“I’ll let her know that we’ll be keeping it brief.” He said, pulling his phone out to send his mother a text “ill just be honest about it, me coming back has been a bit of a ride so we’re just looking to do some basic formalities?” He asked, looking at Asta with a raised brow “sound good?”
What are friends for? (Closed rp with @the-maelstrom-tavern )
"You know, when you called me over to help you prepare for a cook out, I didn't expect you would have me chopping an entire bag full of onions." She said, trusting the onion goggles she had on her face to protect her from the fumes releases by the vegetable.
"You already know my price for helping. Three days worth of leftovers." She reminded, her playful tone never leaving.
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“And I don’t want to lose you either.”
He nudged her with his elbow “but c’mon let’s go pay up and we can get going.” He said with a grin “and then after all this, we can go home and relax with each other.”
What are friends for? (Closed rp with @the-maelstrom-tavern )
"You know, when you called me over to help you prepare for a cook out, I didn't expect you would have me chopping an entire bag full of onions." She said, trusting the onion goggles she had on her face to protect her from the fumes releases by the vegetable.
"You already know my price for helping. Three days worth of leftovers." She reminded, her playful tone never leaving.
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He gave her an uncertain expression “Technically no. But the more powerful someone with an aura power and an aura sense gets, the closer to true that gets so long as the people are lower than them on the totem pole. It’s not true mind reading, but it’s close enough that civilized folks don’t do it to anyone just on the basis of it being rude.” He said.
“it’s how she was always able to know when my sister and I were up to no good as kids. She didn’t know the exacts, but she could get enough information from reading us to know enough to get us to stop whatever it was, especially if she thought it was going to be too problematic for us.”
“I’d say if anything, she’s just a very powerful empath. But she always liked you. It did kinda hurt her when she picked up how scared of both me, and her by extension. But she understood.”
What are friends for? (Closed rp with @the-maelstrom-tavern )
"You know, when you called me over to help you prepare for a cook out, I didn't expect you would have me chopping an entire bag full of onions." She said, trusting the onion goggles she had on her face to protect her from the fumes releases by the vegetable.
"You already know my price for helping. Three days worth of leftovers." She reminded, her playful tone never leaving.
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He thought about her suggestion “I don’t think she’d make wine with them. Especially since those kinds of grapes are very… niche. After some time, she’d probably be able to crossbreed her own vines for wine. But I think she’s probably going to use them for decoration, attracting the local birds, or just for fresh fruit salads”
He licked his lips “actually a fruit salad sounds really good. Sounds refreshing.”
What are friends for? (Closed rp with @the-maelstrom-tavern )
"You know, when you called me over to help you prepare for a cook out, I didn't expect you would have me chopping an entire bag full of onions." She said, trusting the onion goggles she had on her face to protect her from the fumes releases by the vegetable.
"You already know my price for helping. Three days worth of leftovers." She reminded, her playful tone never leaving.
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She turned to look at him, her eyes flicking behind him to make sure no one else was entering the building. Once she was sure, the looked him in the eye “I’m going to strip. And whatever happens afterwards between the two of us, happens.” She said in lieu of invitation.
“Don’t mind the fact that the only thing I can see when I shut my eyes now is you fucking the brains out of my favorite ‘streamer’ nor how long its been since I’ve had a satisfactory lay.” She said, slowly and quietly beginning to undress.
Marooned (closed Rp with @howlofthewolf)
It wasn't an uncommon thing, space combat in a gravity well between fighters more often than not led to many individuals simply dying. But it was better to be prepared for being stranded on a world during a conflict than to eject and die from exposure. Rei considered herself to be a talented pilot, considering she was able to go planetside with the majority of her craft intact. It also happened that the one she had just fought against was just as good as she was... Which was why she found herself in a stand-off with him, on the same planet.
"Well. I see we're both stuck on the same ball of dirt." she said, holding her holdout pistol firmly in the other pilots direction. She looked over the kill marks on his ships wing, and the fact that he had managed to pull his own emergency firearm before she had, put her in a bind "Care to call survivors truce? At least until we get off this rock?"
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He pointed off to one side “that way.” He said confidently “She prefers the clay ones, though I know she’d love a stack of some soft planters as well. I’m pretty sure those are all fairly cheap though. Though, the clay pots are gonna be spendy too, just not as much as the plants.”
He led her over to where the pots and planters were, picking up a small stack of both the clay as well as the softer planters and pots. He hefted the clays in one hand, with the lighter ones in his other hand.
“Maybe next time we should get her some grape vines. She’s been looking to give her gazebo some additional life, but she’s always got bad timing when it comes to getting those vines.”
What are friends for? (Closed rp with @the-maelstrom-tavern )
"You know, when you called me over to help you prepare for a cook out, I didn't expect you would have me chopping an entire bag full of onions." She said, trusting the onion goggles she had on her face to protect her from the fumes releases by the vegetable.
