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Photographs: Istanbul mosque, Turkey.  (sources: dailysabah.com and karar.com)
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Today is the last day of my 20s. Which puts me in the “grandparent” category on this hell site, so I thought: “hey I should impart my wisdom on the youth of today yes yes swell idea this won’t ruin any lives”. So… here’s some life advice form a Certified Adult™:
* Nobody knows what the hell their doing with their life. They might make you believe that they do, but honey, no. We’re all essentially blind chicken running around, pretending we’re functional big chicken.  * Spread a little kindness everywhere you go. Most people really only just want to know that someone is willing to listen to them.  * Take chances. I know that a lot of times, being unable to take these chances is determined by outside factors (and by this I mean $$$), but whenever money isn’t a hindrance, take those chances. * YOU DO YOU, BOO. Society might want to make you think that you need to be doing certain things by a certain age, but no. That is a LIE. You don’t have to get married, have a kid, have a 9 to 5 job, be in committees, get a PHD, DO things. You decide your life. You decide what makes you happy. Don’t let others smother that.
* You’re never ever old enough to pursue a dream. Just because you’re not doing something you’ve dreamed of doing right now, that doesn’t mean that you’ve forever given up on that dream. Life has a way of surprising you.
* There will be bad days. A lot of them. It will be hard, and painful and heartbreaking and sometimes horrible. But THEY. WILL. PASS. Always try to keep your chin up and keep going. Keep fighting. Keep trying.
* It really does get better.
* Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself. With people you can trust. Don’t be afraid to let go of toxic friendships or relationships. Put yourself first. 
* Internet friendships are real and can be more meaningful than friendships you might have/have had with people you’ve met irl.
* The kindness of strangers is often bigger than the kindness of family or friends.
* Just because you share blood with a person, that doesn’t make them entitled to your love and respect. Those can be freely given and taken away, no matter who that person is. To put it bluntly: just because they’re your parents/siblings/etc doesn’t mean that you have to love them if they treat you like crap.
* Animals are the purest form of love and we’re not worthy of them.
* The world has gained something with you in it. Never fucking forget that.
* When the world or your life is going to shit, hang on to the small things: that puppy you have at home - for whom you mean the entire world, the way your favourite book makes you feel, listening to a new album from your favourite band, sunrises, fresh snow, summer nights, your favourite ice cream, movie marathons - all these small things m a t t e r. Hold on to them.
* It’s okay to want things for yourself. It’s okay to want more, to dream big. 
* Explore your creativity. Don’t avoid doing something because you think you’re not good enough at it. And hey, the only way to get better is to practice, right? :)
* There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. Something that brings you joy shouldn’t make you feel guilty at all. Love what you want and enjoy what you want. There are worse things in the world.
* We are our worst judge. We hold ourselves to standards that are greater than others, so… remember to try and be a little kinder to yourself, not only to others.
* You will fail at things sometimes. We’re all human and sometimes we can’t do everything right. But failing at something doesn’t mean that you should stop trying or that the world will end because you failed. Get up, dust yourself off and try again.
* You’ll be okay. You are loved. You matter. <3
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Burtka-Harris Family Halloweens (2011-2018)
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ALL 👏🏾 OF 👏🏾 THEM 👏🏾
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Villain: We have your son.
Stephen: Peter’s standing right next to me?
Villain: Then who just asked for chocolate milk with a straw and made us cut the crusts off his PB&J?
Stephen: Oh, shit.
Villain: What?
Stephen: You have my husband!
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“You killed his mater, and fucked his pater!”
“But the prophecy said mother would die and father would scream in agony!”
“Oh he screamed alright, but not in agony.”
Y'all Assissins Creed Odyssey is off the fucking chain.
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Hi please watch this video of a man getting rekt by a 450hp fan
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turns out you can get an all-woman crew for free and the women have unique sea shanties so now my ship is powered by pure concentrated lesbianism
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“My dad teaching math in Southern California (late 70s/early 80s)”
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Rami Malek is really an icon….there he goes playing main character on a critically acclaimed hacker show….there he is alongside Ben Stiller as a cute pharaoh……there he is in some horror game about wendigos and serial killers or whatever Until Dawn was…….there he is as Freddie Mercury…….what can’t this man do
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Still denying Desmond’s death
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So the game arrived yesterday and I can confirm that Senu gets kisses and Bayek has hair and a beard in the beginning (also he’s the sweetest man EVER YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE HIM SO MUCH)
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Bayek and Senu 
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The assassins through my eyes
Bayek: Pure, trustworthy, honest. Will take care of your dog if you go out on vacation. Does nice things out of the goodness of his heart.
Altair: Sly and conniving eagle. Has good intentions but sometimes fucks it up but its okay bc we love him dearly. Malik keeps him happy and makes sure he relaxes once in a while.
Ezio: Flirtatious womanizer who’s looks could save all of Italy. Can’t climb trees but we don’t talk about that. Every man and woman has their eyes on that great ass but he’s only focused on a certain blonde painter.
Connor: An actual giant. Probably gives great hugs if you can get within 2 feet of him without getting stabbed. Forever asking the question of the century (“WHERE IS CHARLES LEE”). Definitely has a heart of gold.
Edward: A grown adult child. Drinking, killing and getting booty (ass and treasure) is 99% of the reason he’s a pirate. A VERY fun person and doesnt give a flying fuck.
Arno: oui oui croissant. The most handsome boy i have ever seen in my life. Had to grow up too fast :“) but the glo up was perfect 👌🏽.
Desmond: The most perfect person in the entire world. Sacrificed so much and all he wanted was a normal life. He still here somewhere i’ll never stop looking.
Jacob frye: the rOOKS. A walking catastrophe and the trouble maker of the group. Somehow can get away with everything he does bc he is a sly boi
Evie Frye: The Mom friend. Complains about having to look after Jacob but will kill anyone who even thinks about hurting him. Her and Henry are a precious couple.
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When you remember how much you love a character you hadn’t thought about in a while
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