There is an unfortunate situation that has arisen. We are moving to a house separate from my wonderful, sinless empire. Thankfully we could still find a house near water so the cause is not completely lost but Macedonia II will be given to another. In all of the time I have worked on it, the empire had gotten large both area and population wise. My residents had children and those children had grown into adult fish. I had run out of rocks in my water space so I stole my neighbors’ boulders for my own cause. My empire had unexpectedly attracted dragonflies, the nymphs shed their skin on my dock and I frequently found them in the water. Those dragonflies had attracted larger fish and frogs to my empire. Turtles from various locations around the lake began to frequent my empire as the schools of newly hatched bass proved to be quite delicious.
And once all of these creatures started to call Macedonia II their home it hit me. I had created an entire ecosystem from the debris I found across the lake and forest surrounding. There was an entire food chain and some species even lived harmoniously with each other. I had truly become god in that moment. The empire was complete.
But apparently even gods must move on. I must press forward and create another empire for myself and all who will call it home. I will greet the new waters with an aspiration and goal of creating another full ecosystem, and, maybe some day I will complete it just like I had with Macedonia II.
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:( big storm ):
We are having a hurricane-like storm currently, our trees have been decimated and our dock has almost left us entirely. It’s quite windy and rainy with the addition of the rain being so quick it is painful to the skin. Our boat is most likely going to turn belly-up and our tubing raft has drifted away into the abyss. I can only assume that we are not the only ones with missing posters containing not pets or people but assorted properties. (The English may be flawed because my blood sugar is 57 going down, and if so I’ll most likely fix it later when my health is in better condition.)
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Empire Log III
I have started thinking about the “homes” of fish, and how the rocks should be placed to create small cave structures for fish to hide in. I’ve built a couple but I think I will need more to support an Empire. While I was foraging for rocks a saw a turtle swim near where I was, having lent my flippers to my visiting cousin, I was not ab,e to catch up to the cheeky little reptilian raider.
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Empire Log II
I’ve placed the foundation and base of the build, some of the rocks are too heavy to carry all the way to my base so I had to resort to “rolling” the huge stones to move forwards. The bass seem to be interested in what I’m doing.
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Empire Log I
(I didn’t have a tumblr when I wrote the first of these so I’m just copy pasting from notes, that’s why they’re all posted on the same day)
I am currently deciding where I should put the pile, the plan is to attract fish with a structure so I can fish right off the dock. This lake is hella shallow so I have to put it a couple feet in front of my dock in order to have the ability to swim and not have my hands touch the sand.
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What this blog is about
If you thought this was an actual blog about ancient Macedonia then you are completely wrong, an utter baffoon you are to be thinking that I would be giving frequent updates on the literal Macedonian Empire (Its been almost 2500 years, you have to move on). This blog is about my empire that I built right outside my house, or Macedonia II, constructed from large stones and a expanding population of fish, also known as the plebeians.
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