"You already know my price for helping. Three days worth of leftovers." She reminded, her playful tone never leaving.
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She let out a sigh of relief “oh fuck yes.”
She jogged up to him, moving in to find one “I’m claiming the far corner one.” She said, tossing her bag on a nearby bench “oh thank the gods. I just started getting that grimy feeling that you get when you’ve been dirty for long enough to ignore it, but finally spot a place to get cleaned up.” She shuddered.
Marooned (closed Rp with @howlofthewolf)
It wasn't an uncommon thing, space combat in a gravity well between fighters more often than not led to many individuals simply dying. But it was better to be prepared for being stranded on a world during a conflict than to eject and die from exposure. Rei considered herself to be a talented pilot, considering she was able to go planetside with the majority of her craft intact. It also happened that the one she had just fought against was just as good as she was... Which was why she found herself in a stand-off with him, on the same planet.
"Well. I see we're both stuck on the same ball of dirt." she said, holding her holdout pistol firmly in the other pilots direction. She looked over the kill marks on his ships wing, and the fact that he had managed to pull his own emergency firearm before she had, put her in a bind "Care to call survivors truce? At least until we get off this rock?"
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Amelia got up, shifting her bulk over the back of the couch “on it.” She said, moving towards the table.
Rei continued to lounge in Wolf’s lap “so what all are we doing? Is this gonna be a dessert run or are we going for a whole second meal?”
Streamer and Snek, Closed RP with the-Maelstrom-Tavern
“FUCK YES!!!!!” Wolf cried out from down the hall. For the last few hours, he’d been trying to do the new Raid in Destiny 2. By the sounds of it, he’d just finished… and possibly gotten some new loot?
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It was taking a lot out of her to not practically saunter away. The thought of a hot shower doing a lot for her mood, enough so that in the act of trying to control her tail from wagging, she was making her only real assets on her person swaying with each step.
The other aspect of it, being that hot shower potentially getting even hotter with Wolfs assistance… well she’d cross that bridge when she got to it… though it was looming overhead as the two former enemies closed in on the showers.
“Kinda hoping it’s got stalls, instead of being like an open plan you’d see in, like, a gym or something.”
Marooned (closed Rp with @howlofthewolf)
It wasn't an uncommon thing, space combat in a gravity well between fighters more often than not led to many individuals simply dying. But it was better to be prepared for being stranded on a world during a conflict than to eject and die from exposure. Rei considered herself to be a talented pilot, considering she was able to go planetside with the majority of her craft intact. It also happened that the one she had just fought against was just as good as she was... Which was why she found herself in a stand-off with him, on the same planet.
"Well. I see we're both stuck on the same ball of dirt." she said, holding her holdout pistol firmly in the other pilots direction. She looked over the kill marks on his ships wing, and the fact that he had managed to pull his own emergency firearm before she had, put her in a bind "Care to call survivors truce? At least until we get off this rock?"
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“Oh thank the gods” Rei said “I didn’t want anyone to think I was already that far gone, but I’m starving.”
Sylvette giggled “it’s okay Rei. I’ve honestly been feeling like some dessert sounds good. Like ice cream, or cheesecake.”
Streamer and Snek, Closed RP with the-Maelstrom-Tavern
“FUCK YES!!!!!” Wolf cried out from down the hall. For the last few hours, he’d been trying to do the new Raid in Destiny 2. By the sounds of it, he’d just finished… and possibly gotten some new loot?
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“Yes.” Rei said with the smug confidence of a very drunk person. “I have had yes amount to drink.”
“And she’s still going strong.” Churin said with a giggle “but you know how she is. She’ll flirt, but she won’t move on you until she’s sober again. Worst case she falls asleep on you.”
Semi-retired (RP with @howlofthewolf)
As the sun rose on another day, Ayako made her way from her mothers house to get a head start on her daily duties at the guild hall. After all, her father Wolf was returning from an outing with some new adventurers- administering their final assessments alongside his fellows Rei and Churin.
Thankfully with the summer heat, things were pleasantly warm despite the early morning. She made her way into the hall, raising herself upright to smack the snout on the skull of an ancient black dragon that hung over the door. One of many trophies that her parents brought back with them from the very job that pushed both them and their group into a partial retirement.
"Good Morning Ayako!" came Sylvette's voice from the counter, where she sat coiled up and prepping the latest additions to the job board.
"Morning Mom!" she greeted happily, her serpentine lower half stretching as she leaned over to give the older Lamia a hug "Dad's gonna be back today right? I should get started on the breakfasts that him and the others are going to need." she said as they parted before making her way into the kitchen.
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She rolled her eyes “and I’m sure you could go for one too. I figure if we do this together I won’t have to worry, and you can stop smelling.” She teased, motioning for him to follow her “also, I’m hoping if everyone here thinks I’m… yours… nobody is gonna question anything about me.”
