindle; stipple, stippling, pointillism, pointillage
check, checker, checks, checking, checkerboard, chessboard; plaid, tartan; checker-work, variegated pattern, harlequin, colors in patches, crazy-work, patchwork; parquet, parquetry, marquetry, mosaic, tesserae, tessellation; crazy-paving; hound's tooth; inlay, damascene
stripe, striping, candy-stripe, pinstripe; barber pole; streak, streaking; striation, striature, stria; striola, striga; crack, craze, crackle, reticulation; bar, band, belt, list
mottled, motley; pied, piebald, skewbald, pinto; dappled, dapple; calico; marbled; clouded; salt-and-pepper
Source: The Concise Roget's International Thesaurus, Revised & Updated (6th Edition) More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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the-masters-pieces · 13 days ago
Them people not even from Palestine.
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the-masters-pieces · 13 days ago
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the-masters-pieces · 13 days ago
They' not even from Palestine.
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the-masters-pieces · 14 days ago
Y'all Ye ain't crazy. Cognitive dissonance pit a lot of people against him. Some might be uninformed or misinformed but Ye was taught by a school teacher.
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the-masters-pieces · 14 days ago
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the-masters-pieces · 19 days ago
A little reading material. What if the whole world was populated by the Americas?
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the-masters-pieces · 21 days ago
They' not even from Palestine.
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the-masters-pieces · 22 days ago
I live in these here United of States. The answer: if you want to learn it learn it. If you don't want to learn it learn it anyway. If you don't want to work don't complain. Complaining only brings about more complaining. If you live in the United States know what your local, county, state, and federal elected officials are working on, voting for and communicate their region's needs to them regularly in writing. The right to vote gives the voters a lot of work to do before election time comes back around. If your incumbent isn't fulfilling their responsibilities in your opinion find someone else to represent you on election day and if they don't win it's ok. Try again when election day comes around and continue to communicate the needs of your regional political agenda. Politicians in the United States Congress don't make millions of dollars a year and yet are somehow millionaires. Work in the trades. Ironworker union, concrete finisher union, bricklayers unions are always great paying careers with pension plans and benefits for retirement. College may give you a collegiate education but are the careers goals valued against the saturation rate of employment? Quit scrolling and streaming and binge watching for entertainment. Binge watch, stream and scroll information and videos for your financial and educational benefits for information about what bills will go to vote in the houses State and federal in the Senates states and federal. 350 focused people per village produce outcomes almost every local election in towns across the states. Being grown up is about holding yourself accountable for what you do not do that contribute to the environment you live in too. Doing nothing is doing something too so do something.
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The rich are villains!
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the-masters-pieces · 23 days ago
Champions earn their rewards, commanders earn their victories, spoils go to the victor. Life ain't fair , kid. Get over it and get out there and do well everyday one day at a time.
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The rich are villains!
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the-masters-pieces · 25 days ago
This is y I on't fux with cry phones. The Congolese lives crApple has destroyed in order for you to raise your status with their products are not worth the cost in souls list mining for their products.
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the-masters-pieces · 26 days ago
The Throwing of the Ball – Tápa Waŋkáyeyapi : Aktá Lakota Museum & Cultural Center
The ball drop was a native American tradition from forgotten time. In Indus region there was a different way for their traditional ceremony.
In Indian culture, a "ball drop" ritual is not a widely recognized tradition like the New Year's Eve ball drop in the West, but there are instances where dropping or offering round objects holds symbolic meaning, often related to religious practices, such as the act of "pind daan" where small balls of dough are offered into a river during Hindu funeral ceremonies, signifying the release of the departed soul and the cycle of life; this could be seen as a metaphorical "drop" representing letting go.
This is not the same as in native American culture.
Pind Daan":
This practice involves dropping small balls of dough (pind) into a river, usually the Ganges, during a Hindu funeral ceremony, symbolizing the offering to the deceased and their journey to the afterlife.
In many cultures, including India, the circle or sphere often represents wholeness, completion, and the cycle of life, which could be interpreted in the context of ritual offerings.
What if the whole world was populated by the Americas?
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