Marooned (closed Rp with @howlofthewolf)
It wasn't an uncommon thing, space combat in a gravity well between fighters more often than not led to many individuals simply dying. But it was better to be prepared for being stranded on a world during a conflict than to eject and die from exposure. Rei considered herself to be a talented pilot, considering she was able to go planetside with the majority of her craft intact. It also happened that the one she had just fought against was just as good as she was... Which was why she found herself in a stand-off with him, on the same planet.
"Well. I see we're both stuck on the same ball of dirt." she said, holding her holdout pistol firmly in the other pilots direction. She looked over the kill marks on his ships wing, and the fact that he had managed to pull his own emergency firearm before she had, put her in a bind "Care to call survivors truce? At least until we get off this rock?"
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“Why not. Something decorative seems like she’d have some fun with it. She’s always been a fan of the troublesome plants.” He joked “she says they remind her of my sister.”
He put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her just a bit closer “I’ve always loved this feeling. Holding you at my side while we go around doing stuff.”
What are friends for? (Closed rp with @the-maelstrom-tavern )
"You know, when you called me over to help you prepare for a cook out, I didn't expect you would have me chopping an entire bag full of onions." She said, trusting the onion goggles she had on her face to protect her from the fumes releases by the vegetable.
"You already know my price for helping. Three days worth of leftovers." She reminded, her playful tone never leaving.
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There was a sense of relief, being around other people she wasn’t planning on fighting with. Certainly not any longer, considering she’d inadvertently made it to the very world her folks had wanted to move to when she was a kid.
She looked over at Wolf, nodding to herself before she made her way over to where he was mingling with his people “hey, I’m gonna hit the showers. I want you to watch my back while I do. I trust you enough, but I’m not exactly comfortable around all these people.”
Marooned (closed Rp with @howlofthewolf)
It wasn't an uncommon thing, space combat in a gravity well between fighters more often than not led to many individuals simply dying. But it was better to be prepared for being stranded on a world during a conflict than to eject and die from exposure. Rei considered herself to be a talented pilot, considering she was able to go planetside with the majority of her craft intact. It also happened that the one she had just fought against was just as good as she was... Which was why she found herself in a stand-off with him, on the same planet.
"Well. I see we're both stuck on the same ball of dirt." she said, holding her holdout pistol firmly in the other pilots direction. She looked over the kill marks on his ships wing, and the fact that he had managed to pull his own emergency firearm before she had, put her in a bind "Care to call survivors truce? At least until we get off this rock?"
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“I can’t wait to show off some other things when we get home. Though everything there is more tame than anything I personally can do.” He said, climbing out of the car “but we can worry about that later. For now, we have some garden shopping to do.”
What are friends for? (Closed rp with @the-maelstrom-tavern )
"You know, when you called me over to help you prepare for a cook out, I didn't expect you would have me chopping an entire bag full of onions." She said, trusting the onion goggles she had on her face to protect her from the fumes releases by the vegetable.
"You already know my price for helping. Three days worth of leftovers." She reminded, her playful tone never leaving.
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“Maybe this is what had been happening all those times we were in bed.” He said with a chuckle “you were so amazing I lost control over it, which only made us go at it more.”
He looked at her, giving her another smile “I’m glad I could show you that more in depth. It takes a lot off my mind that feeling that only reminds you of good things.”
What are friends for? (Closed rp with @the-maelstrom-tavern )
"You know, when you called me over to help you prepare for a cook out, I didn't expect you would have me chopping an entire bag full of onions." She said, trusting the onion goggles she had on her face to protect her from the fumes releases by the vegetable.
"You already know my price for helping. Three days worth of leftovers." She reminded, her playful tone never leaving.
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He looked at her with a smile. And nothing happened. At least, not at first. After a moment there was a… sensation, one that definitely felt like him. It was a feeling of strength, and protection. But yet, there was an edge to it, one that tracked with the way he acted when he confronted her stalker all those months ago. That particular sensation was muted heavily, but it was there.
Alongside it, came a very real sensation that was exactly like he described. Like all the best parts of a caffeine rush without the drawback.
And as quickly as it came, it vanished. Abel still sitting across from her with a smile, though there was a certain vulnerability to his eyes “An aura power is the most direct manifestation of one’s soul. Some people think that the powers we manifest say more about us. But everyone I’ve met that I’ve felt their Aura power, I’ve learned more about them from that than what their powers told me.”
What are friends for? (Closed rp with @the-maelstrom-tavern )
"You know, when you called me over to help you prepare for a cook out, I didn't expect you would have me chopping an entire bag full of onions." She said, trusting the onion goggles she had on her face to protect her from the fumes releases by the vegetable.
"You already know my price for helping. Three days worth of leftovers." She reminded, her playful tone never leaving.
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